DIY dishwasher and gel for washing dishes: 5 proven recipes

DIY dishwasher and gel for washing dishes: 5 proven recipes

In this topic, we will consider recipes for homemade detergents for dishes.

To date, a do -it -yourself dishes are very popular. Undoubtedly, household chemicals performs its functions quickly and efficiently, without leaving divorces and plaque. And in stores you can see a riot of various bottles for every taste. But few people study the composition of these means and their effect on the human body. Therefore, we want to offer a harmless dishes gel, which can be made with your own hands.

How to make a dishes with your own hands: 5 recipes

There is a wonderful way to avoid all the negative consequences - to prepare a gel for washing dishes yourself. We offer a few diverse recipes that can protect you from the harmful effects of chemicals on the body. But first there are few words about the detergents themselves.

Important: Chemistry with which we my dishes due to our composition It remains on the surface of plates and devices.Even dishwashers and abundant washing under water with your hands Not able to remove the product to the end.And so it turns out - with each wash of the dishes, the gel accumulates and enters the human body.

Also similar chemicals They pose a threat to the skin of the hands, causing dryness, irritation and allergies.And extremely harmful such means are for the human respiratory system.

The whole bouquet of chemicals gets to our table
The whole bouquet of chemicals gets to our table

To make a dishwashing tool with your own hands, you need:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • laundry soap;
  • food or calcified soda;
  • peroxide;
  • mustard powder;
  • alcohol or ammonia may also be required;
  • if desired, you can still use your favorite aromatic oil.

Of these several products, various gels can be made to eliminate pollution on the dishes.

Important: due to the lack of aggressive chemical components, home dishes for washing dishes do not so effectively cope with fat and pollution. Especially in cold water. This is possible for them, simply in comparison with chemicals, they are a little slower in this matter. And do not expect a lot of foam from the home gel.

Do not wait for violent foaming
Do not wait for violent foaming

We make a simple substance for washing mustard dishes

Using mustard powder, you can make an effective remedy that copes with fat on any surfaces. Moreover, it can wipe and remove even old spots.

The easiest way

  • Required:
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard.
  • We heat the liquid on the stove, almost to the boiling, but do not boil!
  • Add dry powder and mix to thick foam formation. You can arm yourself with a whisk.
  • This process is also accompanied by heating, but you cannot cook the mixture. Only she will begin to boil - immediately remove from the stove.

The manufactured agent can be used to dissolve strong fat deposits and plaque from dishes. And then you just need to wash off with running water.

Potchi - soap substitute
Mustard - soap substitute

We enhance the effect of mustard soda

For very dirty utensils and devices, you can make mustard-soda paste. With this method, you can wash the plates to the creak. Everything is done no less quickly and simple.

  • Preparing a big portion at once:
    • 1 pack of mustard;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Soda with a hill.
  • We gradually pour warm water into the mustard and stir until a homogeneous state of sour cream.
  • After that, add soda. Also mix.
  • In the case, it is no less simple - we apply the paste on a dirty dish, slightly rub the contaminated place and wash off with water.

Important: Remember - these home -made products are not stored for more than 14 days. Otherwise, they will lose their abilities, and will even be able to acquire a viscous consistency and not a very pleasant aroma.

Mustard pasta does not include preservatives, so remember about the suitable period
Mustard pasta does not include preservatives, so remember about the suitable period

Remedy for cleaning or "sparkle" for washing dishes

It is suitable not only to clean the pollution from plates, but also copes with the raid on the stove. It is enough just spray to a dirty place, leave for a while for the best effect and the beginning of the reaction reaction with the spot, it remains only to wipe it without effort.

  • And most importantly - the substance is very easily and quickly prepared:
    • dissolve 2 tbsp. l. soda in hot water;
    • add peroxide in equal quantities;
    • and place the resulting solution in a bottle with a spray.

Important: a mixture of soda with vinegar or lemon juice also works on the same principle. But remember - freshness is the key to quality in this case. Therefore, you should not do a lot of the product.

