Treatment of the liver of food soda: recipes for use. Cleaning liver food soda

Treatment of the liver of food soda: recipes for use. Cleaning liver food soda

An article on how to clean the liver with the help of baking soda.

The liver is the largest organ in our body. Its weight is almost 2 kg in an adult.

The work of the liver consists in the release of bile to dissolve fats, as well as proteins and carbohydrates, and their distribution to other digestive organs. Also, the liver at this stage is released from products, and removes toxins, harmful microbes and other decay products from the body. If something is broken in the liver, it makes itself felt by pain in the right side.

These are the factors especially affect the liver function:

  • Excessive drinking
  • Drugs
  • Polluted ecology
  • Heredity

If the liver is sick, it must be treated. One of the folk methods is the treatment of the liver of baking soda. Consider it.

How does the baking soda affect the liver?

Treatment of liver dietary soda

Soda has such basic properties:

  • Neutralizes acid
  • Increases the endurance of the body with marine illness and aircraft flights
  • Helps to remove chlorine and sodium in urine, and retains potassium
  • Relieves inflammation in vessels, joints, kidneys and liver
  • Laxative for the intestines
  • Displays worms
  • It has an antimicrobial effect, with its help the production of lymphocytes and leukocytes is enhanced
The location of the liver in the human body

If the liver is disturbed (medical term is liver dysfunction), this is manifested by such symptoms:

  • Sensation of severity and overflow in the stomach and liver
  • Nervousness
  • Losing weight
  • Severity in the right side under the ribs
  • Sharp pain in the right hypochondrium
  • Women have menstruation disorders
  • Pale skin
  • Improving body temperature
  • Skin pigmentation and red small stars
  • The tongue is painted in raspberry color
  • Red peeling hands
  • Itching of the skin
  • Papillomas and other rashes on the body
  • The liver smell from the mouth (in the late stages of the disease)
  • Acidity of the abdomen due to accumulation of fluid
  • Jaundice

How soda affects our liver:

  • Helps the liver to cleanse
  • Relieves her from stones
  • Improves the outflow of bile
  • Interferes with the development of cancer cells

Treatment of liver with baking soda: recipes for use

Treatment of liver of baking soda diluted in a glass of warm water

The normal PH of our blood is 7.35-7.47. If it is smaller, then this is acidic blood, and the disease is called acidosis. The blood pH indicator 6.8 can be fatal if blood is not treated.

What is the cause of acidosis? Blood oxidation occurs from poor -quality food, contaminated air and water, a large amount of drugs taken, nervousness, irritability and excessive emotions.

But how to treat acidosis? You need to undergo a course of treatment with baking soda. It can be a meal, bath, enemas.

Taking soda inside, we neutralize the acidity in the body. But you need to start taking soda from a very small portion, accustoming the body gradually.

But you can not calculate soda, and take more, and then there will be a lot of alkali in the body? This is not scary, the kidneys with urine will remove excess alkali.

Treatment of liver of baking soda with a bath

Baths. For medical purposes, you can take baths with baking soda. They clean the body and pores well, help in the liver, especially when viral diseases are raging.

Soda bath

  1. Before taking the bath, we drink 1 cup of warm tea from mint. Tea will enhance the body's body.
  2. Pour warm water into the bath for more than half, pour 1/3 of the glass of baking soda, stir. If there is more water (about 200 liters), then soda is recommended no more than 1 cup, otherwise you can overdose the skin or to minimize the body.
  3. You can add a little sea salt to the bath. We take the bath for half an hour, the course of 10 days.

Enemas. Treatment with an enema is prescribed as an additional method when eliminating stones from the gallbladder. The process is very painful, and you can confuse the pain that should be, with side effects, so you need lead a doctor.

Soda enema

  1. First, 1 day of starvation.
  2. In 1 liter of water at room temperature, we dilute 1 tea. spoon of soda.
  3. The patient lies on the right side, and soda water is introduced into the anus, you need to hold out for 15 minutes, and go to the toilet.
  4. Then we introduce a cleaning enema of 2 liters of warm water.
  5. Drink with sips, alternating oil with juice, 1 cup of olive oil and 1 cup of lemon or cranberry juice.
  6. After 1 day, we repeat the enema. 2-3 enemas is enough.
  7. After the enemas, it is necessary to conduct a session of carrot, beetroot or cucumber juice.

