Magnetotherapy for the joints: what is it, what joint diseases he treats, how is it performed? Contraindications to the use of magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy for the joints: what is it, what joint diseases he treats, how is it performed? Contraindications to the use of magnetotherapy

From this article you will learn what joint diseases are treated by magnetotherapy.

With age, the joints wear out and begin to make themselves felt with pain, limited movements, swelling. It is important to know that in such situations such a physiological procedure as magnetotherapy can help. We learn about her in this article.

What is magnetotherapy?

This is what a room and a device for magnetotherapy looks like

Magnetotherapy - Treatment of joints using a device that passes through the diseased joint of a person constant and variable magnetic waves.

It is known that joint diseases occur when a synovial fluid washing bone and giving them to move freely. The device that generates magnetic fields causes the following manifestations in the disturbing joints:

  • Makes weak vortex movements in articular fluid
  • Acts negatively on inflammatory phenomena in the joints
  • The walls of the joints of the joints and cartilaginous tissues are able to better absorb beneficial substances
  • Prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria
  • Blood is better circulating to the joints
  • Blood coagulation decreases, and blood clots do not form
  • The state of blood vessels and nerve endings improves
  • Enhances the effect of drugs

The device acts on a change in low variable frequencies with high impulse frequencies.

Low frequencies The body act as follows:

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Expand the vessels
  • Stimulate the work of the endocrine system
  • Prevent the formation of tumors

High magnetic frequencies have the following effect in the body:

  • Anesthesia
  • Reduce inflammatory phenomena
  • Cure wounds
  • Improve muscle contraction

The device with magnetic fields is available in all clinics in which there is a physiotherapy department. The direction to magnetotherapy gives the attending physician, given the existing chronic diseases.

But if you cannot visit the clinic for some reason, then the device with low and high-frequency waves, but smaller, you can purchase at the pharmacy.

Attention. When acquiring a device emitting magnetic fields, all contraindications available to magnetotherapy should be strictly taken into account.

What joint diseases are healed by magnetotherapy?

This is what cartilage looks like in a healthy joint and sick arthrosis

The following diseases are treated with magnetotherapy:

  • Various types of arthritis
  • Arthrosis
  • Bursit (inflammation of the bag with synovial liquid)
  • Poor fusion of bones after a fracture
  • Inflammation of the ligaments, dislocations and bruises

Contraindications to the use of magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy is useful for joint diseases, but there are many contraindications when this type of physiotherapeutic procedure cannot be taken:

  • The presence of a person in the body of a pacemaker or other prostheses
  • Alcohol or narcotic intoxication
  • Pregnancy
  • Tuberculosis in active form
  • Chronic diseases in acute form
  • Hypotension
  • Hypertension in severe form (3, 4 degree)
  • Severe liver and kidney diseases
  • Mental illness and epilepsy
  • Thyroid problems
  • Malignant tumors
  • Purulent inflammation
  • Increased body temperature
  • During menstruation
  • Frequent bleeding
  • Sensitivity to magnetic vibrations
  • Children under 2 years old

How is magnetotherapy carried out in the clinic?

Conducting a session of magnetotherapy

The apparatus for magnetotherapy happens in the form of a circle, where the arm or leg is placed, or in the form of a magnetic belt, which is superimposed on the sore joint.

The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Before the session, the patient removes all jewelry and metal objects.
  2. To enhance the action of the magnetic field, you need to drink 1 cup of pure water.
  3. The patient lies on the couch, and the employee connects the device. There will be no unpleasant sensations, only a small vibration in a sore spot. Particularly sensitive people can feel heat inside the sore joint. The magnetic field acts to a depth of 4 cm.
  4. The session lasts 15-60 minutes, depending on the appointment of a doctor. Such sessions will take 10-15, every other day or every day. The effect of treatment is already noticeable at 2-3 sessions, but you need to visit all the prescribed procedures, since the disease can return.

So, we learned how to treat joints with magnetotherapy.

Video: magnetotherapy for joint diseases. Unique Diamage and Almag 02 Devices

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  1. I somehow had pains in the joints when the training was very intense ... Then the sports expert Glucosamine Chondroitin and the restriction of weight in power coaches ... since then the joints of the shore ... that I advise everyone)

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