Mummy from stretch marks. Recipes with mummy from stretch marks. How to use a cream with mummy from stretch marks?

Mummy from stretch marks. Recipes with mummy from stretch marks. How to use a cream with mummy from stretch marks?

Stretch marks (striae) is a common, not dangerous, but very ugly education. The appearance of stretch marks spoils the joy of motherhood to every second woman. After all, to whom, if not a young mother to be beautiful, self -confident and happy. We learn to get rid of stretch marks with the help of mummy-an organ-mineral complex of natural origin.

Anatomical facts

  1. The main reason for the occurrence of stretch marks is ruptures in collagen and elastic fibers of the dermis
Stracks formation scheme
Stracks formation scheme
  1. Gaps in the deep layers of the skin are most often connected
  • with pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • with a sharp set of weight
  • with heavy physical exertion (for example, bodybuilding)
  • with hormonal malfunctions and sharp growth in the teenage period
  • with a hereditary predisposition
  • with the reception of medications, for example, Glucocorticoid groups
  • with problems in the functioning of the endocrine system (adrenal dysfunction)
  1. Strium (stretch marks) arise in both women and men
  2. The most common places for the occurrence of stretch marks in women
Areas of the formation of stretch marks
Areas of the formation of stretch marks
  1. Stretches have two stages of "maturity"
  • initial. The color of scars is saturated pink-violet
  • sharp. The color of the scars is pearl-white
In the photo: on the left - the initial stage of the maturity of stretch marks, on the right - old stretching/striae
In the photo: on the left - the initial stage of the maturity of stretch marks, on the right - old stretching/striae

Ripening time of stretching from the moment of appearance to bleaching: 6-8 months

  1. Unfortunately, stretch marks can be made less noticeable, but you can’t get rid of them completely

Does the mummy help with stretch marks? Photo before and after

Does the mummy help with stretch marks? Photo before and after

Photo4 Photo5 Photo6

The experience of many generations confirms the positive effect of the use of mummies in the fight against stretch marks

Interesting fact. Mummy is a word with Greek roots, translated means "saving body"

As a traditional drug, mummy was used not only by the Greeks, but also by the inhabitants of the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Near and the Far East.

Using the mummy for many millennia, people could not give an accurate definition to this substance, determine the origin and composition.

Mummy is known as

  • mountain resin
  • mountain wax
  • tears of the mountains

There are two versions about the origin of the mummy:

  1. mummy - a type of geological breed that is formed in mountain cracks
  2. mummy - a product of decomposition and subsequent fermentation of organic substances
  • animal excrement (mainly bats)
  • smol
  • wax of wild bees
  • minor plants, etc.

If the mention of animal excrement repels you all the hunt to use mummy, remember the coffee of the Lyubuvak - the most expensive coffee in the world. Coffee grains necessarily pass through the digestive tract of CITETT, acquiring a unique taste that is so appreciated all over the world

The composition of the mummy depends on the place of the origin of the substance. No laboratory of the world was able to identify all the components of the mountain wax. It is known that the mummy consists of:

  • essential oils
  • smol
  • bee poison
  • metal oxides
  • gumin foundations
  • amino acids
  • protein compounds
  • 85 different macro- and trace elements, etc.


  • activates the processes of regeneration of the skin
  • improves metabolism at the cellular level
  • nourishes the skin with the necessary vitamins and elements

How to use mummy from stretch marks?

Mummy - an effective tool for stretch marks
Mummy - an effective tool for stretch marks

Struggle against stretch marks is a set of measures, including

  • corresponding nutrition
  • consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid
  • proper physical activity
  • cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic procedures, in addition to applying therapeutic creams, must include skin scrubbing. The use of scrub significantly enhances the effect of funds with mummy

Scrub from stretch marks

Using mummy from stretch marks: preparatory stage - scrubbing
Using mummy from stretch marks: preparatory stage - scrubbing

What to cook from

  • 2 parts of oil
  • 1 part of ground coffee
  • 1 part of reed sugar or sea salt

How to cook:

  1. Mix all components
  2. If necessary, adjust the consistency: the mixture should be quite thick
  3. Put the resulting mass in a pure nylon sock. You got a kind of massage ball

How to use:

  1. The skin should be steamed
  2. Carefully, but softly, massage the damaged areas for 10 minutes with a massage ball with a coffee-salt mixture
  3. Rinse the mixture with water
  4. Blind the skin with a towel
  5. Apply a nutrient cream based on mummy

Scraping frequency: at least 3 times a week

Soap-scrub from stretch marks with mummy and ground coffee

Such soap can be used every day.

