You can and how to eat melon in type 2 diabetes: a doctor's recommendations

You can and how to eat melon in type 2 diabetes: a doctor's recommendations

Melon in type 2 diabetes.

The melon is a fairly useful product that children and adults love. However, few people know that this product contains a large amount of carbohydrates, including glucose and sucrose. In the article we will tell you whether you can use melon for type 2 diabetes. 

Melon in diabetes: for and against 

In general, this product is customary to be considered useful since childhood, since there is a lot of vitamin C. It should be noted that melon- This Not a fruit at all, but a vegetable. This is the closest relative of the zucchini, as well as a cucumber. Despite this, the fetal contains a huge amount of glucose and carbohydrates. The most interesting thing is that, despite the low calorie content of the fetus, mainly consists of carbohydrates.

It is believed that 100 grams of pulp contains 39 calories. Yes, this is a fairly low indicator, which makes it as useful for people with excess weight. However, not for those suffering from insulin -dependent diabetes. The fact is that the composition contains fructose and sucrose. Their main feature is that they are completely processed in the body and are not deposited, unlike glucose. 

The composition of the melon and its food value

Product name







Calorie content








Melon 0,6 0,3 7,4 35 1,2 2,4 6,0

The vegetable has such vitamins and trace elements as vitamin C, A, PP and B. It contains cobalt, magnesium and sodium, also there is iodine and potassium. Despite this, the vegetable cannot be called very useful and rich vitamins. In the same bow or citruses there are much more beneficial substances and vitamins than in a melon. Accordingly, if there is a choice, it is better to give preference to other fruits and vegetables, and rarely eat the fetus.

The benefits of melon in type 2 diabetes:

  • Improves intestinal function
  • Saturates the body with vitamins and microelements
  • Contains fiber, which slows down the process of release of glucose

Harm melons in type 2 diabetes:

  • Differs in a high content of fructose and sucrose
  • Contains simple carbohydrates that quickly break down
Delicious slices
Delicious slices

Melon in diabetes: Does blood sugar increase?

The fact is that in addition to a low calorie level, the vegetable has a large glycemic index, it corresponds to one bread unit per 100 g of a vegetable. Oddly enough, but this corresponds to a piece of bread with a thickness of 1 cm, cut off from a standard loaf. This is quite a lot, and is about 50 g of bread.

How can a low -calorie vegetable contain such a large amount of bread units? This is due to the high content of fructose and sucrose, as well as a high content of carbohydrates. Accordingly, the vegetable with endocrine ailments is not the most useful. 

Features of melon consumption for type 2 diabetes:

  • The most interesting thing is that for people who suffer from an endocrine ailment, it is allowed to eat no more than 15 bread units per day. That is, if a person eats approximately 5 pieces of the fetus, then this will take a third part of his entire diet, relative to bread units. The vegetable for such patients is very controversial.
  • The maximum amount that can be eaten in a day is 200 g. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account the bread units of other products, and adjust the diet in such a way as to balance the food and generally reach the maintenance of bread units no more than 15. 
  • With insulin -dependent diabetesthe patient's condition directly depends on what he eats. If for patients with diabetes of the first type you just need to control the amount of carbohydrates, then for the 2nd type everything is somewhat more complicated. Bread units must also be considered. This is quite difficult, especially if not much information regarding all products. 
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit

TOout you can eat melon with type 2 diabetes? 

TOout you can eat melon with type 2 diabetes?Do not think that this vegetable can be eaten at any time. The best option is the period before lunch, in the morning. In no case can the fetus be consumed on an empty stomach, because this can cause a sharp jump in the blood glucose level, which will instantly affect the patient's condition, not for the better. In no case can you eat a fruit after eating or complement the main diet.

The best thing there is a melon with diabetes Separately from meals, between breakfast and lunch. You can’t drink it with anything. This is an absolutely full -fledged snack that is allowed to do between lunch, as well as breakfast. The maximum amount that is allowed to eat people with insulin -dependent diabetesThis is 200 g. 

Glucose concentration
Glucose concentration

Melon with type 2 diabetes: Eat rules for eating

The fact is that in general, not only the amount of carbohydrates, but their glycemic index, is of an endocrine ailment for people with an endocrine ailment. For them, the power system as a whole is completely different from the one to which ordinary people are accustomed, even sitting on a diet that follow their body.

Practicallyall people, suffering from insulin -dependent diabetes, may differ in excessive body weight and obesity. Accordingly, everything that has a high glycemic index will adversely affect weight. This is due to the fact that glucose accumulates in the body, and excess turns into fat. Accordingly, when some products are used, this occurs much faster. 

With insulin -dependent diabetesyou need to choose food with a low glycemic index. Below is a table that indicates the glycemic index of individual products. From the table you can see that some products have a high coefficient, while others are quite low. Resolved products are those in which the glycemic index is 50 units. If this value is from 50 to 100, then the products are dangerous and prohibited. This does not mean that there are no at all.

