Microgrin-food trend: what is it, how to use?

Microgrin-food trend: what is it, how to use?

In this article, you will learn what the microphine is a food trend, how to use it correctly, still learn about its useful properties and how it can be grown at home on your own.

Fans of a healthy lifestyle value only healthy products. Microgrin, plants, which are small sprouts of vegetables and greens, can be ranked to such products. Their size can vary from 2.3 centimeters to 7.5 centimeters. They are popular due to intense aroma, useful contents and variety of color, shapes. For culinary experiments, microgrins are simply scope for imagination. They are eaten, both in raw form, and as part of different salads, soups, juices, smoothies, etc.

Microgrin-Food trend: What is it?

It was the Americans who decided to use microgrin in order to replace greens on the table. After all, it was not accepted to engage in gardens there, and store products of such a plan are not particularly fresh. Microgrin means a mini-green. The difference between this type of vegetation and ordinary greenery is that it can be easily grown at home on the windowsill. In addition, when you grow these sprouts at home, it is much easier to control the growth process than on an ordinary bed. Therefore, it will always work on time at home better than in the garden.

Microgrin - how to grow?
Microgrin - how to grow?

The mini-green is so remarkable that it does not grow to large sizes due to its timely collection. The same dill is pulled out when it rises above the surface of the earth by five centimeters. And for this, it is enough that the growth of greenery lasts about two weeks.

Microgrin-Food trend: benefit

Despite the fact that microgrin does not receive enough fresh air and ultraviolet radiation, grows on the windowsill of the house, in this there are many different vitamin components of micro-green, mineral components, useful amino acids, antioxidants. Back in microgrins a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamins K, e. If the house has such greens all year, then you will not have to use pharmacy vitamins. Microgrins for weakened immunity are especially useful.

To the pluses The use of microgries can still be attributed, and the convenience of growing them on the windowsill is right at home. Yes, and growing beneficial microgrins is quite simple. There are no special costs and efforts. It is enough to sow the seeds and collect the crop after ten days.

If a person will use a mini-green constantly, then you can reduce the risks of different pathologies. Greens contain polyphenols that can prevent the risks of heart disease, improve the functioning of the vascular system in the human body.

These products have a lot of antioxidants, They prevent Alzheimer's disease. Thanks to the micro-green, the risk of developing diabetes, cancer decreases. Experisively, it was found that those who eat microgrins notice that the structure of the hair improves, the nails become stronger, The skin acquires tone, increases stress resistance.

Mini greens - food trend
Mini greens-food trend

IMPORTANT: It is excellent that healthy nutrition is the last fashion trend, because microgrins are used in restaurants to cook all kinds of dishes. The most popular microgrins: radishes, parsley, dill, croak, daikon, peas, various types of cabbage, etc.

Microgrin-Food trend: growing

There are several ways to grow micro-green at home. To do this, first of all, you need to choose seeds for sprouts. Prepare the container, Earth. It is also convenient to use a special rug, which is sold in garden stores for growing microgrins. In order for greens to grow normally, you should put it on the sunny side or use the artificial lighting lamp.

For lighting, phytolamps or fluorescent lights are used. Microgrin is cut when the first leaves on the stems appear. You will not have to expect a long time, only about 10-14 days are enough.

Microgrin - how to grow at home?
Microgrin - how to grow at home?

When the first crop is harvested, for new sprouts, another portion of seeds will be needed. The other plants will not come out of the same seeds re -growing from the same seeds. The resulting micro-green is saturated, therefore, for a portion of a salad or other dish with this product, everything is enough for a small pinch. Greens are stored in a cold place for only two days, it makes no sense to use it later. There will be no benefit from this.

