The lunar epilation calendar of 2022-2023: favorable and unfavorable lunar days. When to do better hair removal, hair removal, shugaring, shaving on the lunar calendar in 2022-2023?

The lunar epilation calendar of 2022-2023: favorable and unfavorable lunar days. When to do better hair removal, hair removal, shugaring, shaving on the lunar calendar in 2022-2023?
      The lunar calendar of epilation will help to get rid of unwanted vegetation for a long time.
  • Therefore, you can explain why the ebbs of the seas occur, and also why the emotional state of people changes. The moon has power over plants in which there is also water
  • Even cut off And you need to do hair removal on the moon. In order for the hair to grow well, you need to go to the hairdresser on the growing moon. To perform epilation, you should contact a cosmetologist on a waning moon

The lunar calendar of hair hair removal 2022-2023: when is it better to do hair removal and depilation, shugaring?

Important: People noticed that the duration of effectiveness on a particular cosmetic procedure depends on the lunar phases. Therefore, many ladies, before removing excessive vegetation, study the lunar calendar of hair removal.

But many do not believe in astrology, and this is in vain. After all, if you think about it, the phases of the moon affect the growth of processes responsible for regulating metabolism.

Important: During the waning moon, a living organism gets rid of everything superfluous. At this time, it is necessary to do hair removal, and the lunar calendar will help choose the right time for the procedure.

How to use the lunar calendar?

Important: This is a regular schedule with dates. You need to open a month and find a favorable date for hair removal.

Every woman should know: There is a special date in the lunar calendar - June 18. If you do hair removal on this day, then the effect will be long. This fact does not apply to shaving - the hairs must be removed with the root!

The most suitable days for deep hair removal will also be on the descending of the moon in the constellation Capricorn.

We do not make hair removal and depilation in new moon and full moon, in sunny and lunar eclipses and days close to them(unfavorable periods) , as well as with a young moon in the first quarter(hairs grow up very quickly)

Eclipse of 2022
Eclipse of 2022
Eclipses of 2023
Eclipses of 2023

Not so good, but still not bad (average efficiency) for depilation days on the growing moon in the second quarter (close to the full moon).

Important: A long effect will be provided if you do hair removal on the waning moon in Capricorn.

Lunar epilation calendar for 2022-2023

Lunar epilation calendar for 2022

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
January   1, 19-31 (30, 31-the best days of the month) 11-17 2, 3-10, 18
February 17-28, (26, 27-the best days of the month) 9-15 1, 2-8, 16
March 1, 19-31, (25, 26-the best days of the month) 11-17 2, 3-10, 18
April 17-28 (21-22-the best days of the month) 9-15 1, 2-8, 16, 29, 30
May 18-29, (19, 20-the best days of the month) 9-14 1, 2-8, 15, 16, 17, 30, 31
June 15-28, (15, 16, 18-the best days of the month) 7-13 1-6, 14, 29, 30
July 14-27 6-12 1-5, 13, 28, 29, 30, 31
August 13-26 5-11 1-4, 12, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
September 11-25 3-9 1, 2, 10, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
October 10-23 2-8 1, 9, 24, 25, 26-31
November 10-23 1-6, 30 7, 8, 9, 24, 25-29
December 9-22 1-7, 31 8, 23, 24-30

Lunar epilation calendar for 2023

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
January   8-20 (20-best days of the month) 1-6, 29-31 7, 21, 22-28
February 6-19, (16, 17-the best days of the month) 1-4, 28 5, 20, 21-27
March 8-20, (16, 17-the best days of the month) 1-6, 29-31 7, 21, 22-28
April 7-18, (12, 13-the best days of the month) 1-5, 28-30 6, 19, 20, 21-27
May 7-18, (9, 10-the best days of the month) 1-3, 27-31 4, 5, 6, 19, 20-26
June 5-17, (5, 6, 18-the best days of the month) 1-3, 26-30 4, 18, 19-25
July 4-16, (4-the best days of the month) 1, 2, 25-31 3, 17, 18-24
August 2-15 24-30 1, 16, 17-23, 31
September 1-14, 30 22-28 15, 16-21, 29
October 1-12, 30, 31 22-26 13, 14, 15-21, 27, 28, 29
November 1-12, 28-30 21-26 13, 14-20, 27
December 1-12, 28-31 20-26 13, 14-19, 27

A woman should always be beautiful. Therefore, ladies are wondering when to do better hair removal, hair removal, shugaring, shaving on the lunar calendar in 2022-2023?

Advice: Remove unwanted vegetation in the days that are marked in the Great Day graphics and June 18. This will help to forget about hated hairs for a long time.

In the days that are in the “average efficiency” column, epilation can be done. But it is better to postpone the procedure for a more favorable period. The numbers from the column "Inappropriate Days" are considered poor to perform hair removal. The procedure will be painful and the hairs will begin to grow quickly.

Lunar epilation calendar for January 2023

In order for unwanted vegetation to be removed painlessly and for a long time, you should use the schedule below. It is compiled on the basis of the lunar phases, taking into account favorable and adverse days for hair removal.

