Linex - Instructions for use

Linex - Instructions for use

Dysbiosis is a violation in the intestines of the balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria. The number of bifido and lactobacilli useful for the body decreases, and the number of pathogenic bacteria, on the contrary, increases. As a result, a person’s well -being worsens, and pain in the abdomen appears. These symptoms of dysbiosis are usually accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In special cases, even skin reactions may occur. For the treatment of this problem, such a drug as Linex can help.

The tool in question in this article refers to eubiotics. This group of drugs contains microorganisms and bacteria, which getting into the intestines, begin to "work" on the creation of normal micropholores. With the help of Linex, you can increase the amount of useful and stop the development of dangerous bacteria in the body.

Linex is a capsule of opaque material, inside which there is white powder. This drug is created to normalize the microflora not only of the intestines, but also of other digestive organs. This tool contains bifido-, lactobacilli and microorganisms that destroy harmful microbes (enterococci).


Important: lactobacilli is necessary for the body not only to normalize the intestinal function. But also for the development of some substances and vitamins that the body needs for its normal work. In addition, these microorganisms are used to normalize the natural acidity of the colon (5.5-5.6 pH).

Instructions for use

How does it work

Once in the body, this drug activates the fermentation process. Such an environment will begin to kill harmful organisms and improve the effect of enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of ascorbic acid and vitamins B and k. This will help the body cope with adverse external factors.

In addition, the components of the "Linex" substances are involved in the synthesis of bile acids and improve the functioning of antibacterial substances. Which leads to improvement of the immune system.

Output form

On the blister"Linex" is a powder sealed in capsules made of opaque plastic. One capsule contains 280.00 mg of Lebenin. 1 g of this powder contains: L. acidophilus -300 mg, B. infantis -300 mg, E. faecium -300 mg. They are complemented by magnesium stearat, lactose and potato starch.

Indications for use

  • Enterococci inhabit Enterococci in the small intestine of the human body. Its lower part, as well as the colon, is the habitat of lactobacilli. In addition, bifidobacteria also settle in the colon. All these microorganisms produce the connection necessary for the proper operation of the human body
  • . They are able to withstand various infections and viruses. For example, intestinal stick, salmonella, golden staphylococcus, cholera vibrion, etc. With a lack of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, the number of pathogenic bacteria increases. Which leads to dysbiosis and more serious problems
  • Violation of the balance of bacteria in the body may occur due to antibiotics and chemotherapy treatment. In addition, such a problem can be caused by frequent stress, malnutrition, alcohol consumption in large quantities, poor hygiene and harmful working conditions. To restore intestinal microflora, Linex is shown, as well as its analogues

Linex for children

For kidsDysbiosis in childhood is very dangerous. He can bring to:

  • Bad work of the immune system
  • Increasing susceptibility to various diseases
  • Risk of allergic reactions
  • Worsening the assimilation of food

You can help your child cope with dysbiosis with the help of Linex. Today you can purchase this tool specially designed for the child's body.

Linex dosage

IminoYou need to eat this product after eating, washed down with a small amount of water. If the child cannot swallow the capsule, then it is necessary to extract powder from it and pour into a teaspoon. There you need to add water, mix and give the child in this form.


  • children under 2 years old: 1 caps. 3 times a day
  • children from 2 to 12 years old: 1-2 caps. 3 times a day
  • adults and children over 12 years old: 2 caps. 3 times a day

Important: you can not drink this drug with hot drinks and consume it simultaneously with alcohol.

Linex tablets

Many mistakenly call "Linex" on the blist tablets. This is not true. Under this type of packaging are all the same capsules of this tool. On one blister are 8 Linex capsules. In one cardboard package, there can be from 2 to 8 blisters with capsules of this tool.

Linex in capsules

Linex in capsules is the only form of packaging of this drug. Capsules can be packaged in a blister (8 pieces each) or in dark bottles of 16 or 32 pieces.

This tool is released in pharmacies without doctors.


You should not use this drug for the treatment of dysbiosis with increased sensitivity to the components of this product.

Linex or biform?

BifornIt is quite difficult to answer this question. The composition, and, accordingly, the effect of these drugs is almost identical. But, it is believed that Linex is more susceptible to antibiotics. Therefore, it can be used simultaneously with them. And "Bifoform" after the course of antibiotics.

If you doubt that you can choose a “Lesk” or “biform”, then you can try to alternate the capsules of one and the other remedy. They will not interfere with each other.

Analogues of Linex

BifilizThis drug belongs to third -generation probiotics. This class from dysbiosis includes combined drugs consisting of several strains of the same type of bacteria. This leads to an increase in the action of bacteria.

In addition to Linex, third -generation probiotics include:

"Biforn" -It is used to improve the intestines for the prevention of gastrointestinal disorders. “Biforn baby” (powder and chewing sweets) is a children's version of this drug.

  • Dosage: Children over 2 years old and adults - 2-3 caps. daily

"Acipol" - A drug to normalize the intestinal. Contains lactobacilli and kefir fungi.

  • Dosage: Children over 3 years old and adults - 1 caps. 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals

"Bifiliz" - It is prescribed for intestinal dysfunctions and acute intestinal infections. The composition of this product includes bifidobacteria and lysozyme.

  • Dosages: 5 doses - 2-3 times a day

"Bifidumbacterin Forte" - The fourth -generation probiotic. It includes bifidobacteria, sorbed on particles of activated coal. It has a strong effect in the fight against dysbiosis than the probiotics of younger generations.

  • Dosage: 2 packs/caps. 2-3 times a day


ProbioticKseniya. After I fell ill with a sore throat, the doctor prescribed strong antibiotics. I drank them and began problems with the intestines. I had to solve this problem. I tried Linex and he helped me. They say that now there are even better drugs. Don't know. But I stopped at this.

Catherine. My friend advised me to drink kefir more. The same bacteria speaks in it as in pharmacy drugs. I drink, I save.

Video. What is intestinal dysbiosis? How to treat dysbiosis?

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Comments K. article

  1. Well, the therapist proved to me that the Linex should be drunk after antibiotics. It seems that they themselves know nothing. I also tried to prove to me that I had to take some normoprom, supposedly because it has more types of bacteria. As if it affects something. Previously, they were treated with bifidubacterin and helped everyone. And now they don’t know what to come up with.

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