LPG massage: What is the procedure? Types of LPG massage, pluses of the procedure. LPG massage procedure: contraindications, reviews, video. Who shows LPG massage?

LPG massage: What is the procedure? Types of LPG massage, pluses of the procedure. LPG massage procedure: contraindications, reviews, video. Who shows LPG massage?

What are the methods for eliminating the skin deficiencies in the form of cellulite, wrinkles, scars and excess fat. Massage is suitable for this. And LPG massage is considered the most effective type of such procedures. Further in detail we find out what it is.

Getting rid of excess body weight is the dream of many girls. They adhere to diets, consider calories, engage in fitness, and weight still stands still. Even in addition, cellulite does not give rest, especially in the summer, when everyone goes to the beach. These problems must be fought comprehensively.

Therefore, more and more advanced technologies appear in the beauty industry market. One of these is LPG massage, thanks to this procedure, you can significantly improve your body, get rid of orange crust and lose a little volume on the hips, waist and other problem areas.

LPG massage: What is the procedure?

To put your body in order, you need to make a set of measures, including massage. It is the LPG massage, as possible, suitable as massive procedures. In fact, the method itself is an effect on the skin, muscle fibers and the fat layer with a special apparatus.

This device patented Louis Gita. The principle of action of manipula is based on the work of special rollers that can create a vacuum and form folds from the epidermis, thus affect the subcutaneous fat deposits and cellulite mechanically.

Massage hips by manipula
Massage hips by manipula

It is not at all difficult to imagine what is the massage procedure of LPG massage, but it is interesting what will happen in the cosmetologist’s office in detail. It is interesting to delve into the entire process from beginning to end.

LPG massage: Instruction

  1. When you come to the office, the cosmetologist will examine the problem areas and determine the front of the work. Each client should find an individual approach. And in professional salons they do just that.
  2. After examination, if necessary, the client is photographed at full height, it is easier to make adjustments to the figure clearly and determine the areas where massage should be done.
  3. You should provide special clothes. After you put it on, you need to take the position of lying on the massage table.
  4. Now the specialist will clearly set the points on the body where it is necessary to influence the manipula.
  5. And he will start working with the device. You can work with the device in different modes and experienced cosmetologists know this. If the manipula slides over the body, then thanks to this the type of problem areas of the body will improve, a certain modeling of the figure will be obtained.
  6. If you make twisting movements with the device, then you will quickly get rid of cellulite.
  7. Swating movements from one side to the other save patients from excess fat. And ordinary hardware massage does not improve blood flow at high power, forms the turgor of the epidermis.

Most often, the process lasts about 45 minutes. Moreover, for the best result of one LPG massage will be not enough. A specialist-cosmetologist will choose a certain number of hardware massage times to solve all problems with the figure. Often, about 8-10 procedures are carried out for ordinary elimination of cellulite and fat deposits. The frequency of their holding is once every seven days. To make the effect long, massage is carried out once a month. The patient will have to observe a diet and lead a mobile lifestyle.

Back treatment - LPG massage
Back treatment-LPG massage

IMPORTANT: Faces must be prepared in advance for LPG massage. Drink half a liter of water in front of the procedure and wash it well, wipe it, since you should only work on a clean face. Sometimes a cosmetologist gives auxiliary tools to massage the face of the skin, if required.

After the process in those patients in whom the skin are sensitive to any effect, redness, small swelling can notice. But this is considered the norm. In a day, these effects will pass. If there is any more irritation, then the LPG massage cannot be carried out in the future. And after the procedure, there are no prohibitions on the adoption of sunbathing, solariums, you can use cosmetics, go to the sauna.

LPG massage: types of procedures

Thanks to the versatility, LPG massage can be carried out in any areas of the body. It is done to get rid of problems with cellulite, to smoothes wrinkles, to eliminate excessive fat deposits in problem areas. Using this massage, you can remove swelling, scars in any parts of the body, problem stretch marks. The procedure is also effective for adjusting posture, normalizing coordination of movements. Depending on the purpose of the massage, the type of procedure is also chosen, and there are several of them:

  • Aesthetic procedure - Do to eliminate cellulite, get rid of swelling, correction of the figure.
  • Therapeutic massage- It is carried out to eliminate various etiologies of pain in muscle tissues, pain in the back. More massage improves healing of burn scars, scars obtained by various injuries.
  • Lipomassias - Effectively removes the deposits of adipose tissue, copes with the advanced cellulite, promotes the elasticity of the skin. When such a massage is performed, the patient must perform certain exercises that contribute to the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Sports procedures-are effective for swelling and pain that occur due to injuries of muscle fibers and tendons. Also, such LPG procedures are performed during preparations for competitions.
Lippomassage procedures

IMPORTANT: LPG massage is quite effective if professionals do it. The procedure is used for medical purposes. Massage is done with radiculitis, varicose veins, as already mentioned, thanks to it, recovery is faster after traumatic situations and burns.

In women, LPG massage is popular for rejuvenating the skin and muscle tissues of the face, eliminating wrinkles, swelling, bags under the eyes. Thanks to the procedures, the state of the epidermis and not only noticeably improves.

