Levomekol ointment: instructions for use, composition, active substance, contraindications, reviews, video. Levomekol ointment: What does it help, how it acts, is it possible to use pregnant women, children?

Levomekol ointment: instructions for use, composition, active substance, contraindications, reviews, video. Levomekol ointment: What does it help, how it acts, is it possible to use pregnant women, children?

The article provides information for which the ointment of Levomekol is used, which consists of. You will also learn how to use the drug when it is contraindicated.

When there are wounds, abrasions, acne, inflammation on the skin, many patients think that it is better to use expensive imported agents for treatment. But it is not always the case. Do not take the most expensive drugs in pharmacies to cure pathology data. It is enough to take the ointment of Levomekol, and use it correctly. With it, you can cure wounds from burns, ulcers, boils, hemorrhoids, sinusitis, and other skin ailments and inflammation of a different nature.

Levomekol ointment: How does the product work?

The main active component of the ointment of Levomekol is levomethycin. The funds are also included methyluracyl, ethylene glycol and other substances. Ointment for adults and children is used.

Polyethylenexide preserves the normal consistency of the ointment, is the absorbent component of the levomekol. Thanks to this component, the drug easily penetrates into the cells of the skin tissues, does not at all disrupts the mesh of the biological membrane. If the wounds are affected by purulent masses, the use of the product will provide an antibacterial effect. Healing will be faster.

Levomekol from acne
Levomekol from acne

Chloramphenicol (Levomycetin) -antibiotic compound. It is sensitive to gram -negative, positive, anaerobic, aerobic microorganisms (streptococcus, pseudoscan, Escherichia sticks, staphylococci).

The effectiveness of the effect of the dosage form is based on anti -inflammatory, antibacterial abilities of the components of the ointment to destroy pathogenic microbes by inhibition of the processes of synthesizing protein compounds at the cell level. Additions to the components of Levomekol develops for a long time, so the drug has effectiveness for a long time of use.

Methyluracil - It helps to produce interferon, enhances the wound healing abilities of the epidermal tissues, has an immunomodulating, antiviral effect. The development of interferon has a positive effect on the recovery process with many pathological processes in all body systems.

This compound, also has an anti -inflammatory effect, has a powerful immune effect due to the stimulation of blood cells. In particular, leukocytes, they show protective functions in the body, eliminating harmful bacteria.

The regenerative characteristics of the product are based on the product’s ability to active stimulation of such important metabolism of tissues of the skin cells, which lead to an early healing of wounds, and restoration after inflammation.

Levomekol ointment - for what and how it is applied: Instructions for use

As mentioned earlier, the Levomekol agent is used as an antimicrobial, anti -inflammatory drug. It also has regenerating properties.

The composition is used to treat a number of diseases:

  • Purulent lesions of skin tissues, ulcers of various origin, abrasions, cuts.
  • Lesions of the epidermis with ulcers infected with pathogenic bacteria.
  • Wounds, seams after surgery, as well as traumatic lesions of the skin.
  • Burning lesions of the second, third degree, carbuncle, corns, acne, acne, boils, weeping wounds (eczema), frostbite, rashes of the acting, necrosis, diaper rash, grooming.
  • Sinusitis, franite, otitis media, hemorrhoids.
Levomekol. When to use?
Levomekol. When to use?

IMPORTANT: If the shelf life of the ointment has expired, then in no case do not use it. Store the drug in a cool place (t ‹20ºC). Shelf life is three years.

Levomekol ointment: how to apply?

The dosage form is used only externally, but there are cases that the doctor prescribes a different use of the ointment, for example, for the treatment of ENT diseases. In general, the drug is smeared on the affected area with the same thin layer. After above, a sterile swab, bandage is applied from above.

It is advisable to use the product twice a day. The course of therapy lasts about five to ten days or until the healing of the skin is completely healing.

How to use ointment to be used?
How to use ointment for therapy?

Rules for the use of Levomekol ointment:

  1. In the presence of suppuration on the epidermis, take napkins with ointment and applied to wounds, fixed with bandages. Treatment continues until their disappearance.
  2. Doctors can sometimes recommend the ointment directly into suppuration with a drainage tube or syringe. Only before this should be a little heated by the composition to body temperature.
  3. Carcials are treated point -like mass, and this is done twice a day until a complete cure.
  4. The ointment is widely used for the treatment of sinusitis, purulent inflammations in the ears. To do this, the tourundas are drank with a smear composition and insert the nasal sinuses or into the ear. You can’t push the marley harness far away. One centimeter is enough. The time of the drug is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.
  5. This drug is also used for hemorrhoids. It is enough to rinse the anus at night, wipe it with a napkin, apply the ointment to inflamed nodes, cover the site on top with a sterile bandage. Such a disease is treated for about ten days.

IMPORTANT: You can not use other drugs, or rather ointments, creams, sprays, green, peroxide, iodine in treatment with this drug.

Levomekol ointment: contraindications

Any component of the drug can cause allergenic reactions. If you have such reactions, then Levomekol should be replaced with another ointment. Still, using the remedy, make sure that it does not fall into the eyes, mouth, throat or inside - in the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, it will have to be washed with the subsequent use of activated coal. If large zones on the human body are processed, then this does not pose a special threat to health and does not cause adverse reactions.

