The husband looks at other girls and women all the time: is it normal? What to do so that the husband does not look at others?

The husband looks at other girls and women all the time: is it normal? What to do so that the husband does not look at others?

The reasons why men are staring on other people's women.

A man is a hunter, as well as the head of the family. This means that he necessarily controls what is happening around himself, trying to find out which side can be in wait for the danger. In this article we will tell you why a man looks at other women, and what to do with it. 

Why does the husband look at other girls?

Many women have repeatedly noticed that their chosen one during a joint walk often looks at other fair sex. Usually this is annoying wives, they feel inferior, and can be jealous of a man. However, this is not worth doing.

Why does the husband look at other girls:

  • The fact is that the psychology of a man is significantly different from the female. They are by nature leaders, hunters, and are also aimed at continuing the genus. Accordingly, this is a reflex of scanning, an assessment of the situation in a man in the blood.
  • In no case should you be angry with it for assessing the appearance of other women. The trouble is that the woman feels humiliated, insulted, or inferior. She believes that it may not look one hundred percent, much worse than a passer -by a girl.
  • In fact, this has nothing to do with reality. A man can look at a woman, regardless of whether she is beautiful or not. These are his instincts to continue the genus, and hunting. In ancient times, another 5-7 thousand years ago, men and women lived in a different way ofide than now.
  • The society was less civilized, and no one chose one woman and mother of his children. Now the situation has changed, society and stereotypes require a man of monogamy, which is extremely difficult.
Looks in the trail
Looks in the trail

Husbands look at others next to a beautiful wife - how to behave?

First of all, there is no need to worry about this, to be very upset, and even more so, arrange scandals. This will only aggravate communication. Therefore, try to make a remark correctly.

Husbands look at others next to a beautiful wife - how to behave:

  • If you are very unpleasant, you feel inferior, or feel jealousy, you can tell a man directly that you do not like such behavior.
  • Explain to him that doing this ugly if, in the company of his own wife or girl, he turns into other beauties, it hits self -esteem, and provokes unpleasant emotions.In this case, the man will try to control his behavior.
  • If the conversation does not help, you can repay the man with his coin. During a common walk, you can also turn into pretty men, and comment on their appearance.
  • Please note that the guy is beautiful, he has an amazing body, sports physique, and you like this appearance. A man simply will not leave such attention on your part in relation to a stranger. He will be unpleasant. Do such things from time to time.
  • After the man does not withstand, he will make a remark, say that he does the same, you feel jealousy. Make it clear that this is how you feel, feel humiliation, insult, inferiority. Talk to each other, and promise that you will not look at other people with an appraising look. In most cases, this helps. 

The husband looks at other women, how to react?

Scientists have proven that men who have a very beautiful wife can look at the fair sex. It should be understood that they do this not in order to find a replacement, but to confirm the correctness of their own choice. In most cases, after assessing the appearance of a stranger woman, a man somewhere in his brains notes your advantage. 

The husband looks at other women how to react:

  • There is nothing strange in the fact that a beautiful woman likes a man. This means that everything is fine with hormones, and he is interested in women. It is worth sounding the alarm if other women are indifferent to a man.
  • In this case, a deterioration in the family is possible, due to a decrease in testosterone levels, and a decrease in libido. In this case, extremely rare sexual contacts and deterioration of relations with each other are possible.
  • As long as the man pays attention to other women, this means that he is full -fledged, and behaves like a real male. And therefore, if this does not go into flirting, you can be calm.
Nice conversation
Nice conversation

How to wean a husband to look at other women?

Have you repeatedly felt the views of other men on yourself? If so, then you are an attractive woman, which is why they look at you. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that your husband looks at other women. This does not mean at all that he is changing, going to leave, or you look bad. Even with a very beautiful wife, a man in any case will stare at other women. 

How to wean a husband to look at other women:

  • You can play along with your man and look at pretty girls on the street, making fair comments. Do in the same way as your man. Note that the girl has beautiful breasts, or elastic buttocks.
  • Just do not do too often so that your behavior does not seem too strange to a man. The man is primarily a conqueror, but several thousand years ago a stronger sex would not only turn around, but always caught up with a pretty woman. 
  • Now everything is happening absolutely unconsciously and completely different. However, the reflexes of the man remained the same. He is pleased to admire the beautiful body, evaluating the girl’s figure, proving to himself that he had chosen the right companion. 

The husband constantly looks at other women, is it worth scandaling?

It will be erroneous to constantly control the man, being with him at all events together. In no case do not arrange scandals, and do not be afraid to let the man go to corporate parties, or meet friends, classmates. If you were invited together, do not try to be near a man all the time. Go away, communicate with friends, be interested in the entertainment program. A man should not feel connected in your presence, or under close supervision. 

