Male pathogens are effective the most powerful in drops, tablets, powders, sprays, from natural products in pharmacies: list, names, reviews. How to make an effective men's pathogen with your own hands at home: folk recipes

Male pathogens are effective the most powerful in drops, tablets, powders, sprays, from natural products in pharmacies: list, names, reviews. How to make an effective men's pathogen with your own hands at home: folk recipes

Review of male pathogens in drops, capsules, sprays.

Recently, doctors have been noted by the tendency to reduce the quality of sexual life even among young people. Alcohol, drugs, antidepressants and psychological problems are to blame. That is why there are so many drugs on the shelves in the pharmacy to improve an erection.

How does a male sexual pathogen work for sex, how does it work on a man?

There are synthetic and natural drugs that improve an erection. The mechanism of action of these drugs is slightly different.

The action of natural pathogens:

  • Improves well -being
  • Prolts sexual intercourse
  • Helps relax
  • Fills the body with energy
  • In general, there is a general improvement in the state of the body

The action of synthetic pathogens:

  • Tones the penis
  • Expanding the capillaries
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Helps to relax and get away from everyday thoughts
How does a male sexual pathogen work for sex, how does it work on a man?
How does a male sexual pathogen work for sex, how does it work on a man?

How much does the male reproductor work for sex, what are the side effects?

It all depends on the name and action of the drug. The maximum effect of taking Viagra can be observed after 1.5-2 hours. But new drugs, like Cialis and Levitra, begin to work in 15 minutes. It should be borne in mind that before taking these drugs, you should not eat fatty foods. Viagra operates 4 hours, and Cialis is 1.5 days. Moreover, these drugs do not affect the work of other organs and systems.

Side effects:

  • Migraine and headache
  • Stomach disorder, diarrhea
  • Gases in the stomach
  • Redness of the face

All these side effects are due to the fact that the drugs expand blood vessels and contribute to the flow of blood to all tissues.

How much does the male reproductor work for sex, what are the side effects?
How much does the male reproductor work for sex, what are the side effects?

Are there male reprivals in a pharmacy?

In the pharmacy you can purchase a number of drugs that increase potency. There are generics among such drugs. It can be medicines on herbs or drugs FDE-5 inhibitors. They are more effective and the result is visible after 15-60 minutes. Herbal medicines should be taken regularly, this will improve the general condition of the body. But FDE-5 inhibitors should not be accepted often.

Male causative agent with a quick effect: name, list

Such drugs are considered the most popular and effective to improve an erection:

  • Levitra
  • Viagra
  • Cialis
  • Impaz
  • Ergos

All these drugs differ in the same composition. Sildenafil citrate acts as the active substance.

Male causative agent with a quick effect: name, list
Male causative agent with a quick effect: name, list

Male pathogens are effective, the most powerful in drops: where to buy, how to use?

One of the most famous pathogens in drops is:

  • Spanish fly. It is made from poison of beetles and spanks that live in Eurasia. The effect of the drug is due to the irritation of the penis.
  • Horse pathogen. These drops help strengthen sexual arousal by influencing brain centers. This is a dietary supplement that consists of herbal extracts.
Male pathogens are effective, the most powerful in drops: where to buy, how to use?
Male pathogens are effective, the most powerful in drops: where to buy, how to use?

Men's pathogens are effective in the most powerful in tablets: where to buy, how to use?

Now the pharmacy has a huge number of pathogens for men. These drugs are based on synthetic inhibitors, herbs and natural components. Tablets are very convenient to use and act quickly.

List of pathogens in tablets:

  • Viagra. Accept an hour before intercourse in the amount of 1 tablet
  • Kamagra. Analogue of Viagra, accepted 15-45 minutes before sexual intercourse
  • Old captain. Created on the basis of oysters extract. Accepted 15-40 minutes before sexual intercourse
  • Cialis. Analogue of Viagra, take one capsule in sexual intercourse in 10 minutes
  • Vigour 800. Take 1 capsule per day, created on the basis of herbs
  • P-phorce. Contains dapoxetine and synthetic inhibitor of smooth muscles. Take 1 capsule 30 minutes before intercourse
Men's pathogens are effective in the most powerful in tablets: where to buy, how to use?
Men's pathogens are effective in the most powerful in tablets: where to buy, how to use?

Are there male pathogens in chewing gum and what?

Now gums appeared on the market that could improve sexual excitement.

Review of exciting chewing gum:

  • Mega Exstaz. The tool is intended for both women and men. Contains plant extracts that increase libido. It is necessary to start chewing chewing gum thirdly before intimacy.
  • Super Lowing Chewing Gum. Contains ginseng extract and promotes the tonic of smooth muscles. Use 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. The action of chewing gum lasts 4 hours.
  • Sex Love. You can use both men and women. Gum enhances sexual desire and helps to improve the quality of sexual life. It is necessary to use chewing gum every day for 10 minutes.
Are there male pathogens in chewing gum and what?
Are there male pathogens in chewing gum and what?

Male pathogen in a spray: a way to use, where to buy?

If you do not want to take pills, there are local drugs to improve potency. These are sprays, gels and creams.

