Horse force for the joints - what substances are part of the cream, what is their effect on the joints? Horse force: indications, contraindications, special instructions for the use of the product

Horse force for the joints - what substances are part of the cream, what is their effect on the joints? Horse force: indications, contraindications, special instructions for the use of the product

On the Internet, you can now find many recommendations about the treatment of joint diseases. Horse force is a drug that is also advised for complex therapy to patients. Further in the details about this tool.

There are many creams, ointments, balms in the pharmacological industry market to eliminate ailments associated with pathologies of the spine, articular surfaces. Horse force is one of them. This balm contains many useful components that successfully eliminate the consequences of degenerative, dystrophic, inflammatory diseases.

Horse force for the joints - what substances are included in the composition, what is their effect on the joints?

The drug is produced by Russian manufacturers. In appearance - this is a green mass that has a pleasant aroma. Pour the balm in a container with a dispenser, each container has a capacity of 500 milliliters.

The cream contains ingredients such as acetate, aromatic mint, lavender, tocopherol, menthol extract. Even in the balm there are demineralized water, oil, glycerin, methyl paraben, etc.

It is additional means that contributes to the high absorption of useful components in the cream.

Interestingly, the product has no components, which have pronounced signs of exposure to articular surfaces. The tool can provide a relaxing sensation on the vertebral column, muscle mass, remove swelling at the site of inflammation.

Horse force - gel. Treatment of articular surfaces
Horse force - gel. Treatment of articular surfaces

The ingredients that are included in the cream have the following effects of effects on patients:

  • Exposure of mint aromatic machine - menthol,relieves pain, swelling, can have a cooling effect, remove inflammation, kill microbes.
  • Aromarip Lavender - disinfects wound surfaces, kills microbes, has restoration abilities, and a calming effect. Thanks to the aroma of oil, the patient will disappear insomnia, irritability.
  • Aromamaed mint It gives an antispasmodic effect, relieves tension in the muscles, prevents the development of pathogens.
  • Indispensable for the skin vitamin EWhat acts on its surface, like an antioxidant, prevents tissue destruction. Able to heal damaged surfaces. Tocopherol is also able to strengthen the production of collagen in the body. Without which the normal existence of bone materials, articular surfaces is impossible.

What are the indications, contraindications for the use of horsepower?

Panacea is used in such cases:

  1. With injuries to reduce pain in articular tissues, bone surfaces.
  2. With high loads on muscle tissue during sports.
  3. With manifestations of pathologies of bone surfaces, cartilage fibers, joints (arthritis, osteoarthrosis).
  4. With muscle weakness, to eliminate inflammation.
  5. For preventive purposes for caring for muscle tissues, joint surfaces, skin cover.
Inflammation of the knee joint
Inflammation of the knee joint

The cream of this manufacturer normalizes the process of fat production on skin tissues. The balm is also used, as already mentioned, for the complex therapy of joint diseases, rheumatism. Effectively the product for gout, arthritis.


Before using horse force, it is advisable to still conduct an allergenic test on the hands. Despite the almost harmless composition, there can still be a substance in the panacea that will cause allergenic reactions in the patient. It is not very desirable to use cream-balsam to women in labor, which feed babies and pregnant women.

How to use horse force correctly?

The rules for using the gel can be read in the instructions. The application scheme is simple. It is enough to smear the product on the sore joint and rub thoroughly into the affected area. Repeat the procedure twice a day. The period of therapeutic treatment with cream is not limited. If you want to get great efficiency, you can make a compress with a tool.

The effect of panacea directly depends on the frequency of its use. When the patient does not notice an improvement in the condition, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe a different tool or make a different treatment scheme complete with other pills or injections.

Horse force - how to apply?
Horse force - how to apply?

IMPORTANT: During the study, medical specialists did not notice any chemical reactions with other drug forms. Nevertheless, it is recommended to spread cream-balsam one to two hours after the pill is taken.

Rules for using horsepower: special instructions

The instructions for cream-balsam say that it is impossible to use the product if the patient has burns and other damage to the epidermis.

There are almost no side effects when using the gel, because the drug is not able to change the composition of blood flow. The only thing that can manifest is irritation. To stop its effect on the skin, get rid of rashes, swelling and other manifestations, it is necessary to wash off the drug with water. After apply antihistamine ointments to the epidermis (Gistan, Fenistil, etc.). Also contact the doctor, let him change your therapy scheme for the treatment of joint surfaces.

According to doctors, horse force is more effective in the stage of remission or for preventive measures. In the stage of exacerbation of joint pathologies, one balm does not alleviate the patient's condition.

The dosage form can be stored for two years. It is best to put the cream in cool, dark places, at temperature regime five to twenty -five degrees. Moreover, after opening the balm, it still perfectly retains its properties. It is necessary to monitor the panacea so that it is not in the hands of the child. When the cream gets into the eyes, a strong burning sensation may occur.

Healthy joints - horsepower
Healthy joints - horsepower

IMPORTANT: Interestingly, the gel cream was initially used to treat the joints in horses (hence the name of the product).

The effect of the gel is based on the receipt of cooling effects after its use. Aromarin, menthol have an irritable effect on subcutaneous cell receptors. As a result, the patient will feel cool, after - increased blood flow will create a warming effect. For mild pain, this effect of the balm is effective, it will relieve inflammation and the pain will subside. For strong inflammatory processes, it is better to use other means.

Video: Horse force for joints

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  1. Honestly, I haven’t tried it, I haven’t tried it ... although it is probably effective because many praise ... when I myself faced pain in the joints, the expert Glucosamine Chondroitin and more often ate the sport. Gradually, the pain disappeared ... so this method is also effective)

  2. the gel relaxing only on natural ingredients, efficiently and quickly helps relieve pain and can be used for different problems, I smear their backs with both the sores and from overvoltage

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