St. George Ribbon: from which side are they worn on the chest, how to pin it correctly, where should not be hanged?

St. George Ribbon: from which side are they worn on the chest, how to pin it correctly, where should not be hanged?

The St. George tape is an important symbol for every person in our country. It must be correctly attached to the chest.

Why do historical traditions develop, how do they appear, do they need, what is it behind? The Great Patriotic War claimed millions of lives of the Soviet people. Is it possible to forget the history of the besieged Leningrad, the defenders of the Brest Fortress, the destroyed cities and small villages, tears and pain of mothers who have lost their children. We have no right to forget, pinning the St. George tape on May 9, confirm this.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Civil War: Causes". You will read information about the main stages of military-political events, military communism.

From this article you will learn from which side the St. George ribbon is worn on the chest. We will also tell you where to fix this attribute and whether it can be additionally decorated. Read further.

What is a St. George ribbon?

St. George Ribbon
St. George Ribbon

Volunteers distributing ribbons on the eve of May 9, "Code of St. George ribbon". It says that it cannot be the object of trade transactions, is distributed for free, it is forbidden to use it for commercial and advertising purposes. This is a symbol of the holiday, a tribute to the veterans, solidarity with them. The St. George ribbon is outside the politics.

In our state, the ribbon became one of the symbols Victorydressed in gratitude and memory of heroes. And acquaintance with the history of its occurrence will tell about the roots that go several centuries ago. This is not just 30 centimeters of a two-color tape, but courage and courage, manifested by our people not only in the war of 1941-1945.

The history of the symbol of the St. George ribbon: Flower value

In 1769, on November 26, “according to the old style”, Empress Catherine the Great signed a decree on the establishment of the new Russian Order. The charter indicated that they were awarded only military ranks, participants in the battles who committed heroic acts. The first was awarded the 4th degree of the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George the Victorious. Further consistently to the highest award.

Wearing method:

  • 1 degree - a tape 100mm wide, the sign was attached to it, put on the right shoulder. The star was worn on the left side of the uniform.
  • 2 degree - was attached to the St. George tape 50 mm wide and was located on the neck. The star was located, as with 1 degree.
  • 3 degree - in diameter was less than the previous one, also worn on the neck, used 32 mm tape wide.
  • 4 degree - wore on the chest, on a narrow, 22 mm - the St. George tape.

This is the history of this attribute. The tape was a strip of silk fabric with three black and two yellow stripes. Excluding solemn cases, she was worn under the uniform. Through a special slot on its side, the ends of the tape were released out. For the entire existence of the Order, 25 military were awarded to be awarded the first degree. Full gentlemen “awarded all the degrees” were M.I. Kutuzov, MB Barlay-de Tolly, I.F. Paskevich, I.I. Dibich. The motto of this order read "for service and courage."

It is worth knowing: The great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 replaced the political system, abolished all state awards, orders and medals. But, creating new awards, they turned to similar royal ones.

During the WWII, many orders and medals appeared. On November 8, 1943, the Order of Glory was established. It was planned 4 degrees, but limited to three. The order was awarded ordinary and sergeants. In aviation, he was awarded to younger lieutenants. He was established on the same day with the Order of Victory. They say that, giving the name to the Order of Glory I.V. Stalin said that there is no glory without victory.

They approved the colors of the tape. True, yellow was replaced by orange. Another Soviet award has these memorable colors - the medal for victory over Germany.

  • The decree was signed on May 9, 1945 by the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union.
  • There is an inscription on the obverse of the medal: on top of the circumference “our right -hand business”, from below - “we won”.
  • The value of the color of the stripes is interpreted in different ways-black color means smoke, orange-this is a flame.
  • Another option is gunpowder and fire.
  • There is such a tractor that the colors of the Russian coat of arms are repeated on the tape. The black strip personifies the eagle, and the orange - the golden crown. But this is rather a modern look.

Time passed, and the Russian Order, together with the Cross, returned to the state awards of the Russian Federation since 1992, which retained the number of degrees. The award is again assigned for combat exploits.

  • The St. George Cross is awarded sailors and soldiers, midshipmen and warrant officers for courage, courage and selflessness.
  • The order is one of the highest military state awards in Russia. The decree on his statute was signed by the president and at the same time the supreme commander in chief V.V. Putin 08.08.2000
  • Order, award for senior officers for the implementation of combat operations aimed at protecting the Fatherland.
  • The St. George Cross is made of silver, gilding is used in the 1st and 2nd degree.

George the Victorious - the patron saint of the Russian land, is depicted by a rider with a spear piercing the snake. This image also entered the coat of arms of our capital. The exploits of the heroes awarded the Order will remain in the memory of subsequent generations. Names and surnames are listed on marble boards decorating the St. George Hall of the Big Kremlin Palace, perpetuating them. Therefore, the St. George tape is of such great importance for the Russian people. We must wear it in memory at least for the holidays that are associated with our valiant warriors.

When and why should the St. George ribbon should be worn and pin?

There are no requirements that oblige to wear a St. George ribbon in a certain way. This is the choice of every citizen. When and why should the St. George ribbon should be worn?

  • The black-orange tape has already become a tradition, starting in 2005, a symbol of endless respect and admiration, stamina and courage.
  • On the eve of the celebration of the Great Victory, volunteers give the tapes to everyone.
  • People come to the parade, go in a column of the Immortal Regiment with portraits of their loved ones who participated or died in the war.

The descendants, frozen, stand in a minute of silence in memory of the dead, carry flowers to the eternal fire with a sign of heroism, pain and suffering, suffering tests in the war years with soldiers and all people.