Review of sprays to improve libido:

  • M-16. Contains guarana, glycine and magnesium extract, the drug helps to enhance the erection. In this case, the substances are not absorbed into the blood.
  • Macho Man. This is a spray containing glycerin, arginine and lecithin. Improves erection and prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • Stud 100. This spray will help to extend the erection and prevents the onset of premature ejaculation.
Male causative agent in a spray
Male causative agent in a spray

Male pathogen-M-16: method of use, dosage, where to buy?

This is a spray that is not absorbed into the blood, but acts locally. The composition includes only natural ingredients. The spray helps to extend sexual intercourse and improve an erection. Thus, the member is filled more and costs longer.

Contains guarana, glycine, arginine and magnesium. All these substances are natural and have no side effects. In order to use the spray, it is necessary to wash the genitals and spray a little means on them. The action is observed after 15 minutes. Apply the product to the head of the penis, there is no need to rub.

Male pathogen-M-16: method of use, dosage, where to buy?
Male pathogen-M-16: method of use, dosage, where to buy?

Male pathogen - Viagra: a method of use, dosage, where to buy?

The drug is implemented in capsules of 25, 50 and 100 mg of the active substance. Most often, you can use the drug with a concentration of 50 ml. 1 capsule is enough, it must be taken 40 minutes before intercourse. Viagra is realized in almost all pharmacies. It can also be ordered in Internet-apages.

Male pathogen - Viagra: a method of use, dosage, where to buy?
Male pathogen - Viagra: a method of use, dosage, where to buy?

Male pathogens compatible with alcohol: Names, List

From a medical point of view, the use of pathogens with alcohol is not prohibited, since substances do not react with each other. That is why the simultaneous use of generics and alcohol will not bring much harm. But it is worthwhile to understand that such drugs as Cialis, Viagra and Levitra increase the load on the heart, which can cause a heart attack. This is especially true for men aged 50-65 years.

Can be taken with alcohol:

  • Cialis
  • Viagra
  • Levitra
  • Impaz
  • Ergos

Remember, the amount of alcohol should be moderate and not exceed 100 ml of vodka or 200 g of dry wine. Otherwise, alcohol can “kill” an erection.

Male pathogens compatible with alcohol: Names, List
Male pathogens compatible with alcohol: Names, List

Men's causative agent in dietary supplements: are there?

Yes, now there are a lot of drugs on the market to improve potency on herbs. Many assure that dietary supplements work, the rest are confident in the futility of taking such substances.

Overview of dietary supplement to improve potency:

  • Sealex. The drug is based on plant components, helps to strengthen and extend the erection. It is necessary to take for several months to achieve a persistent result. For instant improvement of impotence, 1 capsule is taken an hour before sexual contact.
  • Sayma. It can be taken with alcohol, the drug is able to restore potency. According to reviews, the drug works for 3 days after taking. Only plant components.
  • Alikaps. Contains extracts of ginseng, dwarf palm trees. These drugs enhance the erection and contribute to prolonged sexual contact.
Men's causative agent in dietary supplements: are there?
Men's causative agent in dietary supplements: are there?

How to make the most effective, strongest male pathogen with your own hands at home: Folk recipes

Many of the products are scammers that increase potency. There are a lot of recipes that help improve potency using ordinary products.

Recipes of pathogens at home:

  • With dried apricots. It is necessary to grind 100 g of dried apricots, raisins and prunes in a blender. Pour 500 ml of red wine and increase for 60 minutes over low heat. Take 100 ml before each sexual intercourse.
  • Sour cream and parsley. This is a well -known exciting cocktail. To prepare it, it is necessary to clean the walnuts and 100 g of cores from the shells in a blender. In this pasta, enter 200 ml of sour cream and a bunch of parsley. Beat again in a blender. Take during the day.
  • Sea cabbage. This is a salad for lovers of seafood, which are powerful strokes. It is necessary to introduce a grated apple in 200 g of sea cabbage, a handful of boiled shrimp and season everything with sour cream. Eat before sexual intercourse.

Folk recipes:

  • Mustard. It is necessary to apply mustard plasters in front of sexual intercourse. They enhance the rush of blood to the floor dick and improve potency.
  • Pumpkin seeds. They must be eaten throughout the day before sexual contact. Preliminarily frying seeds
  • Honey. It is necessary to mix honey with garlic and eat 50 ml of funds before sexual contact. True, this recipe provokes unpleasant odor from the mouth.
How to make the most effective, strongest male pathogen with your own hands at home: Folk recipes
How to make the most effective, strongest male pathogen with your own hands at home: Folk recipes

Now the market is a huge number of drugs for the excitation of men and women. Try to use safe substances based on herbs.

Video: Exciting drugs

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Comments K. article

  1. The guy lost interest in an intimate life, referring to the lack of desire. I began to get nervous, I thought it was a matter of me. As it turned out due to nervous stresses, his libido simply decreased. I looked for a solution to the problem on the Internet, offered him the root of the ginseng, the effect of tribulus and massage according to a special method. Probably, natural products gave their result, because for a month now everything is in order 🙂

  2. an erection has disappeared what to do with what to treat

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