Lymphatic drainage at home with gel horse force from cellulite and for the abdomen: reviews. Creams and gels for lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage at home with gel horse force from cellulite and for the abdomen: reviews. Creams and gels for lymphatic drainage

If you are looking for an effective way to combat cellulite, lymphatic drainage sessions will help you. Read about the benefits of the procedure, the rules for conducting at home and used in our article.

Some salon procedures to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin are easy to carry out at home, observing the basic rules of conduct. One of the most popular methods for getting rid of cellulite, maintaining the elasticity of the skin and restoring an elegant silhouette is wrapping.

This procedure is effective for women of any age and is successfully used to correct the imperfections of the figure and the prevention of age -related changes. The wrap allows you to see a positive result after the first few sessions, it is also useful to combine them with a special massage to enhance the effects on fat deposits.

Regular wraps help to align the contours of the body

What are the benefits of lymphatic drainage?

  • True is a fairly simple and effective way to combat skin sagging, cellulite, stretch marks and excess volumes, as well as a good means for the prevention of varicose veins, rod and swelling of the legs.
  • The procedure ensures the acceleration of metabolic processes in subcutaneous fat, eliminating the stagnation of lymph, as well as additional skin care, its active tonic, nutrition, moisturizing.
  • Anti -cellulite effect is achieved by increasing lipolysis in the subcutaneous layer, and toxins and other harmful substances are excreted through the open pores.
  • Lymphatic drainage is preferable to carry out in a cold way. This method of exposure is a safe tool for owners of weak blood vessels and varicose veins, allowing you to achieve the necessary result without side effects. Procedures are carried out in the hips, buttocks, abdomen, hands.

Long -term therapy courses make it possible to achieve a better and stable result. Sessions are held 2-p times a week for 1-2 months. After the treatment is completed, you will notice significant changes:

  • active regeneration of the skin layer;
  • improving skin color;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • output of excess fluid;
  • smoothing and increasing the elasticity of the skin - getting rid of orange peel, stretch marks, creases;
  • the disappearance of swelling, a sense of severity in the legs;
  • pulling the silhouette.
With regular procedures, lymphatic drainage will relieve fat deposits, sagging of the skin

How to do lymphodrenal wrap from cellulite at home: gels, creams

Order of conduct

  • The skin must be pre -prepared. To do this, it is recommended to take a hot shower or bath with the addition of sea salt.
  • Then peel the skin layer with a conventional scrub, a hard washcloth or brush and rub the body well with a towel.
  • Apply the finished or prepared composition on the skin area with the manifestations of cellulite, evenly distribute, without rubbing, and tightly wrap it with cling film in several layers. Make sure that polyethylene does not squeeze the body too much, otherwise it can lead to contraining and spasms of blood vessels.
  • Wrap the area of \u200b\u200bexposure to a warm blanket or blanket on top.
  • After the end of the procedure (40-60 minutes), remove the film and the remnants of the product, rinse the body with warm water.
  • After half an hour, apply a moisturizer to the problem area.
Wrapping in the fight against cellulite

What means to use for wrapping?

For a session, you can use one of the finished cosmetics. The following products from natural components have a pronounced preventive and therapeutic effect:

  • Gel "Horse Power" with an extract of horse chestnut and medical leech.
  • Anti -cellulite mix Planeta Organica. Contains organic nutrient oils of shi and avocado, orange oil, Kayen pepper. The tool helps restore the protective functions of the epidermis, has regenerative properties, anti -cellulite and restoring effects, improves blood flow and helps to break down fat.
  • Styx Cello-Gel Strong anti-cellulite gel is a highly effective drug that helps in the fight against cellulite and excess weight. Contains in the salt of the Dead Sea, algae extracts, aromatic oils. The action consists in restoring intercellular metabolism and activating lipolysis in the subcutaneous layer.
  • Natura Siberica Siberian mud wrap - the product stimulates the frozen processes of regeneration of the skin layer, strengthens and evens out its structure. Under the influence of active components, the circulatory is increased, the cells of the cells with oxygen, and the output of toxins. The cream contains wormwood extract, blue clay, white Icelandic moss.

The composition for the procedure is easy to cook at home using natural products and pharmacy products. A few simple recipes:

  1. Take seaweed, blue clay and therapeutic dirt in equal ratios (approximately 1 tbsp. Spoon). All of the listed components can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mix in a glass container until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained, add 2-p. tablespoons of warm boiled water.
  2. In a deep glass bowl 2-p. Pour spoons of sea kelp with a small amount of warm milk. After swelling, add a single egg whipped separately, 2-s drops of lemon or orange essential oil, 4-5 drops of camphor oil, mix thoroughly.
  3. Heat a little 2 tbsp. tablespoons of natural honey, add 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard powder, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil or grape seed oil, Z-5 drops of patchouli essential oil. Mix the resulting mixture well with a wooden spatula.

    Wraps for wraps can be prepared independently from natural useful components

How to make lymphatic drainage for the abdomen at home: gels, creams

Drub skin and striae (stretch marks) on the abdomen occur due to age -related changes, with a sharp change in body weight, hormonal failures or in the postpartum period. Creams, lotions and other cosmetic products often cannot cope with the problem of losing the elasticity of the skin layer. Lymphodnage procedures will help to help in such a situation.

