The best selection of songs about school: names, words, video

The best selection of songs about school: names, words, video

In this article we will talk about the best songs about school for different ages.


In the life of every student, it is not without music and songs. On September 1, songs are heard on the lines, they are in books, films, and they all accompany us during their studies. Songs help us understand how important the school is, and also - how I do not want to part with it, because over the years many friends and teachers have appeared. Let's find out which songs are the most popular.

The best selection of songs about school for first -graders: names, words, video

The very first memories of the school begin with a line on the day of knowledge. First -graders tell poetry, and for them they sing songs. It’s scary for everyone to go to first grade, because it is still unknown what awaits there. Our selection of songs about school for first -graders is simple, all the motives are heard, but how children like them!

Teach at school

Writes different letters with a thin feather in a notebook
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

To the four, add two, read words by syllables
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Good books to love and be educated to be
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Good books to love and be educated to be
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

Find the east and south, draw a square and a circle
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
And never confuse the islands and cities
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
And never confuse the islands and cities
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

About the verb and about the dash, and about the rain in the yard
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Strongly and firmly friends, get cherish friendship since childhood
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Strongly and firmly friends, get cherish friendship since childhood
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

Video: The song "Teach at school." Zakharov Yaroslav and Anya Shlyakhotka

The song of the first grader

More and more of us
For some reason, they became.
Today at school is the first grade -
Like an institute.
The teacher sets us
With the X -ksi task,
Candidate of Sciences - and that
The task is crying.

It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
oh oh oh!

And we have a trouble -
Composition again.
Leo Tolstoy in my years
I did not write this.
I am nowhere to be nowhere
I do not breathe ozone.
I am engaged in work

More and more of us
For some reason, they became.
Today at school is the first grade -
Like an institute.
I go to bed at twelve
There is no strength to undress.
I wish you would be an adult at once,
Take a break from childhood.

Video: a first grader song. Alla Pugacheva


Ground clusters of Ryabin sparkle.
Like hundreds of fun lights.
Today I'm not alone to school,
And with his younger sister.

Chorus: sister Natasha is now first -grader
Now she is a student.
And the whole street knows about this.
And our whole country knows about this.

And people smile all around her
And they wave after us on the go.
And I myself become as if growing up
I lead my sister to school.


And a new dress and a new portfolio
She is very to her face, they say.
I will be the first to open her school door
No wonder I'm an older brother!

Video: Natasha-first. Dima Galikhin, Lena Mogucheva and BDH

Farewell to the first class

First class, for the first time
A year ago you accepted us.
We moved to the second
And say goodbye to you.

Chalk, board, paintings, maps
They will go together with us.
The desks will become a little higher.
Together with us they will grow up.

We loved each other
For friends we are standing a mountain,
And with me my friend
Goes to the second.

And what about the teacher?
Will you with you with you?
No, the teacher too
Goes to the second.

So, with a road of fun,
We are walking into line,
Together with the class, and with the school.
And with the whole native country.

First grade! For the first time
A year ago you accepted us.
We moved to the second
And say goodbye to you.

Video: First class for the first time, a year ago you accepted us!

The best selection of songs about a school for elementary grades: names, words, video

In elementary grades, children grow up. Together with them, songs are also more adults. There are many very good songs for elementary grades and we got a small selection of songs about school for students.

School years

In the first fine September day
I timidly entered the light arches.
The first textbook and the first lesson -
So the school years begin.

The school years are wonderful,
With friendship, with a book, with a song,
How quickly they fly!
You can’t turn them back.
Will they fly without a trace?
No, no one will ever forget
School years.

The scarlet tie blossomed on the chest,
Youth is raging like heavy waters.
Soon we will join the Komsomol -
This is how the school years continue.

Life is the most serious subject.
We will find joy, we will overcome the hardships,
Red Square, Spring Dawn -
So the school years end.

Video: Wonderful school years

School waltz

For a long time, friends are funny,
We said goodbye to the school.
But every year we come to our class.
In the garden of birches with maples
They meet us with bow
And the school waltz sounds again for us.

Here we are children
With penalties and books
They entered and sat down in rows.
There are ten classes here,
And here we are the word - homeland
For the first time read in warehouses.

To the sounds of a waltz smooth
I remembered glorious years,
Familiar and cute edges.
You with gray strands
Above our notebooks,
My teacher is old.

Wintering with spring rushed,
For a long time we have become adults
But remember our school days.
Fly the ways of star,
They float the formidable seas
Your beloved students.

But, wherever we are,
We did not forget you
As a mother, the sons do not forget.
You are our eternal youth,
Simple and cordial,
My first teacher!

Video: Maria Pakhomenko. School waltz

From what, from what from what

From what, from what from what
Our boys made?
From freckles and crackers,
From lines and batteries
Our boys are made.

