How to use pumpkin seeds? Unusual properties and benefits of raw pumpkin seeds

How to use pumpkin seeds? Unusual properties and benefits of raw pumpkin seeds

The article tells about the benefits of pumpkin seeds. Recipes of folk remedies for getting rid of constipation, helminths, for the treatment of prostatitis, cystitis and other diseases.

The pumpkin is called the queen of the autumn crop. This is not surprising, because the pumpkin is large, bright, fragrant. It is noticeably distinguished among other vegetables in the garden. But they love the pumpkin not for color and aroma, but for its beneficial properties. Not only pumpkin pulp, but also seeds is useful. Let's talk about the benefits and use of pumpkin seeds.

The chemical composition of the pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds include fatty oil. Fatty oil contains such acids:

  • oleinovaya
  • linolenic
  • palmine
  • stearin

In addition, they contain essential oil, carotene, amino acids, organic acids, vitamins.

Vitamins in pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain such vitamins:

  • Vitamin C - It is needed for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissues, is an antioxidant, protects the body from viruses and colds, promotes the formation of collagen fibers
  • Vitamin B1 - plays an important role in metabolism, in complex therapy is useful for the treatment of burns, radiculitis, diabetes, dermatoses and a number of other diseases
  • Vitamin K. - useful for kidneys, helps to digest vitamin D and calcium
  • Vitamin A - useful for vision

Useful trace elements: zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron.

INTERESTING: Only 28 g of pumpkin seeds provide a daily protein rate of 14%, copper - 20%, zinc - 14%, magnesium - 38%, phosphorus - 33%.

Daily norm of pumpkin seeds

The daily norm of pumpkin seeds is 10 g is about 50-60 seeds. It is not recommended to use in huge quantities of seeds, because it can provoke a stomach ulcer. In addition, the calorie content of raw pumpkin seeds is 556 kcal per 100 g of the product. Such calorie content will not benefit full or losing weight people.

Types of pumpkin seeds

You can use pumpkin seeds in two types:

  • fried
  • raw

Raw seeds are used to treat many diseases. Raw seeds are much more useful than fried. Many claim that fried seeds do not bear any benefit. This is partially true. When frying seeds, the content of vitamins is significantly reduced, but thermal treatment does not affect the content of trace elements (zinc, copper, magnesium, copper).

The raw pumpkin seeds first need to be dried in the fresh air, then they can be eaten.

What is the useful pumpkin seeds for women

If a woman wants to stay young, beautiful and in a good mood longer, then she definitely needs to eat pumpkin seeds. Thanks to them:

  • Wrinkles appear late
  • The hair will be strong and shiny
  • Depression will not make itself felt
  • During menopause, the ebb of heat will become less noticeable

What is the useful pumpkin seeds for men

Pumpkin seeds help men:

  • Improve potency
  • Cope with a disease such as prostatitis
  • Avoid baldness
  • Improve mental abilities

Pumpkin seeds against worms

Official medicine recommends raw pumpkin seeds as an anthelmintic agent. They remove tape worms in adults and children. A huge plus of this method is its safety. All anthelmintic drugs have a number of side effects, pumpkin seeds solve the problem, although not fast, but most sparing for the body.

IMPORTANT: The global effect occurs due to a green film on seeds, it contains a substance - kurbitacin.

Tincture of pumpkin seeds

Recipe for the preparation of tinctures against worms:

Clean 500 g of raw pumpkin seeds, chop them in a mortar and add water at 1: 2. Put the dishes with this mixture in a water bath, cook for 2 hours with low heat, preventing the mixture. After time, strain the decoction after a few layers of gauze, remove the upper layer of the resulting oil. Cool the decoction. This tincture needs to be drunk for 30 minutes.

  • An adult is supposed to drink 1 liter of tincture
  • Children from 10 years old-300-600 ml
  • Children 5-10 years old-200-400 ml
  • Children under 5 years old-100-200 ml

A couple of hours after you drank tincture, take a laxative drug, make an enema in another half an hour.

IMPORTANT:If the child does not want to drink tasteless tincture, add a little honey or sugar to it.

Cleansing the body with pumpkin seeds

If the results of the tests indicate that there are no parasites, the intestinal cleansing still needs to be carried out 1-2 times a year. Analyzes often do not show the presence of parasites, and intestinal cleaning is excellent harmless prevention. Pumpkin seeds can be consumed not only in the form of tincture, but also in the form of gruel.

To cleanse the body with pumpkin seeds, mix 300 g of lost seeds with honey and 50 ml of water. Eat this gruel on an empty stomach, then take a laxative, after a few hours, make an enema.

The benefits of seeding seeds for kidneys

For diseases of the kidneys and bladder, the following can be used folk remedy: Grind 1 with one glass of seeds and hemp with one glass of seeds, adding boiling water gradually. In total, 3 glasses of boiling water are needed.

