Is it possible to leave charging in a socket?

Is it possible to leave charging in a socket?

In this article, we will consider whether it is possible to leave exercises in the outlet and what risks are.

We will not say that everything, but many of us leave charging in the outlet, even when the phone is already charged. In order to more, for some it can simply be there as a permanent spot. But there are some fears that are often scared of us when we forget to extract a charger from a socket. And, however, this is a myth - we speak in this material.

Is it safe to leave charging in a socket?

The most important reason why you can’t leave charging in a socket without a phone is fire safety! Of course, many will begin to object that then all the equipment in the house needs to be turned off so that there are no threats. But we recall the proverb that "God protects the core."

Important: many of us like to leave exercises in the outlet for the night, charging the phone itself. Recall that in order to completely charge the battery on a cell phone needs about 2-3 hours. If you regularly leave a mobile phone to charge at night, over time it can very much spoil the battery performance. And each time the need for charging the phone will increase.

By the way, the phone left for the night is also a danger
By the way, the phone left for the night is also a danger
  • If your device is charged and not connected to the power, but the charging is inserted into the outlet - electricity will still be used. And all because today almost all the charges of the impulsive type.
    • Fortunately, the left exercise in the outlet consumes extremely little electricity, and in a month this can cost only a few cents. Well, maybe a couple of rubles.
    • So that it makes no sense to eliminate the charger from the outlet in order to save. The microwave oven consumes approximately the same amount of electricity, which, in fact, is turned off, but is still included in the outlet.
  • But here the efficiency of the charger is reduced. Also slightly, but there is a decline. This happens unnoticed and the result can be visible several years later, when the phone will need to be charged much longer. And now, together, many unanimously say that by that time you can change the phone, and a new charge is not a problem to buy a new one.

Important: charging in the outlet is strictly forbidden to leave during a thunderstorm, as well as other expensive equipment. After all, this can lead to a closure that will disable all devices and even become the cause of the fire.

Left charges, albeit a little, but consume energy and are energized
Left charges, albeit slightly, consume energy and are energized
  • But all these are only small warnings. The main risk lies in safetyBased on which immediately after the phone has charged up to 100%, the charger must be pulled out of the outlet. Leaving charging in the outlet for the night or for the period when you are not at home, you risk become a victim of a leap of stress. And this can lead to a sudden fire.
  • There are two directions that are completely dependent on the quality. Good chargers, which are made of high -quality materials and according to all the rules, have fuses for such cases. As can be seen in the photo, protection against such changes is built in the charge.
New charges are equipped with protection against voltage drops
New charges are equipped with protection against voltage drops
  • By the way, most of modern chargers can withstand heavy loads. Yes, it is undesirable to work constantly. But a kind of jump can withstand. And also a good example.
The limits of the voltage that the device can withstand
The limits of the voltage that the device can withstand
  • But very often Chinese manufacturers save on copper for the transformer itself, and capacitors have too close to it. What and becomes the reason for their heating. The quality of the capacitors themselves also plays an important role. In order to more, over time it can weaken.
  • It is bad capacitors that often do not withstand the surge. And if all the above reasons are put into one, then cases are justified when charging simply exploded. And this will already cause not only a breakdown of a device that is not so much, but also a fire in the whole house.
Board of poor quality can really explode from a jump in energy
Board of poor quality can really explode from a jump in energy

Important: if your charger heats up not only during charging, but even without a phone, then it should not be left in the outlet for a long time. It’s better to refuse at all. This is a direct clue about poor quality.

Many experts strongly recommend charging any device exclusively under your supervision, and as soon as charging reaches the percentage you need, instantly turn it off from the outlet. As you can see, the left exercise in the outlet carries only a minimal danger. But still it is present, especially if the device is of low quality. Nothing terrible will happen if you forget to pull out the charger. But I recall another Russian proverb where it is better not to lose vigilance!

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to remove the charge from the outlet?

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  1. I will answer you as an electronic engineer and telemaster.
    A modern TV has a special power supply, a special waiting function. The very same time exploded two Japanese charging from reliable firms. They bring a lot with burnt boards, it was just lucky that they did not melt and burn. And do not compare exercises with a TV and a refrigerator !!!
    During voltage throws, the TV can turn on quickly, immediately turn off and the power supply will burn. But the TV still has fuse, they are required to burn. Although, as a telemaster with a 35 year old experience and an electronic engineer, I always advise you to turn off the TV when you leave for the weekend on vacation. I saw TVs burnt to the ground. A flood from neighbors, a lightning entering or like my friend, an electrical fool from ZhEK mixed the wires and all the electronic alarm clocks to the TV with the refrigerator covered up !!! Six months on the courts, since there is no insurance, the electrician was simply forced to pay for the repair.

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