Cleaning liver food soda

Before starting to clean the liver from toxins and bacteria with soda, you need to undergo an examination by the attending physician, and suddenly you have contraindications for soda.

In a few days we begin preparations for cleansing the liver with soda. The following requirements must be observed:

  • There is moderately, do not overeat.
  • To eat only fruits, vegetables and cereals.
  • There are 3 times a day, little by little.
  • Do not be nervous.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
  • Do not eat after 18 hours.

Cleaning liver soda

We begin treatment with a low dose of soda so that the slags accumulated for years do not come out too quickly, otherwise it can be a large load for the body. If nausea is observed during the liver cleaning of the liver, the reception must be stopped.

  1. At first we take 1/5 tea. tablespoons of soda and stir in 0.5 cups of hot water (60 ° C), add the glass with cold water, drink 2-3 times before meals.
  2. After a few days, increase the amount of soda to 1/3 tea. tablespoons. The purification course lasts 2 weeks.

Can hepatitis drink baking soda?

In order not to get hepatitis, but you need to wash vegetables and fruits well - one of the requirements

Hepatitis is a, b and C. Hepatitis A is the most common, and the disease is held with less complications than B and C.

You can get infected with hepatitis A if:

  • Drink unpeeled water
  • There are unwashed vegetables and fruits
  • Forget to wash your hands before eating

For hepatitis B and C, in addition to the above reasons, you can add:

  • Infection through blood
  • Infection through sex, and sometimes there are enough kisses
  • Infection through general household appliances (in a hairdresser and beauty salon, when applying a tattoo)

Hepatitis, when infected with them, can first manifest itself up to 6 months.
Signs of hepatitis disease:

  • Yellowed eyes of eyes
  • Yellowing of the skin
  • Dark urine
  • A rash with itching
  • General malaise
  • Bleached feces

First, ailment with hepatitis can be confused with respiratory diseases, and then jaundice manifests itself.

If hepatitis is not treated, he can go to cirrhosis of the liver.

Having got hepatitis, you need a long time:

  1. Adhere to a strict diet, is not greasy, sharp, fried dishes.
  2. Strictly follow the instructions of the doctor and take medications.
  3. Every month, for six months, donate blood for analysis.
  4. Drink infusions of therapeutic grasses: calendulas, Ivan-one, knotweed, rose hips, horsetail of field, yarrow, golden ears, St. John's wort, immortality and other herbs capable of strengthening the liver.
  5. Take for therapeutic purpose: a decoction of oats, honey with a perga, mummy, dandelion root and dandelion "honey".
Treatment of liver of baking soda with lemon juice

In combination with the above treatment methods for hepatitis, it cures it and soda with lemon juice.

  1. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon.
  2. We add 1 seaginas to it. a spoonful of baking soda, and mix well.
  3. We take in the morning, half an hour before meals, immediately after cooking, 3 days, then 3-4 days a break, and again continue treatment.

Treatment of liver with soda for non -Numyvakin

Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin promotes the treatment of liver and other organs of baking soda

In our body there are organs like filters, one of these filters is the liver. And the filters need to be cleaned from time to time.

Treatment of liver dietary soda

We clean the liver by professor A.P. Neumyvakin:

  1. 7 days before cleaning the liver we adhere to a vegetarian diet.
  2. The next 3 days, throughout the day, we drink only freshly prepared apple juice or vegetable decoction, and in the morning we make enemas with soda.
  3. On the 3rd day, from 19 hours we begin the sensing of the liver: prepare 1 glass (200 g) of olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  4. We lie down on the sofa and apply a warm heating pad on the right side in the liver area.
  5. We drink 3 tbsp. tablespoons first oil, and then juice, and again lie down on the heating pad. So we do every 15 minutes, until we drink all the oil and juice.
  6. We hold the heating pad for 3 hours, then go to bed.
  7. Trolls and harmful accumulations can go in a few hours or in the morning.
  8. In the morning, after visiting the toilet, we make a cleansing enema until the water that has come out of the intestines will become clean.
  9. After the procedure, we have breakfast with a vegetarian dish, eat a small portion, a lot is dangerous.
  10. If on the 3-4th day after cleansing you feel the severity in the liver, then the cleaning did not occur completely, and after 2-4 weeks you need to repeat it.
  11. In the second cleaning, you need to drink apple juice only 1 day.
  12. A few days after cleaning the liver, we are treated with infusions from rosehips, immortelle or corn stigmas.
  13. We do not eat fatty, fried and spicy dishes, and especially do not take a drop of alcohol.