Patients with such an ailment are recommended to exclude products with a glycemic index above 70 from their diet. Accordingly the melon with diabetes has a gi at 65. That is, it approaches the critical. This is not to say that the fetus is prohibited, it cannot be eaten. It can eat it, but in certain quantities. After all when using 100 grams of melon, a person eats one bread unit. This is a lot. 

Melon - a product with an average glycemic index
Melon - a product with an average glycemic index

How many grams of melon can you eat diabetics per day?

There is a lot of information that fruits are very useful, as they contain many vitamins. However, not for patients with insulin -dependent diabetes. They should just control the amount of these products in their diet. It is worth giving preference to food, which is complex carbohydrates. That is, these are hard varieties of wheat, oat bran.

Melon fiber for type 2 diabetes:

  • The main one the advantage of melon in diabetes mellitus The fact that in addition to a large amount of carbohydrates, it contains a decent amount of fiber. This is the main plus, so fiber is not completely processed in the body, and at the same time slows down the process of free glucose. The most useful product for endocrine disorders is fiber. Sugar will be released in the body gradually, and not with jumps.
  • It is worth considering that people with insulin -dependent diabetes, the most dangerous is the jump in blood sugar. This just happens when using simple carbohydrates, as well as sugar. Accordingly, food with a high glycemic index is prohibited, it must be consumed in very small quantities, or excluded from the diet. 
  • The main difficulty in using the fetus is that it contributes to the appearance of a jump in glucose in the body. Which is very dangerous for people with an endocrine ailment. That is why the fetus is recommended to be consumed separately from the overall meal in order not to additionally increase the jump and sugar level.  The maximum daily amount of melon in type 2 diabetes is 200 g.
Juicy fruits
Juicy fruits

How to choose a melon with diabetes of the second type? 

As we found out earlier, the fetus is undesirable, but not prohibited. Accordingly, it must be consumed in small quantities.

Type 2 diabetes selection:

  • When choosing the fetus, you can reduce the risk of blood sugar. To do this, you need to choose a little unripe fruits.
  • In this case, they will contain less sugar, fructose, as well as sucrose.
  • Thus, the process of liberation,splitting Carbohydrates will be carried out gradually, and not spasmodic. This is very useful for people with insulin -dependent diabetes. 
  • It is also necessary to use not only the pulp, but also the seeds. Many note that with the correct use of the vegetable, as well as the use of seeds, it is possible to reduce weight, improve the condition with insulin -dependent diabetes 
Tasty dessert
Tasty dessert

Melon seeds in type 2 diabetes 

As for the use of seeds, infusions, decoctions are mainly prepared. 

Preparation instructions decoction of melon seeds in type 2 diabetes:

  • The seeds of the vegetable have long been used by folk healers as a product that lower the level of glucose in the blood, and regulates sugar. In order to be treated with a similar tool, it is necessary to use dried seeds.
  • After they ate the fetus, the seeds remained, they need to be washed, remove the pulp, and dry in the sun. Further, before use, they must be chopped with a coffee grinder or blender. It is necessary that the seeds turn into powder.
  • Now 10 g of powder must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Mix everything thoroughly and cool to a slightly warm state. Such a decoction must be taken three times a day, preferably 40 minutes before meals. This also applies to the very first morning reception, when you need to drink a decoction of on an empty stomach. 
Measurement of glucose levels
Measurement of glucose levels

Bitter muzzle muzzle in diabetes mellitus 

Such a melon has become much easier to find in ourregions, despite the fact that This is an exotic fruit. They use this fruit for a long time in the treatment of diabetes, but in our country it has become popular not so long ago. It is worth noting that now this fruit can be found in private gardens and farms. It is much easier to purchase berries, as well as dried fruits and leaves. Sometimes they are sold in a pharmacy or you can make an order via the Internet. How to cook melonmomordica for type 2 diabetes?


  • To do this, cut the fetus in small pieces, and tightly fill the jar. All this is poured with high -quality vodka, or medical alcohol. It is necessary to leave the mixture for about 14 days in a dark, cool place. You can do this in the cellar or on the balcony.
  • Next, you must not forget to shake the resulting mixture every day. After 2 weeks pass, the mixture must be filtered, stored in the cold. It is necessary to take the drug, 10 ml every day on an empty stomach. Gradually, you can increase the amount of medicine up to 30 ml per day.
  • The product is accepted once a day, early in the morning on an empty stomach. Helps stabilize sugar levels, and also prevents its sharp increase. This is as useful for people suffering from insulin -dependent diabetes. 

Melon with insulin -dependent diabetes is not the best product. Give preference to other desserts with a smaller glycemic index.

Video: melon for diabetes of type 2 diabetes: Can I eat?

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Comments K. article

  1. They wrote well, but I’m not friends with melon, I don’t like it, and therefore I don’t eat. My sugar is so increased, so in general I try to limit sweet vegetables. Better to eat Bulgarian pepper. But to normalize sugar, I drink Olijim, a good complex. Here they still say the Jerusalem artichoke needs to eat, but I was looking for, no. It will be necessary to ask in the market, but try.

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