What cannot be done at the funeral and after the funeral of a relative: signs

What cannot be done at the funeral and after the funeral of a relative: signs

Signs at the funeral of a relative.

The funeral is a very unpleasant event that is associated with the burial of the deceased. With a similar action, a lot of signs are associated, as well as beliefs. In this article we will talk about the main ones. 

What cannot be done at the funeral of a relative: signs

Indeed, many connect the funeral with something magical, otherworldly world. Perhaps this is true, but no one can check. If the rite is incorrect, then the soul of the deceased will not find peace, and will annoy the alive. Some manipulations carried out at the funeral can cause bad luck to relatives, as well as invited to the procession. 

It is worth noting that a powerful energy is really associated with the funeral, which can cause various diseases, as well as damage. This is a great place for sorcerers and magicians who seek to draw their energy and communicate with the other world. That is why you can often earn damage, evil eye, or some health problems at the funeral. 

At the funeral of a relative
At the funeral of a relative

What you cannot do at the funeral of a relative, signs: 

  • Come to the cemetery during the funeral with the child. The fact is that babies and children have a fairly weak energy, so just infiltrate it and harm it. Very often, after the funeral, children become bad, nausea, vomiting and general malaise are observed. Therefore, refrain from visiting the funeral with the children. 
  • Signs at the funeral of a relative concern not only children, but also women in position. It is not recommended to come to the funeral for women who are expecting a child. This is due to the fact that the soul of the deceased can harm an unaware child. It is noted that women in a position that have visited the funeral very often give birth to dead children. 
  • Do not cross the road along which the funeral procession comes, and the crowd along with the coffin. This act can be encouraged by trouble, or earn some disease. 
  • Try not to step on the flowers that people invited to the cemetery dropped, it is best to bypass them. 
  • You can not stand on the very edge of the grave, during the funeral of a family member. If a person falls there, then this promises his death in the near future. Accordingly, it is necessary to move away from the grave. 
  • Do not choose anything from the grave. That is why it is necessary not to put on the funeral of jewelry, and not take valuable things with you. Even if a very valuable little thing, a jewelry, will fall into the grave, you should not go down to it and pick it up. It is necessary to leave this product inside the grave. Who went down to the grave will soon die. 
Funeral ceremony
Funeral ceremony

What can not be done after the funeral of a relative?

Please note that family members should not go ahead of the funeral procession, carry a coffin, as well as wreaths. It is forbidden to drink wine before, in the process and after burial. Everything related to the delivery of the deceased in the cemetery should be carried out without the participation of blood relatives.

What can not be done after the funeral of a relative:

  • All personal things of the late relative, signs which are sometimes meaningless, it is necessary to invest in a coffin. It is just about ropes, combs, washcloths with which they wash the deceased before putting him in the coffin. These things contain dead energy, which can harm alive.
  • The ropes that bandaged the legs and arms of the dead, as well as the towels that wiped the deceased, can become part of the magical ritual. Indeed, many witches and sorcerers seek to steal something from the funeral, since it is enough just damage to this. After all, such things have very strong energy. 
  • What to do with the comb, which was combed by the dead man? It is best to put it in the coffin. However, it happens that the comb was found only after the funeral procession took place. In this case, it is best to throw it into the river. It is impossible to wash it, to mock it. If you use such a comb, this will become the cause of diseases or even death. It is forbidden to carry the coffin to relatives.
  • According to the beliefs, relatives seem to rejoice in the death of their loved one. At the same time, there will be nothing wrong if strangers are carried by the coffin. To protect them, new towels are tied. This is a kind of gratitude to a person, people who help in the implementation of the burial of the deceased. Such products can be used and used on the farm. 
On the grave of the deceased
On the grave of the deceased

What to do if the deceased in the house: signs

Do not block the path of a funeral procession. This will give in trouble, and will cause the disease. It is considered a good sign to crumble on the grave of crumbs of cookies or bread. After all, always birds were associated with the souls of dead people. Coloring the crumbs on the grave, you feed the souls of the dead. After returning with a relative's funeral, will accept About which there are a lot, you need to touch the stove. Thus, you leave all the negative energy directly to the cemetery and do not take anything to the house. 


