Clotrimazole ointment - instructions for use for women, analogues, reviews

Clotrimazole ointment - instructions for use for women, analogues, reviews

Clotrimazole is an effective ointment, the basis of which is imageazole. The drug is produced in various forms, but ointment is considered the most common.

At the moment, almost any woman has at least once encountered a variety of fungal diseases that cause many problems. Clotrimazole ointment is a fairly effective drug. It allows you to solve a huge number of problems associated with female health. This tool is sold in almost every pharmacy.

It can be used for both external and external treatment. The tool copes with any specific infectious ailments: candidiasis, dermatophytia, erosion, lichen and so on.

Clotrimazole ointment from fungus

Clotrimazole is a remedy for fungal diseases. The drug contains an active component of Clotrimazole. It has antifungal properties. There are also other additional substances in the ointments.

The drug consists of:

  • I drank glycol
  • Methyl paraben
  • Polyethylenexide

The ointment must be stored in a cold place so that it is dry. Also, this place should be where the sun's rays do not fall.

  • Clotrimazole is an effective ointment, and therefore it quickly has a positive effect on the body.
  • The active substances of the ointment are instantly absorbed into the skin cells, quickly and detailed affecting the fungi of yeast -like origin.
  • Thanks to the drug, the fungus ceases to multiply, spread. This improves the external state of the affected area much faster.

What exactly can the drug help? In what cases to use clotrimazole ointment for women? The active components of the ointment quickly cope with any ailments, therefore, the use of Clotrimazole ointments has a very wide range. This ointment quickly copes with any fungi, it affects soft tissues. Therefore, the result can be seen 30 minutes after the drug has been applied.


Clotrimazole ointment with thrush: Detailed instructions

Clotrimazole is an ointment that helps during thrush. It has a thick consistency. The ointment is applied directly to the labia. The drug has white color. He received such a shade due to the presence of paraffin, alcohol, purified water and other components. The ointment was designed specifically to fight the disputes of fungi of different origin.

It is used, as a rule, from candidiasis. It can be used not only by women, but also by men. It can also be used if fungal diseases began to develop on the feet, skin and mucous ward.

  • The ointment is used mainly to combat fungal raids that provoke microsporia, lichen. Drug for a long time proves its own increased level of efficiency.
  • However, in order to overcome the disease, it is necessary to undergo a full course of therapy. It can be at least 5 days and a maximum of 10 days.
  • The duration of treatment will depend on what form the disease has, the degree of its complexity. The effectiveness of the drug is due to how the patient uses ointment correctly.

A drug Clotrimazole It is made in small tubes, the capacity of which is 20 ml.

It is strictly forbidden to independently carry out the therapy of thrush using ointment, especially if the patient is not sure of the accuracy of her own diagnosis.

From the very beginning, the first signs of the disease appear in the form of redness, severe burning, as well as itching in the genital area. With such signs, it is urgent to contact the doctor. He will be able to make an accurate diagnosis on the basis of examinations, prescribe the necessary treatment.

During thrush, the drug is used according to this scheme:

  • The ointment must be applied with a thin layer on the walls of the vagina.
  • The drug must be applied per day no more than once.
  • The duration of therapy is from 3 days or more.

Before you decide to use ointment, you must perform important procedures - take a bath or shower. This is necessary so that the infection cannot get inside the vagina. Use the ointment with particular caution without violating the rules from the instructions. Just apply the product in a circular motion into the skin. The dosage is approximately 5 g.

As soon as you notice the first signs of the disease and you will be prescribed treatment, you will have to abandon sexual relations. Such treatment is also recommended to go through your partner in order to get rid of signs of the disease and its possible manifestation. Most often, if one partner has symptoms of candidiasis, then the second signs appear in a few days.

Ointment Clotrimazole: What does it help from?


With stomatitis
With stomatitis

Doctors can prescribe a woman to use Klotrimazole ointment in such cases:

  • In the chronic form of the disease (The disease can be recurrent or flow constantly without interruptions).
  • If a woman has a long time acute form of thrush (up to 3 weeks).
  • If it is difficult for a woman to take other drugs, for example, in the form of candles. Or the patient cannot be used by such means.
  • If a combined treatment is necessary during the treatment, during which antimycotic drugs are also prescribed for a woman in the form of capsules, candles, creams or ointments.
  • During a severe damage to the labia, when the fungal disease developed greatly. Such a disease is found, but rarely.
  • If after preliminary treatment there is no positive effect.
  • When the patient agrees to prolonged treatment.

The ointment is also recommended if the mucous membrane and skin are affected:

  • Oral cavity (language, gums).
  • Any zones of the skin.
  • Epidermis on the hands.
  • Nails, hair.

