Monastic antiparasitic tea: composition, proportions of herbs, reviews of doctors, contraindications. How to brew and drink monastery antiparasitic tea?

Monastic antiparasitic tea: composition, proportions of herbs, reviews of doctors, contraindications. How to brew and drink monastery antiparasitic tea?

Parasites can cause severe damage to the body. You can cope with this very unpleasant problem with the help of tea, which includes natural herbs.

Parasites can cause severe damage to the body. You can cope with this very unpleasant problem with the help of tea, which includes natural herbs.

Signs of parasites in humans and their danger

A huge number of people do not even suggest that they have helminths. It is quite difficult to determine the presence of parasites in the body:

  1. Some mistakenly believe that it is enough to pass feces for analysis. However, it is possible to identify parasites in this way only when the parasite has laid eggs on this day. If the parasite of the eggs does not postpone, the result will be negative
  2. The problems of identifying the presence of helminths are to identify a certain type. And there are many types of parasites: pinworms, plumings, lamblia, ascarides
  3. Scraping is the most unreliable method for identifying helminths

Important: one of the most correct ways to identify parasites - blood donation for antibodies to helminths.

Symptoms and signs of worms

There are main signs that make you think about the presence of parasites:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • A rash of various nature on the skin
  • Weight loss
  • Joint pain
  • Restless sleep
  • Itching in the anus

Parasites are absolutely not harmless. Doctors associate many diseases with the destructive effect of parasites. With helminths, there are:

  1. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  2. Lesions of the nervous system
  3. Problems with the genitourinary system
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Helminants take all the beneficial substances coming along with food. Only a small part of them remains a person. In addition, the body is exposed to toxins from the life of parasites.

As a result, the human immune system becomes weak. The body is not able to resist viruses and infections that attack it from the outside. People who have helminths often suffer from SARS, infectious diseases.

It is worth noting that helminths live not only in the intestines. They can be in blood, liver and even in the brain.

How to get rid of parasites

Getting rid of parasites can drag on for a long time. Sometimes one drug is not enough to get rid of a certain type. Helmine pharmaceuticals are toxic, almost every of them has side effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hives
  • Hallucinations

And this is not the whole list of possible side effects. Taking strong drugs can destroy the liver. It is undesirable to prescribe yourself, and especially for children.

Important: together with drugs of anthelmintic drugs, sorbent is required to remove slag and toxins from the body.

What is antiparasitic monastery tea?

In those days when the pharmaceutical industry was not so much developed, people resorted to herbs treatment. Many still prefer natural components. After all, the impact on our body of chemistry is already huge. The main thing is to know what herbs and in what proportion to use.

Antiparasitic monastery tea - Therapeutic agent for oral administration. This is a collection of herbs that bring parasites.

The main advantage of tea is its naturalness. According to the manufacturer, the tea is harmless, as it consists of 100% natural herbs.

Monastic antiparasitic tea

What herbs are antiparasitic monastery tea: composition, proportions of herbs

The secret of the effectiveness of tea in its composition. Herbs contribute to the death of parasites, mild removal of them from the body, cleanse the body of decay products, have an anti -inflammatory and healing effect.

The composition of antiparasitic monastery tea includes the following herbs:

  1. Tansy. The main opponent of helminths
  2. Wormwood. Also serves as an anthelmintic agent
  3. Background. Has an anthelmintic and anti -allergenic effect
  4. Oak bark. Cleanses the body of the life of parasites
  5. Successful drowned. Improves immunity, has an anti -inflammatory effect
  6. Chamomile. It has an antibacterial and healing effect. Cleans the blood of toxins.
  7. Sage. Helps improve the work of the nervous system
  8. Yarrow. Restores the mucous membrane of internal organs
  9. Peppermint. Has many useful substances that contribute to the improvement of the digestive tract, nervous system, cardiovascular system
  10. Calendula. It has a general strengthening effect
  11. Birch leaves. Natural antiseptic

Important: the manufacturer keeps the proportions of herbs secretly. All herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy, but in what quantity they are not indicated on the package. There is also no information in other sources.

Monastic antiparasitic tea: composition

Monastic antiparasitic tea: reviews of doctors

Most doctors advocate treatment with medicines. Among them you can find those who are categorically against the treatment of folk methods.

However, many doctors are not opponents of auxiliary treatment with herbs.

It is advisable to personally consult a doctor before you start drinking antiparasitic tea. There are individual characteristics of the body, which can only be known to the doctor who observes you.

How to properly brew antiparasitic monastery tea?

There are no difficulties in brewing tea. It is sold in the form of crushed grass, which must be filled with boiling water, then insist. After insisting, tea must be filtered and drink.

How to brew monastic antiparasitic tea

Monastic recipe 7 antiparasitic tea: how to take?

  • 1 teaspoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water
  • Insist
  • Drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals

If you cannot drink the entire glass, it is allowed to divide it into parts and drink it throughout the day.

Important: Monastic antiparasitic tea must be drunk. The course is 3 weeks.

It is unacceptable to drink tea in large doses or for too long.

Monastery antiparasitic tea from nail fungus

  • A mixture of herbs contributes not only to getting rid of parasites. Also has a general strengthening, antibacterial, anti -inflammatory effect
  • People suffering from nail fungus note improvements after the course of taking tea. Also, tea helps with allergies, rashes

An explanation for getting rid of the fungus and rash is the cleansing of the body of bacteria, infections, toxins, pathogenic flora.

Monastic antiparasitic tea: Is it possible for children?

Doctors do not recommend giving tea to children under 12 years of age. Before taking tea, it is better to consult with a family doctor in children from 12 years of age to avoid undesirable reactions based on personal intolerance to components.

Is it possible for children to drink antiparasitic tea

Monastic antiparasitic tea: contraindications

Monastery antiparasitic tea has practically no contraindications. However, its use is undesirable:

  1. During pregnancy
  2. During breastfeeding
  3. With personal intolerance of individual components

Monastic antiparasitic tea: DIY composition at home

Some want to collect herbs with their own hands. You can start business only when you are confident in your knowledge of herbs. Remember, herbs can be not only useful, but also harmful with improper collection, storage or use.

It is not difficult to become infected with parasites. Washing hands, personal hygiene do not always protect us. According to the manufacturer, antiparasitic tea can be drunk for prevention once a year.

Do not allow parasites to poison your body. But the most correct approach will be the tests for the identification of helminths and the subsequent visit to the doctor.

Video: Parasites in the human body

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