  • Many do not know what to do if the deceased in the house. The most interesting thing is that the death, as well as finding the deceased in the house will accept lots of. It is necessary, after a person died, immediately transfer him from bed to the table. Many elderly people say that a deceased person is fighting for every fluff in the pillow. 
  • It is advisable under the table on which the corpse lies, put a little bread and salt. This will prompt a good, successful year, also improve the material component in the family. It is advisable to place a reservoir of water after a person on a person on the windowsill. Why on the windowsill? Experts believe that it is not necessary to put water near the window, can be placed on the table at which a person drank tea or coffee.
  • Perhaps where he read the book and drank his favorite drink. It is in that place that you can place a container with water. Indeed, gradually the water in a glass will decrease. If up to 40 days there will be less than half, then it is necessary to add the full capacity. Ethe resting man passed away with his eyes open, they must be closed immediately. According to esoterics, he examines whom to take with him. 
  • It is recommended that the widows wash the dead person. This should not do married women, as they can promise death or illness to their husbands. The woman attracts the death of her husband. 
  • Family members who bury a loved one cannot close the door until the end of the funeral procession. If you close the gate, this will be the reason for the appearance of quarrels in the family. 

What can not be done on the day of the funeral of a relative?

If distant relatives concern common signs, then things are completely different with loved ones. This is due to the fact that they are usually with a dead person in the same room, so everything that surrounds them is somehow connected with the deceased. 

What can not be done on the day of the funeral of a relative:

  • Even such manipulations as cleaning in the house touched signs about the funeral of a relative. You can not notice, take out the garbage from the house until the corpse is in it. As a result, another person may die. It is worth it to take place with cleaning, you do not need to immediately clean the premises after the deceased is taken out of the apartment.
  • The ideal time for cleaning is the period when the troupe with people on the bus was taken to the cemetery. If you do itbefore They will take the troupes, you can attract illness and death to the house. The most interesting thing is that such cleaning in no case can be carried out by blood relatives of the deceased.
  • It is best not to touch things at all that concern death and repose. This is necessary so that the dead do not take the family members. Typically, family members are asked to get out in the house of some of the acquaintances or friends who are not connected by blood ties with the dead. Such a person conducts cleaning in the house, comes for a memorial dinner, but does not go to the cemetery. 
Memorial lunch
Memorial lunch

Do relatives need to hang mirrors in the house of the deceased?


  • There is an opinion that after the death of a relative, you need to close the mirrors. This is due to the fact that the surface that reflects objects is the entrance to the other world. Accordingly, a deceased can enter his own house through it. This is done to calm all households. You can open reflective surfaces after burial, a memorial dinner.
  • But there is an opinion that states that it is possible to open glass and reflecting surfaces after 3 days. Most esoterics, as well as sorcerers, believe that it is necessary to open glass no earlier than 9 days after the death. In some villages, as well as villages, mirrors in the house of the deceased It is necessary in the first minutes after death. Butit is not allowed to remove the bedspreads from the mirrors to the forty -first day. It is on the forty -first day that the fate of the dead is decided, so it is impossible to change anything. 
  • There are many questions regarding TVs and other household appliances, including monitors. It is believed that they are also reflectors, so they must also be hung immediately after a person leaves this world. Yes, it is recommended to curtain them so that the dead could not come to your house through the reflection. However, the church does not prohibit watching the TV, but still recommends that you refuse to watch entertainment, humorous shows.
  • You can watch news, as well as some cognitive programs, documentaries. You can watch TV after they spend the funeral. After death, you can not include music, if desired, you can include classic songs, or church chants. 
The deceased and mirrors
The deceased and mirrors

When can you remove the things of the deceased relatives?

Questions arise regarding the storage of photographs. No need to throw away all the photos that remind of the deceased. Nevertheless, this is a memory, so you must show your children that they had relatives, and tell interesting stories about them. However, in no case should you hang a huge number of photos of the dead, as they carry dead energy. It is best to store such photos in photo albums, sometimes get out, consider. 


