Is it possible to sleep in disposable, one -day contact lenses day and night? What will happen if you fall asleep in one -day contact lenses: Experience Lian Kao. I forgot to remove the lenses for the night, the eyes are red, a veil in my eyes: what to do? What contact lenses can you sleep in?

Is it possible to sleep in disposable, one -day contact lenses day and night? What will happen if you fall asleep in one -day contact lenses: Experience Lian Kao. I forgot to remove the lenses for the night, the eyes are red, a veil in my eyes: what to do? What contact lenses can you sleep in?

In this article, we will consider how to wear one -day and disposable lenses.

The lenses became very popular among people with poor vision (by the way, not only, because colored lenses are no less in demand). And this is not surprising - they are much more convenient than glasses (although the latter bring some highlight to the image).

But the procedure for dressing and removing lenses requires some skills and a certain time. And with the last factor, sometimes small difficulties arise when you come in the evening exhausted after work. Therefore, let's delify in more detail the topic - is it possible to sleep in lenses, and what consequences can be.

Is it possible to sleep in disposable, one -day contact lenses day and night, only one night, what will happen?

It's no secret that sleeping in lenses is very harmful. This cannot be called a disadvantage, but sometimes it becomes very problematic. No matter how convenient in them is, but before bedtime they must be removed without fail. But what to do with a daytime sleep or in a situation when they decided to stay at a party. You can find many examples when there was no way or desire to remove the lenses.

Important: there are two types of lenses - from hard (the main component is polymethyl methacrylate) and soft material. In hard lenses, it is forbidden to sleep even in the afternoon of 1-2 hours. Soft lenses are made of helium or silicone, so they are allowed not only long -term wearing, but a dream in them.

But what about one -day lenses. First, let's look at them Benefits:

  • Yes, they also belong to soft lenses, which means that they pass the air better (in comparison with hard analogues).
  • Moreover, they are much thinner than other options. This means that they are not so noticeable to others (especially, those who are slightly embarrassed by their bad vision will appreciate it) and are less felt in the eye. Yes, it is completely inconvenient to wear lenses to some representatives, because this is an extraneous object in the eye that causes discomfort.
    • Keep in mind! If when wearing lenses you have a constant feeling of something superfluous, burning or even friction, then immediately remove the lenses and inform the optometrist.
  • They are considered the most hygienic. Everyone is familiar with the situation with solutions and containers for lenses, which you have to constantly have with you. He dressed one -day lenses, and in the evening he took off and threw it away.
    • You are freed from the need for solutions and containers. And you don’t score your head, and you free your bag.
    • How carefully do not wash your hands and do not follow the hygiene of all objects, and disposable lenses in comparison still win. You dress the lenses with sterile, and what is today, that tomorrow (since you open a new couple every time).
  • Disposable lenses are relatively available. At least recently (and yes, it is more about large cities). By the way, now there have been automatic machines with such lenses as with barbells or drinks. It is very convenient, because you do not need to go to a special store. True, you need to know exactly what value “+” or “-” should be lenses.
  • Regarding diversity or savings, then there is no great benefit. More precisely, it is generally equivalent to ordinary lenses. True, if you take into account solutions, containers or replacement in case of damage or loss, then disposable lenses win.
  • Such Lenses Ideal for beginners. You are not only not so felt, but the first time you need to get the same time to wear or remove them. And in case of damage, just take a new pair.

Is it possible to sleep in them? It seems that all lenses are made from one material (in this case, similarity specifically with soft lenses). But there is still a difference, basically it is density and oxygen permeability.

Important: one -day lenses are very thin and they are not suitable for storage at night in a container. They will simply spoil or lose their optical power.

