Is it possible to get married in a church without registering a marriage in the registry office? What to do first: wedding or registry office?

Is it possible to get married in a church without registering a marriage in the registry office? What to do first: wedding or registry office?

From this article you will learn what to do before: get married in a church or register a marriage in the registry office.

What before: wedding in the church or registration in the registry office? We will find out about it.

Is it possible to get married in a church without registering a marriage in the registry office?

Wedding in the church is permissible after registration of marriage in the registry office
Wedding in the church is permissible after registration of marriage in the registry office

Nowadays, the Russian Orthodox Church adheres to such a rule that you can get married in the church only after registration at the registry office (in extreme cases after applying to the registry office), and if the newlyweds are not officially registered, the priest may refuse to the wedding. This is an additional evidence that the intentions of the newlyweds are serious.

What to do first, what is more important: wedding or registry office?

More important registration of marriage in the registry office
More important registration of marriage in the registry office

Previously, before the October Revolution, the church conducted all the documents. In the temple, marriage was registered and married. Now the church is separated from the state, and state institutions (registry office) themselves register all important points in the life of the population. Therefore, first you need to register your relationship in the registry office, and then you can get married.

Nowadays, a young couple who came to the wedding to the church, the priest of the Orthodox Church may demand to show him a certificate of registration of marriage from the registry office.
But not all scheduled in the registry office may be married. Here are your requirements:

  • The bride and groom must be baptized
  • If one of the marveling atheist, the priest may refuse to weddings
  • You can not get married more than 3 times
  • It is not allowed to crown newlyweds if they are relatives up to 4 knees
  • It is not allowed to crown spiritual relatives (godfather and godson or vice versa, the godparents who baptized the same child together)

Is it possible to get married before the wedding?

If registration in the registry office and wedding are scheduled for one day, then it is advisable to conduct a wedding earlier
If registration in the registry office and wedding are scheduled for one day, then it is advisable to conduct a wedding earlier

It happens that the newlyweds, who want to get married, conduct a wedding ceremony and registration in the registry office on one day. In this case, first it is advisable to conduct a wedding, and then registration.

The wedding is a beautiful rite, and solemn. And the test of the post, which will have to be passed, deciding to get married, will connect even more a young couple, and spiritualize.

So, now we know that first you need to register a marriage, and then the wedding.

Video: Is it possible to get married without registration at the registry office?

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Comments K. article

  1. This is not true and misleads, initially figure out that the wedding traditionally means the rite for future newlyweds

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