The best expectorants for adults, children and pregnant women. Expecting drugs and folk remedies with wet and dry coughing, bronchitis and asthma

The best expectorants for adults, children and pregnant women. Expecting drugs and folk remedies with wet and dry coughing, bronchitis and asthma

Read about when you need to take expectorant drugs, what types they are, as well as what folk remedies can be replaced.

  • Expending drugs are designed to reduce the viscosity of sputum and accelerate its evacuation from the respiratory tract, primarily from bronchial lumen. In another way, they are also called explorers
  • A certain volume of secretion, approximately 100 ml, is always present in the respiratory tract. This secret performs a protective function. In a healthy state, this secret does not bother us, and most of it we swallow during the day
  • If the respiratory tract is inflamed, viscous sputum in them is secreted in a significantly increased amount. Therefore, specific cells lining the respiratory tract, ciliary epithelium, are not able to push it. The secret accumulates, and it becomes more difficult to withdraw
  • Sputum, thick and stagnant, this is the environment where microbes reproduce successfully. With its stagnation in the breathing lumen, gas exchange is disturbed, breathing is disturbed, the cough irritates the respiratory tract
  • In this case, it is necessary to take expectorant drugs, the task of which is to reduce the viscosity and densely mucous secretion, to remove the respiratory tract with a productive cough faster

What groups of expectorant drugs exist?

According to the principle of effect on the body, expectorant drugs are divided into such groups:

  • secretomotor agents, those that have a reflex action
  • secretlytic or mucolytic agents, or those that have a direct effect

Secretomotor preparations

When taking drugs of this category, an irritation of a cough center located in an oblong brain occurs. As a result of its activation, the production of liquid bronchial mucus occurs. The cough reflex is also triggered.

Important: however, the same cough center is also a vomiting center, therefore, the possible effects of the action of secret -engine drugs can be nausea and vomiting

These drugs:

  • thermopsis grass
  • liquorice root
  • sodium benzoate
  • eucalyptus essential oil
Coughing tablets based on thermalpse - a secret -engine expectorant.
Thermopsis coughing tablets - a secret -engine expectorant.

Resorbeal drugs are aimed at steammulation of the secretion of bronchial sputum, which means that it will be thinned and easier to withdraw from the lumen of the respiratory organs. However, there may also be unpleasant effects - nasal congestion and lacrimation.

These are drugs:

  • sodium bicarbononad
  • sodium iodides and potassium
  • ammonium chloride

They are prescribed even when the mucus is not thick and not viscous, but the cough is productive.

Secretlytic or mucolytic drugs

  • The principle of operation of funds from this group is to direct dilution of the mucus produced by the respiratory system. They are prescribed with thick, adhesive, poorly separated sputum
  • Contain enzymes of trypsin, chimotrypsin, ribonuclease, as well as sulfur compounds - acetylcystein, carbocystein
  • Also in their composition are derivatives of visionary, alkaloid (bromhexin, Ambroxol)
Bromhexine is an expectorant medicine from the group of mucolytics.
Bromhexine is an expectorant medicine from the group of mucolytics.

Mucolytic drugs (from lat. Mucos - mucus, and from Greek. Lysis - dissolution) are used for:

  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • bronchiectase
  • bronchial asthma
  • cystic fibrosis
  • tracheostoma
  • when blocking the bronchi sputum

Bromhexin and Ambroxol, the most popular mucolytics, are synthetic analogues of an alkaloid of viscinity, which have an independent antitussive effect
There are also combined drugs for the treatment of dry unproductive cough. Combined drugs are distinguished by different mechanisms of action.

Typically, they are prescribed in combination with antibacterial or antiviral drugs, sometimes, according to indications, in combination with antipyretic, decongestants, vitamins and immunostimulants. In this case, the doctor must take into account the compatibility of all prescribed drugs.

VIDEO: Cough treatment expectorant drugs

Expecting drugs for bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi mucosa. It can be sharp, chronic, obstructive, purulent.
A cough is always a true companion of this disease. It can be of various kinds - dry is not productive, productive with outgoing sputum, with mucus with particles of pus, unproductive cough with difficultly extending sputum.

Lazolvan is a medicine from a group of expectorant, used to treat bronchitis in adults and children.
Lazolvan is a medicine from a group of expectorant, used to treat bronchitis in adults and children.

Depending on the type of disease and its stage, expectorants are prescribed in combination with other drugs (antiviral or antibacterial, immunostimulating, antipyretic, and sometimes corticosteroids).

The purpose of accepting these funds is to:

  • reduce inflammation of the mucosa of respiratory organs
  • improve the patency of the lumen of respiratory organs
  • derive a secret to the mucosa of respiratory organs
  • stimulate his discharge

Mucolytic drugs used for inflammation of the bronchi:

Ambroxol (or an import analogue of Lazolvan) - the best mucolytic agent that can be taken with different types of inflammation of the bronchi, as well as with pneumonia and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, in which thick adhesive mucus and obstruction are formed. Preparations similar to Lazolvan and Ambroxol are:

  • ambrobene
  • ambrogexal
  • ambrosan
  • flavamed

Acetylcystein (ACC). Fluimucil - reduce the inflammatory process, have a mucolytic effect. With caution should be used for bronchial asthma.

