Bay leaf in the house: magical properties, signs. How to use the bay leaf in the magic of money, love, good luck, desires, from damage and evil eye, like a charm to protect a house from evil people: rites, rituals and conspiracies

Bay leaf in the house: magical properties, signs. How to use the bay leaf in the magic of money, love, good luck, desires, from damage and evil eye, like a charm to protect a house from evil people: rites, rituals and conspiracies

The article will tell you in detail about what magical properties the bay leaf has and how to protect your house, as well as yourself with the help of rituals with this plant.

Bay leaf in the house, apartment: signs

Each housewife has repeatedly encountered a bay leaf, because it is often used in cooking to complement or improve the taste of dishes. However, few people know about other properties of this plant! It turns out that the bay leaf is a powerful healing and magical agent. That is why it is used both in folk medicine and in special esoteric rituals.

Interesting: the history of recognition of a bay leaf is quite interesting and goes into the distant past with its roots. It is believed that Apollo (the same indescribable handsome man and the god of Olympus) inflamed the fiery feeling for the nymph Daphne, who did not reciprocate him. Daphne so wanted to hide from the distraught Apollo that she turned into a laurel bush and since then Apollo in love began to wear a laurel wreath on his head.

The leaves of the bush have gained their popularity and demand since the time of ancient Greece. First of all, people liked their refreshing properties and only then they noticed magical. For example, the laurel left or hanged at home made the room energetically “clean” and attracted all the negative energy to himself.

Until now, some believe that if you put a couple of laurel leaves under the pillow or mattress. You can attract prophetic dreams. Another amazing belief reads - the branches of Lavra can protect the house from lightning. That is why people often placed the beams of branches under the roof or on beams.

According to the old custom, it is also customary to decorate the heads of the winners of any competition with wreaths woven from leaves and branches of Lavra. In this case, they personify the advantage, success and triumph. It was also believed that such a wreath could give not only luck, but also well -being, but also to “take” any health problems.

There are a lot of secrets of using a bay leaf as a magical tool and everyone believes that he can bring him a lot of positive changes in life. Bay leaf is used for love ritualsIn order to attract a “second half”, cash rites (it is believed that the plant is directly related to the financial well -being of a person and literally “attracts” money), as well as in order to get rid of any damage and fulfill their cherished desires.

Bay leaf - reliable amulet and "defender" at home

Signs: bay leaf caught in a plate in a soup

Few people know that the use of bay leaf in cooking began not so long ago. The fact is that the taste of the sheet at first was not disclosed and only its aromatic properties were appreciated. The laurel was added to the water to give it a pleasant, delicate and persistent smell. Such water was used to wash hands.

Only after a while, the bay leaf began to be added to food, but at first - these were desserts and only after a few decades this ingredient found its place in the preparation of the first dishes, meat and marinades. Under the influence of high temperatures, the sheet reveals all its positive qualities and gives the dish a pleasant spicy shade.

To date, it is simply impossible to imagine soup, borsch or cabbage soup without bay leaf. But even here, people perceive the bay leaf as a sign that indicates certain events in life unexpectedly in a plate. For example, the most important sign says: "The bay leaf came across money." This means that soon you will be lucky to get a significant amount of money (advance, salary, winning, repayed debt).

Important: another interpretation of this signs is “a love meeting or a romantic date”, especially if the leaf came across a young girl and if he is double (there are two leaves on one twig). For a person happy, a bay leaf can be a harbinger of important news.

Can a bay leaf in a soup is a sign and a sign?

How to use bay leaf in magic to attract money?

Bay leaf is often a symbol of wealth and prosperity. That is why the Lavra branches are often hung around the home or workplace (office, shop, workshop) to attract customers and cash flows into business. It is not rarely bay leaves in the personal things of a person, for example, in a wallet. So you can attract success, which will accompany not only in business, but also work.

Good sign - take bay leaf with you and put in your pocket (as close to the body as possible) in order to achieve success at an interview or meeting, in order to be noticed and recognized by your abilities, take to work or raised it. So that the leaf does not get dirty and sometimes tormented by too stuffy aroma, you can wrap it not just in a handkerchief, but in a flap of red or green (red color attracts good luck, green - money).

Interesting: many athletes even before the announcement of the results in the competitions carry a bay leaf, which, in their opinion, brings victory and well -being in competitions, as well as recognition and self -sufficient life.

There is one rite that allows you to achieve the desired wealth with a bay leaf. This ritual should be performed at home or at the workplace. Choose a large and whole bay leaf, without holes, cracks and damage. On its back (not glossy), write your wish with a pen or pencil (“get rich”, “get a bonus” or, for example, “repay the debt”). This sheet should be burned and smoke is smashed throughout the room.

