Ointment of pits BC for humans: What does the instructions for use help?

Ointment of pits BC for humans: What does the instructions for use help?

Ointment BC for: Instructions, what diseases can be treated, recommendations and reviews.

Ointment of the BC Yam for humans is an excellent tool that has proven itself excellently for the treatment of many dermatological diseases. In this article, we will talk about how to be treated with this ointment, as well as where to buy and how much it costs ointment for a person for humans.

The composition of the ointment of the pits of the BC for humans

The basis of the ointment of pits of the BC for humans is a mixture of zinc and sulfur oxide. Vaseline and distilled water were taken for the base. Auxiliary ingredients are tar and turpentine, salicylic acid and lysol, and there is also a coal non -phenylol creoline.

How does the ointment of Yam BC per person work?

Ointment of the BC Yam for humans is designed exclusively for external use. It is released in convenient packaging from tubes of 20 grams, to cans of 1 kg. Depending on the degree of damage to the skin with the disease and the duration of treatment, you can purchase the most profitable packaging. But if you use the product for the first time-take the smallest packaging to test the drug, since sometimes it causes irritation and allergic reactions due to active components.

The main actions of the therapeutic ointment include:

  • Drying;
  • Fungicidal;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Acaricidal;
  • Binding;
  • Keratolytic;
  • Anti -inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic.

Who should not use the ointment of the BC for humans?

Most often, the ointment of the BC pit for a person acts on people positively, and is shown for a wide range of people. But there are a number of restrictions, and if you have found yourself on this list, ask the doctor to replace the treatment. Remember, in the process of treatment, the main thing is not to harm.

  • Pregnant women;
  • Nursing;
  • With allergies to one of the components;
  • In the presence of scratches, wounds in the processed areas, as well as areas that are near the affected area.

If the ointment began to bake or deliver discomfort, immediately remove from the skin and go to the hospital. If an allergic reaction occurs, a number of complications may occur, up to a chemical burn.

Ointment of pits BC for humans
Ointment of pits BC for humans

Ointment of pits bc from lichen in a child

If the child has a diagnosis of lichen, then the ointment of the BC Yam for a person can be prescribed as an external medicine that actively fights lichen, relieves itching, dries and helps fast skin regeneration.

At the same time, all responsibility for the appointment and treatment falls on the attending physician and parents of the child, since the drug was not studied as children's and laboratory results in children's therapy. At the same time, doctors state the fact that the treatment of schoolchildren and preschool children with this ointment has a pronounced positive effect.

It is important to remember that the ointment can be used no more than once a day, and for no more than 15 minutes. In the case of treatment of children, the deadlines and the amount of ointment for ointment must be discussed with the attending physician.

Ointment of pits bc for acne: recommendations and reviews

Most often, we call two types of skin irritations: dermatitis and infectious diseases. In both cases, the use of ointment of the BC pits for a person can give a positive effect. At the same time, do not forget that if acne is open, with wounds, it is strictly prohibited to use the drug.

What does the ointment of the pits of the BC look like for a person
What does the ointment of the pits of the BC look like for a person

In order to correctly diagnose the problem, and also not to aggravate the disease, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist and dermatologist for starters, take a number of tests and get the purpose of treatment as a result. As an option, it may turn out that the ointment of Yam BC for a person is exactly what you need. But there is an option that the ointment will aggravate the situation.


  • Marina Lvovna (dermatologist): I prescribe ointment for a person for a person as an excellent tool for solving a whole line of dermatological diseases. Patients not only with infections, but also with acne showed positive dynamics in treatment. But it is worth remembering that the main thing in treatment is not to aggravate the problem. Therefore, if you see a rash, first take the tests, and only then start treatment.
  • Gennady: I, like all, probably men, avoided doctors to the last. Redness, peeling - yes it is just from frost! Summer came and it turned out that I had an advanced stage of Rosacea. The dermatologist prescribed a “smelly” ointment (pits from acne) with a course of 10 days. He cursed with his wife every night, refusing to apply an ointment on her face, but she insisted. The smell was present all night and remained even in the morning. If not for the vacation, the whole office would have been wrapped in it. But! A week later, there was no trace of the disease! He finished the course a year ago, but since then the disease has not returned to me. I recommend!