  • At night, you can’t sleep in the lenses at night. Disposable lenses can lead to swelling of the eye and cornea. Moreover, if you sleep in them for a long time, then the adherence of the lens to the cornea itself can even occur.
    • Yes, there are such lenses that allow the dream and wearing of lenses for several days (the maximum term is a month). But! All ophthalmologists will be shouted unanimously (in the literal sense of the word) that this is simply unacceptable and insanely harmful to the eyes. It doesn't matter what lenses you have at night, eyes should rest!
  • Moreover, during sleep, the eyes (and with them lenses) do not receive the right moisture. After all, it occurs only in the process of blinking. Therefore, a long sleep can even harm your eyes during the day.
  • But if you want sleep 2-3 hours And not every day, then one -day lenses will easily transfer it. Opinions in this matter differ, to be honest.
    • Some claim that they could even oversleep all night and did not receive any negative consequences. But do not count on the advice of a girlfriend, only one thing can be said in this matter - the principle of lottery is valid.
    • And there are also representatives who even a short dream of 15 minutes, delivered a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, do not risk once again and always pay attention to your well -being.
Using lenses
Using lenses

And what can be the consequences:

  • We have already touched the first negative impact of sleep in lenses - this is the dry cornea. Yes, at night the eyes do not get the moisture that occurs in the process of blinking. Moreover, a one -day lens (yes, in principle, and any other) further exacerbates this situation.
    • Those who sleep in lenses or wear them longer than the due time, is familiar to the feeling of "sand in their eyes." This is a sign of drying out of the cornea.
  • In addition, oxygen metabolism is also worsening. And our eyes are necessary in the same way as other organs. The lens acts like a film. And for a long time, the property of passing oxygen worsens. Moreover, this will serve as a catalyst for the occurrence of infectious diseases.

Important: wear lenses (any) more than 12 hours. At this time, the duration of sleep includes. By the way, ideally, even limit the time up to 10 hours.

  • The next reason to abandon sleep in lenses is the accumulation of protein deposits and other eye pollution. It is no secret to anyone that dust and other deposits accumulate in a day. By the way, blinking helps in such a situation. But the film in the form of a lens contributes to their stagnation. That is, they remain in the eyes and on the lens itself. And this will negatively affect the health of the eyes and the suitability of the lens (that is, it will lose its properties faster).
  • Not many people know about the keratitis of the cornea (especially, ulcerative), but the dream in lenses almost 10 times increases the chances of catching such a disease. And if you also launch this ailment, then a deterioration in vision and the appearance of fear of light is possible. In principle, the signal of the disease is a decrease in vision and inflammatory processes.
  • Lack of oxygen is reflected negatively on the state of the cornea, but carbon dioxide (which accumulates) also contributes to the formation of a favorable environment for microbes.

Why you can’t sleep with disposable, one -day contact lenses: Lian Kao experience

The story that happened with the Taiwanese girl scattered all over the Internet and horrified the whole world. In the literal and figurative sense of the word! The girl on the one hand is very sorry, and on the other hand you understand that the wine lies completely on her. Yes, we are all not without sin. And everyone who wears lenses would once allow such a mistake as to go to bed in them (let's only be frank).

