Prayer for luck in the exam. Who to pray to pass the exam at the traffic police, university, university?

Prayer for luck in the exam. Who to pray to pass the exam at the traffic police, university, university?

The article contains the most effective and popular prayers to pass the exam.

In every matter, the Lord needs help. In order not to overshadow your life in a bad mark during the session, read the prayer.

Remember: the saints are favorable only to those students and students who are diligent and hardworking. Sciences comprehend patient and persistent. This article contains the most effective prayers for passing exams.

Prayer for successful passing exams

Even if the student is listed as an excellent student, he is also worried about what ticket he will fall out and how he will pass the exam. Therefore, any help due to which calm will reign in the heart, and in thoughts - order will not be superfluous.

Excitement and thoughts about the upcoming exam can be completely confused
Excitement and thoughts about the upcoming exam can be completely confused

You can, of course, conduct the rituals that our mothers and dads also knew (put a coin in shoes, scream at midnight in the open window “Freebie, come!” Or even forget something before the exit. But the most powerful and effective remedy is prayer.

Many saints patronize Orthodox students. They themselves also once needed help in the development of sciences. They turned to the Lord and mentioned their ability to learn, but to succeed among their brothers in learning.

The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul the Lord gave the gift to understand languages \u200b\u200band express thoughts on either them. Turning to them, a student to enlist the support from heaven in order to pass the exam on a foreign account. Sergius of Radonezh will help students who are difficult to study.

Prayer to the Lord to study / exam

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bless me to study / exam, went to your holy help, to achieve the desired: pleasing to you, Lord, and useful for me. Amen

Lord Lord, the grace of the spirit of your holy, giving and strengthened by our sincere spirit, so that we are carefully taught to us, we have increased to you, our creator, for glory, our parents to comfort, the church and the Fatherland for the benefit. Amen

Prayer before the exam will give clarity of the mind
Prayer before the exam will give clarity of the mind

Prayer to the Guardian to study / exam

The Holy Angel of Christ, the faithful servant of God, the warrior of His army of heaven, appeal to you in prayer, overshadowing myself with a cross with a saint. My sincere grace came to me with my spiritual strength and give me meaning and understanding, so that I sensitively listened to the to the godless teaching, what the teacher conveys to us, and with my mind to grow extremely for the glory of the Lord, people and the Holy Orthodox Church for benefit. About this I ask you, the angel of Christ. Amen

Prayer of St. Matron of Moscow before studying / exam

Holy Righteous Mother Matron! You are an assistant to all people, help me (what needs help). Do not leave me with help and intercession, praying the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Heavenly Forces bring salvation to people
Heavenly Forces bring salvation to people

Prayer to all the holy and ethereal heavenly forces for help in learning

The holy god and in the saints, in the saints, the trisetized voice of heaven from the angel is sung, on the earth from a man in his holy praise: giving your holy spirit to be a grace as Christ was given, and that the Church of your Holy of Holy Apostles, Ova of the Prophets, oh, owes the gonneses , Ova of pastors and teachers, their own word of preaching. To you the most acting all in all, the Mali has been committed by the Holy of Coemzhdo and Roda, with various virtues, have a pleasing to you, and to you the image of our good exploits, in the joy of Pre -Bangs, prepares, in it the temptations of being, and we should help us. These saints are remembering all of all their godly praise the life of you, I am acting in them, I praise, and the offtime of your bestowing, diligently praying, holy saints, give their sin to their teachings, more than your permissive grace, heavenly with them, heavenly with them. Given fame, praise of the Blessed name, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen

Gratitude prayer after study / exam

We thank you, the creator, as if you have given us thy grace, in the hedgehog to the teachings. Bless our bosses, parents and teachers leading us to the knowledge of the good, and give us strength and fortress to the continuation of the teachings of this. Amen

After successfully passing the exam, read the thanksgiving prayer
After successfully passing the exam, read the thanksgiving prayer

How to pass an exam in driving: prayer before the exam in the traffic police

The traffic police exam is no less responsible than any other. For some, the passage of the driving exam turns into a real clouding of reason: the legs become cotton, the hands are cold, and the heart is about to collapse. Of course, in this state it is difficult to think, react to signs in time and recall the rules.

Prayers that help students during sessions are also effective when passing the exam in the traffic police. Only the text of such prayers has undergone some changes. Even the most deep atheist will help at a crucial moment hope for a quick and successful passage

Prayer text:

All -merciful Lord! Save and save the servant of God Elena. Hopes to pass an exam on the theory and practice of driving in the traffic police the first time. I ask for help and protection. Give me calm, confidence and attention during the theory exam. I ask you to accompany me all the way so that my path is easy and without errors. The inspector is the opponent to be condescending to me. Help to get a driver’s license today (date). The name of the father and son and the Holy Spirit. Amin

Prayer before the exam in the traffic police

All -merciful Lord! Help me, the slave (e) of God (her) (name), successfully pass an exam in driving in the city in the traffic police and get the rights (date of delivery). Save and save, God! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

There are prayers to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police
There are prayers to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police

