Is it possible in Orthodoxy to be baptized a second time in a life for an adult in a church with a different name: the rules of the Church. Is it possible to cross the child for a second time in the church to another name? If you cross again, will fate change?

Is it possible in Orthodoxy to be baptized a second time in a life for an adult in a church with a different name: the rules of the Church. Is it possible to cross the child for a second time in the church to another name? If you cross again, will fate change?

This article tells about whether it is possible to re -baptize a person.

Baptism is one of the seven church sacraments. This is the path to eternal life. In this article we will consider why a person accepts the sacrament of baptism, talk about existing myths about repeated baptism, and you will also find out in which cases the first baptism may be invalid.

Is it possible in Orthodoxy to be baptized a second time in a life for an adult in a church with a different name: the rules of the Church

Is it possible in Orthodoxy to be baptized a second time in a life for an adult in a church with a different name: the rules of the Church
Is it possible in Orthodoxy to be baptized a second time in a life for an adult in a church with a different name: the rules of the Church

Currently, many people are interested in whether it is possible to be baptized a second time. This desire is motivated by the following reasons:

  • The belief that the repeated perfect sacrament will help to take off damage, remove the evil eye, the birth curse and solve other life problems.
  • Often people want to be baptized again to change the name.
  • Many people think that if, with repeated baptism, they receive a new name, which will “be known only to the Almighty”, then this will help to protect themselves from the effects of magic. The sorcerers will “hold magic rites in the old name,” and therefore all slander will not act.
  • Someone wants to be baptized again from seemingly good intentions. Baptized in childhood, these people led a sinful life. But then they come to the Almighty and think that repeated baptism will help to wash away all sinful deeds.
Is it possible to be baptized in Orthodoxy for a second time in an adult in a church with a different name?
Is it possible to be baptized in Orthodoxy for a second time in an adult in a church with a different name?

Let's figure out in more detail, is it possible to be baptized in Orthodoxy for a second time in an adult in a church with a different name? There are such rules of the church:

Baptism is one of the 7 church sacraments.

  • The believer during the death of the sacrament is three times plunged into a vat with water with the pronunciation of the name of the Blessed Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • During the commission of this process, a person dies for a carnal life, in which he sins a lot, and is born to eternal life. Therefore, it is impossible to re -be baptized and nothing.
  • Each believer needs to go through the process of baptism for salvation, for "who will not be born from water and spirit cannot enter the kingdom of God."
  • The Gospel clearly says: "Whoever believes and be baptized will be saved, and who will not believe will be convicted." Everything comes down to faith in the Almighty - the Lord of God.

Baptism is one.

  • The birth of a person occurs once, also he is reborn once for eternal life through the sacrament of baptism.
  • In the prayer lines “The Symbol of Faith” it is written: “I confess the one by baptism for the abandonment of sins.”
  • Everyone who pronounces these prayer words must clearly give the answer to the question of the need for the second baptism.

Baptism is a faith in the Trinity, and not occult faith in baptism, as the only resolution of all life problems.

  • Baptism will not solve specific or any everyday problems and will not become a “weapon” for removing witchcraft spells.
  • Blessed is the person who blindly follows the commandments of the Lord, and does not listen to sorcerers, sorcerers and idolators. This is written in the revelation of John the Theologian, the Apocalypse, chapter 22, 15.

Remember: Orthodox person, if he lives according to the commandments of God, is under the strong defense of the Church. Different sorcerers and psychics do not threaten him and he is not afraid of damage, evil eye, clan curses and other occult muck. He is protected by the evil and evil languages \u200b\u200bhimself!

Is it possible to cross the child for a second time in the church to another name?

Is it possible to cross the child for a second time in the church to another name?
Is it possible to cross the child for a second time in the church to another name?

The rules of the Church about baptism were described above. They act the same way for both adults and children. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to cross the child for a second time in the church to another name, the answer of any priest will be unequivocal: “No”. The spiritual appearance of a person on this light can only be once.

Often mom or dad want to cross their child and complain about what they do not like, how the godparents fulfill their duties. They do not fulfill them, do not visit the baby, do not go to church with him and do not engage in his spiritual education.

Important: Only father and mother are responsible for the spiritual growth of their baby, and only then the recipients - godmother parents are responsible.

  • You must live yourself, observing the commandments, confess, come to communion and church on Sundays and holidays. You need to introduce your child to this. Pray constantly yourself and teach this your child.
  • If you do not do this yourself, then the godmother, even if he is responsible for his duties, will not be able to properly spiritually educate your baby. After all, children imitate their parents.
  • The meaning of baptism lies in the rebirth of a person, which is performed only once in a life. The grace of the Holy Spirit goes to a person.
  • During the priesthood, the child receives all this. Parents should help their baby not lose his gifts and move towards Him.

If you get involved in faith in occultism, then the Lord can let sorrow, illness and other problems on a person. Therefore, a real Orthodox Christian should negatively relate to occult teaching, since this is a demonic teaching. After all, there is nothing in common between darkness and light.

Is it possible to re -be baptized in the church if the first time was baptized at home?

Is it possible to re -be baptized in the church if the first time was baptized at home?
Is it possible to re -be baptized in the church if the first time was baptized at home?

There are many cases when people are baptized at home some kind of grandmothers and seduction.

  • This usually happens with people who live in the villages, far from the city, and they do not want to go specially for a long time to baptize themselves or their child in the church.
  • It often happens that it is impossible to get from a distant village to the city, since transport does not go.
  • Therefore, if the first time was baptized at home and not a church minister, then you can re -be baptized in the church.
  • There are still such cases when people are not sure that they are baptized. For example, there are no witnesses, but they themselves are definitely not sure. In this case, you can be baptized, but you need to inform the priest about your doubt. When performing the sacrament of baptism, while reading prayers, he adds “not baptized”, which means in the formula of this sacrament “rely on God”.

If a person is not baptized by a priest, you must definitely come to the temple to commit a complete sacrament of baptism.

If you cross again, will fate change?

If you cross again, will fate change?
If you cross again, will fate change?

The Orthodox Christian should believe only in God. Only our fate is known to the Almighty, he knows about our sins and thoughts.

  • Therefore, the believer and the clergyman to the question, if fate will change, will answer unequivocally: “Only God is known about our fate!”
  • Changes cannot occur, since only the Lord disposes of fate, and repeated baptism is a sin in which it will be necessary to repent.
  • Any priest knows that the occult doctrine of a change of name or repeated baptism is recognized as insolvent.
  • Let a person will have at least ten names, but knowledge of all of them does not give any power over him, if there are no marks of God.

Therefore, you need to follow the commandments of God and live according to its canons, and not believe the various occult sciences and teachings of magicians and psychics.

In what cases is a person crossed?

In what cases is a person crossed?
In what cases is a person crossed?

It was written above that repeated baptism is a sin. Priests will not baptize a person for the second time if they know that his first sacrament was true. Therefore, to the question: “In what cases do a person cross?”, There will be a unequivocal answer: “In no case.”

Advice: If you have any doubts about life, contact the priest with your question. He will certainly help and give an answer according to the laws of God and His commandments.

Repeated baptism is possible if the first is recognized as invalid, that is, it was committed at home and not a clergyman. Each priest has responsibility - 47 Apostolic rule. It says the following:

In what cases do a person cross: rules for priests
In what cases do a person cross: rules for priests

For the priest, sin is considered the following:

  • The second baptism, if the first was true.
  • The priest's refusal to commit baptism, if the first was untrue (committed by heretics, schismatics).

In the video following, the priest tells in detail that you can baptize a person for a second time.

Video: repeated baptism. Priest Maxim Kaskun

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