Can cucumbers be nursing mom during breastfeeding? The beneficial properties of cucumbers for the body, the permitted number of fresh and small -salted cucumbers in the diet of a nursing woman. How to enter cucumbers in the menu of a nursing mother?

Can cucumbers be nursing mom during breastfeeding? The beneficial properties of cucumbers for the body, the permitted number of fresh and small -salted cucumbers in the diet of a nursing woman. How to enter cucumbers in the menu of a nursing mother?

In this article, a young mother will be able to draw information for herself about whether cucumbers are possible during breastfeeding.

Cucumbers benefit, regardless of the age of the person. They are also useful during breastfeeding, but at the same time a woman should take into account some points and contraindications. Which ones you will find out later.

Cucumbers during breastfeeding: beneficial properties

Cucumbers have almost no contraindications, because thanks to them:

  • Toxins are excreted from the body.
  • You can quench the feeling of hunger.
  • Replenish stocks of useful substances.

But during the use of these vegetables when breastfeeding, mom simply must be careful, since the gastrointestinal tract of newborns can react differently to the components that are contained in cucumbers. Of course, you should not completely exclude vegetables from the diet, but if necessary, it is necessary to limit their number. Therefore, if you are a young mother, then you should know how many cucumbers you are allowed to eat when exactly, so as not to harm the health of the peanut.

For a young mother
For a young mother

Cucumbers consist of almost one liquid. Therefore, they are a powerful cleansing agent that helps to remove harmful substances from the body.

  • Cleaning is carried out naturally. Thanks to the cucumbers, the stool is normalized, the functionality of the urinary tract is activated. There are women who, after the birth of a child, are faced with problems associated with the work of the intestine. The use of such vegetables in decent quantities only solves these problems.
  • Cucumbers contain many useful substances. Consequently, they penetrate the child’s body along with milk, while strengthening its immunity and increasing the confrontation of the disease.
  • An important point for any young mother is how tartronic acid affects the exchange of carbohydrates. Thanks to this process, a woman can lose the excess weight that she gained during pregnancy.
  • Small calorie content - This is also an important factor that helps stabilize body weight. Therefore, if you can’t lose weight after childbirth, replace with cucumbers any other products, for example, bananas.
  • Since food fibers are present in cucumbers, the digestive tract begins to function normally, as a result of which digestion and metabolic processes are normalized.
  • There are a lot of potassium in vegetables, as well as iodine. These substances positively affect the heart of the mother and baby. Potassium also normalizes the functionality of the kidneys.

A similar effect on the mother’s body has a positive effect on the baby. With the help of cucumbers, you can lose weight, improve the external state of the epidermis and the condition of the whole organism.

Can fresh cucumbers be nursing mom during breastfeeding?

Cucumbers are contraindicated in breastfeeding in such cases:

  • If you complain about the digestive tract diseases. For example, on an ulcer, increased acidity.
  • If a child has a bloating in the tummy, fermentation in the intestines.
  • If cucumbers were grown with violations and not season. In this case, as a rule, vegetables contain many chemical components.

Despite the fact that cucumbers have a long list of useful qualities, it is forbidden to use cucumbers to many nursing mothers. This applies to those women who have gastrointestinal diseases. Cucumber is able to cause serious complications of diseases, as well as destabilize the feeding procedure.

A serious reason due to which urgently needs to stop eating cucumbers-intestinal bloating, the occurrence of fermentation in the baby’s intestines. Similar phenomena can cause severe diarrhea, as well as colic in infants. The child cannot bear them, he begins to cry, almost does not sleep, becomes very restless. In order to prevent such anomalies, just stop using cucumbers.

Cucumbers when feeding
Cucumbers when feeding

If you carefully choose vegetables, then you should take into account the following indicators:

  • The place where the cucumbers were grown.
  • Growing technology.
  • Growing season.

The greenhouse vegetables, which are grown in winter, have a large number of nitrates in the composition. Therefore, they are dangerous to both mom and child. Therefore, do not insert cucumbers into the diet in the winter and spring time. Cucumbers grown at home are considered the safest. If you live in an apartment, then start buying vegetables from mid -June. So you will protect yourself and the child from problems, since it is from this time that only soil vegetables that do not have negative consequences are sold in the markets and store.