LPG massage: Advantages of the procedure

When choosing what is better than LPG procedure or ordinary massage with your hands, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons. Practice shows that LPG massage works better on all skin problems, even more efficiently removes and strengthens muscle tissue due to the maximum deep effect on the skin cells and other tissues that are under it. Thanks to the procedure of exposure to rollers on the body, the following phenomena can be achieved:

  • Partial removal of fat deposits, due to which there is an improvement in the appearance, noticeably visible weight loss of a person.
  • Cellulite is gradually eliminated, the skin is smoothed.
  • The volumes in the problem areas of the body are reduced, the lifting of the skin is observed.
  • It is possible to get rid of swelling, the state of the epidermis will noticeably improve. The skin will become elastic, silk, smooth.
  • You can quickly recover from back pain and other parts of the body, relax muscle tissue.
  • Toxins come out of the body, lymphatic drainage is enhanced, the movement of blood flow, lymph flow improves.
  • Hematomas are absorbed faster, the restoration periods of therapy are faster with traumatic damage, and the condition of muscle tissue improves.
  • After the LPG massage, unpleasant sensations of fatigue in the lower extremities pass.
  • After pregnancy, the woman in labor is put in order the body, you can get rid of stretch marks, scars after surgery, prevent the development of varicose veins.

As you can see, the procedure is used for various kinds of problems. Before making a choice, which of them is better for a particular client, the cosmetologist will have to evaluate the general state of health and take into account how the body reacts to different factors. To do this, the patient should do not conceal that he has health problems.

LPG massage for cellulite
LPG massage for cellulite

IMPORTANT: Analogues of LPG massage have not yet been invented, precisely why this massage is unique in its kind. Its effectiveness in the correction of the body, the face has been proved practically.

The disadvantages of the procedure include: the high cost of massage, at a time noticeable changes will not follow and for the desired effect you will have to go through many procedures at once. In addition, the patient will need to observe the training mode and proper nutrition.

LPG massage: contraindications and testimonies

In any case, before proceeding with hardware massage, all contraindications that may become an obstacle to the procedure and harm the client should be excluded. Despite the seemingly harmless LPG massage can adversely affect human health.

LPG massage: contraindications:

  1. Lactation or pregnancy
  2. Various diseases of the vegetative-vascular nervous system, tumors of different nature, skin diseases.
  3. Infectious inflammatory processes on the skin.
  4. Inflammatory pathologies of the lymph nodes, thrombophlebitis, hemophilia, epileptic convulsions.
  5. Oncological pathologies, diseases of the endocrine system.
  6. Chronic diseases of the organs.

It is undesirable to make LPG massage, when women have critical days, there are open wounds on the skin or the client has elevated temperature. After the procedure, a person may have swelling, light redness of the epidermis, itching. Symptoms are quickly passing if the patient is healthy and he has no contraindications for massage.

Indications for LPG massage may be the following cases:

  • Fat deposits in various areas, excess body weight, orange crust on the body.
  • Swelling, different consequences after injuries (stretching, bruises, pain in articular tissues, muscles).
  • The occurrence of scars as a result of burns, surgical seams.
  • Violation of the elasticity of the skin, wrinkles.
LPG massage of the face to eliminate wrinkles
LPG massage of the face to eliminate wrinkles

The number of procedures will be calculated by the cosmetologist himself to correct various defects.

LPG massage-reviews, photos before and after procedures

There are already many reviews on the expanses of Internet networks. I must say that its LPG massage has not lost its popularity for a long time. And many talk about his positive effect on the body. Let's look at user reviews in more detail.

Olya, 23 years old:

After giving birth, I scored several kilograms. Despite the fact that weight is considered normal, the stomach is still visible well. And I just can’t get rid of him. Pullulite also appeared on the hips and legs, noticeable well, because short shorts are already not put on as before. To get rid of all this went to fitness, she began to eat right, but cellulite is still noticeable, and the stomach does not leave. The coach advised to take another LPG massage course. I decided on the procedures. After the first time I was sick, but tolerant. It became normal after five procedures. The body has adapted. When I passed all the massage sessions, I noticed a small effect. The priest decreased by size, cellulite became less noticeable, but the stomach still remained. There is an effect, but you still need to continue training, and follow a diet, and at least once a year do an LPG massage.

Elvira, 45 years old:

I always dreamed of removing the Galife zone. It was also necessary to tighten the skin in problem areas. At first I thought I would make a normal massage course, but I was persuaded to LPG massage. Why not try. They say the effect from him is much better than from the usual one. The first time it hurt, my sensitivity was increased, so I thought I won’t go to the second procedure. But when the week passed, nevertheless decided and went, the second time everything was easier and the master asked how I feel, she controlled the process. Then for the third time I felt even a pleasant relaxation, as a cosmetologist told me - this body began to get used to it. I changed the diet, stopped eating flour products, fatty foods, sweets and rice. After the course I saw a great result. Even cellulite is gone. It was pleasantly surprised, there was no anxiety for summer vacation on the beach. The skin was rejuvenated and was smooth, in a swimsuit I even liked myself.

Despite the different opinion about the LPG massage, we can conclude. One LPG massage will not relieve all skin problems and excess weight. A comprehensive solution to problems of this nature is needed. Below, see real photos before and after the LPG massage procedure:

Effect before and after LPG massage
Effect before and after LPG massage
Photo to massage procedures and after
Photo to massage procedures and after

It is very important even after achieving such an effect as in the photo above, to continue to observe the proper nutrition mode, lead an active lifestyle and periodically conduct massage sessions. This is necessary to maintain the body in good shape.

Video: LPG massage, technique

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