Bromhexin - The drug of the expectorant and weak antitussive effects.

Bronchosan (Solvin) - Analogues of bromhexin.

Reflex effects shown in bronchitis are: this: this is:

  1. Thermopsol. Cough tablets (based on thermopsis grass). You need to take them carefully to weaken the cough, since at the same time as exposure to the cough center is exposed to the gate center
  2. Alteyka. The drug based on alteus (the roots of the Altea) has a stimulating effect on the peristalsis of bronchioles, dilutes a viscous secret, and performs an anti -inflammatory effect. Assign in bronchitis both adults and children.
  3. Mukhaltin
  4. Ascoril
  5. Joset
  6. Karenol
  7. KODELAK Bronchu
Ascoril is a cure for reflex effects.

Given the fact that the combined drugs have components that can be incompatible with other drugs that the patient takes with bronchitis, they should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Expecting drugs for asthma

  • Research and observation of recent doctors record the trend of prescribing precisely the expectorant drugs for bronchial asthma, a tendency that showed itself quite justified
  • Indeed, under asthma, the problem of cleansing the bronchial tree from the continuing accumulation of sputum and the restoration of its normal discharge is fundamental
  • Traditional methods of treatment with anti -allergic drugs, eufillin, inhalation steroids must be accompanied by treatment of expectorant drugs

Among such drugs:

  • lazolvan (Ambroxol)
  • acetylcystein
  • sodium solution of bicarbonate 2%

The most effective effect is with the inhalation method of administration.

ACC - expectorant at bronchial asthma.
ACC - expectorants with bronchial asthma.

Expecting drugs for wet coughs for children

Coughing and runny nose in children are the most common problems with which all parents are more or less successfully successful from time to time. Because of the cough, the child often cannot fall asleep, becomes irritated, and due to frequent cough he loses his strength. A wet productive cough prevents breathing, the child swallows sputum, which again, again produces a new cough.
The first and safest cough remedy in children is a warm drink. Expecting drugs are recommended to be given no later than 2 to 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise it will be difficult for him to fall asleep due to the secretion.

Children can be given an expectorant of Tussin.
Children can be given an expectorant of Tussin.

Among the most often prescribed by doctors, the expectorant drugs are the following:

  • mukhaltin
  • tussin
  • acetylcystein
  • salbutamol

Important: Dear and popular in our time, Dr. Komarovsky resolutely opens against the appointment of children of expectorant drugs, especially children under 2, 5 years old. The main ways of its treatment for coughing and a runny nose in children is to wash the nose, ventilation of the room and enough drinking

Video: mucolytic drugs in pediatrics

Expecting drugs with dry cough

Dry cough, most often, bothers at the initial stage of the disease and is a symptom of either a cold, or bronchitis or pneumonia, or influenza. The lumen in the larynx, the trachea and the bronchi narrows, the dry cough is accompanied by whistles and noise.
Dry cough can be caused:

  • viruses
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract
  • allergic reaction
  • a reflex reaction of the body to the surrounding environment (smoke, pungent smell)
Sinecod is a non -brown cough.
Sinecod is a non -brown cough.

Dry cough is treated in such a way as to turn it first into a wet one, and then get rid of cough with mucolytics and expectorants. Sometimes, with exhausting dry cough, it is advisable to take antitussive and combined drugs. However, it should be remembered that antitussive drugs do not combine with mucolytics.
Among the drugs effective in dry coughing, the following:

  1. Sinecod - effective with dry coughing of any origin, affects the cough center
  2. Herbion is a combined drug of plant origin based on plantain. It has antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory effect
  3. Colades - a antitussive combined drug, which includes codeine, thermopsis grass, thyme and licorice
  4. Stoptussin is a combined antitussive and secretolithic drug
  5. Bronchikum - a combined antitussive drug based on extracts of grass of thyme, primrose and others
  6. Broncholytin - combined launched, bronnethy and bronchoseptic drug
  7. Libexin is a antitussive drug of peripheral action.
  8. Linkas - a drug based on herbs, effective in the transition between dry and wet cough
When the cough goes from dry to wet, you can drink Linkas.
When the cough goes from dry to wet, you can drink Linkas.

Expending drugs for adults

In the absence of contraindications associated with the effects of the components of the drug, adults can be prescribed (according to the testimony and clinical picture of the patient’s illness and anamnesis) any of the list of hodring drugs above.

Expecting drugs for pregnant women

During pregnancy, any drugs should be taken with great care, assessing the risk of harm caused to the fetus and pregnant woman and harm from her disease.

When coughing pregnant women, it is better to drink herbal teas allowed by a doctor.
When coughing pregnant women, it is better to drink herbal teas allowed by a doctor.