Alkali and acid will always come to the rescue of hostesses
Alkali and acid will always come to the rescue of hostesses

Laundry soap in the fight against any pollution or "souffle" for washing dishes

Note that it is brown soap that is completely natural, so it does not cause allergies. But it also perfectly copes with pollution and any complexity of fat. Prepare a large dose at once. Moreover, it can be stored for about a month.

  • Armed:
    • 90 g of laundry soap;
    • 90 g of soda, better than calcified;
    • 4-5 liters of water;
    • 4-5 drops of tea tree oil-at will.

Important: such a tool can overdose the skin, so work in gloves. Especially if you use a calcified product.

  • Grate the soap. The smaller the pieces, the faster it will dissolve. Throw In cold waterand put on the stove.
    • If you add soap to hot liquid, then it will dissolve worse. Therefore, first it will need to be melted in a water bath and diluted with a small amount of water to a liquid state.
  • Stir periodically. When the soap is completely dissolved, throw soda.
    • But Do it gradually,since the formation of abundant foam is possible that can go beyond the edges.
  • Stir well and turn off. Do not boil in any case!
  • Leave it to cool, but periodically it will be necessary to stir the contents so that it does not become one mass. Although there is a small life - after cooling, just hut up.
  • At the very end, add essential oil. We offer precisely the product of tea tree, since it produces an antiseptic effect. But it has a slightly pungent odor, so you can choose any aroma that appears.
  • It is also worth noting that out of 4 liters you will receive a very thick gel. When using a dispenser, it is easier to work with a more liquid substance, so you should initially add a little more water. But not more than 5 liters, since it will come out too liquid and will turn out to be less effective.
Universal, natural and effective tool
Universal, natural and effective weapon

Concentrated dishes

This substance will not only help you fight fatty dishes even in cold water, but also remove the scale, burn or old plaque.

  • To make a paste you need:
    • chips of laundry soap - 4 tbsp. L.;
    • dry mustard and any soda - 4 tbsp. L.;
    • ammonia - 3 tbsp. L.;
    • water - 300 ml.
  • Place soap chips in cold water and put on the stove. Stir constantly to dissolve pieces. But you should not boil the liquid. Otherwise, the consistency of the finished gel will be granular and heterogeneous.
  • Pour dry components alternately into warm water, mix thoroughly until the lumps are eliminated.
  • In the last turn, enter ammonia. Work with him extremely carefully and preferably with ventilation.
  • Pour into the container and close it tightly. You need to insist 1.5-2 hours.
  • After this time, the substance is ready for use. But Work only in gloves! The smell of ammonia will soften a little after some time.

Important: you can add essential oils or softening extracts.

It does not hurt to add a pleasant aroma to soften

Washing liquid according to the grandmother's recipe

One can say one thing about this tool - a minimum of harm, a maximum effect.

  • Necessary:
    • ¼ bar of laundry soap or 50 g of any soap remnants;
    • 4-5 tbsp. l. water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vodka;
    • 5-7 tbsp. l. glycerol.
  • Grate the soap and fill it with water. Of course, the grandmother's method involves the use of a water bath. In this case, you must first melt the chips first, but only then pour water.
    • But the technique can save time significantly. Therefore, we propose to immediately heat the mixture of 1.5-2 minutes in the microwave.
  • After dissolution, add vodka and glycerin. Keep in mind - glycerin enhances the formation of foam, but makes the gel more viscous. Therefore, you regulate its number at your discretion.
  • Mix and place in a bottle with a dispenser.
  • After a couple of hours, a foaming gel is formed, which copes with any pollution perfectly.

Important: for the best result and shine of glass dishes, it is recommended to add 2-3 tbsp. l. vinegar or lemon juice. By the way, this will make a more liquid consistency if you get a too thick gel.

Adjust the viscosity
Adjust the viscosity

As you can see, even a homemade dishwasher for washing dishes can be very diverse. Moreover, each time you can add new components, enhancing the effectiveness, and make a new favorite aroma. But a small advice - citrus, coniferous or mint notes are more suitable for washing dishes than the smell of vanilla and roses.

Video: Universal DIY Washing Washing

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  1. Thanks, the recommendations are excellent and necessary

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