The husband constantly looks at other women, whether it is worth scandaling:

  • Remember that constant control, comments, and scandals about the attention of other women make a man out of themselves. In the near future, such a relationship will come to naught. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the man looks at the pretty female bodies.
  • This is its nature, which is not able to fight. Therefore, your main task is to look good, take care of yourself, and strive for the ideal. So that during the assessment of other women, he comes to the conclusion that his chosen one is much better, and the right choice is made.
  • Remember that a man really likes when his woman is evaluated by opponents, and other representatives of the stronger sex. This is an extra confirmation of the correct choice. Such is the nature of men and psychology, it is necessary to put up with this, not fight. 

My husband began to look at others - when is it worth worrying?

Very often, a man draws attention to other women due to the fact that the chosen one has lost its original beauty. This often happens after the birth of children. Many women gain several extra pounds, and do not become little like the girl that a man preferred. Therefore, try to be interesting not only internally, but also externally. Men really like sexy outfits, attractive women's clothing. 

Why the husband began to look at others:

  • When is it worth worrying? First of all, it is necessary to distinguish situations that deserve separate attention and experiences. When a man looks at the same woman for a long time.
  • It can be your neighbor, familiar or girlfriend. In this case, this means that a man is sympathetic. If these are absolutely unfamiliar girls, passers -by on the street, you should not worry. 

When you roll scandals, talk about the situation, thereby emphasizing low self -esteem. First of all, it is necessary to increase your own self -esteem. To do this, go in for sports, adjust the figure, you can sign up for psychological trainings. A woman, confident in herself, will not worry about this. After all, a man does nothing wrong. 

He looked around
He looked around

The husband looks on the Internet of other girls, what to do?

It is worth noting, if these are not familiar girls, ininternetThere is nothing wrong. Men love to collect cards, an image with the bare bodies of women. They have it at a subconscious level from adolescence.

The husband looks on the Internet of other girls what to do:

  • After all, almost every teenager had cards with images of naked women. Another thing is if a man registered on a dating site, or corresponds with an unfamiliar girl in social networks.
  • In this case, it is worth considering, and conduct an analysis of his behavior. Often, such men change their women not because the chosen one is ugly, or not worthy of attention, respect. 

Does your husband watch photos of other girls?

Some women, having learned about such close attention of their man to strangers, organize careful control, play a detective. A girl can track the adventures of her man, checking the story of the browser daily.

The husband looks at the photo of other girls:

  • When the chosen one is in a hurry, view social networks, as well as instant messengers. It is impossible to live in such conditions, as this causes a neurosis, a deterioration in relations. Each person should have personal space and time.
  • After all, any incorrect step of the chosen one will cause a scandal, and a deterioration in relations. If you are before the wedding, in the candy-bouquet period you noticed that your man does not belong to monogamous, run away from him. Or equip your family, closing your eyes to the passage of your beloved. 

What to do so that the husband does not look at others?

In no case do not try to fill in yourself all the time. Relations should first of all be built on trust. If a woman constantly controls her chosen one, sooner or later he will get tired of it.

What to do so that the husband does not look at others:

  • Some men themselves are polygamous, and cannot be with one woman for a long period of time. In this case, betrayals will happen constantly.
  • Be sure to follow yourself, adjust your own shortcomings, and in no case take the state of appearance on the groove.
  • Be sure to purchase cosmetics, make styling, and choose beautiful clothes. 
The game
The game

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It is necessary to decide whether you are ready to turn a blind eye to this behavior of your man. In no case should you start total control, and constantly view your spouse news feed. 

Video: husband looks at others

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Comments K. article

  1. You are tired of justifying men! What other reflexes? They have long no longer animals! If a man respects and loves his woman, he will not think to pay attention to others! Otherwise it is not love

  2. Seraphim, you are 100% right! As you can’t open an article, so everywhere they describe this as a normal phenomenon and we must accept it and come to terms with it. This is not norms and this should be another explanation. A man constantly looking at women, either, in the search, or, in fantasies, in desires. They write, they say this is not scary, and in some cases, after such visions, a partner, can wait at home for a stormy night))) it's funny) what is it to understand? Like, he was fantasized, wound up, and in you the only one will pour all this now?))) That's what joy. Obviously, all the articles themselves are scribbled.

  3. And you, dear girls, do not look at men? Here you go to work in transport, and in front of you is a handsome man. I love to consider the faces of people, and especially men. I am married, but I don’t have enough beautiful face and body of a man to jump to bed or leave my husband. I don't understand why you can’t look? In the same way, you can walk around the store, measure, consider clothes, even if you do not plan to buy it. You are now writing these messages from your own low self -esteem. Your showdown spoils the relationship.

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