The lunar beauty calendar for 2022-2023: favorable and unfavorable lunar days. On what days is it better to cut, paint, make beauty injections, massage, bathhouse, face and hair masks on the lunar calendar in 2022-2023: Table

The lunar beauty calendar for 2022-2023: favorable and unfavorable lunar days. On what days is it better to cut, paint, make beauty injections, massage, bathhouse, face and hair masks on the lunar calendar in 2022-2023: Table

The female lunar beauty calendar at 2022-2023. Tips for every day, recommendations for visiting a cosmetologist of a massage therapist and a hairdresser.

Even in ancient times, people understood that natural phenomena have a direct influence on a person’s state. Therefore, they always closely watched the phases of the moon and did absolutely all manipulations strictly adhering to the lunar calendar.

It was believed that if you cut or dye your hair on a favorable day for this, then this will contribute to their rapid growth and maximum healing. Modern beauties also do not forget about the phases of the moon and strive to make changes to their life at the right time.

Lunar beauty calendar 2022-2023: table

Moon calendar - This is a special calculus system for the basis, which is taken to change the phase of the moon. All calculations that are fixed in the diary are based on tide and tide on the appearance of which the moon affects.

And since the human body almost all consists of water, then it also has an influence on it. Therefore, if you want to radically change something in your life, then do not rush to do it immediately. It will be better if you look at the lunar calendar and choose the most favorable day for this.

But in order for all your undertakings to bring you only benefits, you need to be able to use it correctly. To do this, you need to know at least the phases of the moon, as well as that during this period you can do and what is categorically impossible.

Moon phases:
New moon. At this time, it is not visible to the human eye. Human energy is at a minimum, including in a person who does procedures. Therefore, beauty procedures during this period are not recommended on nearby days too.
The first and second quarter of the growing moon. He begins to appear in the sky. This is a great time for nutrition, moisturizing, rejuvenation of skin, mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid injections. Everything is well absorbed and food reaches the right place.
Full moon. We see a pronounced circle. People are emotionally overexcited. It is dangerous to get these days even to the most experienced specialist. These are unsuccessful days for such events and nearby days too.
The third and last quarter of the waning moon. The gradual decrease in the moon begins. This is the time to free from unnecessary in the body. It is very effective in these days to do peeling, cleaning, skin treatment.

If the growing moon visits the constellations Leo, Taurus, Pisces -This is the most effective time of beauty injections, meso-procedures and hair dyeing.

Sunny and lunar eclipses - The most unfavorable time and nearby days too.

Eclipse of 2022
Eclipse of 2022
Eclipses of 2023
Eclipses of 2023

Lunar beauty calendar 2022: Table

2022 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
January 3-17 6, 7, 11, 12 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 1, 19-31 2, 18
February 2-15 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 15 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 17-28 1, 16
March 3-17 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 1, 19-31 2, 18
April 2-15 3, 4, 10, 11, 12 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 17-28 1, 16, 29, 30
May 2-14, 31 1, 2, 8, 9 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 31 18-29 1, 15, 16, 17, 30
June 1-13, 30 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 30 15-28 14, 29
July 1-12, 29-31 1, 2, 3, 29, 30 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 31 14-27 13, 28
August 1-11, 28-31 1-11, 28-31 13-26 12, 27
September 1-9, 27-30 9 1-8, 27-30 11-25 10, 26
October 1-8, 27-31 7, 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 10-23 9, 24, 25, 26
November 1-6-25-30 3, 4, 30 1, 2, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 10-23 7, 8, 9, 24
December 1-7-24-31 1, 5, 6, 27, 28, 29 2, 3, 4, 7, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 9-22 8, 23

Lunar beauty calendar 2023: Table

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
January 1-6, 22-31 1, 2, 24, 25, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31 8-20 7, 21
February 1-4, 21-28 4, 21, 24, 25, 26 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 27, 28 6-19 5, 20
March 1-6, 22-31 4, 5, 24, 25, 31 1, 2, 3, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 8-20 7, 21
April 1-5, 22-30 1, 2, 22, 27, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30 7-18 6, 19, 20, 21
May 1-3, 20-31 25, 26 1, 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 6-18 4, 5, 6, 19
June 1-3, 19-30 21, 22, 23 1, 2, 3, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 5-17 4, 18
July 1, 2, 18-31 18, 19, 20 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 4-16 3, 17
August 17-30 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 2-15 1, 16, 31
September 16-28 27, 28 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1-14, 30 15, 29
October 16-26 24, 25, 26 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 1-12, 30, 31 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29
November 14-26 21, 22, 25, 26 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24 1-12, 28-30 13, 27
December 14-26 18, 19, 22, 23 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26 1-12, 28-31 13, 27