Vegetable decoction recommended by the doctor Neumyvakin:

  1. We take 1 kg of potatoes, wash it well and uncleaned, cut into pieces, put in a pan.
  2. We add here 5-6 chopped medium carrots, 50 g of parsley or celery root, you can replace celery greens.
  3. We add the cleaned 1 large onion, cut into several parts.
  4. Pour vegetables with water to cover them completely, and cook on low heat for 1 hour.
  5. We drink the decoction in 1 day, the next days we cook the decoction again.

Attention. After cleaning the liver, 1 month, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Lemon juice and food soda for the liver: proportions

Treatment of liver of baking soda with lemon juice

Lemon juice with baking soda helps to cleanse blood, remove toxins in infectious diseases, cure jaundice and facilitate the liver. Vitamin C, contained in lemons, increases immunity and accelerates recovery for infections.

American scientists treat cancer with such a drink, and there are already positive results.

Drink of lemon juice and baking soda

  1. In 1 cup of warm water we pour 0.5 tea. tablespoons of baking soda, and squeeze fresh juice from half the lemon, mix.
  2. We drink everything at once, before meals, 10 days. This is a course of treatment.

Is the baking soda harmful for the liver?

Contraindications to the use of baking soda for the treatment of liver

Contraindications to the use of soda:

  • Stomach ulcer and 12
  • Long -term use without a doctor’s recommendation can increase the alkaline balance and lead to peptic ulcer (symptoms: stomach pain, nausea, dizziness and headache, general weakness).
  • Allergy.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • Incorrect use can lead to chemical burns of the mucous membrane.

So, now we know that soda in combination with other drugs cures various liver diseases.

Video: A great method of cleansing the liver and kidneys !!! Neumyvakin

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Comments K. article

  1. At least no one will try to treat the liver with soda ... This is a complete madness. How else they write about it.

  2. I am also against folk remedies in the treatment of such serious diseases, it is better to choose a natural hepatoprotector, for example Maksar, so it is very effective, helps to restore dead cells and performs a protective function for the liver. I have already read and heard from the doctor more than once and heard that they often began to prescribe it, as they see improvements, after a course of treatment.

  3. It works great, verified! The liver is an important, filtering organ, yes, it is able to cleanse and regenerate, but Soda supports it perfectly, this proof of blood indicators (Alt, AST, Bilirubin), normalized after soda

  4. I have been for soda! I tested on myself! Although they also scared. They made a video of Neumaiyykin and people who really cured cancer for themselves and treat people! Many human thanks to the Neumayyakin. He, despite all the difficulties, promotes soda the most effective and affordable tool for the stable work of the body ! Long years to him!

  5. And the one who considers treatment with soda and utopia speaks of complete illiteracy in human medicine and physiology!

  6. Soda helped me from arrhythmias, psoriasis plaques on the logs left. I had to get sick with colds-viral diseases. I was injected with energy, in general, I am satisfied. In the morning, half a teaspoon of a teaspoon of Gasha boiling water, I add water. For more than a year without a break.

  7. I'll try to start drinking soda. The liver is enlarged. In the kidneys, stones.

  8. I drank soda, dandruff disappeared.

  9. Thanks to Dr. Neumyvakin. 5 years as with caution began to drink and still drink. I had all painful sniffs. Health to him. Clever man!!!

  10. I can’t say anything about the direct treatment ... but in general, for prevention, to protect the liver cells, even the doctor recommended the water diluted with soda to take+alpha lipoic acid of Evalarovskaya ... I can’t say anything bad about these products, yes and the liver is in order))

  11. I drink soda, for two months now. Health has improved significantly. I like. Thanks to Neumyvakin.

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