Bat: description of the animal for children. Where does it live, what does the bat breed up and how the bat breeds?

Bat: description of the animal for children. Where does it live, what does the bat breed up and how the bat breeds?

Description of the bat, its habitat.

Blocking mice are funny animals of the screeching detachment. Few adults know what kind of detachment they belong to the class what kind of animals are. In this article we will tell you who bats are, what they eat and where they live. 

What does it look like, what color a bat?

A bat looks like a small animal, instead of hands, he has peculiar wings with several membranes, like a toad of his paw. Mostly such mice eat insects, but there are large individuals who eat other steamed and small birds and rodents.

The appearance of the animal:

  • Below we present photos where you can see how the animal looks like. They are distinguished by color, habitat and appearance. Depending on the habitat, their color differs, as well as the wool that is on the body.
  • The mouse is not very large eyes, as well as four paws, two of which are wings. The most interesting thing is that animals with ordinary rodents are not at all relatives and do not even belong to the same class.
  • Ordinary mice - rodents, and inoprius - these are mortar. They got their name because of small sizes and squeaks, like rodents. The most interesting thing is that these are the only mammals that can actively fly. There are no other animals among mammals that are distinguished by the ability to fly.

The maximum size and weight of a bat

A distinctive feature is a relatively small size. The most tiny representative can weigh only 2 g, and the body length is 3 cm. The largest individual reaches a wingspan up to 75 cm, but its mass is only 200 g. The wings have a webber, while very thin.

The scolders have teeth, as they belong to the detachment of predators, and have fangs, incisors, as well as molars. They need their teeth to chew insects, as well as small animals. They differ in large ears, this is not at all features of the structure, but a way to recognize the area. 

Cute creature
Cute creature

Close -lump bats vampires

There are also blood -sucking animals, which are called vampires. Their appearance is not much different from the usual bats, but there are special characteristics. They have less developed other teeth, but the fangs are huge and very sharp. With their help, they pierce the victim to the skin and eat her blood. Unfortunately, they do not eat anything but this liquid. The digestive system is not in force to break down insects.

Bat vampires:

  • There are such mammals in Africa, mainly in warm lands. They find a plot on the body of a victim that is not covered with wool, bite it and eat blood. The average meal lasts 20-40 minutes. During this time, the animal drinks about 40 ml of blood.
  • Such a weight as an animal itself. After a meal, the animal cannot take off due to increased weight, so very liquid urine is released, which mainly consists of blood plasma. The remaining nutrients, as well as proteins, are digested in the stomach.
  • Most often, such mammals bit cattle, small animals, there are cases of attacks on people. They prefer to bite a sleeping sacrifice that does not resist.
  • In the saliva of the animal there is an anesthetic, so that the bite is practically painless. The saliva also contains an anticoagulant, which is why the blood does not curl up and continues to flow out of the wound. There are cases that blood came from the hole for 8 hours.

Bat: mammal, bird or not?

The bat has nothing to do with birds. This is not at all feathered, but a mammal that belongs to the steered ones. In addition, the animal is not a relative of rodents and ordinary mice. 

Night lifestyle of bats

These bats settle in dark places, and go hunting only at night. In rare cases, whole packs can fly out in the daytime, preferably closer to the evening. In most cases, if this is notmouse Vampire, they feed on small insects.

They can sleep under cacti, burst in caves and under the stones. Hunting begins at night. They are guided and find their victim according to ultrasound parameters, thanks to their echo location. In some night moths have the ability to beat ultrasonic waves so as not to become a victim of an animal. This is a unique phenomenon, thanks to which animals cannot detect a bear, even using their local abilities.

Night predator
Night predator

What are bats eat in nature?

In one departure, these mammals can eat insects, which are in weight a third of the mass of the animal itself, which indicates the gluttony of the mammal. These animals have a very good metabolism, so they quickly digest food. If this is a mammal of a vampire, then it is able to eat quite a lot per night, about as much blood as he weighs. Surprisingly, bats can share blood with their brothers. They remember which of the animals greedy, and will not feed him.

How many wings do a bat?

In these mammals, the structure of the wing is significantly different from birds. Unlike birds, the steamboas have more flexible partitions, and the skin is very thin. Thanks to the special muscle fibers that are located inside the soft part of the wing, and are peculiar receptors and sensors, the wing can be pulled or weakened. Thanks to such an unusual wing structure, animals can develop very high speed and, in general, their movements are more maneuverable than that of birds. Although it is much more difficult to control the moving wings.

The animal has only two wings with thin membranes. Moreover, the wing does not always end with claws. Bat vampires longer holds offspring for longer than the rest of the bats. About 9 months, the female is engaged in nursing the baby. Oddly enough, but the female gives birth to only one animal in a year. The funny thing is that the bats are assistants to people who are engaged in agriculture.


This is due to a good appetite and the ability to eat quite large insects that destroy crops, as well as gardens. However, at the same time, animals bring great damage, as they can eat fruits, fruit trees. In addition, they tolerate rabies and other dangerous ailments. There is a legend that animals in flocks in Africa attack people, sucking blood. In fact, in most cases, scolders do not attack people, they prefer animals as a victim. However, there are cases of bites, but no one has died of these bites. 

In the last century, a myth appeared, which says that the bats can cling to the hair, clog in them. In fact, these are inventions, perhaps in the last century some ladies wore hairstyles, visited caves, in order to see what was inside. Maybe a couple of animals hid in the hair. But mammals do not experience any pleasure. Therefore, if you wear an ordinary hairstyle, a bat is unlikely to be confused in your hair.

In a cave
In a cave

How to feed a bat at home?