Calendar of haircuts and beauty for January 2023

At any time of the year, women want to look beautiful. But in winter, snow, increased humidity and sharp temperature changes have a fairly strong effect on female beauty and health. Therefore, during this period, the skin, hair and nails are much worse growing and constantly inflamed. The lunar calendar can help minimize all these negative factors.

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
January 1-6, 22-31 1, 2, 24, 25, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31 8-20 7, 21
Moon in January 2023
Moon in January 2023

Lunar beauty calendar for February 2023

Since February is the last month of winter, during this period our body is very exhausted and practically cannot withstand the influence of external factors. Therefore, we must be very attentive to the most minimal changes in your well -being and emotional state. So you can always correctly evaluate the current situation and make an adequate decision on a particular issue.

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
February 1-4, 21-28 4, 21, 24, 25, 26 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 27, 28 6-19 5, 20
Moon in February 2023
Moon in February 2023

Lunar beauty calendar for March 2023

In March, almost all representatives of the fair sex begin to put their body in order. But since you need to wait for the effect of training for some time, usually women try to make themselves attractive with a variety of cosmetic procedures. Well, of course, in order for the effect of them to be preserved as long as possible, they are made taking into account the phases of the moon.

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
March 1-6, 22-31 4, 5, 24, 25, 31 1, 2, 3, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 8-20 7, 21
Moon in March 2023
Moon in March 2023

The days on which you can engage in your beauty, except for the highest positive effect, will be given much more:
• A haircut. If you shorten your hairstyle or just cut the ends these days, that is, the probability that you can meet your soul mate.
• Painting. Staining these days helps attract the energy of money and wealth to the house.
• Beauty injections. On favorable days of March, you can safely plan a visit to cosmetic salons. A good effect is the date of anti -circle procedures.
• massage and bathhouse. On favorable days of March, it is necessary to engage in exclusively massage procedures. So you can direct your inner energy in the right direction.

Lunar beauty calendar for April 2023

Spring is gaining momentum, it becomes warmer and the girl begins to hide warm, bulky things in the cabinets and get lighter and fashionable clothes from there. And since such dresses require a corresponding hairstyle, the ladies have no choice but to go to the beauty salon. On what days the image change in April will bring you exclusively positive we will consider a little lower.

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
April 1-5, 22-30 1, 2, 22, 27, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30 7-18 6, 19, 20, 21
Moon in April 2023
Moon in April 2023

• A haircut. A new stylish hairstyle will help you feel more confident and contribute to useful acquaintances.
• Painting.If you want the hair color to make you not only beautiful, but also attract good luck, then paint only in proven colors.
• Beauty injections.In April, it is best to make vitamin injections. They will help to quickly align the skin color.
• Massage and bath: These two procedures are best carried out immediately after physical exertion.

Lunar beauty calendar for May 2023

In addition, the signs of the zodiac will affect the appearance and internal state this month. Therefore, during the period when the Moon will be controlled by Aquarius, Scorpio and Cancer, you must very carefully carry out any manipulations.

Favorable days of the month of May:

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
May 1-3, 20-31 25, 26 1, 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 6-18 4, 5, 6, 19

Moon in May 2023

Moon in May 2023

• A haircut. If you take a chance to change the hairstyle dramatically on favorable days, you will be able to attract positive energy to yourself for the rest of the year.
• Coloring.The new color will have a positive effect on the internal state.
• Beauty injections. You can calmly make hyaloric acid injections. The procedure will pass painlessly and the result obtained will delight you for a long time.
• massage and bath. These days, wellness procedures will have the maximum effect on your body.

Lunar beauty calendar for June 2023

So a person is arranged that he always seeks to be better than others in everything. Therefore, almost all people try to make their appearance always on top. But unfortunately, not all nature awarded good data and excellent health. Some people have to constantly help their body fight external stimuli. The lunar calendar of beauty will help you to do everything correctly.

