The best English names are men's: list. The names of foreign English and American rulers. How will the name be translated into English: the most common names in the world

The best English names are men's: list. The names of foreign English and American rulers. How will the name be translated into English: the most common names in the world

Men's English names: popular, beautiful, top 100. Famous representatives of English male names.

England is a symbol of aristocracy and perfection. English names are famous for a clear sound, brevity and versatility all over the world. In this article we will talk about the best English names, as well as give the meanings of the most popular of them.

The most beautiful and popular male English names in the UK and the USA

In this article, we will talk about the most beautiful and popular male English names in the UK and the USA in a convenient summary table.

The most beautiful and popular male English names in the UK and the USA
The most beautiful and popular male English names in the UK and the USA
                          Great Britain                               USA
In English In Russian Meaning of the name In English In Russian Meaning of the name
Oliver Oliver Elf, a warrior, with unearthly force. As well as oil, olive, fragrant Noah Noah Inspiration, rest, pleasure
Jack Jack Reliability, authority, high sense of self -sufficiency Liam Liam Protection, helmet, fateful decision. Derivative on behalf of William
Harry Harry Derivative of the name Henry, dominant, head of the house, head of the country Mason Mason Kamenolomnya, master for working with stone, working hands
Jacob Jacob Patron, power of spirit, lord Jacob Jacob Patron, power of spirit, lord
Charley Charlie Courage, courage, determination, confidence and power William William, as well as William Protection, helmet and shield, will and fate
Thomas Thomas Twin, brother, close soul Ethan Ethan Constant, indispensable, universal, strong and reliable
George George Farmer, land owner, strong and strong, hardworking Michael Michael Similar, equivalent to the Lord. Justice and faith
Oscar Oscar Spear of God, divine principle, symbol of faith, a gift of the Lord Alexander Alexander Defender, the one who protects, faithful and devoted
James James Hero, invader, courageous James James Hero, invader, courageous
William William, as well as William Protection, helmet and shield, will and fate Daniel Daniel, as well as Daniel Court, justice, loyalty, perseverance, "God judge"

TOP-100 popular English male names

In this section, we have collected the most popular male English names in English and Russian.

In English In Russian In English In Russian In English In Russian
James James Andrew Andrew Adam Adam
John John Raymond Raymond Harry Harry
Robert Robert Gregory Gregory Fred Fred
Michael Michael Joshua Joshua Wayne Wayne
William William Jerry Jerry Billy Billy
David David Dennis Dannis Steve Stephen
Richard Richard Walter Walter Louis Louis
Charles Charles Patrick Patrick Jeremy Jeremiah
Joseph Joseph Peter Pitr Aaron Aaron
Thomas Thomas Harold Harold Randy Randy
Christopher Christopher Douglas Douglas Howard Howard
Daniel Daniel Henry Henry Eugene Eugene
Paul Floor Carl Charles Carlos Carlos
Mark Mark Arthur Arthur Russell Russell
Donald Donald Ryan Ryan Bobby Bobby
George George Roger Roger Victor Victor
Kenneth Kenneth Joe Joe Martin Martin
Steven Stephen Juan Juan Ernest Ernest
Edward Edward Jack Jack Tony Tony
Brian Brian Albert Albert TODD Todd
Ronald Ronald Jonathan Jonathan Jesse Jesse
Anthony Anthony Justin Justin Craig Craig
Kevin Kevin Terry Terry Alan Alan
Jason Jason GERALD Herald Shawn Sean
Matthew Matthew Keith Whale Clarence Clarence
Danny Danny Samuel Samuel Stanley Stanley
Timothy Timothy Willie Willy Philip Philip
Jose Jose Ralph Ralph Chris Chris
Larry Larry Lawrence Lawrence Johnny Joni
Jeffrey Jeffrey Nicholas Nicholas Earl Earl
Frank Frank Roy Roy Jimmy Jimmy
Scott Scott Benjamin Benjamin Antonio Antonio
Eric Eric Bruce Bruce Brandon Brandon

Names of foreign English and American rulers

Choosing the English male name for the child, the history of the name plays an important role, because, as you know, energy lurks in it. We offer to familiarize the names of foreign English and American rulers.

  • So, the name is Henry - The most common among the kings of England. English men with the name Henry went up to the throne more than 15 times! And the meaning of the name is rich, powerful, leader.
Bright representative of England
Bright representative of England
  • Edward - The second most popular name is among the kings of England. The meaning of the name is caring for the people, the estate, the country. Eduard is also called as a sacred guard.
  • William - The few crowned representatives of the English throne left behind vast territories and glory, chanted for centuries. The meaning of the great name is decisiveness, the will of heaven, a defender and a helmet for the people.
  • Richard - Bright representatives of the English throne, which were called during life great and ubiquitous. And Richard Lion's heart remained forever in the hearts of every resident of Great Britain, and also has a lot of admirers around the world. The meaning of the name is the ruler, the leader, the mighty and strong.
  • King Jacob Changed the course of history not only by his rule, but also by his heiress Maria. The meaning of the name of the Jacob is the following on the heels, and the roots of the name are taken to the Bible.
  • Robert Walpol -He became the first Prime Minister of Great Britain, and popularized his name for many years. The meaning of the name Robert is shining, shiny from glory and achievements.
  • Winston Churchill -The Prime Minister, whose name every schoolboy knows in the world. Since his reign, the name Winston has become popular not only on the territory of the United Kingdom, but throughout the world. The meaning of the name is the stone of joy, happiness and wisdom.
Winston Churchill - the perfect combination of humor and wisdom
Winston Churchill - the perfect combination of humor and wisdom

The history of the United States is closely intertwined with England, and it is not surprising that most US rulers wore and wear English male names. So, George Washington He became the pioneer and the first ruler of the Free Lands of the United States, and the name became one of the most popular in America. It today is included in the top 10 popular English male names.

  • John Adams He wore a classic English aristocratic name, which means "pardoned." More representatives of this name - John Kuinsi Adams and John Kennedand.
  • Thomas Jefferson - He established himself as one of the wisest husbands of his time, and added the popularity of the name.
  • Chester Arthur - The US president with the most sophisticated name that means a soldier’s camp and has an original English roots.
  • Donald Trump - It also bears the original English name, which means "Lord of the World."

How will the name be translated into English: the most common names in the world

In this section, we will give examples of English male names and their Russian “brothers”. Analogs of names:

  • Ivan - John;
  • Alexey - Alex;
  • Anton - Anthony;
  • George - George;
  • Grigory - Gregory;
  • Sergey - Sergius;
  • Nikolai - Nicholas;
  • Maxim - Maximilian;
  • Valery - Valerius;
  • Timothy - Timothy;
  • Matvey - Matt;
  • Fedor - Theodore;
  • Pavel - Pol.

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