  • Some things are saturated with the energy of a dead person, in particular, this applies to the table, chairs and stools on which the coffin stands. In order to clean them, it is necessary to take them out for several days, and store there for 3 days. 
  • Many people do not know when you can remove the things of the deceased relativesThe issue of furniture, domestic utensils, which is associated with the deceased, is often worried. As for the bed, none of the family members cannot be sleeping on it. The bed contains the energy of a dead person and it is best to throw it away. However, this is better to do in 40 days. You can take it to the trash or just sell it. The same applies to those objects that are directly related to the death.
  • If a person fell to the floor, then it is best to throw the carpet on which a person died. The same applies to chairs, chairs and tables that are directly connected with the death of a loved one. In the old days they acted differently, no one threw anything away and did not sell.
  • These things were 3 days in a chicken coop so that they were sung by roosters. It was believed that if the subject spends 3 days in the chicken coop, it becomes absolutely clean and does not contain the energy of a dead person. Unfortunately, not all of us live in rural areas, so it is quite difficult to carry out a similar ceremony in urban conditions. 
Funeral procession
Funeral procession

How many mourning to the relatives of the deceased to observe?

Mourning for the dead:

  • Many family members are interested in the issue of celebrating the planned celebrations. Indeed, there may be some pre-planned events during which restaurants were booked. Perhaps this is a wedding or name day. In this case, it is best to refuse to carry out events, or transfer them to another time. It is necessary that at least 40 days have passed since the death.
  • Only after that can you spend holidays, birthdays. If it comes to the wedding, wedding, then there is no such ban. You can get married at any time, even immediately after the funeral. If a lot of money was invested in the celebration, and it is not possible to cancel the celebration, it is necessary to mention a person at the festival, remember him, and tell those present at the festival. 
  • It is worth it to wait for the repair in the apartment in which a person died. That is, it is impossible to carry out cosmetic, significant repair manipulations. The fact is that for 40 days the soul of a deceased person can visit his house, and she will be much more comfortable in the usual situation. After 40 days, you can carry out repairs. 
  • Questions arise and regarding the holding of some measures, including relaxation. Many of the inhabitants of our country plan their vacation in advance, so they can acquire vouchers to hot countries. What to do in this case? No one forbids to go on a trip or on vacation. But at the same time, it is necessary to abandon fun holidays, as well as parties with a lot of drinking.
The death of a close relative
The death of a close relative

What can not be done after the funeral of a close relative?

There are prohibitions not only on behavior in the cemetery. It is worth knowing that not observed signs they can cause your diseases.

What can not be done after the funeral of a close relative:

  • Relatives after the death of a native person cannot be taken alcohol. This applies even to a memorial dinner. The most interesting thing is that you can’t immediately go to visit someone else after the commemoration. You need to go home right away. This is due to the fact that the soul of the deceased may want to visit their house, so it is desirable that all households at this time be present at home. The ban applies not only to the day of the funeral, but also valid on the 9th and 40th day. 
  • If on this day not one, but several people died, while the funeral is held on the same day, then in no case should you walk from one memorial dinner to another. It is allowed to come to the cemetery, say goodbye to each of the relatives, and go home. Thus, you do not give preference to anyone. At the same time, it is worth being attentive, and not visit the graves of other family members. It is necessary to respect the deceased, and be exclusively on this day on his grave. 
  • You can’t take flowers from the cemetery, which beautiful they would not be. When purchasing goods for burial, you can not take the change, which is given to a trifle. All coins that give must be left. Thus, you attract tears to you.
  • It is forbidden to cry a lot at the funeral, it is believed that a buried person will drown in tears.
  • A ban on a dream in the same room with a deceased. Until the deceased person was taken out into the street, in the cemetery, you can’t spend the night in the room where he is located. The soul may not calm down, and become the cause of the illness of its relatives.
Mourning for the deceased
Mourning for the deceased

There are many signsthen you can not do it at the funeral of a relative. To believe in them or not is your business. But still it is better to reinsure yourself.

Video: Signs at the funeral of a relative

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