Lunar epilation calendar for January 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
January   8-20 (20-best days of the month) 1-6, 29-31 7, 21, 22-28
Moon in January 2023
Moon in January 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for February 2023

If you always listen to the lunar graphics, then you need not only to know the lunar phases, but also in what sign of the zodiac is the moon.

We have all calculated for you and made up

lunar epilation calendar for February 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
February 6-19, (16, 17-the best days of the month) 1-4, 28 5, 20, 21-27
Moon in February 2023
Moon in February 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for March 2023

If you want to always look 100%and have beautiful and smooth skin, use the graphics of the lunar phases.

Important: Do the procedure on the right days and all people will admire your skin.

Lunar epilation calendar for March 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
March 8-20, (16, 17-the best days of the month) 1-6, 29-31 7, 21, 22-28
Moon in March 2023
Moon in March 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for April 2023

In the fight against the growth of unwanted hair, all methods are good. But, if you perform epilation on the prescribed days, then you can make the process painless.

The lunar epilation calendar for April 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
April 7-18, (12, 13-the best days of the month) 1-5, 28-30 6, 19, 20, 21-27
Moon in April 2023
Moon in April 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for May 2023

A woman will be able to successfully remove unwanted vegetation using various methods. But to achieve effective results, synchronize the procedure with

the lunar epilation calendar for May 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
May 7-18, (9, 10-the best days of the month) 1-3, 27-31 4, 5, 6, 19, 20-26
Moon in May 2023
Moon in May 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for June 2023

Important: You probably noticed that sometimes after the procedure, hair grows after a couple of days. And after the next procedure, the hair does not grow for several weeks.

This is due to the moon. You will notice a great effect if you use

the lunar epilation calendar for June 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
June 5-17, (5, 6, 18-the best days of the month) 1-3, 26-30 4, 18, 19-25
Moon in June 2023
Moon in June 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for July 2023

Many people believe that any cosmetic procedures on lunar phases are superstition. But women from all over the world were convinced that it works.

The lunar epilation calendar for July 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
July 4-16, (4-the best days of the month) 1, 2, 25-31 3, 17, 18-24
Moon in July 2023
Moon in July 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for August 2023

Being in different phases, the satellite of our planet either promotes the growth of hair on the body, or slows down this process. Use this fact to get an excellent result.

The lunar epilation calendar for August 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
August 2-15 24-30 1, 16, 17-23, 31

Moon in August 2023

Moon in August 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for September 2023

Be sure to take care of the skin after cosmetic procedures. Do cleansing and disinfecting. This will help get rid of the effect of the “ingrown hair”.

Lunar epilation calendar for September 2023

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
September 1-14, 30 22-28 15, 16-21, 29
Moon in September 2023
Moon in September 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for October 2022

Many people think that the influence of the moon on our body is mysticism. But in this fact there is nothing supernatural, this is scientific evidence of scientists.

Therefore, use lunar epilation calendar for October 2022 And enjoy the result:

Lunar epilation calendar for October 2022

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
October 10-23 2-8 1, 9, 24, 25, 26-31
October 2022
October 2022

Lunar epilation calendar for October 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for October 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
October 1-12, 30, 31 22-26 13, 14, 15-21, 27, 28, 29
November 1-12, 28-30 21-26 13, 14-20, 27
December 1-12, 28-31 20-26 13, 14-19, 27
Moon in October 2023
Moon in October 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for November 2022

Avoid hairy removal on adverse days. This will help your body remain beautiful for a long time, and the skin is smooth.

Lunar epilation calendar for November 2022

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
November 10-23 1-6, 30 7, 8, 9, 24, 25-29
November 2022
November 2022

Lunar epilation calendar for November 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for November 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
November 1-12, 28-30 21-26 13, 14-20, 27
Moon in November 2023
Moon in November 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for December 2022

The moon is the only eternal Earth's companion. Her biorhythms affect nature and people.

Important: The well -being of man, his success and mood depend on the moon. Also, hair growth also depends on this planet.

Advice: Get rid of hair on good days, and the result will be excellent. These days you will be able to get rid of them faster and without pain, and grow again, they will be slower.

Lunar epilation calendar for December 2022

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
December 9-22 1-7, 31 8, 23, 24-30
December 2022
December 2022

Lunar epilation calendar for December 2023

Lunar epilation calendar for December 2023:

Great days
On the waning moon
Days of average efficiency on the growing moon Inappropriate days
December 1-12, 28-31 20-26 13, 14-19, 27
Moon in December 2023
Moon in December 2023

Use the lunar calendar, take care of the skin. Remember that the moon is the patroness of women. We must live, given its phases and the effect on the body.

Video: Lunar calendar and its influence on human life!

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Comments K. article

  1. I use the Italian file to remove hair. Removes any hair immediately, without pain, do not apply anything to the skin and wash. I always carry with me in my bag, I remove my hair when I need and do not worry that I did not have time to do it at home. Very comfortably.

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