How to wear a St. George ribbon, how to tie up: from which side is it on the chest, photo

Here's how to tie a St. George ribbon
Here's how to tie a St. George ribbon

There are no certain rules, how to wear a St. George ribbon, how to tie it. It can be pinned or sewn to outerwear. Which side is attached to the chest?

  • It is necessary to put on the tape on the left side - closer to the heart, as in the photo below.
This is how the St. George tape is attached to the chest
This is how the St. George tape is attached to the chest

The tradition of tying a tape with a bow may come from a soldier's award, the St. George Cross. They began to award them on February 13, 1807 for the courage and military merits of ordinary people. The sign had an ear and was worn on the tape of the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George the Victorious. On the tape above the sign was a small bow. But given that the colors of the tapes differ and the Soviet awards are closer to us, the St. George ribbon, or rather the guards, part from the Order of Glory. There were 2671 full cavaliers of the order. In the USSR, they were equated with the heroes of the Soviet Union.

Other methods are also used:

The easiest way to fasten the St. George tape
The easiest way to fasten the St. George tape "Loop"
  • The simplest - “loop”, the ends of the tape in the form of the letter “X” are crossed and fastened with a pin.
A simple way to fasten the St. George tape
A simple way to fasten the St. George tape "checkmark"
  • “Fit” - a strip of tape is folded in half so that one end is a little shorter, attached to the clothes, leaving a small eye from above.
A simple way to fasten the St. George ribbon in the form of a butterfly or bow
A simple way to fasten the St. George ribbon in the form of a butterfly or bow
  • In the form of a butterfly, a knot is tied in the center and small ends of the tape are left, like wings.

You can come up with many fastening options, just do not forget: this is a tribute to memory, not decoration.

Why are the St. George ribbon on the other side?

Some people believe that it is necessary to place the St. George tape on the chest not on the left, but on the right side. Why do many wear it?

  • They do this not by mistake, but based on the history of the appearance.
  • The tape of the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George the Victorious of the 1st degree was worn over the right shoulder and was fastened with a sign in the form of a cross at the left thigh.
  • It is worth noting that for the first time the “ribbons” began to be worn in France since 1830, as a replacement for the Order of the Honorary Legion.
  • In Russia on July 19, 1943, pads and ribbons were introduced to orders and medals. The pads are worn on the left on the chest.

The wearing of the St. George tape on the left side of the chest is considered correct - at the heart that stores the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.

Where should you not hang the St. George tape to the girl, boy, woman, man?

This is where you need and where you should not hang the St. George tape
This is where you need and where you should not hang the St. George tape

The State Duma of the Russian Federation received a proposal to consider the publication of the law on equating the St. George tape with the official symbol of military glory. The defilement will follow the administrative punishment, possibly, criminal liability. The tape is attached only on the chest and on the left side. Where should you not hang the St. George tape to the girl, boy, woman, man?

  • Wearing this attribute as another element of clothing - laces, a corset tape - is prohibited.
  • Do not tie on the handle of a ladies' bag or antenna of a car, in the car of the car, in the form of a bow on the hair, on trousers.

Do not put on the tape if its appearance is spoiled, this can be considered as disrespect for the memory of the heroes.

Is it possible to decorate the St. George tape with beads, stones or brooch?

It is forbidden to decorate the St. George tape
It is forbidden to decorate the St. George tape

Knowing what meaning is invested in the tape, you should not turn it into a fashion accessory and decorate the St. George tape with beads, stones or brooch. She is a sign of memory to the heroes who gave their lives for our future. Inquiry and respect for the winners who returned from the war. Therefore, additional jewelry is inappropriate.

In which countries and why is it forbidden to wear St. George ribbons?

The state of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which lasted from 1922 to 1991, collapsed and turned into 15 independent states. The cohesion and unity of all peoples were gradually lost. And if during the Great Patriotic War they fought with a common opponent for the life and freedom of a single state, were not divided into nationality, then the years of peaceful life destroyed fraternal relations.

Events in the Donbass and the accession of Crimea to Russia made a symbol of war in Ukraine from the St. George tape. As a sign of memory of victory over fascism, it was banned in many former republics. In which countries and why is it forbidden to wear St. George ribbons?

  • The Baltic states refused the first to refuse Russian symbols: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Victory Day is celebrated, as in Europe, May 8.
Memory tape in Belarus
Memory tape in Belarus
  • In Belarus, the tape is not prohibited, but the attribute of memory was a red-green bow with an apple tree.
  • For wearing a tape in Moldova, a fine is imposed. The Victory Festival is also canceled. This is the day of memory of the heroes who fell for the independence of their homeland.
Memory tape in Kazakhstan
Memory tape in Kazakhstan
  • Kazakhstan has changed the color of the victorious tape to the colors of the state flag.
  • Since 2015, Ukraine has completely distance from all the symbols of the former USSR. The term “Great Patriotic War” is also canceled in this country. The country chose other heroes, those with whom she fought, those who killed the Ukrainian people and were an accomplice of the Nazis. Distortizing and replacing historical facts, in Ukraine in memory of the victims of the war they depict a poppy flower “1939-1945. Never again. "

Based on the current situation in the post -Soviet space, the rejection of the St. George tape was almost everywhere except the Russian Federation. It is necessary to protect the tradition of wearing a St. George tape. Subsequent generations should know and remember the feat of the people of our multinational state, so that such tragedies are not repeated, and there are always clear and peaceful sky over the heads of our descendants.

Video: How to wear a St. George ribbon correctly?

Video: What does the St. George ribbon and colors mean on it?

Video: How to tie the St. George (guards) ribbon?

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