Peppermint essential oil and use in cosmetology. How to use mint oil for face, lips, body?

Peppermint essential oil and use in cosmetology. How to use mint oil for face, lips, body?

The article tells how to use the essential oil of peppermint with the benefit. Recipes of masks and mixtures for face care based on essential oil of mint are given, and it is also said about how mint oil is used in cosmetology

Peppermint has long been used in medicine of the East and West. It is part of cosmetics.

In the tombs of the pharaohs and tombs of the Roman emperors, archaeologists found dried leaves and stems of this plant, which is considered the best tool for normalizing the digestive tract

Useful properties of mint

  • Peppermint helps with pronounced skin inflammation, with its excessive oily
  • Essential oil - an antiseptic that has the ability to qualitatively and deeply clear the pores
  • Mint oil with its amazing soothing smell tones and invigorates
  • The fresh vegetative part of the plant is eaten for food, and
  • extracts and oils are added to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and perfumes.
  • Mint has a pleasant aroma that gives it cold.

Mint oil fully reveals the advantages of fresh mint


The action of peppermint essential oil

  • Even in the works of Hippocrates and Avicenna, a plant is mentioned, which has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person
  • After a cup of mint tea, irritation goes away, a person calms down
  • Oil increases the energy forces of the body and strengthens the immunity
  • Menthol, extracted from essential oil, is present in products that help maintain freshness of breathing: chewing gums, sabotage lotions for teeth
  • Mint is able to slow down hair growth by reducing the number of male hormones, therefore it is used in remedies for hair removal, shaving

Mint bottle 3

Get aromatic oil After steam distillation of dried flowers, and not the entire autonomic part of the plant, as in the receipt of other essential oils.
The final liquid product of a yellowish shade sometimes acquires a light green color, with a bright, sharp aroma in which cold mint and warm camphor notes closely intertwined



Therapeutic properties of mint essential oil

The soothing effect and a pleasant spicy aroma is not all the beneficial properties of mint oil.

  • With the help of essential oil, an asthenic disorder, which is manifested by dizziness, nausea, can be facilitated
  • Mint will relieve heartburn
  • spasm of the stomach, as well as a number of disorders and diseases


What diseases are peppermint mint?

  • toothache
  • a fit of heartburn
  • gastric cramps
  • heart pain, menstrual
  • upper respiratory tract disease
  • with periodontal disease; the appearance of smell from the mouth
  • with nervous exhaustion, overwork
  • when acne appears, merchants
  • when caring for fading and aging skin, as well as in the presence of inflammation


Mint oil in cosmetology

Aromala, which are obtained from flowering crops, in cosmetology are widely used. Among them are peppermint oil from the family of clear (lamiaceae) containing menthol.

  • Mint oil quickly relieves skin irritation,
  • improves its protective functions,
  • eliminates bacterial dermatitis,
  • narrows the pores and
  • regulates the work of the sebaceous glands to owners of too oily skin
  • But if you have dry skin, then the use of mint aromala helps to preserve moisture in the skin.
  • The cooling properties of oil in the field of cosmetology and the ability to improve blood circulation are used to align the skin color,
  • removing traces of fatigue and
  • skin healing at the initial stage of eczema
  • Aroma -language can cope with unaesthetic vascular and capillary drawings on the skin, acne

Mint oil contraindications

Mint oil does not apply to allergens, but requires careful use
In what cases it is impossible to use mint oil:

  • children under 7 years old
  • in diseases of the nasopharynx, lungs, bronchitis
  • those who are undergoing a course of homeopathic procedures (oil can cancel the effect of drugs used in homeopathy)
  • before bedtime (oil has an invigorating effect)
  • pregnant and lactating
  • prone to allergies or
  • those who have sensitive skin (you need to conduct a sensitivity test: spread a drop of oil on the bend of the elbow, in the wrist area, check the allergic reaction the next day)

Aromatic baths with mint oil, benefit

Warm water in a duet with mint has a fantastically rallying effect on the body.

Just a few drops of mint aromatic aromas or a mixture of essential oils are able to drive away anxieties, strengthen immunity, improve well -being.

After water procedures with mint aromatic, the skin is cleansed, toned, rejuvenated.

The life -giving mint aroma acts on the upper respiratory tract similarly inhalation, and dissolving in water, the oil penetrates the skin faster.

