Can a pancake be a nursing mother? Pancakes during breastfeeding: pancake filling, useful components and recipe

Can a pancake be a nursing mother? Pancakes during breastfeeding: pancake filling, useful components and recipe

Are you a young mommy and want to cook pancakes? Let's find out if you can.

Pancakes are an integral part of our kitchen. We eat them for breakfast or dinner, and we don’t imagine our festive table without this dish at all. But what to do if the family has a breast -breastfeed mommy? Can she eat such food and will this affect the quality of milk?

Pros and cons of pancakes by a nursing mother

  • First about the good. Pancakes are traditionally considered sweet pastries, and sweets, as you know, stimulate the production of hormone joywhich positively affects as breast milk. This is a hearty dish, which is also important for the well -being and mood of the mother, and, therefore, affects the quantity and quality of milk. Milk or dairy products included in the test are rich in calcium so necessary for the baby. That's perhaps that’s all.
  • Now consider the disadvantages. Firstly, high calorie contentSecondly, the process of frying itself is not the best way to cook food for a nursing mother. Fat Blinov can provoke the appearance of colic and bloating in the baby after breastfeeding, and many products can be allergens in the test.

To begin with, let's see what is part of the pancakes. The usual, it would seem, milk and butter, traditional eggs and flour, well, sugar, of course. But the problem is that the baby may have an allergy for the same milk, because unfortunately, the organisms of some children do not tolerate lactose contained in cow's milk. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but if you really want pancakes, prepare them with maximum safety for the composition of breast milk and, accordingly, the baby.

How to cook pancakes so that they can be consumed by a nursing mother?

  • First, take barley instead of wheat flour. It has a sufficient content of beta-gluten, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels and is necessary for the cardiovascular system. Magnesium and phosphorus, very necessary precisely during the restoration of the mother's body.
  • You can take equally flour and ground oatmeal. And, by the way, there is flour, designed specifically for baking pancakes, in which wheat flour is mixed with buckwheat and rye - you can use it.
  • Replace milk with fermented milk products: kefir, yoke or serum, and even better with boiled water. This is the safest and, by the way, a useful option, since the number of calories will significantly decrease in the test.
  • There are no special requirements for the eggs, except for the only one - they should be fresh and in no way bought from their hands in order to exclude the possible content of salmonella in them. Many mothers are added to the dough not chicken, but quail eggs. They have more nutrients for crumbs, in addition, they give pancakes a beautiful golden color.
  • It is more difficult with sugar, because during breastfeeding it is absolutely not needed. Therefore, try to sweeten pancakes with honey, but only a little bit, because honey can also be an allergenic product. And if suddenly the baby has an allergy to honey, immediately refuse to use it. And, of course, in no case do not introduce yeast into the test!
It is important to choose the right ingredients
It is important to choose the right ingredients

It is desirable to fry pancakes in a Teflon pan, since fats and oils do not need fats and oils at all, and pancakes can burn in a conventional frying pan without them. If this is not possible, at least fry in sunflower oil, just without pouring it into a frying pan, but lubricating its bottom with a brush.

What is the filling in the pancakes of the nursing mother?

So that the benefits for the baby and mother are maximum, fill the pancakes loof cottage cheese. Or just dip them in honey or jam (but only on condition, again, that the child does not have allergies to these products).

So that the pancakes are more nutritious and useful, you can take it for the filling boiled meat or fish (preferably red), make a vegetable or fruit mixture to which it will be good to add sour cream.

With red fish
With red fish

No mushrooms, ham or minced meat, no acute seasonings, and the sweet tooth is separately recalling that condensed milk should also not be used. Enjoy your meal!

Pancakes for a nursing mother: recipe

Here is one of the recipes that is easy to prepare and is safe enough for the child.

  • Beat the egg well. Having added two glasses of boiled water to it and whip this mixture again, we gradually pour three quarters of the flour, stirring all the time.
  • When you achieve the consistency of kefir, pour a tablespoon of oil and mix thoroughly. Set aside the dough for 40 minutes, and then, once again mixing, start baking.
Try 1 piece
Try 1 piece

Start with one little thing. As with the introduction of any new product or dish for your child, carefully observe the baby’s reaction after feeding for a couple of days. And only when make sure that everything is in order, you can pamper yourself with pancakes, not forgetting, of course, about a sense of proportion. After all, the mother herself does not need excess weight at all.

So mommy can pamper yourself with pancakes? Why not? The main thing is to listen to the recommendations above. In addition, you need to know that pediatricians recommend using pancakes to the nursing mother no earlier than the child will turn three months old, before that it will be difficult for him to digest such a component of milk.

Video: Nutrition of a nursing mother and colic

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