Mother's prayer for a child for an exam at a university, university

From the first days, a close connection is established between parents and children. And if the child is worried, experiences uncertainty and fear of written or oral exams, then this anxiety is transmitted to parents

How to help your blood? How to calm the child, avoid panic, which does not benefit in preparation for exams? Read a special prayer. But with faith and pure thoughts. And it happens the same as the best for your child

Mother's prayer
Mother's prayer

There are strong prayers for a mother who wants to help her child successfully pass the exam. But they read it at the time the child leaves the house. Mother should close the door behind him

Prayer text:

O Lord Jesus Christ, our father! Hear the mother’s prayer for his son/daughter (name), he (a) is now passing tests and exams at the university. Lord, our father, have mercy on him (her), help to pass these tests, enlighten the mind, give patience, be helped and support, do not leave this difficult time! Let the teachers be condescending and kind. You are the hope of my child and mine, I hear me Lord, let it be as you decide! In the name of the Father, Son and the Great Spirit, Amen

Another prayer:

O Lord Jesus Christ, our father! Hear the mother’s prayer for his son (name), he is now passing the tests and exams at the university. God, our father, have mercy on him, help him to give him these tests, enlighten his mind, give him patience, if he helped him and support him, do not leave him In this difficult time for him. Let his teachers be condescending and kind for him. You are his hope and mine, I hear my Lord, let it be as you decide, in the name of the Father, Son and the Great Spirit, Amen

Prayer to Sergey Radonezh before the exam

It was difficult for Sergius to comprehend science. The boy turned with tearful prayers to the Lord. The Lord heard his requests and sent an angel in a monastic guise.

The angel he gave Sergius the ability to understand the holy scripture. After the sending and gaining of spiritual power, the boy began to succeed in learning among the prudent brothers of his

Sergius of Radonezh
Sergius of Radonezh

St. Sergius of Radonezh still helps everyone who is diligent, but experiences difficulties in mastering sciences. Prayer to the saint gives memory and quick wits

Prayer text:

About the Monk and God -bearer of our Father Sergey!

Look at us mercifully, and committed to the earth, lead to heavenly height. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, but undoubtedly we hope to get all the good from the ostentature of the Lord of God with your prayers. Ask your gift by your gift of understanding science and all our disperse (with the help of your prayers) prayers to be able to get rid of the part on the day of the terrible trial of Shui, but the gum countries are common and blessed voice of the Lord of Christ to hear: “Give, the blessing of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you From the addition of the world. " Amen.

If you sincerely pray to St. Sergius of Radonezh, then everyone will receive help in study or in other circumstances

Prayer for passing the exam Nikolai Wonderworker

A good rating on the exam depends not only on how deep the knowledge of this subject is for the student. The assessment is also affected by the confidence of the subject and his ability to remain calm in a stressful situation. After all, examiners can ask additional questions, the answer to which must be given without long thoughts.

Prayer to Nikolai the Wonderworker to pass the exam will help maintain self -control and not lose thoughts during an answer. Unreasonable anxiety will leave and the examiner will be able to focus on the necessary material.

Saint Nikolai
Saint Nikolai

You need to turn to Nikolai the Wonderworker with a requesting prayer several times, entering the audience or class. You can write a prayer on a piece of paper and keep with you.

Prayer text:

Oh St. Nicholas, a folk man! We remember and honor your sacred kindness, do not leave the same God (God) of the sinner (sinful) even now! Clean the mind of extra thoughts, deign to calm my soul, grant, be condescending, I am fussing for the exam! I believe, you are blessed and fair, I hope your salvation sacred, he hear my prayer for our Lord, Amen

Prayer for a good mark

Sometimes it is important for the student not only to pass the exam, but to get an excellent rating or the highest ball. Sometimes, a lot can depend on one assessment.

Prayer to all the saints who are read before the exam is written in a simple language. It is easy to remember.

Prayer text:

The holy is the holy and in the saints, the trissible voice in heaven from the angel is sung, to the earth from a man in his saints praise
giving your holy spirit to someone’s grace as it is given to Christ,
And I was the opponent of your Holy Holy Afa, Ova Prophets,
Ov, the gospel, ova pastors and teachers, their own word of preaching.

The most acting to you all in all, Mali committed the Holy in which there is a kind and gend
And to you the image of our good exploits, in the joy of Pre -Believer, prepared, in it, in it, the temptations of the Byesha themselves, and help us with the attacking.

These saints are remembered and their charitable praise of life,
You are self -acting, I praise them, I praise
And the Oneh of Passion of Tighting Believes, diligently praying, holy saints, give the sin to the sin to follow their teachings,
More than your permissive grace,
Heavenly with them is given to glory,
The holy name is praised by your father and son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen

Read the prayer after waking up on the day when the exam is scheduled. The power of prayer will grow up if you write its text on the fox of paper and keep it with you during the exam

Conspiracy for passing the exam

So that each time the exam does not turn into a serious test of forces and nerves, so that the excitement and uncertainty does not cross out the results of sodes and abstracts, read a conspiracy for successful passing the exam.