The procedure for growing microgrins using a special rug:

  1. Soak, purchased seeds of microgrins, in water. It is enough to hold them in the liquid for about twelve hours.
  2. Ideally, if you place them in a dark place. These conditions relate to large seeds. Small ones do not have to be sent to a dark place.
  3. Next, transfer these same seeds to a special rug.
  4. Moisten it with ordinary water.
  5. Cover the seeds ready for growth on top of the film.
  6. Only not very tightly so that the seeds do not deteriorate.
  7. And then put the rug somewhere on the sunny side.
  8. In a few days it will be noticeable that the seeds are awakened.
  9. When the rug dries, then sprinkle it with water for this you can use a sprayer.
  10. Five days later, the film needs to be removed, follow the “watering” to be regular.

And then after 6-12 days the micro-green will be ready to eat. The time for collecting microgrins may vary.

Microgrin-food trend: What are the species?

If you are interested in the Microgrin Food Brand, then before engaging in growing you should choose what more you will taste. After all, there are many mini-greens and vegetables, and each of them has different taste and composition. On the windowsill, you can grow dill, carrots, onions, parsley, beets and even mustard, etc.

Red cabbage greens
Red cabbage greens

If you choose useful from them, then perhaps the best of them will be amaranth, cilantro, red cabbage and vitamin dike. Now it is popular to grow mini-ogorods, which supply healthy nutrition markets with useful microgrins, restaurants. This trend has just begun to conquer our country. Online stores began to appear, where supposedly special seeds are sold. To be honest, the usual seeds that are sold in amateur gardeners stores will go for microgrins.

To grow mini-green, the following crops can be chosen:

  1. Korus salad. It is perfect for people who almost never fully rest. This product is rich in vitamins of group C, B, in their composition of carotines, routines. Thanks to these components, you will have a dream, digestive processes will improve, a good state of the immune system will remain even at a time when colds massively affect people.
  2. Broccoli. The vitamin plant is used to avoid bacterial infections, the product is an excellent anti -cancer agent.
  3. Cale (cabbage). Derises harmful components from all body systems. Vitamin C favors the process of collagen production. Therefore, those who eat it look beautiful and young.
  4. Rugula. It contains I, vitamin C, it helps to withdraw poor cholesterol from all body systems and increases hemoglobin.
  5. Radish. It was always used to improve digestion. He also has good diuretics. After all, it contains riboflavin, essential oils.
  6. Chia. Contains a large amount of protein substances, vegetable oils, fiber. Microgrin positively affects the cells of the skin, cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Still delicious micro greens and healthy in the form of dill, basil, celery, green buckwheat, beans, sunflower. These microgrins contain almost 50 times more vitamin substances than in the "adult" greens.

Microgrin-food trend: how to use?

Using microgrin, you can enjoy not only taste, but also aroma. Small sprouts are used to decorate various dishes, create original compositions. This tops complement the dishes, especially cold. You can’t only freeze it or treat it with boiling water. Otherwise, it will lose its vitamin composition. With one pinch of micro-green, you can easily decorate salads, soups, sandwiches, vegetable smoothies. This greens are perfectly combined with fish and meat. It can be added to dishes such as olivier, fur coat, pizza, etc.

Business sandwich and eggs
Business sandwich and eggs

Microgrin-Food trend: tips

  • Tender shoots of microgrin have vitality, they have great life energy. Plants fight such serious diseases as diabetes, heart pathology, hypertension. Cosmetologists advise Use microgrins if you have problems with the skin of the face.
  • And experienced gardeners think That microgrins perfectly replace greens, vegetables, and grow them much faster and easier than ordinary vegetables. In addition, this idea is to grow a micro-green to city residents.
  • For planting, it is not necessary to maintain a summer cottage, it is enough to have a little space on the windowsill. And it doesn’t matter which climate in your region, even in the Far North, microgrins grow perfectly.
  • Pediatrician doctors claim That children also do not prevent the use of “living” vitamins, they are better absorbed than synthetic and increase immunity. And the lesson itself is to grow a micro-green unusually exciting. Even the kids will want to participate in this process.

Video: Microgrin-Food train

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