Each life situation requires selecting a certain aroma that will show the necessary healing properties at the moment


Recipe 1: Aroma (for relaxation and calm after a busy day): the first procedure with mint aromatic mint should be carried out with a small amount of mint essential oil (not more than 3 drops). Oil is dissolved in an emulsifier. In the future, for a bath you can increase the amount of oil to 7 drops
Recipe 2: Aroma, which will help to recover after a light hangover: you need to dissolve in cream, milk, honey or kefir and pour a mixture of aromas grapefruit, orange, and mint into the water. You can add sage, thyme, rosemary oils
Recipe 3: Toning: Pour 100 g of dried mint with hot water (8 glasses). After 20 minutes, strain and pour the resulting infusion into a bath with warm water.

Aromatova relieves fatigue, rejuvenates. After the bath, metabolism is stimulated

To achieve deep relaxation, Aromannnu is completed by drinking tea brewed on herbs

Mint tea

The benefits of mint oil for facial skin

Mint flavor is an excellent cleanser.

If you prepare a mint mask, it will quickly relieve skin irritation, improve blood circulation. After the procedure, the skin on the face is leveled, refreshed, the color improves and tone lights up.

With constant use of mint, wrinkles will not appear prematurely.

Mint flavor is ideal for oily skin care.

Meanwhile, the oil acts equally healing and combined skinas well as prone to various rashes.

If a the skin is dry, then the oil must be used with other components that moisturize and additionally nourish

Face mint masks

Recipe 1: skin cleansing products
Action: cleanses and increases elasticity, the skin acquires freshness, heals
Pepper essential oil-4-5 drops;
1 h/l honey
Preparation: Oil drip into a spoonful of honey, dissolve in a glass of water and freezed in ice molds in the refrigerator. Tonic mint ice cubes cleanse the face twice a day, having previously washed.
Recipe 2: Refreshing mask
Action: The skin after the mask acquires a healthy look, and small wrinkles are smoothed out
Peppermint oil - 4 drops;
Boiled and cooled oatmeal - 3 st/l
How to apply: Combine the oil with porridge. Apply to the neckline, face. Mask from oatmeal no more than 2 times within a week

Peppermint oil - masks

If you point mint oil pointwise to problem skin, then acne, acne, skin inflammations will stop disturbing
Recipe: Masks from acne
Blue clay - 15 g
Mineral water - 2 st/l
Peppermint essential oil - 3 drops
Essential oils of yarrow, lavender, sage - 1 drop
Preparation and application: Dilute the clay with water, add all the oils by drop. Mix until a mixture of cream -shaped consistency. Put on the face with a thin layer, remove in 15 minutes. Wash with warm water

Lip mint oil

Peppermint oil gives puffiness and brightness to the lips, and also has an anti -aging effect. Aromamaed is also an excellent means for the prevention of herpes

Recipe 1 shine to increase volume: 5 drops of peppermint oil drip into the petroleum jelly and add 4-5 drops of almond-hay. Mix Vaselin in a tube. Brush

Recipe 2: Lubricate the lips with a drop of mint oil, which will increase the rush of blood and create an additional volume by 2-3 hours

Feet mint oil

Mint oil has an anti -red and anti -inflammatory effect. Therefore, for tired, swollen legs, disinfectant and cleansing baths are used
Recipe 1:
Peppermint essential oil - 5 drops;
Eucalyptus essential oil - 7 drops;
Tea tree essential oil - 7 drops
Preparation: It is necessary to mix the oils and pour the resulting mixture into a basin full of hot water. Lower your legs into the basin and wait until the water cools down. After that, the legs cannot be wiped
Mint scrub recipe
English or sea salt - 4 tbsp/l;
soy oil or any other vegetable - 2 tbsp/l;
peppermint essential oil - 8 drops
Application: Mix salt with soy oil and add 8 drops of mint oil. Scrub relieves spasms and gives tired legs relief
Recipe 2: 4-5 drops of peppermint essential oil with a small amount of honey, bran, sea or table salt. Add the resulting mixture to the foot bath. This procedure cools, refreshes and tones well

Contraindications to the use of mint oil

It is categorically impossible to use peppermint oil to treat and carry out wellness procedures to people with individual mint intolerance.
It is easy to detect if a strong burning, redness, skin irritation appears. With any deviations from mint oil procedures, you will have to refuse

How to use mint oil in cosmetology: tips and reviews

Traditional medicine and reviews of those who have experienced the healing effect of peppermint mint, indicate that essential oil helps to improve the general condition of the body. But in addition, it is an excellent cosmetic product that has a whole spectrum of properties necessary in the field of cosmetology.

The main thing is not to use oil for insomnia, allergies, with sensitive skin

Video: On the benefits and properties of peppermint


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Comments K. article

  1. Mint very often there is an allergic reaction. So be careful. I recommend coconut from oils, it never gives like this. It is good to nourish the skin. And to moisturize its deep layers, I advise the Evalarovsky hyaluronic acid.

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