Lilies have fallen - what to do next: Lilius transplant. When and how to make a transplant lilies: Rules

Lilies have fallen - what to do next: Lilius transplant. When and how to make a transplant lilies: Rules

In this article we will consider when and how to properly transplant lilies in the fall, after flowering.

The nature was generous at the moment when I created this beautiful flower. But in order to maintain its beauty, you need to make a little effort. Particular attention should be paid to transplanting lilies, because the density of flowers and the size of the bud will depend on its frequency and quality. By the way, not only newcomers, but even experienced gardeners forget to plant thick lilies in time. Therefore, in this material we will raise the topic of the correct and timely transplant of lilies in the fall.

What to do when lilies have faded: Lilius transplant rules in the fall

Of course, every year to transplant lilies to a new place is not worth it. It can also adversely affect their condition and beauty, because the root crop will not manage to gain strength and useful minerals from the Earth. But appropriately every fall should be done by proper care. That is, the flowers that have lost their beauty must be cut off with a secateur, and in the middle of autumn the plant requires top dressing. To learn more about autumn care of lilies, we offer to read the article on the topic How to cut, dig and store lilies in winter.

Transplanting timing of different varieties of lilies

Lilies belong to perennial plants, they tolerate the winter well without shelter, and more than other colors are adapted to our climate. The eye is pleasing with their diverse colors for a long period of time. But, like all plants, they stop flowering in the autumn period.

  • Lilies can grow in one place during 4 to 6 years old. The plant of this species has a lot of varieties. Therefore, the terms of transplantation for each of them are calculated separately. And then it is worthwhile to engage in their seating.

Important: Asian and tubular lilies need to be transplanted every year. Or at least a year later, since their bulbs grow very strongly, forming a lot of sprouts, from which the quality of their flowering worsens.

  • To transplant these delicate creatures in the best way in the fall, after the complete end of flowering. It falls at the end of August or early September.
    • But there are early varieties that in the southern latitudes bloom in July or even June. We also leave them until the end of summer or even the beginning of autumn.
    • Do not forget about late varieties that they are fragrant until October-November. Here you need to focus exclusively on the weather. If it is sunny and warm, then you can send a flower to another place. But at the slightest frost, it is better to wrap them until spring. Since flowering delay will occur and its quality may worsen.
Lilies need to be transplanted after 4-6 years
Lilies need to be transplanted every 5-6 years

Important: when all the flowers have fallen, wait another 30-40 days so that the bulbs gain strength and absorb as many nutrients from the ground as possible.

  • If we talk about the regionx:
    • then in the suburbs and the middle lane this period falls in August-September;
    • in the southern regions, it falls in September-October.

The process of transplanting lilies

Remember that if this perennial is not transplanted, then its flowers become small, and the plant itself, due to the rapid occurrence of a new onion, is inclined to catch many diseases.

  • The first thing you need to prepare a new place where a delicate flower will exist. It needs to be prepared selectively, because lilies need a sufficient amount of sunlight and the absence of drafts or strong winds. The earth should not hold onto the constantly moist. That is, avoid raising groundwater and channels for rainwater.
  • Cut all the dry stems under the root. After that, dig a flower with a fork, at a distance of 20-30 cm from the stem, to prevent damage to the bulb.
  • The root system is carefully released from the excess land and check for diseases, pests or damage. If necessary, remove the damaged areas.
  • Also, the bulbs of the plant before placement in the ground should be cleaned from dry and rough husks. You cut the roots on the bulbs in such a way that they are up to 10 cm long. At the same time, carefully divide them into separate parts.
  • Each tuber is necessary treat disinfection Or dip in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 hours. Be sure to dry them later in a well-ventilated place for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, decay of roots is possible.
Check the tubers carefully before landing
Check the tubers carefully before landing

Important: if you have chosen a place next to the old location, then change the upper layer to avoid infection with diseases.

  • The flowerbed for transplantation is prepared in advance. You dig the earth and make holes for the tuber. It should be a depth that is equal to 3 sizes of the bulb plus another 10 cm spare for the development of roots. On average, 20-30 cm comes out.
  • Pour drainage and river sand to preserve moisture. Seal the flower at a distance of 15-20 cm from the neighboring lily. If these are large tubers, then increase it to 30 cm.
  • Further, bait serves as humus, which needs to be mixed with the soil. And only then lay out the tuber of the plant. Sprinkle it with earth, and place a sandy sand from above. Press the palm on top lightly. At the end of the landing, pour seeds with warm water.
  • And only after that use any mulch at a height of 2-3 cm. You can use needles, leaves of trees, sawdust or straw. There is no need to cover them.

Important: When transplanting lilies in the fall, be sure to feed! Exclude nitrogen fertilizers, during this period you need to use only phosphate or potassium components, because they set the immunity of the plant. And for this, ordinary ash is well suited, which can be used in dry form and in a divorced state.

Video: What to do when lilies have faded - transplant in the fall

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