Can a child be called in honor of a relative or other person in honor of the saint?

Can a child be called in honor of a relative or other person in honor of the saint?

When choosing a name for a child, many factors should be taken into account. Quite often, parents decide to name him in honor of a relative or close person, but this decision will not always be beneficial.

More information about what names can be called a child will be described in this article.

Can a child be called the name of a painful, deceased, deceased or self-assembly relative?

  • It is not recommended to call the child the name of the relative who died. In particular, if he died in infancy. Such a solution can cause the same untimely death. Among the exceptions, the situation should be distinguished if the relative is listed among dead during hostilities. Esotericists believe that you will add to the life of a child the years that have been uninhabited by a relative.
  • If you want to name a child in honor of a relative who lived for a long time and has a happy family, you can safely do it. Thanks to this you improve the baby’s fate.
  • The child should not be called the name of a relative who died a violent death or as a result of suicide. Such adverse consequences will overshadow the life of the baby.

Can a child be called the name of a living or deceased father?

  • Some parents decide to name the child with the name of the father. As you know, between relatives-teses will be formed close connectionwhich can provoke additional life difficulties. However, such a decision can positively affect life. Your baby can achieve all your goals.
  • If you decide to name the child in honor of his father, he can become a parent not a student and support. The namesakes can become rivals in life. It is likely that the son will follow in the footsteps of the parent. It’s good if a man lived before that, as a kind and purposeful person.
Name in honor of the father of the child is acceptable
Name in honor of the father of the child is acceptable

Can a child be called a living or dead mother?

  • If you name a child in honor of the mother, this can cause repetition of female fate. In addition, the girl is on the strong influence of her mother.
  • Even if the daughter grows up, and gets her family, she will be closely connected with the energy of her mother. This can cause many disagreements in the family. The girl will not be able to fully live her life.

Can a child be called the name of a deceased or a living grandmother or a deceased or a living grandfather?

  • If you decide to name a child in honor of your grandparents, you should think carefully. If relatives are alive, they will have divide the guardian angelWhat is not too good for fate and energy protection.
  • According to esotericists, there is another reason why the baby should not be called in honor of the grandparents. Otherwise, you risk give him a different fate. The child will have to be responsible for karma of a kind that can cause certain life difficulties.
  • The situation may worsen if you call a child in honor of grandparents who died not by their death. A son or daughter can be doomed to loneliness, and will not be able to create their full -fledged family.

Can a child be called in honor of a living or deceased brother, sister?

  • The child should not be called in honor of the living brother or sisters. This can provoke confusion in the family.
  • In honor of the dead brothers and sisters, the baby should also not be called so that he does not repeat their fate. The exception is if the eldest son or daughter were heroes, and did good deeds.

Can a child be called the name of another living or deceased relative?

  • As mentioned earlier, the child should not be called the names of other relatives. It doesn’t matter if they are alive or dead. Especially if a person was a bad character.
  • Not the best option if the relative had bad habits, or led the wrong lifestyle. You risk giving your child the same fate. Ancient times did not name children in honor of drowned people. It was believed that the baby could drown in the future.
  • If the relative achieved the goals, was honest and kind - feel free to call the baby in his unit. In this case, the child will be happy and successful.

Can a child be called a double name?

  • In the past few years, it has become fashionable to call children double names. Such a tradition appeared in those days when the child was named after the saint, on the day of which the baby was born. If a certain name did not suit relatives, they went to a small trick, giving the child a double name. One corresponded to the saint, and the second was used in everyday life.
  • Today, even in Russia, it is customary to call children double names. You should choose Christian names, because you are tied to the children of the guardian angel. It will protect a person all his life from troubles and sorrows.
  • The double name will be the best option for those parents who cannot agree among themselves, and choose one option. According to statistics, people with a double name achieve their goals, and become very happy.
  • One should also take into account the fact that double names are a double load on the character of a person. Therefore, first study all the values \u200b\u200bof the selected options. If you can choose a beautiful and correct name, facilitate the fate of the baby.
How to call a child
How to call a child

Can a child be called an American or Muslim name?

  • Today, foreign names are in demand, in particular American ones. Some parents prefer to call the child a Muslim name, especially if one of the parents profess Islam.
  • This is not prohibited, however, certain difficulties may arise. At a minimum - you will not be able to conduct a ritual of baptism in the church. We'll have to choose an Orthodox name.

Can a child be called in honor of the saint?

  • It used to be customary to name a child in honor of the saint. At the same time, it was taken into account on what day the baby was born. If you don’t like the indicated name, you can see the options prescribed on the 40th day from birth. It is during this period that baptism is held.
  • It is important to determine the meaning of the chosen name. It will have a huge impact on the character and fate of children.

Can a child be called Eve?

  • Today, Eve is a very popular name. Many Orthodox think about whether they can call them a child. Especially if his birthday is far from the day of memory of St. Eve.
  • Esotericists believe that such a solution will be very relevant. After all, the child will be patronized by the child herself the child. This will help him achieve the goals and be happy.

Now you know how to choose the right names for children, and in honor of whom they can be called. It is best to choose names that have not yet met in the family. If you want to respect a relative, first analyze his fate. Choose the names of those relatives who have lived a long and happy life.

What is the best to call a child: reviews

  • Gennady, 45 years old: We thought for a long time about what name to choose for the baby. We decided to name his son in honor of the grandfather, who was the hero of the Great Patriotic War. Today, his son is already 23 years old, and he has grown with a completely purposeful and responsible man.
  • Elena, 27 years old: After the birth of her son, she wanted to name him in honor of her father, who died. However, after studying many facts, I decided not to do this. This is due to the fact that the father committed suicide. Therefore, she picked up a beautiful foreign name - Oliver.
  • Christina, 34 years old: From her youthful years she knew how I would name my son and daughter. However, a lot of time passed, and the names that I have selected earlier have ceased to be relevant. That is why, after the birth of the twins, the son called Timur, and the daughter - Olivia. There are no relatives with such names in the family, so there will be no confusion.

We will also talk about such names:

Video: Is it possible to name a child in honor of the father?

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