Cucumbers during breastfeeding: In what form is it better to use a nursing mother?

Diet during GV is considered more stringent than during pregnancy. Many young mothers are surprised when they learn from the doctors that it is forbidden to use any certain products, and some can, but in a limited quantity. Cucumbers belong to the last category of products, and therefore you should know if you can cucumbers during breastfeedingIn what quantities, which vegetables are better to buy?

Doctors say that exclusively fresh cucumbers need to eat. Only in a fresh state they do not lose their own useful components, which improve health and mothers and baby.

Carry out a small experiment: eat a small piece of cucumber in the morning, and then track whether the child is concerned about the child. If, nevertheless, the baby is disturbed by the intestinal problems, then forget about cucumbers for a while. This means that such a product is contraindicated in your little one.

If your child’s troubles have not touched, then you can eat fresh cucumbers, but in small portions. Remember that it is also necessary to focus on your feelings and how the baby feels.


The correct use of cucumbers in fresh state brings the following positive effects:

  • Milk will begin to be better replenished, as cucumbers contain a lot of water.
  • Digestion is normalized due to fiber and dietary fiber.
  • The child will lose constipation, the work of the intestine will normalize.
  • Thanks to cucumbers, together with milk, the beneficial substances will penetrate the children's body that will strengthen the health of the peanut, normalize its metabolic processes.

Is it possible for small -salted cucumbers to be a nursing mother during breastfeeding?

The digestion of the baby depends directly on what kind of products the mother consumes. If you adore homemade salt, think about how the child’s body will react to such a product. Eat 1 \\ 2 vegetables for starters. Also try to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

  • The first time you can eat a cucumber when your child is 3 months old.
  • Eat 1 piece of vegetable and do not add other new products on the same day. In this case, you will learn that a negative reaction (if it occurs) will be from a cucumber.
  • Start experimenting in the morning. In the evening, the emerging dysfunctions from the new product will be eliminated by the little product.
  • As soon as the child’s body begins to respond normally to this ingredient, you can repeat the experiment after 2 days. If there are no troubles 2 times, then you can use cucumbers.
  • Limit 2 cucumbers, no more. Use them only with other products, on an empty stomach is not recommended. It is not advisable for each person to eat small -salted fruits on an empty stomach, especially a young mother who feeds the baby with breast milk.
Small cucumbers

In order to understand how the child reacted to small -salted cucumbers, in the case of breastfeeding, you will have to study all the symptoms of negative consequences:

  • The baby is concerned about bloating with pain in the intestine.
  • The child is worried, cries, behaves nervously.
  • The baby has a rash on the skin.
  • A chair is disturbed, which is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation.
  • The baby is tormented by a strong thirst.

The occurrence of only one symptom suggests that the child's body does not want to take this product. Refuse little cucumbers, repeat the attempt after 1 month.

How to enter cucumbers in the menu of a nursing mother?

The reaction of the female body to certain products is transmitted to the child. Consequently, enter the vegetables into your diet carefully. In medicine, there have been such cases when children arose in various intestinal disorders after mom eaten fresh or alcohol cucumbers. Basically, they were manifested as:

  • Painful bloating
  • Gases in the intestines
  • The occurrence of colic

The most serious consequence that occurs in such situations is dysbiosis. For less than 3 months, the impaired intestinal performance is characteristic for less than 3 months. Why is this happening? After eating cucumbers, milk in the intestines begins to wander, causing pain. This phenomenon can worsen and bring the baby suffering. It is because of this that the doctors do not advise a nursing mommy to eat vegetables if her peanut is not 3 months old.

By 5 months we introduce cucumbers
By 5 months we introduce cucumbers

The ideal period when you can introduce cucumbers into your own diet is when the baby is 4 or 5 months old. By this time, the child has problems associated with digestion, and therefore the baby begins to respond to new ingredients not very sensitive. Do this gradually, in small portions, eat cucumbers only in the morning, so that during the day you can follow the reaction of the baby.

Remember the fact that a cucumber is a useful ingredient for both mommy and her peanut. Therefore, do not refuse these vegetables. Eat in accordance with the advice of doctors and try to additionally focus on your observations of the sensations and reaction of the child.

Video: Nutrition of a young mother: Dr. Komarovsky

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