Is it possible to eat urban, wild or domestic pigeons? What is useful in pigeon meat?

Is it possible to eat urban, wild or domestic pigeons? What is useful in pigeon meat?

In the Middle Ages, in the Middle East and European countries, exclusively wild pigeons were consumed. However, today to make delicious dishes uses carcasses of domesticated pigeons.

The kitchens of various states of the world in their own arsenal have dishes for which they use chicken, turkey, goose, ostrich or duck. Is it possible to cook something from pigeon meat? Before you get a definite answer, you must learn about the benefits or dangers of this product.

Is it possible to eat urban pigeons?

  • At the moment, people often say that pigeons can spread dangerous viruses, diseases. They were even nicknamed the "feathered city rats." It is a pity, but these statements arose for a reason, there were some grounds for that.
  • Pigeons - These are birds that can spread viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. Diseases penetrate the human body when they are in contact with food, through discharge, by airborne droplets.

A person can get the following diseases, if there are pigeons of urban ones:

  • Histoplasmosis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Ornithosis.
  • Erysipelas.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Ascaridosis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Toxoplasmosis and other dangerous diseases.
It is forbidden to use a person
It is forbidden to use a person

This is only part of the diseases that carry urban pigeons.

  • The pigeon that is sick looks sluggish, inactive, it can be partially paralyzed, even limp. Also on the body of the bird may be attended by bald spots, ulcers in the zone of wings, the upper body. Basically, it is these pigeons that often fall into the hands of children and the elderly who pity them.
  • City pigeons should not be eaten in any case. In addition to the fact that birds carry dangerous diseases, they do not understand food, and therefore eat garbage waste, carrion, drink contaminated water. Therefore, it is easy to guess what can expect a person who wants to eat meat of a pigeon living in the city. For a long time under the supervision of doctors is the best outcome.
  • We note that since the pigeons eat little, they live in unclean places, their meat is quite rigid, as well as tasteless. City pigeons cannot be eaten, it is not used for cooking.

Is it possible to eat wild pigeons?

  • Pigeons that live in forests, reserves and other wild places are not so susceptible to infection than urban birds.
  • But, if you recall what happened in 2004 and in 2005, when bird flu spread around the world, you will immediately understand - then the pigeons and other birds were infected with this disease, as a result of which quarantine was announced in many countries, and infected individuals were liquidated . In many regions of Russia, whole flocks of wild birds were even shot.
  • Wild pigeon - The game, which at any moment becomes the prey of the hunter. However, not any hunter can determine by the appearance of the bird whether it is healthy or sick. Therefore, even after a long cooking of a bird, a person can become infected.
Less harmful prey
Less harmful prey
  • Despite such conclusions, wild pigeons are considered excellent prey, valuable game, from which a delicious dish is obtained even in the field. Many hunters very often praise the taste of pigeons. They claim that you can eat wild pigeons Suppose  cook soup, baked dish in foil.
  • Based on what was described above, the following conclusion is drawn - approximately 90% of the meat of these birds does not pose danger to human health. The fillet of wild pigeons is valuable, dietary meat.

Can I eat homemade pigeons?

  • If you breed pigeons, they do not get sick, vaccinated, have a good weight, and you would like to try poultry meat, make it for sure, serve your dear to the table.
  • Most often, large birds are prepared. However, the owners of decorative pigeons almost never eat their own pets. All because they are attached to them, humanely belong to birds, plus the meat of domestic pigeons hard, quite dry.
  • In addition, young pigeons aged when they need to be killed do not have the necessary weight.
  • In order to eat pigeons, special breeds of pigeons from which can be prepared from breeding procedures, from breeding procedures.
Homemade can be consumed
Homemade can be consumed
  • In the 20th century, automated production arose in Europe and the United States. They even breed pigeons today, whose meat can be eaten. These birds are kept clean. They are fed with exceptionally useful food, every year pigeons are vaccinated.
  • As a rule, young birds are taken on the slaughter. Their age is no more than 2 months. Pigeons fillet have excellent taste, it is soft, delicate and juicy.

Goluba meat: benefit

Useful properties for the human body are determined by the chemical composition. All pigeons contained in meat play an important role for the ideal functioning of the human body. In the composition pigeon meat There are many substances because of which it is useful to eat pigeons.



Thanks to him:

  • The work of the immune system improves.
  • Epidermis, nails, hair have a healthy look.
  • Enzymes are formed.
  • Extra pounds disappear.
  • A person becomes awake, does not feel tired.
  • Health is strengthened in general.
  • Blood coagulations better.
  • The young body grows better, develops.

Vitamin B3

This component affects:

  • Normalization of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Normalization of blood sugar.
  • Improving metabolism.
  • Improving human well -being.
  • Normalization of appetite.
  • Prevention of diseases of the skin.
  • To work of the digestive system.
  • Restoration of a healthy type of epidermis.