Using the ointment of slotrimazole during pregnancy, lactation

  • Ointment Clotrimazole and other drugs of this series, having such a consistency, are prescribed by a gynecologist only on 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. As different clinical studies show, at the last period the ointment cannot have a teratogenic effect.
Not in the first trimester
Not in the first trimester
  • Doctors say that the drug is considered completely safe. But despite their words, pregnant women using Clotrimazole should regularly take blood analysis.
  • A small number of active component enters the bloodstream. There is a risk that the drug can accumulate in milk. Therefore, it is advisable to abandon the ointment during lactation.

Clotrimazole ointment: side effects

If you have after use ointments Clotrimazole There will be signs of irritation, allergies, then you need to urgently stop using the drug.

Many women claim that they had such symptoms during treatment:

  • Itching in the vagina.
  • Burning.
  • The emergence of swelling.
  • Peeling of the epidermis.
  • Irritation.
  • Inflammation.

When using the ointment, you noticed at least one of those symptoms that are described above? Then refuse treatment with the drug.

Side effects can appear for the following reasons:

  • The body does not tolerate one or more components of the ingredients of the drug.
  • Due to improper use of the ointment.
  • In case of an overdose.

The local use of the drug during thrush makes it possible to get rid of the occurrence of negative consequences.

  • During pregnancy, it is worth using the ointment carefully, and in the 1st trimester ointment is generally prohibited. So that you do not have negative consequences after using the ointment, replace it with other drugs of this series, for example, cream, candles.
  • If the ointment causes negative symptoms, then look for other drugs that can also be used during thrush therapy.

Clotrimazole ointment: contraindications

  • The ointment has some contraindications. They are due to the negative effects of the composition of Clotrimazole on the female body. If you have symptoms of intolerance to the drug, then refuse it immediately.

In order to prevent the occurrence of negative reactions at the beginning of pregnancy, avoid the drug in any form. Start therapy no earlier than the 12th week of pregnancy. When lactation, use ointment carefully. The most favorable form of the product during the treatment of thrush is a cream or ointment.

We note that it is strictly forbidden to use ointment when breastfeeding if a woman treats mammary glands. The components of the ointment enter the children's body, cause poisoning in the baby, intoxication.

There are contraindications
There are contraindications

Also, doctors do not allow using ointment in such cases:

  • If a woman has a disease of kidneys, liver.
  • During the menstrual cycle. All because the ointment can penetrate the body with blood, thereby causing side effects.
  • With candidal lesions of the mucous membrane of the eye. Irreversible changes may develop, even cause loss of vision.

What are the analogues of the ointment of Clotrimazole?

Pharmaceuticals do not stand still. Many products are developed against thrush. Therefore, women, in case of side effects from the ointment of Clotrimazole, can use the following drugs:

  • Clotrimazole. Available in the form of tablets by a domestic manufacturer.
  • Amiklon. Also the drug of the Russian company.
  • Camizon. Available in the form of a cream. This is an Indian tool with the same active effects, composition.

The price of a fixed asset is from 190 to 260 rubles.

Ointment Clotrimazole: reviews

Increased effectiveness of the ointment of Clotrimazole and affordable cost - These 2 factors are considered decisive. Therefore, the drug is one of the popular means. I also want to note that the ointment has simple instructions, it has practically no side effects.

This drug today has many good reviews. More than 95% of patients were satisfied with the action of ointment, because the product has a quick effect. After several applications, you can notice a positive effect.

Positive effect
Positive effect
  • Maria is 35 years old. “When I started using ointment, initially I had an unpleasant sensation in the form of itching from it. But after the 3rd day they disappeared. Signs of illness began to disappear along with them. And after 7 days, when I got an appointment with the doctor, he confirmed that I was completely healthy. The doctor also noted that if I hadn’t started treatment in time, I would have to drink pills and use candles. Therefore, the course of therapy would last much longer. ”
  • Olga 24 years old. “She was able to overcome the thrush in just a week, using this ointment. It has a large number of advantages. I want to talk about treatment. During therapy, both I and my husband used the ointment. A week later, the doctor confirmed a complete recovery. I was also arranged by the fact that the ointment does not easily cope with the symptoms, but really kills a fungal disease. Signs of the disease have already disappeared 4 days after the first use of the ointment. ”
  • Christina is 40 years old. “I found a thrush at home. The doctor said that I would bring my husband to him. He also had this ailment. The doctor prescribed us to use the ointment or cream Clotrimazole. I proposed other medicines, but this tool is not easy, it is also cheap. They cured with the spouse very quickly. There are no traces of the disease. We used every day in the evening. The effectiveness of the drug confirms. "

Video: What do you say about the ointment of Clotrimazole?

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