Leonid and Alexei: The same names or not? Lenya, Lesha is Leonid or Alexei?

Leonid and Alexei: The same names or not? Lenya, Lesha is Leonid or Alexei?

The names of Lesha and Lenya are the same thing or is there any difference between them?

Is Lenya Lesha or not? It would seem that everything is obvious and these are completely different names.

  • Lenya - This is an abbreviated form of the name Leonid.
  • Lesha - This is an affectionate name for those who are called documents Alexei.

But still there are people who believe that Lesha and Lenya are the same. Why Lesha is called Lenya, and who is to blame for this, we will tell in this article.

People who themselves love to call themselves a different name

Sometimes it turns out that Lenya is Lesha or vice versa, Lesha is Lenya, only because the young man himself does not like his name. We do not choose the names for ourselves, parents give us in childhood. And, as it often happens that over time a person decides to change his name a little.

We are not talking about cases when a person goes and completely changes the name in the passport. This is allowed by law, but rare.

Change the name in the documents - a step to which units are decided
Change the name in the documents - a step to which units are being decided

Much more often, people simply call themselves one of the affectionate forms of their name, and others begin to turn to them that way. Lyudmila often becomes Lucy, not Luda. Maria can turn into Masha, not Marusya. And Vladislav can become Slavic. In all of these cases, the name was changed literally correctly, and this is just one of its forms.

As for Alekseev and Leonids, these names are not the same. These are different names that are just a little similar in sound. But, there are very few spaciousness for choosing a form of the name of Leonids and Alekseev. So it turns out that sometimes Lesha wants him to be called Lenya or vice versa, Lesha wants him to be called Lenya.

Sometimes there is a sad situation when a person himself becomes unpleasant and disgusting his name. For example, the boy goes to a school, where a harmful teacher, every day in a nasty voice says: “And we will answer ... Lesha!” And then the nit -picking and unpleasant words follow this. As a result, his child himself can become an unpleasant name.

In the old days, when Christianity has not yet been adopted in Russia, our ancestors had the custom to give the child two names at once. It was believed that evil forces cannot harm a person if they do not know his real name. In those days, to say that Lenya is Lesha, or in general, that Sasha was Misha was the norm. And in two names there were almost everyone. One name was used for people and was “hearing”, and the second was secret and only the closest ones knew it.

Sometimes his own name becomes unpleasant for a person
Sometimes his own name becomes unpleasant for a person

The names of Lenya and Lesha confuse due to ignorance

There are people who say that Lesha and Lenya are the same thing simply because they do not want to delve into the subtleties of linguistics. Alexei and Leonid often infuriate it, and gets out of itself. Of course it is unpleasant when your name or surname is distorted.

How to reassure Alexei if they tell him that Lesha and Lenya are the same? Know that this is not the limit of ignorance. Some people believe that Alexei is generally Sasha. Every month, an average of 53 people turn to Yandex with the question: is Alexey Sasha or Lesha? If you also get to this page with this request, we explain:

  • Alexander is Sasha.
  • Alexey is Lesha.
  • Leonid is Lenya. And you do not need to confuse these names among themselves.

People who confuse the names of Lesha and Lenya often confuse other names, as well as geographical names. They are resting not in Sochi, but in soils. They fly on airplanes not in Dubai, but in Dubaya. And in the word Balashikha they stress stress on the third syllable.

In addition to Alekseev and Leonids, Grigoriev and Georgiev are often confused among themselves. Grisha, for sure, is also a shame when he is called Zhora. Ksenia is very good, whom everyone strives to call Oksans, although these are different names. Ksenia can be called Oksana only if you are in Ukraine and speak Ukrainian. But in the Russian language - these are two separate names. And in general, whether it is correct to translate the name is a controversial question.

To say that Lenya is Lesha is also wrong. These are two separate names, both in Russian, and in Ukrainian, and in Belarusian.

Faring someone else's name is ignorance
Faring someone else's name is ignorance

Names Alexey and Leonid in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox saints Alexei and Leonid are different names. And boys who were dubbed as Alexy or as Leonid have their own individual patrons.

The name Alexy

Interestingly, according to church rules, Alex her called Alex iy. This is a generally accepted church version of the name. The name Alexy Greek and in the literal translation it means “Protect”, “protect”, “prevent". It is interesting that in the Slavic culture the name Alyosha has the same folklore color. The epic hero with this name was a defender of his people and protected him from enemies.

In Orthodoxy, the Monk Alexy, the man of God, is revered. He lived for a very long time at the turn of the fourth and fifth centuries. Alexy's life was very interesting. He was born in a noble and pious family, and from early childhood he was a diligent and exemplary Christian.

When the boy grew up, his parents decided to marry him. And he took the girl in his wife, but on the night after his wedding, Rev. Alexy ran away from home. He went on a ship to the distant city of Edessa (now it is the territory of Turkey). There he handed out to people all the money that he had and began to poverty near the temple. The money that the parishioners gave Alexy gave to the poor. After a long 17 years, a miracle happened: the severide, who served in this church, suddenly heard the voice of the Mother of God. This voice told him that a beggar who lives near this church the man of God and that he is worthy of the kingdom of heaven.

The beggar brought to the temple, crowds of parishioners began to come to him. And then he was afraid of such attention and fled on the ship back to his homeland. He settled near the house of his parents, who were looking for him for many years. No one knew that this beggar is their missing son. Alexy lived in poverty and suffered ridicule of his own servants, who nevertheless brought him food. The secret was revealed only after many years. Alexy wrote a note in which he told who he was actually, and this note was found only after his death.

Rev. Alexy is a beggar who renounced a rich life
Rev. Alexy is a beggar who renounced a rich life

The name Leonid

The name Leonid on the church sounds the same as worldly. This name is also Greek. But to say that Lenya is Lesha wrong. After all, the name Leonid has his own significance. In literal translation from ancient Greek Leonid means "lion."

In Orthodoxy, there are as many as 19 people named Leonid, who were equated with the status of a martyr, a holy martyr or reverend.

The meaning of the names of Lesha and Lenya

Maybe Lesha and Lenya are the same by meaning and meaning of the name? Books that collect the meanings of the names say that this is not true. To say that Alexey and Leonid are one and the same only because of the consonance of the names, but the meaning of these names is different.

Leonid This is the name that went from the Greek name Leonidas, which means such a lion. The name Leonid has related names. This is the name Leo and the name Leonty. But Alexei among these loved ones is not names. So Lesha and Lenya are not the same.

By nature, Leonid is somewhat similar to a real lion. He is active, playful and diplomatic in childhood. Like a lion who becomes a real master in his own pride, Leonid knows how to get along with people and resolve conflicts.

Leonid is a calm and peaceful person, but he has a solid inner rod. And if Leonid is well angry, he will certainly show a tough character. Despite this, men named Leonid are often suspicious. These are exactly those men who, when their temperature rises, believe that they die and in every possible way require female attention.

There should be a real lioness near a man named Leonid
There should be a real lioness near a man named Leonid

Alexei This is both the Greek and the Russian name. The name Alexei means a defender or the one who protects. Alexei loves legality and decency, he is ambitious from birth. These good qualities also have the reverse side of the coin. Alexei is too squeamish, and may not get down to business at all if it seems risky and doubtful to him.

Lesha, like Lenya - a man is quite calm and restrained in nature. But Alexey and Leonid are the same thing in the sense that these are men with a hard inner rod, iron logic and clear beliefs.

On our site there are other interesting articles about the names and their meanings:

Video: Value of the name Leonid. The character and fate of a man named Lenya

Video: name Alexey and character traits of its owner

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