Vitamin B6

This component is contained in pigeon meat in large quantities. Component:

  • Normalizes the brain.
  • Enriches the body with energy.
  • Excludes the risk of forming heart diseases.
  • It has a positive effect on the nerves.
  • The formation of homocysteine \u200b\u200bslows down.
  • Eliminates weakness in the body.
  • It is an excellent prevention of anemia.
  • It does not allow dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.
  • Eliminates convulsions.


The meat of a dove contains copper. Thanks to the substance:

  • The tissues of the body are strengthened.
  • The bones become strong, healthy.
  • The work of the thyroid gland improves.
  • The nervous system operates normally.
  • The amount of "good" cholesterol is increasing.
  • Fatigue in the body disappears, weakness.


We all know that this component is important for the body. Thanks to the substance:

  • Oxygen enters cells.
  • The immune system becomes stronger.
  • The body receives more energy.
  • Weakness in the body disappears.
  • A person becomes more concentrated.
  • The risk of developing infectious diseases is reduced.
  • Hair and nails become stronger.
  • Headaches, dizziness disappear.


Thanks to this component:

  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • Bones develop normally.
  • The wounds heal faster.
  • The sense of smell, taste receptors improves.
  • The number of sugar is normalized.
  • Reporting processes are normalized.
  • The appetite becomes better.
  • A depressive state disappears.
  • A person is less ill with colds or infectious diseases.


Another main component present in the meat of a dove. Thanks to him:

  • Free radicals are not formed.
  • The thyroid gland works normally.
  • The likelihood of joint disease decreases.
  • Spasms disappear in the muscles.
  • Fatigue in the body decreases.
  • Age spots on the epidermis disappear.
  • The likelihood of heart disease is reduced.

The fact that pigeon meat is nutritious and positively affects the human body is understandable. In addition to general strengthening qualities, poultry meat can prevent the likelihood of developing many diseases. Doctors advise using a dovecot People who have patients with increased pressure. Bird meat improves memory, normalizes glucose levels.


Cosmetologists also noted the beneficial properties of the dovecents. They say that this product has a positive effect on the epidermis. Thanks to him:

  • The skin becomes more delicate.
  • Wrinkles disappear.
  • Pigment spots disappear on the skin.

This dietary meat is useful for pregnant women, older people and those who have suffered a serious illness, surgery. Pigeon meat can be used during the treatment of some dangerous diseases, for example, anemia, blood diseases and breathing systems.

Doctors are also advised there are pigeons overweight people. Since the product contains few calories, fats, but a lot of proteins, it affects the rapid weight loss, restores the level of amino acids.

How do pigeons eat in different countries?

  • The pigeon carcass in its own taste resembles chicken or duck, but the meat is not too fat. Even the meat of many birds, pork, bypasses her own beneficial qualities of Pigitan.
  • Fans of meat chose it for the fact that it is soft, has a delicate texture. Unlike the rest of the birds, the meat of the dove does not have a specific smell. Dovers can be fried, baked, cooked in grill - in any condition the dish is excellent.
  • The fillet of the pigeon has a sweetish taste. It is combined with various sauces that prepare their berries, red wine, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits.

In different states, there is its own tradition of cooking blue meat. In every country where poultry meat is being prepared, people try to be guided by special recipes, their addictions, wishes, and cooking methods that are characteristic of a particular state.


  • Residents of this country prefer there are pigeons in the marinade.
  • If you visit France, be sure to look at one of the local restaurants.
  • The cook of the establishment will treat you with delicious meat from a dove, give it with a side dish of potatoes and other vegetables.
Beautiful feed
Beautiful feed


  • Having visited this amazing country, you can try to taste a dove.
  • Residents of Moldova stuffing do with a dovecot for lamb meat.


  • This country is full of various culinary masterpieces.
  • Here you can try a dove that is served with green peas As a side dish.


  • If you are also going to go to a distant eastern country, look at the local restaurant. Here they serve a corporate dish from a dovecot. As a side dish of millet porridge.
  • In general, a huge number of pigeon farms were built on the territory of Egypt. All of them resemble fortresses.
  • Prepare local residents from a dove of various dishes. They argue that the meat of this bird is much more useful than chicken, ducklings or turkey meat.
  • Pigor meat, according to the inhabitants of Egypt, is good for men's health. Thanks to the product, potency improves, since the meat contains a lot of protein.
  • In Egypt, pigeons are fried, stuffed with rice filling, baked. Serve with drinking: dry wine, fruit, berry and pumpkin compote.
With a dove
With a dove


  • Pigeon meat has a characteristic sweetish taste. It is combined with various fruit and berry side dishes.
  • If you have a trip to Canada, try a dish from a dove here. Poultry meat is served with gravy, which is prepared from various berries, for example, from blueberries.

In many Asian countries they eat pigeons with tangerines, pears, apricots. But in European countries, a side dish prepared from champignons and even truffles can be offered to pigeons.

Video: Preparation of forest pigeons

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