Mixatosis in rabbits: how does it manifest, how to treat? Mixatosis in rabbits: Can I eat meat?

Mixatosis in rabbits: how does it manifest, how to treat? Mixatosis in rabbits: Can I eat meat?

Is it possible to eat meat of rabbits patients with mixomatosis?

Mixatosis is a dangerous ailment that affects rabbits. The most interesting thing is that this viral disease is very difficult to treat. The disease is divided into two forms: it is edematous and nodular. The nodule form can be treated, edematous is very difficult to treat. Rabbits are practically doomed to death. In the article we will tell you whether it is possible to consume meat of sick animals.

Types of mixatosis in rabbits

The edematous form is manifested by the appearance on the body in animal cones, inside of which some kind of liquid accumulates. The animal may have a course, the release of mucus from the nose. The appetite worsens. For about 10 days, the animal dies. It is worth noting that as soon as you have noted such signs of the disease, sick animals should be separated, quarantine. All other animals are vaccinated. This will prevent the spread of the virus.

The nodular form of mixomatosis is less dangerous, and with proper treatment it can be completely cured. About half of the rabbits that suffer from a nodule form survive. Also characteristic of a runny nose, wheezing, a decrease in appetite. About a month and a half lasts the course of the disease. It is necessary to make a rabbit injections that contribute to resorption of nodules. For about 11 days, symptoms develop, that is, the incubation period lasts. After these 11 days, the rabbit loses its appetite, does not drink water, eats nothing. In addition, it reacts poorly to touch, as well as noise. With good therapy, the rabbit may well survive. After recovery, there are no signs of the disease.


How to treat mixtases in rabbits?

Experienced veterinarians, to prevent the development of the disease, advise people who grow rabbits, vaccinates, that is, vaccination against microsomatosis. It is carried out when the weight of the rabbit reaches 0.5 kg. Repeated vaccination is carried out after 2 months, then every 6-8 months. It is worth noting that no one will give a 100% guarantee that after vaccination, your rabbit will not get sick.

But still, the risk of developing mixed animals is many times lower. The main problem is that mixomatosis does not manifest itself for the first few days. It becomes noticeable after the rabbit stops eating, tumors, wounds appear on his body, and also flows from his nose. But usually in such cases, treatment is already quite late. Even experienced veterinarians do not take the treatment of such animals, because they are doomed to death. Therefore, be very attentive to your animals and control their condition.


As soon as you notice that the animal refuses water and food, beat the alarm. Mixatosis can be cured with strong antibiotics, as well as immunomodulating drugs that stimulate improvement of immunity. In addition, drops in the nose are often prescribed to animals in order to alleviate the nasal breathing.

Sick animals are transferred to a quarantine room, and even after a cure, for another three months, they are kept in quarantine conditions. If you do not treat the disease, then in a few days it may return. There are options that the rabbit can die even 2-3 days after the appearance of the first symptoms. Most often, injections, such as byatril, as well as a ringer, are used for the treatment of mixomatosis.


Mixatosis in rabbits: Can I eat meat?

Basically, all the people who hold rabbits are worried about the question of whether it is possible to eat such animals? The fact is that mixatosis for a person is absolutely not dangerous, it is not transmitted to people. Many believe that the meat can be consumed, it is enough to wash it in cold water, as well as soak or marin. But there is another category of people who believe that such meat is categorically impossible to eat. Because it is unclear how the virus can lead itself in the human body, perhaps it mutates that it will cause the development of some new, another disease.

Another reason why you should not eat such meat for food is that the animals themselves look very ugly. They are with tumors, so hardly anyone wants to eat such meat at all. It is recommended that animals that have died, burn and completely disinfect in the barn where rabbits are found. From all of the above, we can say that the meat of patients with mixomatosis is allowed, because it is not dangerous for humans. Suffering matters, so if you treat disgusting people who are worried about their own health, we do not recommend eating such meat.


As you can see, microsomatosis is much easier to prevent than to engage in its treatment. Because it is very difficult in large farms, where there are a large number of animals, to pay attention to the fact that rabbits somehow behave or eat poorly. Accordingly, we recommend vaccinations, this will significantly reduce the risk of infection with a microsomatosis, and then you will not have to think about where to put this meat.

Video: Mixatosis in rabbits

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