Treatment of apnea folk remedies. Exercises from apnea

Treatment of apnea folk remedies. Exercises from apnea

What is apnea and what are the causes of this disease? Methods of independent treatment of apnea.

Apnea is a violation in which a person during sleep feels a shortage of air. The periodic respiratory arrest for more than 10 seconds affects headaches, breakdown, fatigue in the morning. A person suffering from apnea cannot sleep, no matter how much he sleeps.

Reasons for apnea in a dream

Apnea is often accompanied by snoring
Apnea is often accompanied by snoring

Apnee can be of two types:

  • Obstructive Violation is characterized by mechanical blockade, which occurs in the respiratory tract or larynx. The walls of the respiratory tract completely converge and do not pass into the light air. This causes a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood, carbon dioxide enters the brain, and the respiratory center signals the need for another breath. The brain awakens, and with it, in order to catch his breath, a person wakes up for a short time. Such breathing stops can be observed 10 and even 100 times in one night. It is impossible to get enough sleep with constant awakening to a person
  • Central Apnea is associated with dysfunction of the respiratory center in the brain. Central apnea can also develop from obstructive. With obstructive disorder, the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood is disturbed, and this, in turn, reduces the sensitivity of the brain to such disorders. As a result, the respiratory center begins to work incorrectly, and a person develops 2 types of apnea at once
Obstructive apnea of \u200b\u200bsleep
Obstructive apnea of \u200b\u200bsleep

Important: a person, as a rule, does not remember that he woke up at night due to his breathing stop. You can diagnose apnea on your own only by observing the quality of your rest in the morning.

Causes of violation of breathing in a dream:

  • Obesity, as well as excess weight. Adipose tissue accumulates in the neck, which makes it difficult to pass the air through the respiratory tract
  • Age factor. People whose age has reached 65 years suffer from apnea in 60% of cases. The risk group is people from 35 years old. In childhood, 6% of the sick
  • Sexual factor. Men suffer from this violation twice as often women
  • Smoking increases the risk of three times
  • The abuse of alcohol aggravates the course of the disease
  • Sleeping pills cause complete relaxation of muscles, which can cause their closure and respiratory retention
  • The hereditary factor increases the risk of the disease if someone from close relatives has apnea
  • Diabetes mellitus creates a risk group. Patients with diabetes suffer from stopping breathing in a dream of three times more often healthy people
  • Features of the structure of the nasopharynx, tonsils, lower jaw, language sizes - all this can cause poorness of the respiratory tract
  • Menopause, which is accompanied by a violation of the hormonal background, affects the degree of relaxation
  • Nasal congestion with colds or allergies
  • The curvature of the nasal septum
With apnea, a person feels after sleep not a rested, but tired
With apnea, a person feels after sleep not a rested, but tired

Important: in 8% of people suffering from apnea, this disease is not diagnosed

April prevention in adults

Apnee prevention in adults includes a set of measures to prevent the causes of the development of the disease.

  • Refuse smoking
  • Do not drink alcohol
  • Reset excess weight
  • Do not abuse sleeping pills
  • Timely undergo treatment for allergies and colds
  • With the individual structure of the jaw, consult a doctor about special inserts in the mouth expanding the respiratory tract
  • Age -related changes are treated with hormonal drugs that only a qualified doctor can prescribe
  • Be sure to walk in the fresh air for at least 40 minutes a day
  • Limit sugar -containing products
Walking in the fresh air reduce the risk of breathing holding in a dream
Walking in the fresh air reduce the risk of breathing holding in a dream

Important: snoring is a frequent apnea satellite, therefore, the prevention of the disease is shown to all snoring people, it is best - special gymnastics.

How to cure apnea with folk methods?

There are many ways to compete with apnea without resorting to drug treatment. These are many folk recipes that are based on natural plant drugs. In addition to herbs, fruits, honey, which are deservedly considered the best fighters with snoring, use the following methods:

  • Arrange for yourself a course of salt baths. You will need ordinary stone or natural sea salt without additives and dyes. One session should last up to 20 minutes, the course will be 15-20 procedures
  • At night, instill in a pair of drops of salt water into each nasal entrance. It moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx
  • Rinse your nose with a solution of 1 tsp. salt and 1 cup of heated water
A few drops of saline in the nose successfully fight on apnea
A few drops of saline in the nose successfully fight on apnea

Important: if folk methods do not help get rid of the disease, be sure to show yourself to the doctor.

How to sleep with apnea correctly?

With apnea, it is strictly forbidden to sleep on the back. Such a pose only helps to close the respiratory tract.

The optimal sleep for sleep with apnea is the position on the side or abdomen. There is a simple way to wean over your back during sleep. Sew a pocket on a pajama shirt or shirt in which you put a tennis ball. The ball will wake you up if you suddenly want to lie on your back. It is proved that after 3 weeks, the number of coups on the back will be reduced to zero.

Leave in the past soft feather beds and high pillows. When apnea, you should choose hard mattresses and small low pillows. But the pillow must be required. The raised head will prevent the sapling of the tongue and snoring.

When apnea, sleep on your side, not on your back
When apnea, sleep on your side, not on your back

Sea buckthorn oil for apnea

Important: according to statistics, every fifth person whose age has reached 30 years is subject to snoring in Russia.

Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent remedy not only with apnea, but also with a snore. Oil relieves inflammation and improves the cross -country pathway, which greatly facilitates breathing. Therefore, the drug can be used for colds of the nose or allergic runny nose.

