Between which continents, the Atlantic, Pacific, Northern Arctic, Indian, Southern Ocean: the list and names of the maintened continents, description

Between which continents, the Atlantic, Pacific, Northern Arctic, Indian, Southern Ocean: the list and names of the maintened continents, description

From this article you will find out which are 5 oceans between the continents.

What are the oceans and continents? Do we know everything about them? We will figure it out in this article.

Between which continents are the Pacific Ocean: the list and names of the washed continents, description

Geographical map indicating the Pacific Ocean and Sushi

Pacific Ocean - The largest for the size of the water surface is about 179 million km of square. The lands of Eurasia are washed from the western side by the ocean, from the southwestern-Australia, from East-America. In the north, the ocean is separated by the Bering Strait from the Arctic. In the south, Pacific waters are in contact with the southern ocean, and are divided along the conditional line.

In the direction of the south-sister of the ocean, the length of 15800 km, the west-east-by 19500 km. The worst place on Earth is the Pacific Mariana Breeding, close to 11 km.

States, washing the ocean:

  • Russia
  • China
  • Japan
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand
  • Korea
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Australia
  • Indonesia
  • New Zealand
  • Canada
  • USA
  • Guatemala
  • Costa Rica
  • Nicaragua
  • Mexico
  • Salvador
  • Ecuador
  • Peru
  • Colombia
  • Chile
  • Panama

The banks of Eurasia Washed seas:

  • Moluccsky
  • Halmacher
  • Sulawes
  • Gang
  • Sulu
  • Bali
  • Yellow
  • Sava
  • Japanese
  • Flores
  • Javanese
  • Okhotsk
  • Filippin
  • East Chinese
  • Bering
  • South China
Pacific shores

The coast of Australiawashed seas:

  • Tasmanov
  • Fiji
  • Solomonov
  • Novogvinean
  • Corallov

The shores of Americawashed Bays:

  • California
  • Panama
  • Alaskan

Islands In the ocean, 10 thousand formed by volcanoes are close. The most represented:

  • New Guinea
  • Big Sound Group
  • Sakhalin
  • Japanese
  • Phillipine
  • New Zealand
  • Hawaiian
  • Fiery land

The Pacific shores of North America are cut by mountain ranges, only in separate areas, and in the north of the mainland, there are decrease. Throughout the shore of South America, the high mountains of Andes spread out. Asian and Australian shores, and islands, also mountainous, but the mountains are not high.

The Pacific Ocean is so large that all climatic stripes are found on its territory. In the tropics (subtropics), the temperature of ocean water is 25-29ᵒc, often cyclones with rain and a destructive wind. To the north, near Japan and Russia, the averaged temperature of ocean water 5-8ᵒc, in winter ice.

In the southern hemisphere, a warm current passes near the coast of Australia, and the water of the ocean 11-28ᵒc.

In the Pacific Ocean, at different latitudes, more than half of all living sea creatures, known on Earth, lives: whales (striped and sperm whale), sea seals, seals, walruses. Of the smaller fish in the ocean, 2 thousand species live close, as well as different shrimp, mollusks, crabs. In the tropics, the abundance of corals.

Between which continents the Arctic Ocean is located: the list and names of the washed continents, description

Geographical map indicating the Arctic Ocean and Sushi

The North Arctic Ocean for the smallest size. It occupies closely 14.8 million km of square. The location of the ocean is between North America and Eurasia. Water from it enters the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The worst place in the ocean is considered the Greenland Sea, 5.5 km deep.

Shores states, washing the ocean:

  • Russia
  • Denmark (Greenland belongs to her)
  • Iceland
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • USA
  • Norway
  • Canada

The shores of the above countries are washed seas:

  • Barents
  • BOFT
  • Kara
  • White
  • Chukotsky
  • Buffin
  • Greenland
  • East Siberian
  • Laptev
  • Lincoln
  • Norwegian
Arctic Ocean


  • Greenland
  • Kolguev
  • Spitsbergen
  • Northern land
  • Canadian archipelago
  • Vaigach
  • Novosibirsk
  • Wrangel
  • New Earth
  • The land of Franz Joseph

The banks of the American land near the ocean are hilly with low upsurges, often covered with glaciers. The Eurasian shores are divided more strongly, and also partially with glaciers.

Arctic climate severe. In the ocean, ice all year round. In summer, the ice is broken into separate islands that drift (move) at an average speed of 7 km per day, but speed and 100 km per day are possible.

In the ocean and seas plants and animals Scanty, exception only in white and Barents Seas. Such sea regulars are growing and living here. algae:

  • Laminarias
  • Slaughter
  • Anfelzi
  • Fukusi

Fish (close 150 species):

  • Salmon
  • Flounder
  • Cod
  • Herring
  • Scorpenes

Bird (up to 30 species):

  • Seagulls
  • Luriks
  • Kuliki
  • Geese
  • Kazarki
  • Gagami


  • Seals
  • Lemmining
  • Whales
  • Northern deer
  • Walruses
  • White bears

Many plants and animals that grew up in northern cold water are characterized gigantism, longevity. The largest copies of mussels, jellyfish were caught here, and the life expectancy of fish is much longer than living in the warm sea.

Between which continents are the Atlantic Ocean: the list and names of the washed continents, description

Geographical map indicating the Atlantic Ocean and Sushi

From the north, the Atlantic Ocean washes Iceland with Greenland, from the west - America, from the east - Eurasia with Africa, in the south is mixed with the water of the Southern Ocean. Its area is close to 92 million km of square, it is in second place in size. The fateful place of the ocean is represented by the groove of Puerto Rico, with a depth of 8.7 km.