Contraindications for Levomekol ointment:

  1. You can not use the product for any irritable manifestations on it. Before you start ointment, conduct a small test for intolerance to this composition. If nothing manifests itself within a day, then use Levomekol without fears.
  2. The ointment due to its composition is not particularly suitable for the treatment of fungal lesions of the nail plates and skin. Also, they do not recommend it to smear it if a person has psoriasis. There may be complications.
  3. In the GV period and women in an interesting state - the tool is not particularly desirable to use to avoid side effects.

If overdose occurs against the background of the use of levomekol, a toxic effect on blood flow systems is manifested. There may also be confusion of reason, mental disorders.

Contraindications to the use of the drug - Levomekol
Contraindications to the use of the drug - Levomekol

If you have skin pathologies or cosmetic disadvantages, then you should not paired with a pharmacist to choose ointments, other drugs for their therapy. It is easy to harm such a treatment - not to cure the pathology, but to aggravate.

Levomekol ointment: Can I use pregnant women, children?

Pregnant and nursing mothers are not very desirable to use the ointment of Levomekol. Only a specialist can draw a conclusion after the diagnosis is-whether it is possible to use the product or not. Because there are risks for the health of the baby.

If the doctor prescribes the drug for cracks on nipples, then during therapy should stop breastfeed for the newborn. And after the end of treatment, you can again continue the guards.

When can pregnant women prescribe Levomekol ointment?

  • With sinusitis, otitis media, abrasions, hemorrhoids, cuts, insect bites - ointment can become an indispensable therapeutic agent.
  • For burns, problems with nails (an ingrown nail, etc.), the drug is used according to the instructions.
  • With purulent rashes on the skin, acne also use this dosage form.
Levomekol during pregnancy
Drugs during pregnancy

To cure abscess in children after injection, abrasions, hematomas, scratches, Levomekol ointment should be used. Of course, in the event that other means are not very effective.
The only thing that is necessary before use is a test to an allergic reaction of the body. To do this, the consistency is applied to the elbow bend and observe it. If there is no irritation, then you can use it without fear.

Levomekol ointment from which helps: Features of the treatment of rashes of different nature on the skin

In addition to various inflammations, RAS and abrasion Levomekol ointment perfectly showed itself in the fight against rashes in the form acne, acne and other cosmetic problems. The skin tissues are cleaned within a two -week period, if you regularly use the product. To do this, it is applied to problem areas and washed away after several hours.

In no case do not squeeze the pimples, otherwise you can bring the infection and their number on the skin will only increase. Process the rashes pointily, the ointment should be washed off after three hours after application. Noticeable improvements will occur after two -day use.

At ugric rashes On problem skin, Levomekol ointment is applied for a long period of time (at night). Then in the morning you need to wash it without soap and dry your face with clean napkins. This is done daily before bedtime while the epidermis is cleansed. Most often, therapy lasts two weeks. After undergoing treatment, there may be small rashes, which are treated according to the same scheme pointwise.

Levomekol from receiving
Levomekol from acne

Herpes - the use of Levomekol ointment

The composition of the product includes an antibiotic of a wide range of exposure. However, it is ineffective in the manifestation of such rashes, it can only be used to heal inflammation on the skin. In this case, the safety rules should be followed. In no case - do not lick the ointment from the affected areas, it should not get inside, it is possible to get a side effect.

Boils, how to use Levomekol ointment?

This inflammatory process is manifested when staphylococci enters the hair follicle. To get rid of infection, it is necessary to clean the lesions of the three percent hydrogen peroxide, then apply the product with a thin, neat layer to the affected areas. This procedure must be performed three times a day before the opening of purulent inflammation. And after that, it is necessary to lay the ointment in the hole twice a day and fixed with a sterile bandage until the wound is completely healing.

Levomekol ointment: reviews

In surgical practice, Levomekol ointment is used very often, doctors speak well about the drug. Patients who have actually checked the remedy also basically have a positive opinion about him. Further in more detail:

Olga, 22 years old:

After removing the boil on the thigh, the doctor prescribed to use Levomekol ointment. I used the product twice a day, as in the instructions. As a result, everything quickly healed and there was no scars in that place. Great and inexpensive drug.

Nikita, 19 years:

After rest, the river was injured, stepped on the glass from the bottle of the whole foot. The wound was very deep, it was very painful. The traumatologist prescribed Levomekol ointment, which I used three times a day. The wound healed and there was no suppuration. After the first application, the effect was noticeable. And the pain has significantly decreased. Cool drug - I advise you to wounds, be careful on the beaches, look where you are going, so that it does not work out like mine.

Levomekol - Reviews about the tool
Levomekol - reviews about the tool

Levomekol ointment can be bought at any pharmacy network without a doctor's recipe. But it must be remembered that this is not such a harmless drug. It includes antibiotics. Their frequent use can harm the body. Therefore, do not choose your own products for the treatment of various ailments, before buying medicines, consult with a specialized specialist.

Video: Levomekol ointment, what does it help from?

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