Ointment of the pile of bc from nail fungus

Based on the instructions for use and official sources of ointment of the BC for humans, it is not prescribed for the treatment of nail fungus. But dermatologists pay attention to the fact that often, under the diagnosis of “nail fungus” lies tens, or even hundreds of causes. It can be not only various fungi, but also viruses.

If the doctor sees according to the results of the tests that the disease can be cured by one of the ointment components, then the ointment of the Yam BC for a person can be prescribed for up to 20 days. At the same time, the patient should definitely appear in the doctor after 5-10-15 days in order to monitor the course of the disease and cancel the ointment in time if it does not work, or causes complications.

Ointment of the Yam BC from Demodecos

During laboratory studies, it was revealed that the ointment of Yam BC for a person successfully copes with demodicosis. Therefore, Russian doctors dermatologists often prescribe this drug with courses, until the patient is completely recovered.

It is important not to forget that contact with the skin should not exceed more than 15 minutes. On the Internet there are many tips from users, as they applied the ointment for the whole evening, and some at night. Remember - prolonged contact can cause burns. Yes, and excessive contact with the skin will not give a faster or stronger effect, but after harming once, you will have to abandon the drug forever.

Most often, the ointment is prescribed once a day, for 10-15 minutes. Then carefully remove from the skin.

Ointment of the Yam BC from Demodecos
Ointment of the Yam BC from Demodecos

Ointment of Yam BC - does it help from scabies?

As dermatologists say, the ointment of Yam BC for is a real panacea from scabies. The appointments are very simple - to apply the ointment once a day on the affected areas, as well as to areas near the lesions for exactly 15 minutes. The course of at least 10 days, but it should be noted that the ointment is recommended to be applied to the skin areas until the scraper shows a negative result on the scabies, and after that plus 5 days.

In general, in the fight against scabies it is best to carry out treatment along with sterilization of the room, all textiles and furniture at home. Only a cohesive, complex work will be able to forever deal with a hard -to -healing disease so that there are no new outbreaks.

Ointment of pits BC for people with eczema

Scientists revealed that the ointment of the BC Yam for a person has a positive effect on the treatment of eczema. The treatment is prescribed individually, based on the duration of the disease, the area of \u200b\u200blesion and other factors. The ointment should not be on the body for longer than 15 minutes, but the course can reach up to 30 days.

Ointment of the pit of the psoriasis

Regarding the effectiveness of the ointment of the BC for a person from psoriasis, there is no result of laboratory tests. At the same time, dermatologists often prescribe this ointment in combined treatment of psoriasis.

The courses do not exceed 20 days, the ointment is applied once a day for 10-15 minutes. Then it must be thoroughly removed from the skin, while not to tear the crusts from the skin.

Where to buy a bc ointment for a person?

It is good if the doctor prescribing the medicine immediately says where to purchase it. Another thing is if you need to find the medicine yourself. In pharmacies, the ointment of the Yam BC for humans is extremely rare. Almost never. Therefore, there are two options where to buy ointment of the Yam BC for humans:

  • On the Internet pharmacies and on the manufacturer's website;
  • In veterinary pharmacies, since the composition is identical and produced all together, only the spill goes into different packages.

Ointment Yam BC for people: reviews

Anatoly: I suffered from eczema for several years. He changed his specialist and he prescribed only one medicine - the ointment of Yam BC for a person. Imagine what was my surprise when a month later I was not so healthy, but as close as possible to this goal. Nothing before helped! Now I have a break, I'm waiting for the second year and I hope for a complete recovery.

Melania: I have been struggling with acne for many years. In our city, I went around all the doctors, go to other cities - there is no money. And then a neighbor from the resort brought a miracle. I bought it and on me. She treated psoriasis, I am acne. Helped both! Thanks for the remedy, but why is it not in pharmacies?

Video: Demodecosis. 7 Treatment principles

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Comments K. article

  1. Daughters appeared from a cat lichen can be treated with ointment

  2. I want to try to use this ointment for cracks, dawn and burenka help the cracks heal, but over time appear again

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