Favorable days of June:

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
June 1-3, 19-30 21, 22, 23 1, 2, 3, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 5-17 4, 18
Moon in June 2023
Moon in June 2023

• A haircut.The change of hairstyle style these days will bring you extremely positive emotions. Some people will be able to do what they have long dreamed of.
• Coloring. It is best to paint the hair in dark shades. This will help unscrews trouble.
• anti -aging procedures. You can do almost a month. In May, it is very good to correct facial wrinkles.
• Bath and massage procedures. It will be better if you use essential oils for massage. This will help improve not only the condition of the skin, but also calm the nervous system.

Lunar beauty calendar for July 2023

The ebbs and tides, which the moon can influence the life of absolutely any person, positive notes and pleasant meetings. And most importantly, for this, nothing special should be done. In July, a person can simply engage in his beauty and health and thereby make pleasant changes to his life. Therefore, when planning a trip to the beauty salon, be sure to look in advance when the moon will be favorable to you.

Days that will help bring pleasant emotions to life:

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
July 1, 2, 18-31 18, 19, 20 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 4-16 3, 17
Moon in July 2023
Moon in July 2023

• A haircut.Even if you do not want to change the haircut radically go and corn the ends of the hair. This will help to make your life more vivid and diverse.
• Coloring. Changing the color of the hair can help solve long -standing problems.
• Beauty injections. In June, you need to pay a lot of attention to the face and hands. If possible, then make mesococctate injections.
• massage and bath. The most favorable days to visit the bathhouse and conduct massage procedures, see the table above. With such manipulations you can get rid of all winter health problems.

Lunar beauty calendar for August 2023

In August, most people feel rested and relaxed, so they do not even think what they need to enjoy the sun's rays, and prepare for the arrival of the autumn cold. This month is considered transitional, so it is necessary to distribute your time so that it is enough for rest and everyday chores. And so that you can plan the strength and time correctly, be sure to look at the lunar calendar at the beginning of the month.

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
August 17-30 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 2-15 1, 16, 31

Moon in August 2023

Moon in August 2023

Lunar beauty calendar for September 2023

In September, just as in all other months of the year, one must be very attentive to their appearance. For many people, well -groomed hair and nails and skin will help make healthy acquaintances and establish personal life.

But since at the beginning of autumn the moon will provoke various kinds of small troubles, injuries and inflammatory processes, it will often be difficult for people to remain on top. Therefore, it will be better if absolutely all manipulations you will spend on favorable days for this.

The best time is for cosmetic procedures:

Favorable days of September 2023:

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
September 16-28 27, 28 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1-14, 30 15, 29
Moon in September 2023
Moon in September 2023

Lunar beauty calendar for October 2022

In October, our body will absorb the energy of the cosmos as well as possible, so all cosmetic procedures will bring it the maximum benefit. Problems with hair, nails and dermatological covers can only be among those who took little care of themselves in the summer. To other people, only the most positive emotions will bring changes in appearance.

Days on which you can engage in your appearance:

Favorable days of October 2022:

2022 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
October 1-8, 27-31 7, 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 10-23 9, 24, 25, 26
October 2022
October 2022

Lunar beauty calendar for October 2023

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
October 16-26 24, 25, 26 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 1-12, 30, 31 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29
Moon in October 2023
Moon in October 2023

• A haircut. The most difficult haircut will turn out perfect, and the hair will become more obedient.
• Painting.Color hair in light shades. They will help strengthen your managerial qualities.
• Beauty injections. If you are concerned about the wrinkle in the interference, then October is just the time when you can get rid of this defect.
• Massage and bath procedures. If you visit the bathhouse these days, then your skin will be beautiful and healthy before the start of the calendar winter.

Lunar beauty calendar for November 2022

In November, we are already starting to feel the first dunes of winter. Of course, this immediately affects our appearance. First of all, hair and nails begin to suffer. In order to somehow correct the situation, women have to run to the beauty salon and return them to a normal state.

All these procedures must be done carefully, constantly listening to your inner desires and hints of nature. To get exactly the result that you dream of dyeing your hair and doing care procedures you need to strictly according to the lunar calendar.