From what, from what, from what
Our girls made?
From flowers and bells,
From notebooks and glances
Our girls are made.

From what, from what from what
Our boys made?
From springs and pictures,
From glasses and blotches
Our boys are made.

From what, from what from what
Our girls made?
From scarves and glomeruli,
From riddles and marmalade
Our girls are made.

The words of Y. Khaletsky

Video: Song "What are our girls made of?"

There is no time to grow old teachers

Smoothly red leaves fly
In blue squares of school frames,
The first -graders again leaf through the primer,
There is no time to grow old teachers.

There is no time to age, there is no time to age
There is no time to grow old teachers.
There is no time to grow old teachers.

The sun is jumping on our desks,
Fumigfully winking at us.
We grow quickly, which means -
There is no time to grow old teachers.

There is no time to age, there is no time to age
There is no time to grow old teachers.
There is no time to grow old teachers.

Pulls us from the school threshold
To new construction sites, to star ships.

Video: Karaoke for children - there is no time to grow old teachers (Gnatyuk N. // Apps V.S. Loktev)

Two by two is four

Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
Everyone knows this in the whole world,
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
Everyone knows this in the whole world!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not three, not five - you need to know!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not six, not seven - this is clear to everyone!

Three times three times forever - nine,
There is nothing to do!
And it is easy to count
How much five five will be!
Five five - twenty -five!
Five five - twenty -five!

Who, friends, will not ask,
Six eight - forty -eight!
Six six - please take into account
Invariably thirty six!
Six six - thirty six!
Six six - thirty six!

Video: The song "Twice Two Four." The clip is a children's school.

The best selection of songs about school for high school: names, words, video

In high school, children become more serious and they are no longer interested in singing simple songs. A selection of songs about school really likes the children and the words are easy to remember.

This is never repeated.

Clouds look at the school window,
The lesson seems endless.
You can hear the feather creaks slightly
And lies the lines on the sheet.
First love ... voiced years ...
In the puddles of blue ice glass ...
Not repeated, not repeated,
This is never repeated!
Not repeated, not repeated,
This is never repeated!

Imperceptible gaze of surprised eyes
And words, foggy a little bit.
After these words for the very first time
I would like to turn the whole world.

First love ... snow on the wires.
In the sky - a flashed star.
Not repeated, not repeated,
This is never repeated!
Not repeated, not repeated,
This is never repeated!

A song of rain is rolled with a stream.
Green winds rustle.
Jealousy for no reason, disputes about nothing
It was like yesterday.

First love ... voiced years ...
In the puddles of blue ice glass ...
Not repeated, not repeated,
This is never repeated!
Not repeated, not repeated,
This is never repeated!

Video: This is never repeated.

Crane song

Maybe it's time to calm down
But I, a sinful thing, do not like
Saying what to have a tit
Better than sad to be a crane.
I stand, wave him like a friend,
I would like to think about him
As if he is not flying away to the south,
And in my childhood valley.

Let him circle over our school,
Grateful will convey hello
Let him see if everything is still serving
Our old teacher or not.
We did not obey him, hangs
He became all the white ...
I remember how he loved Bernes
The song is all about the same cranes ...

I remember we calmed down among the lesson:
A white wedge sailed in the window in the distance ...
Apparently hope and reproach
Cranes serve a person.

Video: Crane song - "We will live until Monday"

My teacher

Calls an affectionate call for desks,
Merry laughter is silent for a while.
The teacher begins his lesson
And everything around as if freezing.
All the years we have been taught to understand
And difficult and light objects.
The teacher does not know how to get tired
The notebook checks until dawn.

My kind teacher, why are you silent.
The tears unexpectedly flashed in the eyes.
You opened the world to us and wherever we live,
And the school will always be in our hearts.

We have not been to the point of sometimes,
As if the demon was instilled in our souls.
The teacher will quietly say: "It does not matter."
After all, my teacher is the most, the best.
The years will rush with a quick series,
And the time came to say goodbye.
Teacher, we know what is with you
It will be very difficult for us to part.


Calls an affectionate bell at the desks.
Merry laughter is silent for a while.
The teacher begins his lesson
And everything around as if freezing.

Chorus (2 times)
And the school will always be in our hearts (3 times)

Video: My teacher. Beautiful song to the teacher for graduation

You have to learn fun

On the road, girls! On the road, boys!
Walk on the ladder of knowledge bold!
Wonderful meetings and good books
The steps will be on it.

Both song and song
On the way it will come in handy.
You have to learn fun
You have to learn fun!
We will have fun to study
To study well!

By our ladder you can soon
Achieve inaccessible sea depths,
Go down to the ground, climb the mountains
And even reach the moon.