Another way invites you to write your desire associated with well -being on a sheet of white paper and turn off with a tube, tying three beautiful and not damaged lava sheets to the “bundle”. This amulet should be stored in a secluded place at your work or at home. Only after the desire is carried out, the amulet should be burned and the ashes should be scattered on fertile soil (garden, garden).

Bay leaf - amulet and amulet

Why are they put a bay leaf in the wallet, and with what words of the conspiracy?

Put the bay leaf into a wallet to attract money and well -being should also be “correct” so as not to incur any negative energy and not gain the opposite effect. Of course, you can do without any rituals and just mentally wish yourself success, but it will be more effective for reading a conspiracy and attracting wealth. Such conspiracies are best read to the growing moon, sitting alone and silence with a lighted candle.

Important: you should believe in the ritual itself and in each word said so that your rite must be effective.

A plot for a bay leaf so that there is wealth

Bay leaf magic to return debt: ritual, conspiracy

In some cases, magical rites with the participation of a bay leaf can be carried out not only to attract prosperity, but also in order, for example, to “return your own”: lost money, lost money, as well as money taken in duty.

There is one old rite. For him you will need have with you:

  • A small canvas bag (or a regular handkerchief).
  • Three bay leaves (clean, whole, without damage and preferably fresh).
  • Seven nickers (coins in 5 kopecks)

Lauren leaves should be tied with a red thread and read the conspiracy, then wrap the bay leaves and a pile in a handkerchief. It should be drunk in fertile land (the edge of the garden or garden, as an option - a large flower pot in the apartment) and wait for the return of the debt. After the return, the bag is not thrown away, it should be taken out into the street and bury not far from the house in which you live ("so that all the debts taken from you are returned to you).

Important: such a ritual should be made strictly at sunrise and in no case at sunset. The best time is the morning until noon.

Debt conspiracy

Magic of bay leaf for love: how to make rites

The bay leaf is very often used in the so -called "gypsy" magic. With the help of a bay twig, many witches and sorcerers make a “challenge” - a special ritual of a love nature, characterized by a mild influence on a person and not like “black” magic.

Such a ritual should cause a person’s dependence on a certain object, but only if it really has sympathy. What is the person experiencing to whom you are doing this “challenge”:

  • He thinks of you
  • He dreams of dreams with your participation
  • A person misses you
  • He wants to see and hear you
  • He feels love thrust
  • Makes important decisions in relation to you
  • Dreams of your future

To perform this "love" ritual to you a number of objects will be required:

  • 3 dried laurel leaves
  • 1 red woolen thread
  • The reservoir in intimacy (river, lake, reservoir - it does not matter).

Important: you need to bandage all three leaflets of the laurel with one red thread by the twigs and reading the conspiracy to lower it in the water so that the tied leaves swim. It is important to know that such a rite should be done at night and only on the growing moon in order to get the desired result.

Conspiracy with bay leaf for love

Lavra leaf magic: to deceive an opponent

It is no secret that men are personalities with changeable tastes. In some couples, a divorce may arise only because a man feels sympathy and feelings for another woman, but not for his wife. In such cases, a ceremony designed for the “Rival of the Rival” may come to the rescue.

You can also make such a ritual with the help of the magic of a lava sheet. To do this, you should use one large dry bay leaf. You will need to make a ritual at night, the perfect time - midnight in the new moon. On the back of the laurel (not glossy side), write the name of the opponent, crush the dry sheet and throw the remains out the window with the words of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy for bay leaf from rivals

Conspiracy for bay leaf: get married

If a woman can not marry for a long time, she can also make a special ritual with a bay leaf on an early marriage. To do this, she will need three laurel sheets (preferably fresh), a thin red ribbon (can be replaced with a thread) and a ring (personal, any, you can not precious).

Important: with the help of a red ribbon, the leaves and the ring must be bandaged with each other and put under the bed. Leaves are bandaged while reading a conspiracy. The ring should not be new, it should be worn for at least three days.

Conspiracy for marriage

Lavra leaf magic: for weight loss

As already mentioned, the magic of bay leaf can be fulfilled to fulfill the cherished desire. Often people dream that they can simply lose weight and, getting rid of it, will gain a new happy life. These are very real things, because losing weight is quite difficult.

So that you lose weight and gain excess weight after achieving the desired, you should read the conspiracy either in the morning when the sun rises or to the growing moon. Read the conspiracy, bandaging the laurel leaf with a red thread. The conspiracy should be read with a lighted candle, carefully and confidently pronouncing every word.

