Mini-rush at home: description of rocks, care and nutrition of miniature pigs

Mini-rush at home: description of rocks, care and nutrition of miniature pigs

Small and cute pigs are called a mini-rush. Let's find out if they can be grown at home.

A mini-rush is a small pig that people often breed at home. Previously, people used such animals when they conducted various medical studies. But at the moment, pigs are contained as an original and exotic pet. The dwarf pig has its advantages and disadvantages. What are the reviews of many animal owners about.

Mini-rush: Description

  • At present mini-pig Many owners of houses, apartments have. Some people, buying this animal, try to show their own shocking. Other owners are really attached to the pig, they really begin to love her. Be that as it may, if you decide to buy a pig, you must study its characteristics in advance, the features of caring for a four -legged friend.
  • From the very beginning, such decorative pigs were divorced territory of Germany. That is why this state is the birthplace of mini-rogues. During the excretion of animals, a wild boar and a Vietnamese flowering pig were crossed. However, the experiments did not end at this work. Even today, scientists continue to study pigs, to derive new individuals, the size of which will be much smaller.
  • If we take into account the appearance of the pigs, then we first note that it with its own sizes does not exceed the size of a large cat or a small dogTherefore, it looks from the side of miniature. The color of the pet is very diverse. Often, mini-pies can have red or black spots.
  • The minimum has weighs a minimum 30 kg and a maximum of 80 kg. The animal begins to show its own activity in development when it performs a couple of years. After some time, the growth process is suspended. But this does not mean that the pig retains its own size.
  • Since an adult mini-rush can gain weight very quickly. That is why it is important to pay special attention to the diet of pigs, the composition of food.

Features of mini-rogues, advantages of their breeding

The main feature of the mini-pigiminiature size.There are several breeds of these pigs. They differ from each other with their own weight when they grow to adulthood. However, each species adapts perfectly to the maintenance of the house, as well as in a city apartment.

  • Pigs are popular, as they good -natured, friendly. Pets become good friends, if they pay due attention to them, they care correctly. Pigi are quickly tied to their own owner, most often he loves him more than a cat or dog.
Cute and friendly
Cute and friendly
  • Dwarf pig Very smart, it can be trained. As various studies showed by scientists from Germany show, a mini-rush can learn many teams than a dog.
  • Mini-pig neat, completely refutes the opinions of people who claim what the animal is dirty. Pigging can be easily taught to go to the tray, he tries to adhere to the place that he stands out in the house.
  • As the reviews of other owners show, pigs Easy to get along with any pets.
  • Piglets, like other paired -captive ones, are considered omnivorous. They almost never have an allergy to some kind of food.
  • Gathering to buy such a pig, people often care about the question, and how much do mini-pies live? By acquiring a pig of this breed, a person acquires a 15 -natured friend for 15 years. If the animals are careful for the animal, it will live even longer.
  • The mini-rush costs quite expensive. This makes it possible for many people to create a small enterprise, breed dwarf pigs, and then sell them.

Breeds of mini-pigs

There are approximately 35 breeds of mini-rogues. Consider those that are considered the most common.

  • Bergstresser Knirt. If this name is translated from German, it means "baby". Piggy is considered almost the smallest and most popular among other species. The weight of males is a maximum of 15 kg in adulthood, and females are no more than 10 kg. This type of mini-rogue has an unusual color-all The body is white, there are black spots on it. The animal gets along well with people. It is peaceful, kind, devoted, quickly tied to its own owner. The pig is from Germany, therefore its name is appropriate. The mini-rush looks like a small puppy. He loves that everyone pays attention to him, is friends with any animals at home.
  • Mini-Mayalino. This pig is considered the most miniature on the planet. A young pig weighs no more than 500 g, Adult individual - up to 10 kg. The pet is not common in the world, because sometimes difficulties arise with them in reproduction, cultivation. The birthplace of this mini-page is Italy. Initially, such pigs were used during research in laboratories to teach donor organs. However, over time, pigs began to be diluted at home.
  • Vizenau. This breed has large sizes than previous species. An adult animal can weigh up to 25 kg. The pet is not violent, does not dig ground, minks. The breed is considered quite popular.
  • Gettingen mini-pig. This type of pigs appeared relatively recently. Individuals in adulthood can weigh up to 100 kg. Basically, pigs eat everything that they come across. Therefore, pigs are grown in summer cottages. They are not suitable for the apartment. Pigi were able to get popularity, as they are very fertile. At a time, a mama-svinka can give birth to 20 children.
  • Siberian miniature. This decorative pig was bred in Russia, was able to immediately become popular in Europe. Proceedings were named Mini Sibsi. Pets are not too small they can have a maximum of 50 kg. The breeders, when they brought this breed, wanted to get a pig so that it easily tolerate Siberian frosts. All those tasks that scientists planned were completed. Since the pig is a fairly large animal, it is most often bred in private houses.

How to contain mini-rogues?

  • Content of mini-roguessimple, almost no different from the content of other pets.
  • Pig is a good -natured being, but it needs constant communication, affection and so on.

