A medicine for hemorrhoids for men: Review of drugs. Effective hemorrhoid tablets: List

A medicine for hemorrhoids for men: Review of drugs. Effective hemorrhoid tablets: List

Review of drugs and pills for treating hemorrhoids in men.

Hemorrhoids are a problem that both men and women face. However, men tend to ignore the disease, delay the visit to the doctor to the last. At the same time, men in most cases are subject to this disease due to hard physical work or vice versa, permanent stay in the office. In this article we will tell you how to cure hemorrhoids in men.

Types of hemorrhoids in men

The simplest treatment option is to take hemorrhoid tablets. Because there is no need to make an enema before using pills, clean the intestines or monitor your stool. At the same time, tablets are distinguished by their effect on the body. They can contain both painkillers and substances that relieve swelling, stop blood and reduce inflammation.

Hemorrhoid tablets
Hemorrhoid tablets

Types of tablets for treating hemorrhoids in men:

  • Phlebotonics. The safest. Basically, the acting substances of drug origin in the drugs. They contribute to strengthening the venous walls, and are also prescribed before surgery.
  • Angioprotectors. Such drugs help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce their permeability and help improve blood circulation.
  • Nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. This kind of substances improve the flow of blood, reduce coagulation and help reduce edema.
  • Nitrate. They are mainly prescribed to eliminate the sphincter spasm.
  • Substances that improve intestinal motility. This kind of means contribute to the elimination of constipation, which cause exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Enzymes. Substances that contain enzymes of plant or animal origin. They help improve metabolism and reduce inflammation.
Hemorrhoid tablets
Hemorrhoid tablets

The best hemorrhoid pills for men: List

Review of drugs:

  • Detralex. This substance is phlebotropic. It contains hesperidine and diosmine. They improve the permeability of capillaries, regulate the blood flow, and affect the vessels well. They are used to treat chronic and acute hemorrhoids.
  • Troxevazin and Venoruton. This kind of tablets are used not only from hemorrhoids, but also for problems with veins. The drugs are based on routine. This is another name for vitamin P. It helps to improve the work of the walls of blood vessels, acts well on blood vessels, strengthening them.
  • Glivenol. This drug is not natural, but synthetic. The main active substance is tribenoside. Helps improve blood flow in capillaries and veins. Promotes to reduce inflammation.
  • Cyclotrofifors. The drug is based on extracts of medicinal plants, such as mint, Iglitsa. It contains ascorbic acid, helps improve the work of blood vessels, reduces the porosity of the walls, makes the capillaries more durable.
  • Gincor Fort. This drug is based on ginkgo biloba. Tones the work of blood vessels, relieves inflammation.
  • Hemoroid. This is a herbal preparation, which includes extracts of healing herbs. They reduce inflammatory processes, strengthen the vessels.
  • Paylex. This is a combined drug. It can be found in its composition of plants of plant origin. Thanks to the reception of substances, swelling is reduced and vascular permeability decreases.
  • Litovit b. This is a drug based on plant components. It contains rye bran, zeolites, as well as hemorrhage extract. The drug has vitamins. It is a source of trace elements that contribute to the strengthening of capillaries. The medicine can help stop hemorrhoidal bleeding and helps to improve the operation of the immune system.
  • Aescusan. A medicine based on plant components. It is recommended for a decrease in venous blood circulation. The composition contains horse chestnut extracts that relieve inflammation, improve the work of capillaries, reduce itching and pain.
  • Flebodia. This drug strengthens the vessels and improves blood circulation.
  • Ibuklin, Nise. These drugs are not medicinal, that is, they do not treat hemorrhoids, but are able to reduce pain, bleeding, as well as inflammation.
Hemorrhoid tablets
Hemorrhoid tablets

Local hemorrhoids for men: List

The intake of hemorrhoids is often combined with local treatment, that is, using rectal candles, ointments and gels. It is worth noting that men use the same candles as women. They are able to reduce pain and improve the healing of cracks that are in the anus.

Review of candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men:

  • Aescusan. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and also helps to reduce the size of hemorrhoids.
  • Anesthesole. This drug does not heal hemorrhoids, but helps to reduce pain and a decrease in bleeding.
  • Hepatrombin. The drug helps to improve the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, reducing the size of hemorrhoids.
  • Relief. The composition of the liver oil, which relieves inflammation and itching. In addition, blood circulation improves. The tool is effective at the initial stage.
  • Anuzol. This drug is combined, famous for anti -inflammatory and drying effects. Also relieves spasm and inflammation.
  • Dufalac. The drug is created in order to reduce swelling. Improves the discharge of feces during the defecation process.
Hemorrhoid tablets
Hemorrhoid tablets

Please note that the tablets from hemorrhoids, as well as ointments and candles are used at the initial stage of the development of pathology. If there is a hemorrhoidal nodes, then the only effective method of treatment is surgery. Please note that now many stages of hemorrhoids can be cured without abdominal surgery. For this, cryodestruction and laser vaporization methods are used. Therefore, the rehabilitation process is minimized.

Video: Hemorrhoid tablets for men

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