Many believe that this is a good option for a pets, in fact, is not so. Bat are unlikely to be able to recognize in the person of their master, and to figure out why he feeds them. Therefore, a person will not receive any return.

Bat in the house:

  • In addition, for this mammal, a lot of space is needed to fly. Without flights, they very quickly get fat and die. Almost all scribblers feed on insects in large quantities.
  • Accordingly, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to accumulate a large number of insects for the animal daily. You can feed them with fruits, but not all the steered ones will eat them. Nevertheless, most of the diet is an insect. 
  • There is an opinion that any bat is a vampire and sucks blood. In fact, no, only three subspecies are vampires, there are a very small number of them.
  • It is possible to become infected from the gunpoints, but they lead a night lifestyle, practically do not attack people, in history only 8 cases of rabies infection are known. Accordingly, the probability of catching this ailment is extremely low. 
The colony
The colony

Where do the bats live?

City residents believe that in such a area it is impossible to find bats. In fact, this is not so, in large cities, inaccules also settle, but away from skyscrapers and high -rise buildings.

Where bats live:

  • They can be found in a forest belt, near reservoirs. There are a lot of insects in such places, so there are a lot of food for mammals. If in the summer of animals it is quite difficult to meet in a big city, then closer to the fall they can fly near the skyscrapers.
  • Closer to winter, these mammals are looking for places where you can hide, hide from the frost. Therefore, they are often found under window sills, often fly into apartments to hide from the cold. They prefer to winter in ventilation hatches, or hide on the roof, between the plates of houses.
  • Without food, an individual that feeds on insects can live for a long time. The whole trouble is that a large amount of moisture is lost through the wings. Even if there is no food, it is necessary that there be a source of water nearby. In this case, it can live long enough. Otherwise, her wingsdry out And the mammal dies. 
On the stones
On the stones

Body temperature, myopia of a bat

There is a legend that the bats are blind. In fact, they see, but their vision is not the same as in people. In most cases, an echo location, that is, ears, helps them to navigate in space. Therefore, most animals have large ear shells.

Echolocation and blindness of bats:

  • With their help, they hear sounds, and can communicate with each other. A lot of studies were conducted over the animals, they were covered with varnish, their eyes were tied to understand how they move.
  • Only a few decades later, they found out that these animals are guided in space, not at all with the help of the eyes, and the wings. They do this using their ears, that is, an echo of locations.
  • Sound waves that people do not hear are emitted, rays fight off the surface, these residual fluctuations capture locators. Such senses help to navigate in space.
Sweet animal
Sweet animal

How are bats born?

The mating process in bats is quite interesting. In males, sperm matches in the summer, since at this time there is a lot of food. It accumulates in the testes. The mating process itself occurs in late autumn, or even in the winter, when the animals are in a half -toes and hide in secluded places, hiding for the winter.

How bats are born:

  • At the same time, even a fertilized egg inside the female may not immediately implant into the uterus. The fertilization process will occur only if there are favorable conditions. That is, in the body of a female sperm can linger for several months, without fertilization.
  • Typically, the bearing process is 1-9 months. It all depends on a separate type of bat. Females protect their offspring when they fly away, leave them inside the colony. The female gives birth to babies most often head up.
  • When the baby gets out, he publishes a characteristic squeak. It is by this squeak that the mother recognizes her baby from a crowd of other animals. In the event of a danger, the baby clings to his mother’s nipple with his teeth, digging his claws into the wool. Thus, the mother takes the baby to a safe place. Indeed, females are able to recognize their children by squeak among the colony. 

How much on a bat lives?

The eyes of babies open examples for 5-10 days. At first they are absolutely bald, the weight of the cub is half the mass of the mother. After about 3-5 weeks, the baby carries out his first flight. Under the sensitive leadership of his mother, he learns to hunt and get food for himself. Usually ripened babies are considered at the age of four months. They live about 5-10 years. Some individuals at home are able to live 12 years. But this is only if there is a place for flight and good food. They can fly far enough, overcoming about 50 km in a day. 

Who eats bats, who hunts on bats from birds?

There is a lot of information regarding who eats bats. Oddly enough, but not so long ago, cases of attacks of tits on animals were seen. Indeed, some birds hunt bats, sometimes even in flight. Sometimes these are large birds, such as eagles, crows become real hunting hunters. However, it is quite difficult to catch such prey due to the fact that it develops a huge speed.


How high bats fly?

Babs usually do not rise high above the ground, since there is nothing to do there. Almost all prey, insects, are closer to the level of the Earth. Accordingly, these mammals also prefer to live near the surface. Although there were cases when animals hunted fish, caught from reservoirs. Some species of these mammals attack small birds.

How to lure a bat at home?

A bat, flying into the house, causes tantrums, as well as reading prayers in the elderly residents of the apartment. This animal is associated with black magic, so there is a lot of accepted a relatively flying animal into the house. You can find out about them in the article "The bat flew into the apartment, house: omen".

How to lure a bat at home:

  1. It is necessary to get rid and catch the animal. To do this, it is advisable to use humane methods, that is, those that do not lead to the death of the mammal. There is no need to kill the animal.
  2. Please note that these animals are carriers of rabies and a large number of viruses. To protect yourself from infection, you need to put on gloves, and contact an animal using a towel or fabric.
  3. On the street of bats are caught with networks or white fabric. Soldorous are night animals, they react quite aggressively to white light, and fly to it.

Animals cause a lot of trouble to people engaged in agriculture, and not at all because they drink animal blood. This mammal is a carrier of rabies and other infections. It is noteworthy, but the bats themselves vampires have immunity to rabies, so it is insensitive to it. They live most often in packs, they also prefer the victim to bite in the company, not alone. 

Video: Bat Mouse

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