What to cook from:

  • 6 g mummy in plates or tablets
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground natural coffee
  • 2 tsp. milk
  • 150 g of the soap base. Can be replaced with high -quality baby soap
  • 1 tbsp. l. Oils Karit
  • 1 tbsp. l. Oils of grape seeds
  • 1 tbsp. l. Avocado oil

Advice. Each of the oils can be replaced with olive

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve mummy in warm milk
  2. Put the crushed soap in a heat -resistant container
  3. Place the container with soap in a water bath, wait until the soap is dissolved
  4. Add mummy, ground coffee and oil to liquid soap
  5. Mix all components thoroughly
  6. Transfer to a convenient container with a hermetically closing lid
  7. Store in the refrigerator

How to use:

Daily for the care of problematic body zones

Cream with pills mummy from stretch marks

Cream with pills mummy from stretch marks
Cream with mummy from stretch marks

What to cook from:

  • 4 g of mummy. The substance can be either in plates and in tablets
  • 1-2 tsp. pure warm water
  • 100 g of high -quality children's cream

How to cook:

  1. Put the required amount of mummy in a glass container and pour warm water
  2. An important feature of high -quality mountain wax: the substance is completely dissolved in water
  3. After complete dissolution of the mummy, carefully mix the resulting extract and cream
  4. Transfer the cream with the mummy into a sterile, hermetically closing container
  5. Store in the refrigerator

How to use:

  • Apply the cream to wellly steamed skin with light massage movements. Massage time: 5-10 minutes
  • Wait until the cream is absorbed into the skin
  • Remove the remnants of the cream cloth cream

Frequency of use

  • every evening - with a slight form of stretch marks in the initial stage
  • twice a day - with old stretch marks or severe damage to the skin until the skin condition improves

Course duration: 20-30 days. If necessary, the course should be repeated after 1 week of break

Important: a mummy cream can be used during breastfeeding (2 months after childbirth)

Remedy for old stretch marks with mummy

Wraps up with mummy from stretch marks well copes with old traces of skin atrophy. Essential oils added to the therapeutic mixture enhance the effect of the product.

Wrapping with mummy from stretch marks
Wrapping with mummy from stretch marks

The best pairs of "oil and mummy from stretch marks" are ethers

  • sweet fennel
  • sweet orange
  • rosemary
  • juniper
  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • lavender
  • gerani
  • peppermint

The use of aromatic oils not only enhances the effects of mountain wax on the skin, but also allows you to “disguise” the sharp aroma of mummy

What to prepare a mixture for compress from stretch marks

  • 1 g of mummy
  • 1 tsp. water
  • 7 drops of any oil from the list

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve mummy in warm water
  2. Add aromaticoma
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly

How to use:

  • Apply the mixture to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, first carefully cleansing the skin
  • Cover the sections treated with a mixture with clean food film
  • Lie down and be sure to cover you with a light veil
  • Turning time: 2-3 hours
  • At the end of the procedure, take a contrast shower

Frequency of use: no more than 1-2 times a week


  • take into account the ability of aromatic muffles to cause allergic reactions
  • some oils are not recommended to be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • you cannot use essential oils in the presence of any skin diseases
  • be sure to consult a doctor before the wrap procedure. This procedure has a lot of medical contraindications!

Mummy masks from stretch marks

What to cook from:

  • 10 g mummy (plates or tablets)
  • 100 ml of water
  • 200 ml of high -quality vegetable oil (preferably olive)
  • 300 g of blue clay

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve mummy in warm water
  2. Gradually add all the ingredients and mix the mixture thoroughly

How to use:

  • Apply the mixture to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, first carefully cleansing the skin
  • Cover the sections treated with a mixture with clean food film
  • Lie down and be sure to cover you with a light veil
  • Turning time: 2-3 hours
  • At the end of the procedure, take a contrast shower

Frequency of use: no more than 1-2 times a week

What is better mummy from stretch marks?

What to look for when buying mountain wax


Plates or tablets?

Many manufacturers insist that the mummy in the plates is a better and useful product. In the production of mummy in a tablet form, the beneficial properties of mountain wax are lost

Varieties of mummy taking into account origin

  • indian
  • burmese
  • mongolian
  • japanese
  • altai

The qualitative chemical composition of all types is similar, but the proportional ratio of components is different.

Gradation mummy by color

  • red color - gold mummy
  • brown-black color-dark mummy
  • white or copper-blue color-silver mummy

This is not to say that some of the species mummy is better than others. The main thing is that the manufacturer of the product is responsible for the quality of their goods

Mummy from stretch marks: reviews

Reviews of women who used the mummy as a whole are positive. Many of them note that even old stretch marks have become invisible. But the process of restoring the skin takes several months and requires close attention and painstaking work

Video: What is a mummy? Scientific facts, myths and legends

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