The Atlantic Ocean is famous for the following seas:

  • Irish
  • Norwegian
  • Caribbean
  • Northern
  • Baltic
  • Mediterranean
  • Sargassov
  • Labrador
  • Irminger
  • Celtic


  • British, on which Ireland with the UK are located
  • Icelandia
  • Sardinia
  • Sicily
  • Malta
  • Madeira
  • Newfoundland
  • Big and small antilacs with Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Guadeloupu and Trinidad
  • Bahamas
  • Canar
  • Faroe
  • Bermuda
  • Falkland
  • Fire ground
Atlantic Ocean


  • Icelandia
  • Norway
  • Dania
  • Great Britain
  • The Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Mauritania
  • Morocco
  • Cat-D-Ivoar
  • Senegal
  • Guinea
  • Benin
  • Cameroon
  • Gabon
  • Namibia
  • Congo
  • Angola
  • South Africa
  • Uruguay
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Guviana
  • Surinam
  • Gaiana
  • Venezuela
  • Colombia
  • Panama
  • Mexico
  • USA
  • Canada

The Atlantic Ocean captures all climatic zones. Tropics with an average temperature of the water are 20ᵒc, heavy rains with frequent hurricanes; in subtropics-an average of 10-20ᵒc, with heavy rains in the summer; Moderate belt- +10-0ᵒc.

In the Atlantic Ocean, large tides are frequent on the American and European coasts.

The northern part of the ocean is rich in red brown algae, and the tropics are green.

Oceanic depths are represented by all kinds of animals:

  • Squid
  • Octopuses
  • Tuna
  • Sardina
  • Macrel
  • Cod
  • Superior by sea
  • Paltus
  • Herring
  • Piksha

The Atlantic Ocean has long been - the place of intensive fishing, so almost all whales were exterminated here, and only since 2010 it is forbidden to kill them.

Between which continents is the Indian Ocean: the list and names of the washed continents, description

Geographical map-Globus indicating the Indian Ocean and Sushi

Eurasia is washed by the Indian Ocean from the north, from the west - Africa, from the east - the Australian coast, in the south merges with the southern ocean. The ocean with an area is close to 283 million km of square. The Indian Ocean, with the worst place, the probe groove (7.7 km), almost all are located in the southern hemisphere.

The Indian Ocean is famous seas:

  • Red
  • Lakkadivsky
  • Andaman
  • Timor
  • Arabian
  • Arafur


  • Madagascar
  • Tasmania
  • Andaman
  • Sri Lanka
  • Masquearens
  • Sokotro
  • Comoric
  • Bahrain
  • Seychelles
  • Maldives
Indian Ocean


  • South Africa
  • Djibuti
  • Somalia
  • Mosambic
  • Eritrea
  • Tanzania
  • Kenia
  • Sudan
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Oman
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Yemenom
  • Israel
  • UAE
  • Kuwait
  • Iran
  • Qatar
  • Iraq
  • Pakistan
  • India
  • Bangladesh
  • Thailand
  • Myanmar
  • Indonesia
  • East Timor
  • Australia
  • Malaysia

The Indian Ocean consists in 4 climatic zones. In summer, on the tropical and subtropical Asian coast, frequent monsoons with strong stormy winds, the temperature of the water is close to the 28ᵒc equator, in the Red Sea 30-31ᵒc. In a moderate strip, closer to 50 ’latitude, the average air temperature is 5-6ᵒc, and the water is close to 0ᵒc.

From plantsalgae grow in the ocean, many unicellular, they multiply quickly, and water “blooms” from them.

From animal world The ocean is rich in peridines glowing at night, jellyfish, crests, poisonous phrasali. From larger inhabitantspresent:

  • Tuna
  • Nototenia
  • Sharks
  • Dolphins
  • Sea snakes
  • Big sea turtles
  • Podimally
  • Whales
  • Penguins
  • Albatrosses
  • Mollusks
  • Sea elephants, stars, hedgehogs

Between which continents is the Southern Ocean: the list and names of the maintenance of the continents, description

Geographical map indicating the South Ocean and Antarctica

Regarding the South Ocean, the arguments are ambiguous: it is either recognized or not. Now the ocean exists. He was recognized for the last time in 2000. The fate of the ocean is decided by countries in the MGO.

The southern ocean includes The southern endings (south of 60 parallels) of the remaining oceans (Indian with Atlantic and Pacific) around Antarctica. The ocean has no exact boundaries. It is close to 20 million km squares with an area.

The ocean is rich seasthat around Antarctica:

  • Somov
  • Durville
  • Riser Larsen
  • Astronauts
  • Mouson
  • Commonwealth
  • Lazarev
  • Davis
  • Amundsen
  • Skosh
  • Bellingshausen
  • Ross
  • Weddell
South ocean

AND islands:

  • Southern Orkney
  • Kerglen
  • Southern Shetland

The water in the ocean with a temperature of -2-+10ᵒc, after 65 latitude freezes in winter. It is not easy for ships to swim here: icebergs are found in the summer. The largest depth is 8.4 km, represented by the Yuzhno-Sandvichev gutter.

And, despite the harsh climate, 180 types of algae (diatomic), and a small variety of blue-green, grow close in the ocean. From animals in the waters there are whales, seals, kril, notothenia. The coast of the ocean is inhabited by penguins, petrels. The southern ocean is richer than the northern fish, and there are many Russian vessels involved in catching fish.

So, we learned more about our land.

Video: continents and oceans

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