Conspiracy for the performance of the desired

Bay leaf for good luck in everything: conspiracy

The best assistant to a person in rituals for the fulfillment of desires is a bay leaf. Such rituals can be performed in different ways, the most famous and simple way is to grind a dry leaf between your palms, making desires and then breathe deeply its spicy and thin aroma. A feature of such a ritual is to pronounce aloud a desire (it is important that there is no one else next to you).

If your desire is connected with attracting prosperity, good luck and love to the house, you should make “beads” and hang them in the room in which you live. To do this, a large number of fresh sheets of the laurel should be strung on a red thread and when you pierce each sheet, it is advisable to make what you want: a lush table, beautiful outfits, attention of men, a car. Gold and so on.

If a couple in love comes into marriage, for them there is also a special ritual that attracts good luck in personal life and fulfilling the dreams of a happy life. In addition, this will allow the young family to feel prosperity and financial independence. So that your little and big desires are fulfilled regularly, there is also another ritual, for which you should lubricate three leaf laurels with essential orange oil and store them at home in a secluded place.

A conspiracy for a desire with a laurel sheet

Conspiracy for bay leaf on the desire in the new moon

The new moon is a “strong” lunar phase that will allow you to make a ritual with accuracy and so that the desire you have made is sure to come true. New Moon - 28 days of the lunar phase. Read conspiracy with a bay leaf (any: for money, for luck or love) should be alone and in the light of Lena (you can light a candle).

Conspiracy to fulfill all desires

Fortune -telling on bay leaves: on a narrowed

The simplest fortune -telling on bay leaves is called "three sheets." To do this, you should write the names of three young people on the back of the leaves (both fresh and dried - it is not important) and lay them out on the windowsill. As well as names, you can write the main features of a person (blond, brunette or red).

Make a narrowed to you in a dream and that you definitely see him. In the morning, pay attention to the sheets (you can circle with a pencil at night), as well as whether they changed their position. If you do not remember the dream, you can interpret the fortune -telling by how the position of the laurel has changed - if you have moved, then this is your “narrowed”.

Fortune -telling

How to determine damage on a bay leaf: the magic of bay leaf from the evil eye and damage

If something is not going well in the house every now and then: scandals and quarrels do not pass, walls and ceiling are crumbling, they are not lucky for all family members, there are diseases, constant debts-this is a sign of damage or evil eye. If you don’t know exactly whether there is some kind of evil magic on you or not, you can determine it with the help of a bay leaf.

To do this is quite simple, for this you should just set fire to a dry leaf and look at how he behaves. " If the sheet does not burn, this is a sign that someone is very jealous of and impregnates you, as well as your house with negative energy. If the bay leaf smokes greatly, lets a lot of black smoke - this is a badge sign that was sent specifically and should be urgently getting rid of it.

Fucking the house with a laurel sheet will help to “clean” it from any negative energy for a matter of days for a matter of days. This is easily done - a dry branch is set on fire and its smoke from combustion is spreading throughout the house and every corner. You can simply put several sheets on a hot pan and while the aroma of the laurel diverges around the house, read the protective prayer.

Lavra leaf ceremonies

Bay leaf, like a talisman for a house from evil people

Bay leaf, a broom of bay leaves or a wreath may well become a talisman for your home. Such a amulet will drive away any envy, damage and evil eye, attract positive to you and only joyful changes. The easiest way is to hang a bunch of bay branches or leaves above the front door. This is done so that the "bad person" could not go into your house and it is not good for him.

Another way is to arrange in the corners of the house of a saucer with a bay leaf in each. The sheet will give all its magical properties into the water, and that, in turn, will evaporate and spread throughout the house. This will help resume harmony in your house and attract only good to it.

Bay leaf protects the house from evil

Fucking the house with bay leaf: a burning of bay leaf at home

Fuck the room with a bay leaf correctly. To make the ritual successfully and efficiently. For fumigation, it is necessary to use not individual leaves, but a dried branch or bundle. So you can achieve prolonged burning, the smoke from which it spread throughout the room. It is important to know that bay liters should not be very dry, slightly moisturize it before setting up. It is necessary to carry a lit bunch or branch so that the smoke touches each corner.

Why lay out dry bay leaves in the corners of the house?

Laying out dry and bay leaves around the house is also a ritual that attracts positive energy and well -being into the house that drives away evil and any damage. The corner of a residential building is a place where the negativity is concentrated and therefore only a true magic remedy, such as bay leaf. Just put one leaf where it will not be visible to the eye.

Video: "Magic properties of bay leaf"

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