Is it possible to brush your teeth before blood donation for analysis?

Is it possible to brush your teeth before blood donation for analysis?

The article will tell you about whether it is possible to brush your teeth before you donate blood for analysis.

Blood test on an empty stomach: Can you brush your teeth?

Blood analysis - Frequent and important practice in passing tests that determine human health. However, those people who rarely face medicine and the rules of action when donating blood are confused in important actions before the procedure. One of the frequently asked questions is “Can you brush your teeth if a blood test should be on an empty stomach?”

This question is not at all funny and even relevant, because not everyone knows that the absorption of nutrients from food and drinks begins already in the mouthWhen a piece of food or a sip of drinking touches the mucosa. So what is the difference between toothpaste, which consists of chemical compounds and organic substances?

The answer to this question is simple and depends only on what kind of analysis you pass: hormones, cholesterol, sugar, the presence of infections. The fact is that Any dentist contains sweeteners. They allow you to brush your teeth with ease and pleasure, protecting a person from vomiting reflexes (if the components of the pasta are unpleasant for him).

Therefore, you cannot brush your teeth with paste if you donate blood to sugar. Yes, let the sweeteners are there very much and they hardly affect the level of glucose in the blood, but still affect! If you want to refresh your breath before such analysis, just refresh your breathing with water or apply a little soda to the toothbrush.

Important: in other cases, it is possible and even necessary to brush your teeth before leaving blood tests, so as not to cause any unpleasant impressions among medical personnel and always feel like a well -groomed person.

Video: "Can I drink water before blood donation?"

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