If the pregnant woman has a cough, then without consulting a gynecologist, prescribing medical treatment is extremely not recommended. To facilitate the cough of a pregnant woman, you should take safe products that help cope with the cough or at least reduce it.

For example, a warm drink - milk with honey with soda, tea with honey, lemon, linden tea. The possible inhalations with thyme or alkaline inhalations with soda are possible.

Expecting drugs for children

As a rule, drugs intended for the treatment of cough in children are made on a plant basis. And only a doctor can prescribe a child, especially a small, expectorant.

Before the doctor makes his appointments, it is best for parents to use well -proven folk remedies, namely, to drink the child with warm milk with honey, milk with alkaline mineral water, milk with honey and goat fat, and black radish juice with milk. And, if there is a need to be treated with expectorant drugs, then the most popular among them are:

  • pertusin
  • gedelix
  • Dr. MOM
  • ambrobene

Some drugs, on the advice of a doctor, can be used in the form of inhalations.

Pertussin has been successfully treated from coughing children for several decades.
Pertussin has been successfully treated from coughing children for several decades.

Folk expectorants

Among the folk remedies used in coughing, the following recipes proved its most effectiveness:

RECIPE: Juice with black radish with honey
Wash the radish and cut the core in it, making a kind of funnel. Put a tablespoon of honey inside the funnel and leave for several hours. Radish will begin to let the juice, mixing with honey. The released juice with honey must be drunk several times a day.

RECIPE: Milk with honey and goat fat
You can take a teaspoon of goat fat and a teaspoon of honey on a glass of warm milk. Stir everything and drink in warm form.

RECIPE: Milk with badger fat, honey and juice is aloe -eating on the basis of these ingredients the drink will have a specific consistency and specific taste. However, all these ingredients are so useful that the drink can be overcome completely.

RECIPE: Steam inhalations with boiled potatoes and iodine
Boil the potatoes in the uniform, flood it roughly, drip 2 drops of iodine and breathe while the potatoes are fading.

Inhalations with potatoes and iodine - a folk remedy for liquefaction and expectorant of sputum.
Inhalations with potatoes and iodine - a folk remedy for liquefaction and expectorant of sputum.
  • Folk remedies also include special fees and teas based on medicinal herbs that medicine has successfully borrowed and created many drugs based on them
  • In pharmacies, you can purchase the so -called breast fees from cough. Mastroly fees have several numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4, which differ in the composition of herbs that make up them
  • For example, the breastfield of 1 includes coltsfoot, oregano, in the thoracic collection 2 –I-Machekh, plantain and licorice, in the breast collection 3-alte, pine buds, sage, anise
  • There are also expectorant collections of herbs, which are based on licorice, lobillar, nine, plantain, peppermint and others
Vegetable expectorant of the breast collection.
Vegetable expectorant of the breast collection.

Expecting plant remedies

Based on plant agents in pharmacies, the following drugs are offered:

  1. Bronchophytus (tea in bags with a solid composition of medicinal herbs having an expectorant effect)
  2. Herbion with plantain
    The plantain has a lot of biologically active properties that contribute to coughing, removal of spasms, inflammation and other symptoms. Has several contraindications, so it is better if the doctor still prescribes it
  3. Stoptussin with plantain, thyme and thyme in the composition, has an anti -inflammatory and expectorant effect
  4. Coldrex Bronchu
  5. Pertussin
  6. ALTYAKA syrup
Herbion Plantain - expectorant on a plant basis.
Herbion Plantain - expectorant on a plant basis.

What expectorants are best used?

This question will be best answered by the attending physician. After all, even if some expectorant drug once helped you or your relatives, it is not at all necessary that this time it will help you. This time your disease can have a different nature, accompanied by several other symptoms, flow with and without complications.

It is possible that you will have to use several expectorant drugs - first those that moisturize the cough, then those that dilute mucus, then with a mucolytic. Therefore, do not self -medicate, but seriously approach such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cough and treat it, based on indications for a particular moment of its current.

Video: Preparations improving expectorant during coughing

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Comments K. article

  1. It is best for me to dilute and sputum the spana helps to drive out. It’s getting better on the second day. For that, he is safe, without any harmfulness in the composition, which is possible even to infants.

  2. Lena, I agree! At the 8th month, I cured the cough, so the end of the vegetable and the doctor allowed. Then she treated her baby from coughing. In general, it is very convenient to treat us two with one syrup.

  3. Recently, the cough was terrible, so from the expectorants I really liked the Timyan Bronchu Orvis (this syrup is so natural). In addition, of course, of course, the throat constantly rinsed with soda and salt ... .. Now nothing bothers, there is no cough ... which cannot but rejoice)

  4. A good selection of drugs. I have an Ambroxol Bronkhui Anti in the first -aid kit. This is one of the inexpensive medicines. Suitable for the whole family. More often with it we do inhalation. But you can also take inside. Just through inhalation more effective. Sputum lures faster and the cough becomes productive. Allowed even babies. Only, of course, after consulting a doctor! Still the solution does not contain sugar. Diabetics can be treated with them.

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