Name of Yanin and Yana: The origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name of Yanin and Yana? Yanina and Yana: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

Name of Yanin and Yana: The origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name of Yanin and Yana? Yanina and Yana: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

The origin of the names of Jan and Yanin.

Now old names are in fashion. That is why girls are often called Sofia and Milans. In our country, the name Jan is not very popular due to its origin. But still this is an energetically very strong name.

Name of Yanina and Yana: Are these different names or not their similarity and difference?

In general, at the very beginning, the name Yang appeared and only after that its female form is Yana. In fact, the name of Jan and Yanina is one name. But the passport may indicate both the first and second option. The point is the origin. It is not clear to the end how the name appeared, since there are several variants of the origin of the name. But in our country, Janine is a little common option.

Name of Yanina and Yana: Are these different names or not their similarity and difference?
Name of Yanina and Yana: Are these different names or not their similarity and difference?

Name Yanina and Yana: The Origin of Names

There are several options for the origin of the name:

  • From the male name Yang
  • From the Hebrew male John (translated by the mercy of God)
  • From ancient mythology. In ancient Italy, the God of the Sun Janus existed

It is worth noting that in our country, Yanina is a less common option. This is due to the fact that this sound is more characteristic of the Scandinavian countries. The abbreviated version of Jan is popular with us.

Name Yanina and Yana: The Origin of Names
Name Yanina and Yana: The Origin of Names

Yanina and Yana: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

In our country, Yana is a common option. Yanina is rarely used. Therefore, your right to record in the passport as you like. That is, Yana or Yanina. Only by choosing one of the options, constantly use it. Otherwise, problems may arise when paperwork. The inheritance will not go to Yanina if the will indicates Yana.

Complete and abbreviated name, as will be on behalf of Yanin and Yana?

These are two full names. Just in our country, Janine did not take root, so Yana is more often used. In the countries of Scandinavia, on the contrary, the common version of Yanin. But if you wish, you can write as you like.

Complete and abbreviated name, as will be on behalf of Yanin and Yana?
Complete and abbreviated name, as will be on behalf of Yanin and Yana?

Can Janina call Yana and vice versa?

It is better to ask the girl, since many Yanina are associated more with Nina. For us, the version of Jan is more familiar. It is most often used. In the documents, it is very rare to find the option of Yanin.

As you can see, the name of Jan and Yanina is one and the same. It’s just that in our country the option Yanin did not take root.

Video: Yana and Yanina

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