There will be steep steps on the ladder,
But the precisely coveted route is verified,
To make you look with an amazing miracle,
Which is called knowledge.

Video: You have to learn fun

Our school country

Do not twist the colorful globe -
You will not find on it
That country, a special country,
About which we sing.
Our old planet
All studied for a long time,
But this country is big -
Like a white spot.

Let this country
Do not go, no trains go,
Mom for the first time
They bring the handle here.
In the country with this ringing, funny
They meet us like Novoselov.
This country is always in the heart!

In a new class, as in a new city,
We come every year -
Tribe of young dreamers,
The restless people.
So, fly again and swim for us
On the endless of that country,
To unexpected discoveries,
To the graduation in the spring.


Here we are heard sometimes
In a quiet rustle of pages
The noise of distant new buildings,
Voices of flowers and birds.
The wind of wanderings twists the globe,
Waves to us with his wing
In that country, a special country,
About which we sing.


Video: Do \u200b\u200bnot twist a colorful globe

The best selection of songs about school for the last call, for goodbye with the school: name, words, video

Graduation is the most exciting moment, probably even more than the first grade. On the last call and on the day of graduation, schoolchildren always sing songs. This is a tradition for farewell to the school. Our selection of songs about school will help to make this moment the most memorable.

Song of graduates

You put on a festive dress,
In it now you are completely adult.
Only yesterday you were a classmate,
And today who will you become me?

We would like to leave school soon.
We don't think about that with you
That this minute does not turn back
The hour will not be repeated.

From childhood, we were in a hurry to become adults,
The school years have rushed.
In order to cherish childhood, we
We must part with him forever!

I recall the past diligently
And I languish with an alarming thought:
Parting with childhood finally,
Maybe I will part with you?

Video: You put on a festive dress - different fates

Farewell waltz

When we leave the school yard
To the sounds of an unlucking waltz,
The teacher leads us to the corner,
And again - back, and again in the morning -

Meet, teach and part again,
When we leave the school court.

For us, the door is always open at school.
You do not have to rush to say goodbye to her!
Well, how to forget the calls of the call drops
And the girl who was carried by the portfolio?

Let nothing will happen again, -
For us, the door is always open at school.

Go along the quiet school floors.
A lot is lived and understood here!
There was a rabble voice, chalk trembled in his hand,
But you ran home with a victory!

And if suddenly luck was sank, -
Go along the quiet school floors.

Thank you for the end of the lessons,
Although you are waiting with the hope of a change.
But life is a special subject:

Will ask new questions in response,
But you find a solution certainly!

Video: When we leave the school yard - a draw


I hold my first primer in my hands

From the excitement of words I do not find

My first textbook and notebook

Memories Schools will save

My first teacher, my friends

I'll remember this school ball

And our school will dream of days

What fun so with her was


School graduation, rings a call,

Our last lesson ended,

Maybe this is only the very first

In our new life, a turn,

You should not rush to grow up,

We are no longer chicks - we are birds,

And today the flock will fly up

Everyone is in their own flight.

My parents, my eyes shine,

They are worried about us, sad

Yesterday we were led to first grade,

Well, today we are graduates.

Thanks to teachers, we say we

Read, write us they taught us

You forgive us for everything at this hour

We will always love and remember you.

Video: School graduation. Song with words

School, school, I miss

School courtyard and laughter of girlfriends -
The cleanest, most loud
And run through warm puddles
Brown girls,
And they are already pumping others
Our school swings ...
School, school, I miss
How quickly we have matured!

And notes with doves are all flying to me from childhood,
I am disturbed by my memory, you can’t get anywhere from them.
I sometimes still meet my school girlfriends,
It turned out to be painful. School, school, I miss

We studied, we fell in love
You and I shared secrets
These ten years rushed,
The bell rang goodbye.
In September, you will open the doors
You are completely different guys
School, school, I don't believe
That everything has passed without a return


The bell rings to me furtively,
On the soul of my Istom.
I'm for a clean notebook
In September I will sit down at home.
I will write what I dreamed about
To everyone who was with me,
School, school, I miss
For you and the guys


School, school, I miss, I miss ...
School, school, I miss, I miss ...
School, school, I miss, I miss ...
It turned out to be painful. School, school, I miss ....

Video: School, School, I miss ...

Waltz of parting

You hear, spring winds are blowing,
It's time for us to part
Our last call rang here,
This last lesson ended,
This school last lesson ended.

You, completing the laid path
Do not forget your home school.
The first fine September day,
The first solemn school call,
Class of native, class of native threshold.

We part to meet again,
After all, love remains forever.
Through years, a sonorous, like a brook,
Let the school call fill up
Let him nickname the school last call.

Video: Old Walc. Waltz of parting

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