After that, the resulting mixture must be strain and squeeze the remains. This drink is drunk during the day. Chopped pumpkin seeds, lost with water and sugar are used to treat cystitis.

IMPORTANT:It is necessary to use any folk remedies with extreme caution, consulting a doctor is required. Perhaps there are individual contraindications.

Pumpkin seeds with honey with prostatitis

Thanks to the composition of pumpkin seeds, the functioning of the prostate gland is normalized, the prostate secretion and the process of microcirculation are improving. Pumpkin seeds with honey are successfully used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

Prostatitis agent:

  • Skip 0.5 kg of raw seeds through a meat grinder, mix with a glass of honey
  • Then put the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours so that it thickens
  • Then form small balls with a diameter of about 1.5 cm
  • Every morning, 30 minutes before breakfast, eat a ball
  • The course of treatment is 2-3 months. After the course of treatment, take a break at least 1 year

Pumpkin seeds for diabetes mellitus

Seeds in the diet of diabetics are an important product. Thanks to fiber, sugar levels normalize. In addition to seeds, pumpkin juice is useful for diabetics.

Important: pumpkin seeds for diabetes can not only be consumed, but also necessary. However, their number should be small.

Pumpkin seeds for constipation

To get rid of constipation, pour 1 tsp. crushed raw seeds with a small amount of boiling water. Give the mixture to brew for about half an hour. During the day, take the product in small portions.

Pumpkin seeds from polyps

Proctologists and oncologists recommend pumpkin seeds to prevent the formation of polyps. Scientists found that regular use of pumpkin seeds reduces the risk of malignant formations by 20%.

INTERESTING: The main substance that fights the polyps is Kukurbitacin. It is contained in a green film on raw seeds and has an anti -inflammatory effect.

Pumpkin seeds for weight loss

The losing weight is concerned about the question: can you eat pumpkin seeds during weight loss? Answer: If you really want to, you can, but very carefully. The trouble is that pumpkin seeds are very high -calorie, a handful of seeds can replace a full -fledged portion of food by the number of kilocalories. Therefore, it is better not to abuse pumpkin seeds during a diet.

Pumpkin oil oil in cosmetology application

Pumpkin seeds are produced by cold pressing, this method allows you to save as many beneficial substances as possible. It has a brown shade and a specific aroma. In cosmetology, it is used for:

  1. Moisturizing dry skin and face
  2. Mature leather
  3. Lips care
  4. Skin regeneration after burns, wounds, inflammation
  5. Peeling areas of body

Oil can be used in its pure form, it is also part of creams and other hair and skin care products. You can add a few drops of oil to your favorite cream yourself.

Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy

During pregnancy, pumpkin seeds can be a salvation from heartburn, which is a private pregnancy companion. They will also help normalize a chair, because pregnant women often suffer from constipation. The useful composition of the seeds will not harm either the expectant mother or the baby.

Pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding

After childbirth, the body needs restoration. Pumpkin seeds contribute to the strengthening of the body, they remove cholesterol from the body. Do not forget that the nursing mother should not harm the baby during breastfeeding. Often pumpkin seeds are the cause of the baby’s allergies, so you need to eat them with caution and just a little bit.

Can children give pumpkin seeds

For children, from 1.5 years old, you can gradually eat pumpkin seeds. Parents should carefully observe how the child eats them. After all, the child can choke, or the seed can fall into the respiratory tract.

If the child is already an adult and eats seeds independently, teach him to carefully clean the seeds from the peel, because it is the peel that is the cause of appendix inflammation.

Pumpkin seeds: tips and reviews

Nikolai: Pumpkin seeds were recommended to me by one elderly woman to treat prostatitis. I want to say that you can’t solve the problem with seeds with seeds, at least eat them in kilograms.

Svetlana: I bought pumpkin seeds, we will eat with my son for the prevention of worms. I really do not want to poison the child with chemistry once again.

Margarita: My dad ate them in large quantities, and he had appendicitis. Therefore, use them moderately.

Paul: Since childhood, I liked to pour the seeds with the whole family, and they come out not only tasty, but also useful.

Natalia: Even the doctor told me to eat raw seeds from parasites. Therefore, I have no doubt in their benefits and really love.

Seeds of pumpkin, fried or raw, will benefit if you use them in moderation. After all, these seeds contain a lot of beneficial substances. Eat to your health!

Video: pumpkin seeds - a product of men

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Comments K. article

  1. i tried pumpkin on a recipe with a recipe with honey and water, I could not have more than one third, i.e., I ate 300-100gr, and it all. It was to feel sick, I stopped the reception. And that ended my treatment.

  2. Interesting article.

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