  • Here is the result of such laziness and led the girl to blindness. No, if you once - twice drunk at night in the lenses (even disposable), then nothing terrible will happen. But Lian Kao did not remove the lenses for 6 months.
    • Honestly, after sleep, burning begins and unpleasant sensations so much that I want to get rid of a foreign object in the eye faster. Perhaps the girl simply did not attach importance to the signals of the body. Yes, each organism reacts differently. Some, for example, note that after sleep they did not notice any discomfort.
  • But common sense always takes up. After all, we all know (even those who have no vision problems) that eyes should rest! The question arises, which there is no answer - the girl did not understand so much the seriousness of such consequences or was so too lazy to shoot them.
  • The girl was diagnosed acantameny punishes. Its causative agent is unicellular bacteria - acanthamoeba. And in six months they have accumulated a lot on the cornea and on the lenses themselves. And, in general, it’s hard to imagine how much muck (including dust and protein deposits) gathered for such a period. After all, for lenses, you also need to take care of this reason to clean and disinfect them. And one -day one needs to be thrown away.
    • By the way, water is favorable for such bacteria. The girl not only bathed constantly in the lenses, but also visited the pool. Now imagine a picture of what is the “clean” water. And it is no secret that the places of public bathing are also processed by various chemicals.
    • And I also want to highlight that after applying makeup, it needs to be washed off. We doubt that the young girl did not resort to the help of cosmetics. Even if she washed away the makeup on time, his particles again fell on the lenses. As neatly, not my eyes and do not wipe them with special means, particles of “garbage” (let's call it like that) fall into our eyes. Then they will come out naturally, but the lenses interfered with this, clogging both herself and the eye.
  • Also, one fact is a little embarrassing - this is time and symptoms. Look, an acantame -based picture is the last stage. In total, four stages of the disease are accrued:
    • superficial epithelial punishes
    • then the point stage follows
    • after it comes the stromal ring.
    • ulcerative will punish as the final stage
The result of a girl who did not remove lenses for 6 months
The result of a girl who did not remove lenses for 6 months
  • Moreover, all stages of the disease are also characterized by related symptoms that are constantly growing. Everything begins with a banal redness, and develops into the strongest pain of the most eyeball. There is also a decrease or complete loss of vision. In addition to all, photophobia and a feeling of a foreign body, which even prevents even blinking, develops.
  • Therefore, it becomes incomprehensible how it was possible to not notice the onset of the disease in time. But there are some pitfalls - these the disease is very insidious. Not everyone has the symptoms begin to appear in advance or on time. The girl, unfortunately, reacted to that group of people when medicine became helpless. Yes, the disease can develop for several years and not show itself.

Important: therefore, do not wait for any signals. Take for your strict rule - give your eyes to relax from lenses. And you need to do this more than once every six months. Ideally, you need to do this every night. Although there are lenses (we will return to them below), when you can even wear a few days or a whole month without removing.

  • What else I want to add - the girl is very young. She is only 23 years old, but bacteria just " eaten "her eyeballs. This is not an exaggeration! By the way, this disease is relatively rare.
  • And now a note of drama - the girl wore disposable lenses! We have already said that they are very thin and with prolonged wearing simply begin to collapse, forming all conditions for the development of microorganisms and bacteria.
  • And the most deplorable in such a story is this is irrevocability. This ailment is not treated at all. His only treatment lies in constant moisture of the eyeball with drops. And in such a severe case, only surgical intervention should be used. That is, the transplantation of the donor cornea.

Let such bitter experience be the first and last in history. But we can only draw the right conclusion - always remove the lenses for the night. Do not go to public pools in lenses! And always clean them. There is nothing to say for disposable lenses - they need to be thrown away after one day of use!

I forgot to remove the lenses for the night, the eyes are red, a veil in my eyes: what to do?

Everything happens in life - I forgot, remained spontaneously visiting, and there was no container and solution at hand. By the way, about such emergency situations - make it a rule to have the necessary devices at hand. To date, there are even compact miniature powders (they are just very similar to them), in which there is a container itself and a small bottle of solution. This is so, take a note.

But what to do if they accidentally fell asleep in the lenses:

  • The first and main rule is not to panic. Nothing fatal happened and you will not lose vision. Naturally, we are talking in one night, and not in six months, as in the previous example. After all, fear and negative thoughts in the head often create fictitious symptoms.
    • No, we do not say that there will be no consequences. Simply, sometimes, drawing terrible paintings in the head, we begin to look for frightening signs in ourselves.
  • Without fail, remove the lenses immediately after sleep. We went to wash, thoroughly washed your hands and take off the little assistants. By the way, everything is aware of one important rule - clean hands. But we still recall (recall the bitter experience of the Taiwanese girl) Dirty hands, even in the process of removing lenses, can start an infection and cause, for example, conjunctivitis.
    • On a note! If you have a situation when there is nowhere to wash your hands, and you need to remove the lenses, then use the Hota with wet wipes. But this is only in extreme cases.
  • Often the consequences are that the eyes (or one eye) become red, a burning sensation and even itching appears. Also, the appearance of veils is possible in front of our eyes or there is a decrease in visual acuity (even in lenses or glasses). Moisturizing drops will come to the rescue.

