Is it possible, when the jellied meat is cooked, add water: secrets and subtleties from cooks. If the jelly turned out to be thick, can it be added to water?

Is it possible, when the jellied meat is cooked, add water: secrets and subtleties from cooks. If the jelly turned out to be thick, can it be added to water?

When the jelly is cooked, is it allowed to add water? There are secrets of cooks and cooks.

Jellied meat is a hearty and nutritious dish. It has a second name - “jelly”, often used in the northern regions of Russia. It is not only tasty, but also very useful. The collagen contained in the cold man helps to strengthen bone and connective tissue, accelerates the pace of bone restoration after fractures.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "When to salt jelly during cooking: at the beginning or at the end of cooking?". You will find out how much and how to salt the jelly correctly.

From this article you will learn is it possible when the jelly is cooked to add water. You will also find a recipe for a delicious jerky. Read further.

Correct jelly: secrets and subtleties from cooks

Correct jelly
Correct jelly

This dish is prepared for a holiday table and on weekdays. Each experimental housewife has its own recipe. What kind of meat, proportions from different varieties, spices and vegetables added during cooking, cooking time. In order for the jellied meat to freeze well, he is boiled from pork legs, ears or slices. You can use beef legs, tails. When cooking the right jerker from poultry meat, add legs and wings to the chicken or turkey pulp or turkey.

There are small secrets and subtleties from cooks. They will help cook a delicious and beautiful dish. Here is their list:

  • The meat must be thoroughly washed and left for a couple of hours in cold water.
  • After boiling, drain the first broth, and rinse the meat.
  • After boiling the broth, foam is removed, the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  • We lower the onion into the pan, leaving a little husk on it, which will give the broth a golden color.
  • We clean the carrots and cook the whole, it can be used to decorate the jelly, pulling out one thing when it is cooked.
  • The broth is cooked for at least six hours.
  • Salt should be salt at the end of cooking, slightly over-over, in the cooled dish this will not feel, and the taste is leveled.
  • Before pouring the broth by form, strain it twice.
  • Put in a refrigerator, but do not cool in the freezer.

Important: Do not add gelatin, it does not need it properly welded in it.

Is it possible when the jelly is cooked, add water?

If you add water when cooking, then the broth can turn out to be cloudy. When cooling, jellied meat will not become transparent. Therefore, the water is initially correctly measured. It should cover the meat placed in a pan by 2 cm. Excess fluid will not have time to evaporate during cooking, and jelly will hardly freeze.

If the jelly turned out to be thick, is it possible to add water?

To prevent this from happening, do not allow boiling during cooking. The fire should be at a minimum, and the pan is covered with a lid. The improper ratio of water and meat can make a jelly very dense. The perfect dish consists of a layer of meat, covered with a layer of frozen transparent broth with a delicate texture resembling jelly.

If the jelly turned out to be thick, is it possible to add water? Read more:

  • If this happens, the water should be added while the broth is cooked. In it, there are sufficiently zealing substances and this will not affect the quality of solidification. Just do not forget that it should be added hot, not cold water, so as not to disturb the temperature regime.
  • It is not worth adding water to the already finished broth. Jellied meat may not freeze.

All the subtleties of preparing this dish are precisely in the correct proportion of water. If you are worried that there will be few water, then share a little more. In the end, it will be possible to make fire more so that excess moisture evaporates. It is better to do what to then add water, which can ruin the final result.

Delicious jinne junction recipe

Delicious jelly of pork
Delicious jelly of pork

To prepare a delicious jinne jam, you can use the legs, head, a shank (part of the pork ham adjuitioning to the knee joint), a chopped brain bone with pulp. Prepare one of the recipes.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of pork slices
  • 3 bulbs (leave several golden scales)
  • 2-3 pieces of carrots (medium size)
  • A few cloves of garlic
  • A bunch of greenery (dill, parsley, celery) tied with a thread, so that it is easier to remove at the end of cooking
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • A mixture of peppers (peas)
  • Salt

Do this:

  1. Rinse the meat, leave in cold water to remove the remaining blood. Rinse the meat again and put in a pan.
  2. Pour water and let it boil. Then drain, and wash the meat well with water. Wash the pan from the foam settled on the walls. Put the meat and fill it with water 2 cm higher (or slightly larger) of its surface.
  3. As soon as the broth begins to boil, reduce the fire to the weakest. Remove all foam rising to the surface.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small gap if there is no special opening for the output of the steam.
  5. After 5 hours of cooking, lower the whole bulbs and carrots into the broth. After washing carefully, and the carrots must be cleaned.
  6. After half an hour, add bay leaf, pepper, a bunch of greens and salt.
  7. Readiness is determined by the meat well separated from the bone.

GOOD TO KNOW: There is also a way to find out that cooking is finished. Drip the broth on the plate and dip the score of the index finger, connect with the thumb, if they stick together, the broth is ready.

Disassemble the meat into small pieces. On the bottom of the shape, put finely chopped garlic, cut the cooked carrots to decorate, then lay out a layer of meat and carefully pour twice filled broth. Cover and leave to cool at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator. If you have never cooked jellied meat, be sure to try it, it is very tasty!

Video: The secrets of the perfect jerky. Transparent - like a tear. I always do it

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