We offer you to get acquainted with some important moments if you decide to grow a pig in the apartment, at home:

  • Try to accustom your pet to your own place. Make a food diet for the animal, a schedule for walking on the street.
  • Feed Pigi is no more than 4 times a day. He does not need snacks, and the portions themselves should not be very large.
  • Upbringing The dwarf pig is the same as the upbringing of the dog. Therefore, try not to show weakness, excessive love for the pet. Otherwise, the pig will begin to use the kindness of its own owner.
  • During training The main encouragement is food. But as a punishment you can click on the nose. The muzzle of the pig is considered the most sensitive place.
  • Pig - very an energetic, playful animal. Therefore, from the very first days, allocate a place for him. Also, the pig will not refuse to walk with the ball, a squeak and other toys.
  • The male peg begins to ripen early. If you do not castrate it on time, the animal will begin to show sexual attention to any objects in the house.
  • Like dogs, pigs often Sharp their own teeth on different objects. Especially follow the open wiring, furniture and other things that are very important for you.

Mini-rush: Care

In care, mini-pies are unpretentious. It is only necessary to fulfill some rules, and then the animal will not cause trouble and discomfort.

  • Clean your earsUsing cotton sticks. Moisten them in hydrogen peroxide or boric acid. The procedure is carried out once every six months.
  • Wash the decorative pig often, at least daily, because it loves water.
Very clean
Very clean

If you do not follow the rules of hygiene, the pet will begin to melt, smell bad, even despite the fact that a mini-page is a rather clean animal.

  • Sprinkle the hooves every 6 months. This manipulation is best entrusted to a specialist.
  • Decorative pig loves walk. She loves to frolic on the street. So you have to with her leave the house once a day.
  • For feeding Buy bowls, even dog plates are suitable. Pour water into one, leave the other for food. Grind vegetables, let's be raw or boiled. You can cook the animal to cook porridge on the water without using absolutely any spices.

Feeding mini-pigs

The animal eats any food. But despite this, you can’t feed the little animal to everyone in the refrigerator. The number of feedings directly depends on what age of the pet is.

  • If the mini-page is small, then feed it 4 times a day.
  • Pig 3 years will suit 3 times feeding. It is imperative to adhere to this schedule so that it does not begin to develop obesity.

We advise you to give food every day at the same time. Consider the food that you can feed the pig so that it feels normally, the balls are peppy, healthy.

  • Feed the piglet with vegetables. You can boil them or give them in a fresh state. Also in the mini-page diet, include porridge. Mix them with barley grains, buckwheat cereals or pea beans. Fruits will not interfere in the diet.
  • Be sure to give every 2 days veal, chicken meat, fish, cleaning it from the bones, beef liver, low -fat cottage cheese.
  • Never give a dwarf pig fat, salty, smoked, pickled food. Also in the diet should be absent such products: sugar, salt, various spices. In rare cases, you can give cat food.
  • In order for the pig to develop normally, healthy grew, add products that contain a lot of vitamins and premixes to its nutrition.

How to accustom mini-rogues to the tray?

  • A miniature pig, like cats, can quickly get used to going to the tray. It is only necessary to accustom a mini-show when it is still small.
  • For a mini-rush, do not buy a standard cat pot, and the tray is much larger. Its size should be 100x100 cm. The pig will try on the place for a very long time, spin, spin, and only then decides to defecate.
  • Since there are a lot of discharge from the pig, you can take it instead of filler campers for adults, which are divided into segments, or absorbent diapers.
  • If your pig is quite active, it tries to tear the filler with your nose, maybe in the future you will often notice the filler on the floor.

Walking with a mini-page on the street

  • A walk with a mini-page in the spring, summer and autumn is necessary. When the pig is walking, it can pinch the grass that the body needs positively affects the digestive system. But during a walk you must follow exactly where the pet goes. The grass must be clean, so choose a place for walking away from the road.
  • Also a pig needs to be obtained direct ultraviolet rays - This is another of the important reasons to get into the street as often as possible.
  • Walk the pigs on the leash. Buy a strap in a specialized store, designed specifically for miniature pigs. Constant walks will help your pet to have good shapes, never get fat
  • In winter, when it is very cold outside, do not go for a walk. Just regularly ventify the room in which the pig lives.

How to bathe a mini-show?

  • Prepare for the fact that you will have a miniature pig bathe very often. Your pet will always agree to the water procedure. The piglet is cleaned, so you will never feel an extraneous smell from it.
  • But there is an exception - this is the time when the pet has sexual attraction. If you want to avoid this, then cast a male pig.
  • Buy a mini-show using a special washing shampoo and brush. When you buy a pet, wrap it well so that it does not get sick. Take care of about hygiene Baby, make sure that the tick does not start in your ears.
  • In the summer, you can type water in a large trough. Pig will be with great pleasure to swim there.

How to train and play with a mini-page?

  • The pig is easily trained. The pet performs any teams, like dogs. When you train the animal, let him know that you are the head, and therefore the pig should happen to you.
  • Never raise your voice on the pig. Piggy can be offended because of this.
  • Mini-pig Its own behavior resembles children up to 4 years old. He needs your care, attention, he will not refuse to shoulder step. But know your pet for nothing loneliness will not like. The animal can even be sad.
  • At least once a day Play with pigs. So you will avoid defeat in your own house. This will happen if you do not pay due attention to the pig, and she will become bored.
Play regularly
Play regularly
  • So that the pig does not go to the forbidden places, provide it with toys. You can buy toys from plastic or textiles. In order for the pig to understand that you can play only in a certain place, accustom the pet from childhood to the game zones, as well as the place of use of food and rest.
  • We note that a mini-page by nature likes to dig the earth. Therefore, also provide the animal with small rags. The pig will regularly scatter them with its own heel.
  • Picky can also sometimes Shout loudly. This usually happens when the pet is angry, annoyed. When the pig is calm, she grunts quietly.

Video: Home content Mini-pigi

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