A few hours before going to the bed, drip each nasal passage with one drop of sea buckthorn extract. Pull the oil with your nose into yourself. Do this procedure every day for 3 weeks.

You can buy a remedy in a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, squeeze the juice from sea buckthorn berries, place it in a glass container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator. A few days later, collect the upper fatty layer - this will be the healing oil of the sea buckthorn. It is unlikely that there will be a lot of it, but there should be enough for a course of treatment for one person.

Sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn oil

Important: store homemade sea buckthorn oil in a darkened glass container in a place inaccessible to sunlight.

Cabbage juice with honey with apnea

To prepare the drug, you need white cabbage and natural floral honey. To get started, squeeze cabbage juice. To obtain 1 liter of juice, you will need about 2 kg of cabbage. Grind the vegetable with a knife or a coarse grater, then pass it through a meat grinder or juicer. It is possible to obtain juice by compressing cabbage cutting in the hand, but in this case there will be very few liquids.

According to the recipe, you need a glass of cabbage juice and a teaspoon of fresh honey dissolved in it. Drink this drink at a time before bedtime. Repeat the procedure every evening for 3-4 weeks.

Cabbage juice
Cabbage juice

Herbs with apnea. What herbs will help to defeat snoring?

Fenugreek - Grass with an expectorant effect will be good not only for the treatment of snoring, but also with colds in the cold season. In addition, regular use of the seeds of this plant will reduce the risk of heart disease and normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Important: the seeds of the fencing are characterized by a rather sharp and bitter taste. To deprive him of these properties, soak the seeds in the water for several hours.

Recipe 1. When the seed soaks and lose bitterness, eat a handful, chewing the fruits well. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Recipe 2. Grind the seeds with a coffee grinder, mix them with hot boiled water with a volume of 200 ml. Drink the product at night for several weeks.

Cloth seeds
Cloth seeds

Eucalyptus oil It eliminates both snoring and infections of the nasopharynx. This is a safe way to treat infectious diseases that can be used even for children. Eucalyptus very gently and naturally stimulates the departure of mucus, so it is simply indispensable in the cold season for the treatment of colds and snoring.

Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil into hot water and inhale the rising aromatic steam for 5 minutes. You can use for inhalations and aroma lamp, a candle in which will constantly heat water and create the necessary steam.

Eucalyptus leaves
Eucalyptus leaves

Timyan's grass It will save your dream not only by eliminating snoring, but also to calm your nervous system, which is why the dream will be calm and deep.

Recipe 1. Add thyme essential oil to a bottle of water and spray every day in the room in which you sleep. If you have an air humidifier, add a few drops of oil to it.

Recipe 2. To reassure your snoring, and with it and improve sleep will help a thyme decoction or add several twigs of thyme to tea.

Timyan's grass
Timyan's grass

Mint decoctions act in a similar way. Tea s mint He will cope with both snoring and a restless night rest, gently reassuring you. Mint extract causes an outflow of mucus from the lungs, relieves inflammation and expands the respiratory tract. Bred mint separately or add a few leaves to your usual tea.

Mint leaves
Mint leaves

Sugar and apnea. The connection of sugar -containing products with apnea

Apna of sleep is associated with an increased level of glucose in the blood. This fact was proved in the largest experiment that studies the connection of Apnae with diabetes, in which over 5 thousand people participated. The higher the level of sugar in the patient’s blood, the higher the risk of developing his breath holdings in a dream. That is why doctors urge the amount of sugar used, because its excess in the body can become both the cause of apnea and the cause of diabetes.

What exercises should be done with apnea? Video

Important: special exercises train the muscles of the pharynx, lower jaw and tongue, which facilitates the passage of air through the respiratory tract, prevents their convergence and West of the tongue.

Exercise 1. Take the tongue forward and down as much as possible. You must feel stress at the very base of the language. In this position, stretch the sound “and” for 2 seconds. Hide your tongue. Repeat twice a day 30 times.

Exercise 2. Lower the fist to the chin. Move the lower jaw back and forth, creating resistance with a fist. Repeat twice a day 30 times.

Special exercises will save you from snoring and apnea
Special exercises will save you from snoring and apnea

Exercise 3. Close a pencil or pen in your teeth, make efforts while performing this exercise. You should feel the stress in the throat. Keep a pencil in your teeth from 3 to 4 minutes.

Exercise 4. Open your mouth. The lower jaw draw circles first in one direction, then in the other. Perform 15 times in each direction.

Video: What is snoring leading to? Exercises from snoring?

Treatment of apnea folk remedies: tips and reviews

Having resorted to the advice of experts, you can even in ordinary life - at work, during rest or walks - to perform simple exercises to strengthen the larynx, nasopharynx, lower jaw.

For example, with a force, crush your tongue on the upper sky. Perform the exercise until the forces will hold the tongue in the indicated position. Such an action will be almost imperceptible to others.

During a walk in the fresh air, throw your head, straighten up and begin to inhale and exhale with a whistle. You can whistle some melody, while trying to breathe deeper. 25 minutes of such an unobtrusive and fun exercise will help get rid of snoring.

Video: treatment of sleep apnea

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Comments K. article

  1. Useful article, but it is unlikely that my husband will be treated with something))) It is worth writing another article: “Alternative riding of apneis: Birusha or sofa in the hall” :))))

  2. In one picture, instead of eucalyptus leaves, Tarhun leaves, in another picture instead of thyme are rosemary leaves. The author himself has ever seen these plants live ???

  3. For me, a very useful article. Thank you.

  4. Thanks a lot!!!! Very useful information !!!! I wrote out everything, I will try) and I already gave all the exercises while I read)

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