Is it possible to carry a child in the front seat of a car? At what age can you ride in the front seat?

Is it possible to carry a child in the front seat of a car? At what age can you ride in the front seat?

Many motorists with children are worried about the installation of a children's car seat in the front seat. Can this be done and at what age? Let's find out.

Often, drivers, even with extensive experience, cannot accurately answer a question about the transportation of kids in the front seat. In fact, the issue is not at all difficult and it is easy to solve it. It is enough to look into the traffic rules. They claim that transportation is allowed in any seat. However, depending on age there are some features of transportation.

How many years can you carry a child in the front seat?

Board in the front seat
Board in the front seat

In the rules of the SDA, it is not stipulated from what age it is allowed to ride in front, but if the child is not yet 12 years old, then you can’t drive without car seats. So even from birth you can ride in front.

Until the age of seven, children are mandatory transported in a car seat, regardless of whether he is sitting in front or from behind. From 7 to 12 years, a chair is also used, but you need to fasten with simple belts.

Is it worth it to put a car seat on the front seat?

Yes, undoubtedly, the rules allow the transportation of children in the front seat, but it is worth turning off the airbag, because when it is activated, the child can get serious injuries.

Despite permission, drivers are of the opinion that the driver’s seat is the best place. But experts do not agree with this and believe that the best place is central. But the front is considered the most dangerous class, but this is not displayed in traffic rules.

Classification of children's car seats

Baby car seat
Baby car seat

Thus, the seats differ in views. As a rule, division is carried out by weight and age.

  • Children up to a year, up to 10 kg. In such a situation, a car is installed on the seat, where the child is located horizontally. Special restrictions on its installation are not proposed, but its design will not allow you to install in front.
  • Children under 1.5 years old, up to 13 kg. They use a cocoon chair. It can be put on any seat, but relatively road, it should always be located backwards.
  • Children from 9 months to 4 years old, up to 9-18 kg. For older children, car seats are already installed. In general, it is recommended to put it with their backs to the road, but in practice parents do the opposite. Although, this is also not considered a violation.
  • Children 6-12 years old, up to 22-36 kg. Transportation is carried out in a car seat, and a child needs to be fastened with an ordinary seat belt. When the child reaches 12 years old, then he can already go without a car seare, although you can leave it. If the chair is removed, then the airbag should be turned on.

Installation of children's car seats in the front seat: Advantages

The chair is installed correctly
The chair is installed correctly
  • Good review. In front, the kids like to sit more and less whims, because they see everything that happens around
  • Convenience for parents. If the parent has to travel alone with the child, then it will be easier for him to observe and respond to requests
  • Additional place. If the family has three children, then one chair has to be put in front, because it will not fit back
  • Less motion. In front of children is less rocking and go more comfortable

How to install a car seats for the front seat: Features

Before installing car seats in a car, you need to take into account some features.

  • Turning off the airbag. This condition must be respected. The speed of opening the pillow is 300 km/h. Yes, the adult is only for the good and he can only get rid of bruises, but the child can be injured. By the way, there were even cases of death. So do not neglect this rule.
  • Check the review in the side mirror. Car seats should not limit your review. Some models are distinguished by high backs, so be sure to check the review before going.
  • The front seat move as much as possible. This will allow you to safely set up a chair and open a review.

How to disable the airbag?

Turning off the airbag
Turning off the airbag

To understand whether it is possible to turn off the airbag in your car, study the instructions for the car. If this is not provided for design, then it is impossible to install the chair in front. And here you can’t argue.

As a rule, the shutdown of the pillow is available in several ways:

  • Castle with a switch. It is used in many cars of modern production. Usually on the side of the passenger there is a castle where you can insert the key. When the pillow is disconnected, a special light will signal this.
  • Manual switching. There are not so many cars in the not so much. As a rule, it is located in a glove compartment or on the dashboard.
  • Automatic shutdown. This option is found at all infrequently and mainly in expensive cars. When installed, the chair gives a signal to the car system and the pillow is automatically blocked. The light bulb is immediately activated.
  • On-board computer. The pillow turns off using the menu and for this there is a special option on the display. So far, this system is rare and is found in the latest cars.
  • Turning off through a car service. If you have an old car, then you can turn off the pillow in a car service, when the rest of the options do not allow this. The main drawback is that it will not work to turn on the pillow yourself, and this suggests that adults in the front seat will be at risk.

It is not required to turn off the side pillow. It is not at all dangerous for the child and, even vice versa, protects him. The main thing, do not allow the baby to lean on the door or window.

What place in the cabin is the safest for installing a children's car seat?

As we have already said, it does not play a special role, where specifically you put a car seat, so you can do it as it is convenient for you. However, keep in mind that the place is considered the most dangerous in front and you can’t even argue with this. Behind the baby is protected at least the driver’s chair, but in the center the place is the most convenient and optimal for him, because the review is not closed and the security is high.

Video: How to install a car in the car?

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