Moon calendar of travel and travel to March 2023: Table. Favorable days for trips and traveling on the lunar calendar in March 2023: Table

Moon calendar of travel and travel to March 2023: Table. Favorable days for trips and traveling on the lunar calendar in March 2023: Table

The article will tell you what to pay attention to when planning a trip in March 2023.

Nobel laureate John Steinbek claimed that in life it is impossible to keep two things under control: travel and marriage. But you can try to control (if not marriage, then at least your movements). And the lunar calendar will help in this.

About which lunar day the best for the start of the trip and which direction will be a priority, read in the article The lunar calendar of travel and trips for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days by month.

Astrologers advise avoiding trips and traveling 5 days before the lunar/solar eclipse, during it, as well as 5 days after the eclipse. Be careful.

The influence of the zodiac signs on travel

  • Aries sign - Active or short -term rest is recommended
  • Taurus sign - A trip for relaxation is recommended, but not for business.
  • Gemini sign - Short ground travels by bus or car are recommended.
  • Sign Cancer - A trip related to visiting relatives and native places is recommended, but not in a mountainous area.
  • Lion sign - Trips related to entertainment are recommended, business trips, but not related to investments and real estate, are also possible.
  • Virgin sign - It is recommended traveling by train, but not by water transport
  • Libra sign - Rest trips are recommended, but not for business.
  • Scorpio sign - A good period for traveling
  • Sagittarius sign - Sports trips and trips are recommended.
  • Capricorn sign - A bad period for travel. It is good to be near the mountains during this period.
  • Sign Aquarius - Tourist campaigns are recommended.
  • Pisces sign - Water trips, business trips are recommended.

Moon Calendar of Traveling on March 2023

How the zodiac signs of travel in March 2023 affect the table below.

Moon of the Moon in the zodiac circle Calendar date Features of the trip
Growing moon in the house of cancer 01.03.23
The moon in the house of cancer is a time to visit relatives or native places. Trips associated with water and plain area will pass well. A short -term flight is allowed. Belving a trip to the mountains. All business trips will be successful.
Growing moon in the house of Leo 04.03.23
A favorable period for starting any trips: short -term and long -term, related to rest or business. Particularly successful will be romantic trips for two closer to sandy beaches.
Growing moon in the house of Virgo 06.03.23
Tomorrow's full moon can reduce the good qualities of the day.
Do not abuse trips associated with water or water transport. Otherwise, a wonderful day for traveling related to rest. Be careful with business trips: this is a time of routine cases, not fateful decisions. When planning a trip, give preference to movements using a railway transport.
Moon in the House of Virgo 07.03.23
Full moon
Unfavorable time to start traveling. Be careful if you are already on the road.
Waning moon in the house of Virgo 08.03.23
The recent full moon can reduce the good qualities of the day.
Do not abuse trips associated with water or water transport. Otherwise, a wonderful day for traveling related to rest. Be careful with business trips: this is a time of routine cases, not fateful decisions. When planning a trip, give preference to movements using a railway transport.
Waning moon in the House of Libra 09.03.23
An unfavorable period to start long travel. A neutral day for business trips related to the solution of routine issues, settling conflict situations, intermediate negotiations and meetings. The day is suitable for short -term trips and tourist trips. When planning a trip, give preference to movements using a railway transport.
Waning moon in the house of Scorpio 11.03.23
Days are not suitable for starting traveling with comfort and calm. You can start a journey these days lovers of new experience from travel, regardless of difficulties and danger.
Waning moon in the house of Sagittarius 13.03.23
Good days to start active tourist travel, for sports, searching for new friends, hunting, fishing, long -distance foreign business trips.
Waning moon in the house of Capricorn 16.03.23
A good period to start a long journey associated with water or mountains. All business trips will be successful. A favorable time for conducting exploration expeditions and business trips related to mining industry. The only "but": everything will go not according to plan. However, the result is worth it.
Waning moon in the house of Aquarius 18.03.23
A good period to start a long journey, including foreign. A particularly favorable period for sea or river cruises. The contemplation of unusual landscapes will allow you to find answers to questions that disturb you. All business trips will be successful. Be careful with new projects: their launch may not be entirely successful.
Waning moon in the house of fish 20.03.23
Tomorrow's new moon can reduce the good qualities of the day.
One of the best periods to start a long trip, including business or foreign. The main condition, the journey should be carefully planned. Days are favorable for traveling on water and near the water. Important: Avoid trips tied with a mountainous area. The recommended landscape is a plain. It is good to visit museums, theaters, art galleries on this day. Good time for outdoor activities. In general, a good period for everyone who is on the way. There will be effective business trips to solve legal issues, trips related to (itself) education. Trips at the conference and public or political meetings will be successful.
Moon in the house of fish 21.03.23
New moon
Unfavorable time to start traveling. Be careful if you are already on the road.
Growing moon in the house of Aries 22.03.23
The recent new moon can reduce good qualities of the day.
A favorable period for short -term trips: both business and related to rest/recovery. Especially a good time for those who love extreme rest. It is also good during this period to be as close to the forest as possible. During business trips, try to maintain sobriety of thought and rationality of thinking. If possible, give up travel or air transport.
Growing moon in the house of Taurus 24.03.23
A very favorable period for starting any trips: short -term and long -term, related to rest, comfort. In general, if you like travels, a short -term trip will bring you pleasure. If the road is a burden to you, stay at home. Business trips related to the signing of important documents for you will be unsuccessful, therefore, it is better to cancel them.
Growing moon in the house of the twins 26.03.23
A good day for small pleasant travels with children, including with your car. For example, to grandparents. In general, any land movements will be comfortable. A short -term flight is allowed (but no more). Successful will be a vacation by the water or a walk around the lake. Business trips are best devoted to the solution of routine cases.
Growing moon in the house of cancer 29.03.23
The moon in the house of cancer is a time to visit relatives or native places. Trips associated with water and plain area will pass well. A short -term flight is allowed. Belving a trip to the mountains. All business trips will be successful.
Growing moon in the house of Leo



A favorable period for starting any trips: short -term and long -term, related to rest or business. Particularly successful will be romantic trips for two closer to sandy beaches. The moon calendar on january, february, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december 2023 will allow you to plan travel for the whole year.
Moon calendar for March 2023
Moon calendar for March 2023

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