Important: do not trust advertising or the advice of friends. Yes, one tool is suitable for one, but for you it can be helpless. Therefore, always consult with an optometrist. Moreover, if you wear lenses, then suitable drops should always stand in a prominent place. If you often find outside the house, then put the bottle in your cosmetic bag. Moreover, it does not take up a lot of space and weighs no more than 100 g.

  • If you are worried about visual impairment, then, as a rule, after one night it will restore after a while. But the optometrist will not hurt (especially if the eye swam or conjunctivitis, for example). He will not only conduct diagnostics of the eye, but also prescribe the correct treatment.
  • Give at least a day (or better a few) to relax from the lenses. Yes, do not wear them at all. If you can’t do without them, then go to glasses.
  • It often happens that the lenses glued to the cornea itself. In such a situation, do not try to remove them by force. Thus, you can damage the cornea. Run your eyes and try to repeat the procedure again.
You can't sleep in lenses
You can't sleep in lenses

Of course, everyone can have an individual reaction. After all, it all depends on the sensitivity and susceptibility of our eyes. But do not hope for accidental luck, and try to avoid such situations.

Small tips in extreme cases:

  • For example, you remained to spend the night outside the house. If you can do the next day without lenses, then remove them without thinking. And place the lenses in glasses with water. Just don't try to wear them in the morning. After such an overnight stay, the lenses need to be “marched” for several hours in the solution so that they cleanly clean.
  • If you can’t get to the house without lenses, then remove them in the very near future, be sure to moisten your eyes and let them relax the day.

What contact lenses can you sleep in? There is an opinion that there are lenses in which you can even sleep. Immediately recall that one -day lenses do not concern such an aspect. And this is true - not so long ago (relatively) lenses appeared in which you can sleep.

  • Silicone - hydrogelia lenses can be worn from 6 days to 30 (that is, for a month).
  • And all due to the fact that silicone allows the cornea to receive the necessary oxygen as much as possible. While the hydrogel contributes to the excellent moisture of the eye.
  • By the way, for comparison, ordinary soft hydrogelia lenses have a bandwidth of up to 80 DK/T, but silicone-hydrogelia lenses almost doubled this value-100-160 units.
  • Of course, the manufacturer plays a large role. And in this matter, the price is directly related to quality. Therefore, do not save on your eyesight and eye health. By the way, the interval of wearing lenses also depends on the price.
  • But! Doctors do not recommend greatly abuse even such a product. We repeat ourselves again, at night the eyes should rest. But if you plan to spend the night in the lenses, then at least remove them and rinse with the solution. Then you can wear it at night.
  • By the way, even after such wonderful lenses, in the morning the eyes need to be moistened by burying drops or the same solution for lenses. And moisten the eyeball, and clean the lenses a little from the keratinized clusters.
  • At the first opportunity, remove even such lenses and let's relax to your eyes! If there is no way to pass without them for a long time, then at least refrain for 1 hour.
You should choose high -quality lenses
You should choose high -quality lenses

If we talk about firms, then leading positions occupy:

  • Pure Vision and Pure Vision2 from Bauch & Lomb (by the way, the second version is even more improved)
  • "Air Optix Night & Day" manufacturer Alcon Ciba Vision
  • and from Cooper Vision Biofinity lenses

And I would also like to add a few words about colored lenses:

  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep in them! They are more dense and much worse passing oxygen. Once again, we recall that oxygen starvation is a direct road to the development of various eye infections.
  • And colored lenses even during the day, without sleep can be worn not more than 8 hours. Some manufacturers allow the number 10. But this is the maximum value.

Video: How to use one -day contact lenses?

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Comments K. article

  1. If possible, it is better to replace with beautiful glasses.

  2. It is better not to sleep in lenses at all. Not in any. It is necessary to operate them to the maximum in order to avoid problems with the eyes.