  • To prepare the skin, take a hot shower or bath, massage the abdomen, adding a little natural ground coffee to the shower gel.
  • Then wipe the skin dry, apply the composition and wrap it tightly with cling film. Exposure time for 30-40 minutes.
Deep cleansing of the skin will significantly increase the effectiveness of exposure

Prepare the mixture for wrapping in one of the following ways:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of black clay and stir with a small amount of warm boiled water until the gruel is formed, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid honey, 5-6 drops of essential oil of sweet orange and cinnamon.
  2. Pull 2 \u200b\u200btablets mummy and dissolve in 1 tbsp. spoon of warm water. Squeeze the baby cream (20-30 g) in a glass bowl and add the resulting solution there. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of mummy, you can use essential oils - fir, eucalyptus, mint, tea tree. Mixing thoroughly, apply the mixture to the problem area with a plentiful layer.
  3. Take a few fresh aloe leaves, grind them with a knife or in a blender, squeeze the pulp through gauze to obtain juice. For one portion, you will need 50 ml of aloe juice, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive or linseed oil, 10 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A. The resulting mixture must be rubbed into the abdomen with massaging movements, and wrapped with a film on top.
Elimination of sagging, stretch marks and irregularities of the abdomen

Lymphatic drainage with gel "Horse Power" - Instruction

In a difficult struggle against bumps and tubercles in the hips and buttocks, a variety of means are used, sometimes even those that initially have a different purpose. One of these means is the Horse Power gel, which has a large number of useful properties.

The “horse force” gel according to the annotation is indicated with fatigue, swelling and heaviness in the lower extremities against the background of increased physical activity, as well as as a therapeutic and preventive agent for varicose veins. You can purchase the drug without a prescription in any pharmacy by paying about 500 rubles for a 500 ml bottle.

Effective means for wraps against cellulite and aesthetic skin problems

The drug helps to slow down the aging processes of epithelial cells, improves elasticity, affects the structure of subcutaneous fat deposits. The composition includes:

  • Menthol - provides a pleasant chill when using.
  • Horse chestnut is an effective tool for strengthening blood vessels and increasing the elasticity of veins, as well as for the prevention and treatment of thrombinary formations.
  • Medical leech extract - improves blood coagulation, promotes oxygen tissue saturation, activates intercellular metabolism processes and accelerates the breakdown of adipose tissues.
  • Camphora - relieves irritation of the skin, causes increased blood flow, has local anti -inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Birch leaves extract - fights edema and suppresses inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Eucalyptus oil is an effective natural antiseptic.

To get rid of orange crust, simple gel rubbing or massage will be ineffective. To strengthen the effect of components to normalize processes in the subcutaneous fat layer will help wrapping.

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the skin as described above.
  • On the purified and dry skin of problem areas, apply the gel with a uniform thick layer. It is not necessary to rub it intensively into the skin, it is enough to simply distribute with soft movements in the direction from the bottom up.
  • Wrap with plastic wrap. Put on warm clothes or cover yourself with a blanket if you plan to be at rest. The best option would be an active load - a run or a set of physical exercises. The movement will enhance blood circulation, which means the penetration and effects of active substances.
  • After an hour, rinse the remaining gel with warm water without the use of detergents.
  • To obtain a noticeable result, the procedure must be carried out daily for 2 weeks.
The result of the procedures for wrapping with gel horse force


Despite the positive results from conducting lymphatic drainage sessions, there are a number of contraindications for these procedures:

  • pregnancy period;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the presence of tumor formations;
  • period of menstruation;
  • the presence of open wounds - abrasions, cuts, irritation and other skin injuries in the area of \u200b\u200bexposure;
  • individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the drug used.

Lymphatic drainage with gel "Horse Power": reviews

The Horse Power gel occupies one of the leading places in the ranking of popular methods of getting rid of cellulite and skin defects. Among the reviews on the use of this drug for wraps, the following advantages are most often found:

  • natural composition;
  • high efficiency against edema, varicose veins, rosacea and cellulite - the result is noticeable after the first week of use;
  • pulling and softening skin effects;
  • resorption of bruises, varicose stars, vascular mesh;
  • the economical consumption of the product - one bottle is enough for about a month with daily procedures.

Of the shortcomings of the use of the gel, the following are noted:

  • pretty sharp, for some girls an unpleasant odor;
  • a pronounced cooling effect.

Video: Olga Danka: Horse force wrapping with gel. Tummy. Aspin's waist

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Comments K. article

  1. I just do wraps with Gel Horse with a horse chestnut. After it, the skin became more elastic, cellulite disappeared and a couple of cm in volume went

  2. You also need to buy this gel for yourself. I have a scrub lymphodrenaid Horse forces. It increases lymph flow, plus it has mint oil and orange oils

  3. the best procedure that was done. It is much more pleasant than massage. pleasantly cools, after wrapping the skin is in good shape, even and cellulite became less

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