The favorable outcome of the exam will become a well -deserved reward for many hours of teaching and repetition

A conspiracy for a successful exam will help keep calm
A conspiracy for a successful exam will help maintain calm

The conspiracy that you read before the exam will become the means that it will guarantee you will provide you with a good assessment. It is necessary to read the conspiracy, like prayers, with faith in the heart, that you will succeed

A properly executed ritual will help to achieve success in the difficult matter of knowledge and training. Choose the ritual that you like and you will solve the problem with a difficult exam

Conspiracy over the counting is the most popular among students
The conspiracy over the counting is the most popular among students

The first conspiracy is the simplest

Watch out in the window and say three times:
"Today I will give a book, and tomorrow I’ll give up everything."
Put the abstract under the pillow on the night before the exam. So your knowledge is systematized, and you will get the highest ball

The second conspiracy:

Approaching the educational institution immediately before the exam with thoughts about a high mark, talk a network once, without missing a single word, such a conspiracy:

  • "As I go, the slave (-a) of God (s) (my own name) calmly, so I will pass the exam"
Conspiracy and today helps students pass exams

The third conspiracy:

Before the exam, conduct a ritual to gain a bright mind. When you wash your hair, say such words three times:

“My head is pure, my mind is clear, my mind is bright.
I know everything, I understand everything, I quickly decide everything,
I answer all questions. With any task, I will be luck. Amen"

On the teacher

The assessment may depend on the teacher. If it is unkind to you, then resort to the magical power of spells. Ask another student to participate in the ritual

Sit opposite each other on the night before the exam and remember something good about the examiner. Awake in yourself sincere gratitude for the presented knowledge.
Speak three times the words, presenting a good assessment in the statement and counting:

  • I am grateful to you (the name of the teacher) for the deep teaching, for strong knowledge and for tomorrow's good rating

Video: for a successful examination

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Comments K. article

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bless me for today's exam, went to your holy help, to achieve the desired: pleasing to you, Lord, and useful to me. Amen

  2. Lord Jesus Christ, all the saints, angels and archangels. Humiter the servant of God Daria to pass the exam, send her patience, attention, concentration. Dear the exam. Amin.

  3. Lord Jesus Christ, all saints. I beg you for help, help the servant of God Ales to hand over all the tests and the final objects, send her strength to study, patience, and good memory. Bless you for a successful change! Amen.

  4. Lord Jesus Christ, all saints. I beg you for help, help my daughter pass the histology exam high. Let the questions be easy, teachers will be friendly. Bless the examination of the exam. Amen

  5. All -merciful Lord! Help me, the servant of God Veronika, successfully pass the theory of driving an exam, the autodrome and in the city in the traffic police and get the rights on January 16, 2018. Save and save, God! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

  6. God! Help my son today take the test today, solve all the problems correctly! Enlightened his mind, give me calm, let him decide without errors and check everything well! Amen!

  7. All -Last Lord! Help me the servant of God Julia, pass an exam on the theory in the traffic police on February 20, 2018. Save and Save. Amin Amen Amen.

  8. Lord Jesus Christ, all the saints, angels and archangels. Humiter the servant of God Victoria to pass the test, send her patience, attention, concentration. Dear the test. Amin.

  9. Lord Jesus Christ, all the saints, angels and archangels. Humille the slave to God Simeon to pass the exam today, send him patience, attention, concentration. Bless the exam. Amin.

  10. I will also add tomorrow with a candle. Should help, should help

  11. Lord Jesus Christ, all saints, angels and archangels. Help the servant of God Vladimir to pass all the tests and exams, send him strength to study, patience, good memory. Bless the success. Amen.

  12. Lord, help me, your servant, Olga, pass the driving exam and get a driver’s license. I trust you. I rely on you in everything. Amen.

  13. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God! I pray to you and trust you. Help my daughter, the servant of God, Irina, pass the driving exam and get a driver’s license today, 08/10/2018. We went calm, attention, concentration. Divorce on a successful change. Amen.

  14. Very good motives

  15. All -merciful Lord! Save and save the servant of God Elena. Help to pass an exam on driving in the traffic police the first time. I ask for help and protection. Give me calmness, confidence and attention during the driving exam at the Avtodrome 10/20/18 and in the city 10/27/18, I ask you to accompany me all the way so that my path is easy and without errors. The inspector is enlightened so that he is condescending to me. Help to pass the driving exam and receive a driver’s license 27. 10.18 in the name of the father and son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

  16. Lord Jesus, holy angels and archangels, help the servant of God Alvina pass the exam and driving around the city in the traffic police on December 18, 2018 and get a driver’s license, bless me and went to me light road, attention and confidence. I trust you and rely on for you and rely on You. Let the inspector will be favorable to me and write the exam is passed ... Please help me. The name of the father and son and the Holy Spirit Amen.

  17. Lord Jesus, holy angels and archangels, help the servant of God Danil to pass the Driving Exam the City in the traffic police on March 29, 2022 and get a driver’s license, bless him and went to him a slight road, attention and calmness. I trust you and rely on you. Let the inspector be supported to him and write the exam passed ... I ask for help him. The name of the father and son and the Holy Spirit Amen.

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