Is it possible to cut their children to their mother, father: signs. Can parents cut their children's hair: the opinion of the Church. Why don't you cut your child's hair?

Is it possible to cut their children to their mother, father: signs. Can parents cut their children's hair: the opinion of the Church. Why don't you cut your child's hair?

In this article, we will consider signs on the haircut of children and babies up to a year, and also find out whether they should adhere to them and why.

Modern parents heard a note that it is not worth it, or it is strictly forbidden to cut their own children. Often this can be heard from your own grandparents or from completely strangers of older people. To believe or not to believe in signs is everyone’s personal business, but it is still worth listening to certain instructions of the older generation. Therefore, we want to share such a convenient and practical issue as a haircut of our own children.

Is it possible for a mother or father to cut their children: folk signs

There are many prejudices about haircut of the hair of relatives. All superstitions regarding the circumcision of hair to close relatives relate to children. But there are signs that are connected precisely with the haircut of babies and children. They do not apply to other relatives.

They appeared for a very long time and were taken seriously by our ancestors for a reason. Although many of them have already lost their relevance and strength. Therefore, it is important to figure out which precursors of the appearance of such signs. And what in the modern world parents and their children can face failure to accept.

Important: This sign appeared in the 10th century. The fact is that from the time of the baptism of Russia, the hair has been very valued. The hair was a kind of connecting link between the bodily and heavenly world. But, according to most people invested in their heads by society, if you cut the hair, it is very easy to break this fragile connection with the sky. And since that time, the guardian angel in heaven will not be able to feel when the child is in danger to help him.

  • More than once you can hear a sign that prohibits the mother to touch her child with scissors with scissors. She, like other prejudices, takes her root for a very, very long time. The sign has been preserved to our time thanks to folklore, songs, rituals and traditions.
  • The history of the origin of the signs that mom cannot be cut down her child, lies back in the days of ancient states. In Russia there was a rite that all Christians adhered to. The essence of the rite was that children, namely babies up to a year, was forbidden to cut.
Previously, it was forbidden for children to cut up to a year
Previously, it was forbidden for children to cut up to a year
  • And this was strictly forbidden to do not only the mother, but to anyone, even a completely alien to the baby to a person. Although the dads rarely wielded scissors with their children, even a cut curl from his hands could glue misfortune for all the years of his child. After all, cutting their hair up to a year, parents deprived their baby of all support.
  • But when the child was performed exactly 12 months - a specially trained person came to the house where the child lived. He cut one curl from the child’s head. This procedure has always been accompanied by a specialist speech with a certain magical meaning. The rite was very mysterious and festive. The child’s conspiracy was stored behind the icon until the moment when the girl was married or the guy married.
    • Mother could not be cut her child, because she did not know the words that the master pronounced. Therefore, the curl from the head of the child would not protect him in further life. And the child could seriously get sick or even die as a baby - that is, up to 3 years old. This prejudice also concerned the father of a child of any gender.
  • Also, the mother in no case could cut her daughter. But this is already due to a different custom of that time. People were then sure that if the mother cuts her daughter, he would deprive her of family happiness. But this signs, for example, have signs with scattered salt to a quarrel, have a logical explanation for those times.
    • If one of the spouses suddenly sprinkled the salt, then, of course, this caused a family quarrel, because a dozen centuries ago this product stood a lot of money. Similarly, with her daughter’s mother’s haircut, the sign acted as a harbinger of the destruction of the family happiness of the child.
    • In Russia, a girl with a short oblique was considered ugly. A woman with a short haircut did not want to marry rich grooms. Therefore, it was impossible to acquire happiness in the family of a girl.
Mother was strictly forbidden to cut the curls of her daughter
Mother was strictly forbidden to cut the curls of her daughter

Is it possible for parents to cut their children: the opinion of priests about the ancient signs

Often in families between representatives of the young and older generation there are disputes. One of the current topics for family proceedings is whether it is necessary to adhere to certain signs. Some grandparents of children believe that Christians should not cut their descendants. Moreover, this cannot be done to parents who adhere to the Orthodox faith.

  • The argument for such a statement is very significant. Father or mother can take strength from the child. But there are certainly no exact facts that confirm this argument.
  • The ministers of the Church unanimously claim that neither in the Bible nor in the canons there is no indication that parents can not cut their children. And regarding the taken forces, this is superstition, which is probably preserved since the time of paganism, but not from the time of Christianity.
But the church does not see anything good in superstitions
But the church does not see anything good in superstitions

Should parents cut their children?

There are popular superstitions about the ban on hair cutting not only to children, but also to other close relatives. Children should not cut their parents, because they can shorten their lives. It was even believed that some descendants specially cut their elderly parents. They did this in order to bring their biological death closer and get an inheritance.

  • Here, the sex of the baby and parent plays a large role. For example, a mother cannot be cut a daughter. Recall that a mother who does not adhere to such a ban can deprive the female child of happiness and good luck. The ban is imposed on the haircut of his son by the father. After all, an adult can damage the child’s biofield.
  • Also, all, without exception, the inhabitants of Russia believed, if you cut your relatives, you will cut them off from yourself. And this meant that a family relationship would not be so strong or completely torn.
    • This situation was considered especially dangerous with young children. The lack of communication with relatives could lead to a child’s disease and a violation of trust relations between relatives. For adult children, parents were not so scary to cut. After all, they already started or already began an independent life.
  • Now, with the advent of hairdressing services, the problem of haircuts of the child with my mother’s or dad's efforts has almost disappeared. Indeed, there are experts who have a psychologist and the experience of cutting hair to babies and babies.
    • Good hairdressers for children will be able to make not only a high -quality haircut. They will be able to preserve the baby with a pleasant image of this slightly terrible, in their opinion, procedures.
  • But, again, there is an opinion that the hairdressers themselves came up with such prejudices. And they came up with them in order to get even more customers. After all, the fewer people will cut themselves on their own or cut their children at home, the more earnings will be the specialists of this sphere.
There is even some theory that these superstitions were invented by hairdressers
There is even some theory that these superstitions were invented by hairdressers
  • Nevertheless, most people believe that a haircut is the work of specialists. They received an education, and should receive money for their work. Therefore, almost all modern dads and mothers give to cut their children in the hands of hairdressers.
  • Moreover, it is simply not so convenient. And without certain skills, you can really steal the beauty of your baby literally. After all, crooked cascades and transitions certainly will not decorate anyone.

Important: Only in this case, keep in mind that the baby should cut a person of the same floor with him, because then he will not violate his biofield.

  • Although a small part of the people of hairdressing services is nevertheless avoided. And there are several reasons that affect the choice of parents contrary to any signs:
    • a haircut with strangers can harm a child’s health or will be dangerous. There is not only such an opinion of parents;
    • the cost of the service is slightly overstated. After all, parents from low -income families cannot afford it;
    • the child is very attached to parents and is afraid of adults of strangers;
    • mom or dad are representatives of the profession of hairdresser. In these cases, you can understand the parents, and there is a whole rational explanation so as not to adhere to signs.
But you must admit that now hairdressers have stepped far ahead
But you must admit that now hairdressers have stepped far ahead

To believe or not, we will repeat, to decide already to everyone on their own. But even without signs to cut a spinning baby is not so easy. Therefore, both from the aesthetic side and from the side will accept - it is better to surrender to a specialist. But the church refutes all signs as a sign of paganism.

Video: Why can't parents cut their children's hair?

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