  3. If you can’t sleep in lenses according to the instructions, then you should not do this. I have dry air at work, also a computer before my eyes, so discomfort is not rare. I use an artel from the artlack, they contain a hyaluron that moisturizes the eyes, and also a special tread that prolongs its effect. And vitamin B12, which is part of drops, is an antioxidant. I also apply Corneregel, he heals the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye to drive the Dexpanthenol, which is contained in it.

  4. You can’t sleep in lenses, and you can’t wear them more than it is written in the instructions either.

  5. It depends on what they write in the instructions. Although I still try to give my eyes to relax and so I wear the lenses for many years and because of insufficient moisture or some other nuances, the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye is annoyed. To heal the cornea, I apply Corneregel for the night, but in the afternoon I use an artlack with a drop of drops so that there was no eyes to moisturize and discomfort.

  6. For several years I wear lenses for several years, but they don’t risk sleep in them, even if in the evening there is no time to wash them with a solution and so on) all the more so if they wear them for a long time, the cornea can be damaged. But I have Corneregel for such cases, so, in principle, I am not afraid of anything) This gel rogovitsa heals easily, eliminates problems with the eyes.

  7. I wear lenses for a long time, I can’t imagine myself with glasses already. Above the girls wrote about Corneregel, here is a very good and desired remedy, I usually apply much better before bedtime. Well, I use drops in the afternoon, so that there is no dryness. I will use an artelak balance, there as part of vitamin B12, which serves as an antioxidant and a hyaluron, while its effect is still prolonged by a special protector.

  8. I always shoot before going to bed. I wear twelve hours of the lens, I have one -day biotrue oneday -what is the most convenient option. In the evening I threw it away, in the morning I put on fresh. These lenses have a special layer that holds moisture, so that I do not have discomfort at all. And the clarity of vision is gorgeous, no glare, which is important for me, I drive by car.

  9. You definitely do not need to sleep. I even have discomfort even without it. About Corneregel, the correct remedy was written above, I put everything much better before bedtime. Well, I use a drip of artillery, I like a splash, they moisturize well enough.

  10. Elena, here I also wear Biotrue Oneday lenses, satisfied. And it is convenient to wear that they are one -day and dryness in them, they have a special edge, which does not interfere with a tear under the lens to fall. How much I use, nickname.

  11. I wear two -week lenses, I do not sleep in no. I put in the solution at night. At the same time, not in any, I use it, I use it. He is high-quality, it cleanses the lenses excellent and the hyaluron contains, linzes the lenses. My eyes then feel comfortable all day.

  12. I wear Bausch+Lomb Ultra, these are not one -day lenses, the eyes in them do not dry and I never feel any discomfort. But sleeping in lenses would never lay down.

  13. My optometrist advised me Biotrue OneDay, and I use them. The lenses are one -day and very comfortable. They have a special edge, which does not interfere with a tear under the lens to fall, therefore, good moisture is provided. You can see everything is fine too, no glare happens, this is important, since driving.

  14. I think it's not for sure. I now wear two -week lenses, I definitely keep them in the solution at night, so that my eyes feel good in the morning. I use biotra, he cleanses the lenses well and moisturizes them, it contains a hyaluron, as in drops.

  15. I, too, are not risking in the lenses to sleep, although I wear one -day biotrue oneday, they sit well in my eyes, and my eyes do not dry in them all day, and I see it well in them. But do not risk sleep in lenses. Yes, and I do not see the need.

  16. I also want to choose lenses for myself, but somehow I can’t do it (((

  17. Arina, so if you can’t do it yourself, then maybe it is better to see a doctor? The ophthalmologist then clearly will help you choose lenses. For example, I, on the advice of an ophthalmologist, began to wear a Biotra Vandei. And you know these one -day units completely suit me, since even after 12 hours in the lenses (and this happens from time to time), my eyes do not dry, no unpleasant sensation arises.

  18. Whatever the comfortable and comfortable lenses, no, no, you’ll scratch your eyes, especially if the manicure is not under the root ... Therefore, in my home medicine cabinet, Corneregel is always available, it has a special panthenol for the eyes, which helps to restore tissues.

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