Favorable days of November 2022:

2022 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
November 1-6-25-30 3, 4, 30 1, 2, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 10-23 7, 8, 9, 24
November 2022
November 2022

Lunar beauty calendar for November 2023

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
November 14-26 21, 22, 25, 26 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24 1-12, 28-30 13, 27
Moon in November 2023
Moon in November 2023

A haircut.Hair cut off on a favorable day will grow quite quickly, without requiring additional manipulations.

• Coloring. If you are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, then try to paint the hair somehow extravagant. For example, do highlighting, but add a couple of fiery red or dark chocolate strands to white strands.

• Beauty injections. In November, you can fight facial wrinkles. Injections will help normalize the tone of the skin and obtaining the result will remain for a fairly long time.

• Bath and massage. This month, special attention should be paid to the face. Try to do cosmetic massage of the skin. He will contribute to smoothing wrinkles and creases, and will rejuvenate your face as much as possible.

Lunar beauty calendar for December 2022

In December, our hair and skin are served even greater effects of cold and various kinds of natural abnormalities. It becomes more difficult for us to fight with the brittleness of curls, nails and dry dermatological covers. And if earlier we could still cope with all these problems at home, then in December we may need the help of qualified specialists.

Therefore, it is better not to draw a trip to the beauty salon and try to plan in advance on what days you will engage in your appearance. If you are not lazy and look into the lunar calendar, then at the New Year's corporate party you will shine like a real queen.

Favorable days of December 2022:

2022 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
December 1-7-24-31 1, 5, 6, 27, 28, 29 2, 3, 4, 7, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 9-22 8, 23
December 2022
December 2022

Lunar beauty calendar for December 2023

2023 Moon
You can do salon procedures for nutrition, moisture, rejuvenation of the skin, masks, facial massage, bath, haircut)
Moon Growing, located in the constellation of Taurus, Leo and Pisces (favorable days for beauty injections, meso-procedures, hair dyeing) Neutral from the moon days for beauty injections,
decreasing (favorable
Days for treatment, purification
face skin, peeling)
Dates with possible denial
the effect of the new moon and is full
December 14-26 18, 19, 22, 23 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26 1-12, 28-31 13, 27
Moon in November 2023
Moon in November 2023

• A haircut.Try to cut your hair these days. So you can stay interesting for the opposite sex for a long time.
• Painting. If you want the last month of the year to bring you only joy, then dye your hair into chocolate edema.
• Beauty injections.On favorable days, you can begin to fight the deepest wrinkles and folds. The procedure will pass without complications and will help you visually reset for at least 5 years.
• massage and bath. Massage and bath procedures in December will help prepare the body for the upcoming holidays, and also save you from negative energy, which accumulated in your body the entire previous year.

How to use the lunar beauty calendar 2022-2023: tips and reviews

The lunar calendar will help you choose the optimal time for cosmetic procedures.

As you already, probably, understood that this is a very convenient thing and every person should use it. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in this. All you will need to do is periodically look there and in accordance with its data plan to conduct cosmetic procedures.

Rules for using the calendar:
• Throughout a month, follow the phases of the moon
• Be sure to take into account the fact that every 7 days it enters the new phase
• Do not forget about the effect of the zodiac signs on the moon
• Try to plan radical changes on the most favorable days
• Attract luck and happiness must be on the growing moon
• Getting rid of negativity is best when the moon is on decline

Ala: More recently, I did not really believe that the moon could have some influence on me. Therefore, without anticipating anything, one fine day, I gathered and went to cut my hair. I returned home quite satisfied as I dreamed about this hairstyle, probably three months. But from the very threshold my mother fanned me. She reported that I cut my hair on a not very favorable day. Of course, I laughed, but after two weeks I noticed that my curls faded and began to fall out. But the worst thing will get rid of these problems neither helped me nor folk or pharmacy. Having suffered a month, I chose the right day and went to trim the tips. And a miracle happened, my hair again became healthy.

Ulyana: And I trust exclusively to the lunar calendar. Therefore, I plan even the most harmless cosmetic procedure long before it. It came to the fact that I even persuaded my cosmetologist to postpone the procedure for a certain time. At first he tried to persuade me and swore in his professionality, but after some time he realized that he could not convince me and gave up. And as practice shows, all beauty procedures pass without complications and have a rather long effect.

Video: How to live in lunar cycles? Lunar planning. Recommendations for women. Moon calendar.

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