Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with the peel, is it useful? Pumpkin seeds with peel: benefit and harm, benefits of ground husk from pumpkin seeds to men

Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with the peel, is it useful? Pumpkin seeds with peel: benefit and harm, benefits of ground husk from pumpkin seeds to men

Pumpkin is a fairly common vegetable in the country and personal plot. And not in vain, because it is quite useful, especially its seeds with a peel.

A similar question often arises when we eat healthy vitamin pumpkin, cook delicious porridge from it or bake. Is it possible not to throw seeds, but also get pleasure from them? Of course you can! And sometimes even necessary!

Pumpkin seeds with peel: benefit

  • Flat, with a light creamy peel and greenish core, with a sweet taste, pumpkin seeds are mainly proteins and fats inside (pulp), and carbohydrates - outside (peel). The shell contains fiber and quite a lot of zinc needed by our body. More details about useful properties of pumpkin seeds without peel You can read here.
  • Besides, in pumpkin seeds with peel There are magnesium and iron, potassium and phosphorus, many other macro and trace elements, vitamins of many groups.
  • The only warning is that you do not need to overeat with seeds, especially with the peel, since a large number pumpkin peel in the stomach It may lead to an exacerbation of existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Regularly using pumpkin seeds with a peel, a person can, with pleasure from their taste, also benefit from his body. This is an increase in immunity, activation of mental activity, recent studies indicate the influence pumpkin seeds with a peel on reducing the risk of oncological diseases, arising in the prostate gland.
  • It is noticed that Pumpkin seeds with peel They have an anthelmintic effect, contribute to the prevention of diseases such as prostatitis, ulcerative diseases, and help with dry coughing and an increase in temperature. They are also used to facilitate the conditions of children's enuresis, with inflammation of the prostate gland and pulmonary bleeding, renal diseases, etc.
  • They contribute to improving the condition of the skin, strengthening hair and nails, used in the treatment of acne, and help in getting rid of dandruff. Seeds are used for eczema, psoriasis, conjunctivitis.
  • The impact on the cardiovascular system is also positive: due to potassium content, excess cholesterol is removed in the seeds, walls are strengthened in the vessels, which leads to a decrease in stroke-infarction risks.
  • Pumpkin seeds with peel They improve sleep and strengthen the nervous system, protecting it from stress, improving memory (this is especially facilitated by the presence of zinc in seeds).
  • And a mass of crushed seeds has an antiseptic effect and is used to heal burns and wounds.

How to use pumpkin seeds with a peel?

  • The first thing to do, having bought already selected and dried seeds, is thoroughly washed them, preferably repeatedly, since their surface, of course, contains a certain amount of microbes and impurities of dirt. Then dry pumpkin seeds with a peel, And they are ready for further use.
Can be raw or fried
Can be raw or fried
  • How can you improve the taste pumpkin seeds with a peel before use? They can be sent to the oven, lubricating with oil and even (for gourmets) sprinkled with their favorite spices, you can fry in a pan, as our grandmothers did.
  • Another way, if you started processing a whole pumpkin, just rinse the seeds under water to get rid of the sticky layer on their surface, and eat right in raw form.

Pumpkin seeds with a peel with prostatitis

  • Unfortunately, this disease among men is very common. Of course, it must be treated with those means that the attending physician prescribed, but pumpkin seeds, as an additional folk remedy, do not interfere, namely, complement the treatment.
  • Traditional medicine advises to use about 35 seeds during the day, and if they are sprouted, the preventive effect will be even greater.

With prostatitis manifested, herbalists recommend the following recipes:

  • Wash about 0.5 kg pumpkin seeds with a peel And grind them in a meat grinder or blender. From the resulting mass, blind several balls the size of a medium nut. Put in the refrigerator and use one day at a time. Balls should be absorbed.
  • Also about half a kilogram pumpkin seeds with a peel Boil in a liter of water. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey. Having finished breakfast, dinner or dinner, take 0.5 cups of such a mixture.

Treatment with pumpkin seeds with a peel: traditional medicine tips

  • If grinded with coffee grinder peel of pumpkin seeds, brew the resulting powder and let it brew, you get an excellent folk remedy for treatment and prevention of cystitis.
  • Fried pumpkin seeds - An excellent remedy for manifestations of toxicosis. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Boil 0.5 kg of pumpkin seeds in 2 liters of water for about 2 hours using the water bath method. It turns out effective anthelmintic.

Contraindications to the use of pumpkin seeds with a peel

  • Excessive use pumpkin seeds with peel It is not recommended for those who have overweight, since there are many fats in seeds.
  • A solid husk is able to harm dental enamel, so the seeds do not recommend gnawing, but only with their hands.
  • If you get too much to eat eating seeds, this will affect digestion, peptic ulcer can worsen (salicylic acid is present).
  • Perhaps the state of anaphylactic shock in case of allergies to pumpkin seeds.
  • Caution should be manifested by mummies during lactation - to begin to use pumpkin seeds with peel It should be with a minimum amount and carefully observe how the baby reacts.
  • Seeds from the diet should be excluded if there are problems with intestinal patency.
There are contraindications
There are contraindications

Thus, the benefits of pumpkin seeds with a peel Obviously. Comfortably eating them and using them as preventive and therapeutic folk remedies, listening to warnings, you can enjoy this useful product for your pleasure.

Video: Picky seeds: benefit

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